34 research outputs found

    Threat of industrial foundry flue gas pipelines due to deflagration of metal dust particles

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    Cílem práce bylo provedení laboratorních testů odebraného vzorku usazeného prachu v potrubních rozvodech spalin zařízení recyklace a předehřevu třísek hliníku pomocí rekuperace tepla spalin průmyslových sléváren. Řešené zařízení se nachází v rámci provozu společnosti Maxion Wheels Czech s.r.o. sídlící v Ostravě. Cílem bylo zjistit jaké má prach charakteristiky a stanovit jeho nebezpečnost, jelikož v rámci proti výbuchové dokumentace nebyl tento prach zahrnut mezi testované vzorky. Využité testovací metody byly sítová analýza, z důvodu separace podílu vzorku s velikostí částic menší než 0,5 mm a pro stanovení střední velikosti zrna separovaného podílu, stanovení sypné hustoty pro orientační výpočet tloušťky nebezpečné vrstvy prachu a stanovení maximálního výbuchového tlaku a nejnižší výbušné koncentrace prachu.The aim of the work was to carry out laboratory tests of a collected sample of settled dust in the flue gas pipelines of recycling facilities and preheating of aluminum chips, using the heat recovery of flue gas from industrial foundries. The device is located within industrial plant of Maxion Wheels Czech s.r.o. located in Ostrava. The goal was to find out the characteristics of the dust and to determine its danger, because this dust was not included among the tested samples as part of the anti-explosion documentation. The test methods used were sieve analysis, due to the separation of the portion of the sample with a particle size of less than 0,5 mm and to determine the average grain size of the separated portion, determination of bulk density for approximate calculation of the thickness of the dangerous layer of dust and determination of the maximum explosion pressure and the lowest explosive concentration of dust.030 - Katedra požární ochranyvýborn

    Decoding the intricate network of molecular interactions of a hyperstable engineered biocatalyst

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    Computational design of protein catalysts with enhanced stabilities for use in research and enzyme technologies is a challenging task. Using force-field calculations and phylogenetic analysis, we previously designed the haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA115 which contains 11 mutations that confer upon it outstanding thermostability (T-m = 73.5 degrees C; Delta T-m > 23 degrees C). An understanding of the structural basis of this hyperstabilization is required in order to develop computer algorithms and predictive tools. Here, we report X-ray structures of DhaA115 at 1.55 angstrom and 1.6 angstrom resolutions and their molecular dynamics trajectories, which unravel the intricate network of interactions that reinforce the aba-sandwich architecture. Unexpectedly, mutations toward bulky aromatic amino acids at the protein surface triggered long-distance (similar to 27 angstrom) backbone changes due to cooperative effects. These cooperative interactions produced an unprecedented double-lock system that: (i) induced backbone changes, (ii) closed the molecular gates to the active site, (iii) reduced the volumes of the main and slot access tunnels, and (iv) occluded the active site. Despite these spatial restrictions, experimental tracing of the access tunnels using krypton derivative crystals demonstrates that transport of ligands is still effective. Our findings highlight key thermostabilization effects and provide a structural basis for designing new thermostable protein catalysts

    Blanket Restrictive Measures in the Czech Republic During the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Trade-Off Concept Application

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    In early 2020, many widespread restrictive measures were introduced worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures entailed high socio-economic costs, which have been largely overlooked due to political motivations and the difficulty of their measurement. One of them is the negative impact of widespread restrictive measures on life expectancy due to the limited school attendance and the negative impact of restrictions on the population's health status. In this paper, we use our own structural model based on the trade-off analysis method. The research compares the lost years of life in the situation of the existence of restrictive measures and, on the contrary, the situation of a complete absence of these measures. We use data from the Czech Republic between February 2020 and October 2021. Our article concludes that the number of lost years of life is many times higher when widespread restrictive measures are implemented in all considered scenarios. These findings should be considered when making further decisions on applying widespread restrictive measures in the Czech Republic

    Farming system archetypes help explain the uptake of agri-environment practices in Europe

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    The adoption of agri-environment practices (AEPs) is crucial for safeguarding the long-term sustainability of ecosystem services within European agricultural landscapes. However, the tailoring of agri-environment policies to the unique characteristics of farming systems is a challenging task, often neglecting local farm parameters or requiring extensive farm survey data. Here, we develop a simplified typology of farming system archetypes (FSAs), using field-level data on farms' economic size and specialisation derived from the Integrated Administration and Control System in three case studies in Germany, Czechia and the United Kingdom. Our typology identifies groups of farms that are assumed to react similarly to agricultural policy measures, bridging the gap between efforts to understand individual farm behaviour and broad agri-environmental typologies. We assess the usefulness of our approach by quantifying the spatial association of identified archetypes of farming systems with ecologically relevant AEPs (cover crops, fallow, organic farming, grassland maintenance, vegetation buffers, conversion of cropland to grassland and forest) to understand the rates of AEP adoption by different types of farms. Our results show that of the 20 archetypes, economically large farms specialised in general cropping dominate the agricultural land in all case studies, covering 56% to 85% of the total agricultural area. Despite regional differences, we found consistent trends in AEP adoption across diverse contexts. Economically large farms and those specialising in grazing livestock were more likely to adopt AEPs, with economically larger farms demonstrating a proclivity for a wider range of measures. In contrast, economically smaller farms usually focused on a narrower spectrum of AEPs and, together with farms with an economic value <2 000 EUR, accounted for 70% of all farms with no AEP uptake. These insights indicate the potential of the FSA typology as a framework to infer key patterns of AEP adoption, thus providing relevant information to policy-makers for more direct identification of policy target groups and ultimately for developing more tailored agri-environment policies

    D3.5 Farming System Archetypes for each CS

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    This deliverable provides an overview of the methods and data used for developing the Farming System Archetypes (FSAs) in the five case studies - Humber, Mulde, SouthMoravia, Bačka and Catalonia. Additionally, it discusses limitations as well as problems and presents solutions. The FSAs are a generalized typology of farming systems that are assumed to have similar response to policy change. FSAs are a major component of the BESTMAP modelling architecture because they provide linkages between many aspects of the project, especially connecting the biophysical and agent-based modelling in the case studies (CS), based on local data (e.g. IACS/LPIS, for explanation see Methodology), with the modelling of policy effects at the EU level, based on FADN micro-data within the FADN regions. The FSA framework defines the main farm characteristics determined by two main dimensions: firstly farm specialization and secondly economic size, both calculated and mapped for each farm in the CSs. ‘Farmer agents’ who belong to the same FSA are then assumed to have similar decision patterns regarding the adoption of agri-environmental schemes, based on the relationships revealed in the CS agent-based models

    Farming system archetypes help explain the uptake of agri-environment practices in Europe

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    The adoption of agri-environment practices (AEPs) is crucial for safeguarding the long-term sustainability of ecosystem services within European agricultural landscapes. However, the tailoring of agri-environment policies to the unique characteristics of farming systems is a challenging task, often neglecting local farm parameters or requiring extensive farm survey data. Here, we develop a simplified typology of farming system archetypes (FSAs), using field-level data on farms' economic size and specialisation derived from the Integrated Administration and Control System in three case studies in Germany, Czechia and the United Kingdom. Our typology identifies groups of farms that are assumed to react similarly to agricultural policy measures, bridging the gap between efforts to understand individual farm behaviour and broad agri-environmental typologies. We assess the usefulness of our approach by quantifying the spatial association of identified archetypes of farming systems with ecologically relevant AEPs (cover crops, fallow, organic farming, grassland maintenance, vegetation buffers, conversion of cropland to grassland and forest) to understand the rates of AEP adoption by different types of farms. Our results show that of the 20 archetypes, economically large farms specialised in general cropping dominate the agricultural land in all case studies, covering 56% to 85% of the total agricultural area. Despite regional differences, we found consistent trends in AEP adoption across diverse contexts. Economically large farms and those specialising in grazing livestock were more likely to adopt AEPs, with economically larger farms demonstrating a proclivity for a wider range of measures. In contrast, economically smaller farms usually focused on a narrower spectrum of AEPs and, together with farms with an economic value <2 000 EUR, accounted for 70% of all farms with no AEP uptake. These insights indicate the potential of the FSA typology as a framework to infer key patterns of AEP adoption, thus providing relevant information to policy-makers for more direct identification of policy target groups and ultimately for developing more tailored agri-environment policies

    Analysis and modelling of single domain core-shell (αFeNi/chromite) nanoparticles emitted during selective laser melting, and their magnetic remanence

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    Despite recent intense implementation of increasingly eco-friendly additive manufacturing, the properties of nanoparticulate pollutants emitted during Laser Powder Bed Fusion are still not fully understood, and have generally been overlooked. This study aims to fill this gap in current research by providing new insights into distinct metal/oxide core-shell nanoparticles (3–36 nm) that are produced during 3D printing using stainless steel. It also suggests possible ways for the removal of these potentially harmful by-products. Further, this research also provides a newly developed kinetic model that predicts a metal core growth time of below 200 μs and confirms the predicted theory for the formation of these by-products. In the current study it was found that the cores produced during this process are purely metallic and consist of meteoroid phase kamacite (αFeNi). Within this study there was found to be a complete dominance of single-domain cores of kamacite with prevailing particles below the superparamagnetic threshold showing strong magnetic response and remanence. This new knowledge can be used to minimize potential health risks and reduce contamination of raw materials by this nanoparticulate pollutant, which can adversely affect the quality of printed metal parts, the environment, and the health of the operator. These findings also provide a new possibility of targeted efficient production of superparamagnetic core-shell nanoparticles with a metallic kamacite core during laser powder bed fusion of austenitic steel 316L powder, which can be used in the production of sensors.Web of Science400art. no. 13668

    The relations within a group of companies with regard to the compensation of damage withit the group

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    This thesis deals with the legal regulation of corporate group relations, especially compensation of harm resulting from a lawful act, compensation of economic loss and damages. These institutes are very often connected to other branches of law, which are above all insolvency law and financial law. Then they usually are connected to different areas of company law, for example piercing of the corporate veil, shadow director, wrongful trading and corporate governance. These other branches of law and other areas of company law are not corresponding to the topic of this thesis, so they will not be analyzed in this thesis. For more information about the above mentioned I refer to professional literature and journal articles. Next will be the analysis of the new commercial corporations bill in the light of the topic of this thesis, with the author's view on this bill. This bill was proposed to the government of the Czech Republic after a consultation on the draft bill in the year 2008, and the Government now is to discuss this bill. In the end there will be my own proposal on new changes of the corporate group regulation in the context of this thesis. In this thesis are used methods of analysis, ordinary and extraordinary law interpretation and in some cases comparative methods. So this thesis aims at the..

    An Annotated translation: a part of the chapter 'Later Roman Empire'. In Emily D. Townsend Vermeule, Ancient Rome: Ancient state, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Encyclopedia Britannica [online]. https: www.britannica.com/place/ancient-Rome (accessed 9.2.2022)

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    Tato práce je rozdělena na dvě části, a to na překlad vybraného textu z angličtiny do češtiny a následný komentář překladu. Zmíněným textem je úryvek z kapitoly The Later Roman Empire článku Ancient Rome, který byl publikován v elektronickém vydání encyklopedie Encyclopedia Britannica a zabývá se dějinami pozdního období starověké Římské říše. Komentář překladu se věnuje analýze vybraného textu, zvoleným překladatelským metodám, překladatelským problémům a posunům. Klíčová slova: pozdní období Římské říše, Severovci, 3. století, kultura, křesťanství, Konstantin Veliký, překlad, komentář, překladatelské problémyThe thesis is divided into two parts: a translation of the selected text from English into Czech and a commentary on it. The text is an excerpt from the chapter The Later Roman Empire of the article Ancient Rome, which was published in the online version of Encyclopedia Britannica. The commentary deals with an analysis of the selected text, the methods of translation, translation problems and translation shifts. Key Words: Late Roman Empire, the Severi, the third century, culture, Christianity, Constantine, translation, commentary, translation problemsÚstav translatologieInstitute of Translation StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Archive of photography of the czech television Ostrava (photography as a source of information)

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    This thesis focuses on the topic of photography in the work of Television studio Ostrava, a part of Czechoslovak television, during a period of the communist regime, called normalisation, and the reflection of this period after the year 1989. It may be presumed that communist propaganda and other efforts of normalisation will be apparent in the documentaries and other products concentrating on photography. The region of Ostrava also has its own cultural specificity due to its mainly industrial nature; the region is characterised by coal mining and metallurgy. Thus it may be presumed that communism will be planted in the minds of the people more firmly. The thesis also contains a theoretical framework, describing socialist realism in photography and normalisation in photography as well as in the television studio in question. In order to verify these hypotheses and to discover other important facts of the topic in question, a content analysis of data available in the archive of Television studio Ostrava was carried out. The archive suffered grave losses during major flooding of Moravia and Silesia in 1997, some films and actual photographs were however still available for analysis. The findings relevant to each document are stated in their respective parts and are summarised as a whole in the..