10 research outputs found

    Contributions of social network analysis for the modeling of organizational resilience in health services

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    In order to survive, socio-technical systems display resilient performance (RP) to cope with variabilities. RP is emergent, arising from interwoven networks that involve several types of interactions between people, technologies, and work organizations. This thesis explores the role of the networks of social interactions in RP, in the realm of health services. In particular, the thesis addresses the problem of how to measure the contribution of individual actors to RP, considering their centrality in social networks as a proxy of that contribution. Although previous studies pointed out the role of social interactions in the rise of RP, they did not provide tools nor a corresponding theoretical framework for the assessment of organizational resilience based on social interactions. In order to address this gap, the present thesis is structured into three articles. The first article proposes an approach for the identification of key players that support RP, based on a composite resilience score (RS) for each actor comprised of the three most common metrics used in network analysis at the individual level, namely in-degree, closeness, and betweenness, in addition to two non-network attributes of actors - availability and reliability. The RS might be calculated for each actor, in four networks related to the four abilities of resilient systems, namely monitor, anticipate, respond, and learn. A global RS for each might also be calculated, as the total of the RSs from the ability-based networks. The second article presents an approach to developing and interpreting multilayer networks in light of resilience engineering. Layers correspond to the four abilities of resilient systems. Two multilayer networks were developed: one considering that actors are 100% available and reliable (work-as-imagined) and another considering suboptimal availability and reliability (work-as-done). The multilayer networks were analyzed through actor-centered (Katz centrality, degree deviation, and neighborhood centrality) and layer-centered metrics (inter-layer correlation, and assortativity correlation). Data for both papers 1 and 2 were gathered from the same 34-bed intensive care unit of a large teaching hospital in Southern Brazil. Finally, the third paper presents an approach for assessing the match between task risk and actors’ contribution to resilient performance, measured by the RS developed in the first paper. The law of requisite variety (LRV), which states that a complex controller (i.e., actors who have a high RS) is necessary for coping with a complex process (i.e., high-risk tasks), is the theoretical lens for analyzing that match. Cluster analysis divided the actors into first-order and second-order resilience groups, even though the clusters did not differ regarding the task risk. Based on the LRV and considering that the performance of the ICU is more often than not successful, the findings suggest that even the actors at the second-order resilience cluster reached a minimum threshold of effective social interactions. Data for the third paper was gathered from a six bed-cardiac intensive care unit located at the same hospital where data was gathered for the previous two papers

    Revisão sobre redes sociais: aplicações e contribuições para a gestão do conhecimento

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem sobre redes sociais intraorganizacionais usados em estudos anteriores. Mais especificadamente, identificam-se métodos de coleta de dados em redes sociais, a constituição da sua estrutura organizacional e as influências e fatores das redes sociais perante a transferência do conhecimento. O levantamento foi realizado através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura e algumas etapas foram estabelecidas baseada no protocolo Prisma. Foram selecionados 55 artigos dos quais os principais resultados apresentam: (i) as principais análises de redes utilizadas em pesquisas, (ii) como se consolidam as estruturas das mesmas no âmbito pessoal e organizacional, (iii) e quais os fatores que travam a transferência do conhecimento na estrutura organizacional

    Does maturity level influence the use of agile UX methods by digital startups? Evaluating design thinking, lean startup, and lean user experience

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    Context: Agile UX methods such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Lean User Experience have been employed to deliver customer value and improve organizational performance. However, there is a lack of studies that assess how these tools are used at different stages of maturity of digital startups. Objective: The present study aims to compare the knowledge of graduated, incubated, and pre-incubated digital startups at university incubators concerning the use of Agile UX methods so that weaknesses and opportunities can be identified to provide co founders and scholars with new strategic insights. Method: Six reduced focus groups were conducted with 14 members of the six selected startups via multiple case studies. Answers were registered by researchers and then analyzed using an inductive process and codification. Results: The results indicated that digital startups had contact with consumers through market research, viability analysis, and product discontinuity. However, except for one startup, deficiencies in co-founders’ participation throughout developing products and services projects were identified. As far as the multiple case studies are concerned, Design Thinking and Lean Startup were employed by four of the startups, while two of them used the Lean User Experience method due to its higher maturity level. Conclusion: Although all Agile UX methods were employed, all six digital startups reported having made adaptations to the methods or to have used them only partially. Finally, it was concluded that the maturity level influences the Agile UX methods of each digital startup according to its nature and its stage of development in the market.Campus Lima Centr

    Study of the joint implementation of Information Technologies and Lean Practices

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    The current understanding about Lean system implementation with the support of information technologies (IT) in Brazilian companies requires a deeper analysis to provide a clear overview about how to conduct a Lean implementation and how to use IT tools as support for such implementation. Therefore, this paper analyzes which Lean practices are implemented simultaneously and which IT tools are most widely used in Lean companies. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in 240 Brazilian companies. The collected data was descriptively analyzed by means of Principal Components Analysis (PCA).  Our results identified six groups (factors) related to implementation of Lean practices. Moreover, the results showed that Lean practices are related to corporate strategy, which highlights the implementation of groups of Lean practices based on the IT support

    Análise de redes sociais para configuração do layout de trabalho visando a transferência de conhecimento

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    Os contextos em que as organizações operam e agem mudaram drasticamente nos últimos anos. Neste sentido, o espaço físico e a organização encontram-se conectados. As famosas palavras de Winston Churchill em 19431: “Nós moldamos nossos prédios e nossas construções nos moldam”, indiretamente já se referia à importância do espaço físico em relação a interação entre indivíduos. O design dos espaços de trabalho é normalmente guiado por topologias (formas de configurar layouts: aberto, fechado, celular) que descrevem e determinam a qualidade das interações. Mas a questão do layout do espaço como fator de influência da troca de conhecimentos entre colaboradores é uma dimensão pouco considerada os pesquisadores da gestão organizacional, ficando restrito a arquitetos e designers a preocupação com a elaboração e configuração de um layout físico favorável. Considerando este contexto, o presente trabalho propõe, como objetivo geral, desenvolver uma sistemática que permita analisar a disposição do ambiente de trabalho com base na análise de redes sociais (SNA) com o intuito de promover a interação social e a transferência de conhecimentos entre os membros de uma equipe. A proposta desta dissertação é baseada em uma abordagem combinada de métodos quantitativos e estudo de caso. Nesses termos, os dados desta pesquisa buscam analisar a interação do layout físico com a transferência do conhecimento no ambiente de uma equipe médica. Essa interação foi analisada através da teoria das redes sociais. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se: (i) a sistematização da literatura sobre o tema da transferência do conhecimento e análise de redes sociais; (ii) análise e aplicação da prática das análises das redes sociais e estudo do layout e (iii) proposta de uma versão inicial de um artefato para auxiliar profissionais da gestão organizacional que se interessem em analisar a rede social de um ambiente antes de alterar ou elaborar um novo layout para que os colaboradores possam ter mais interação e com isso melhorar a transferência do conhecimento e, consequentemente, a inovação organizacional.The contexts in which organizations operate and act have changed dramatically in recent years. In this sense, the physical space and the organization are connected. The famous words said by Winson Churchill in 1943: “We shape our buildings and afterwards our building shape us”, indirectly already noted the importance of the physical space and interaction between individuals. The design of office spaces is often guided by general typologies (cellular, open and closed office) to describe and determine the quality of interactions in office structures. However, the layout of spaces, as an influence factor for knowledge sharing between people, is a dimension little considered by researchers from the organizational management field. Architects and designers are the only concerned about the design and configuration of a physical layout to strengthen such interaction. Based in this context, this work proposes, as main objective, to develop a systematic that allows analyzing the work environment disposition based on both a network analysis and on a knowledge transfer perspective. This proposal is based on a combined quantitative and a case study approach. In these terms, the collected data was used to analyze the interaction of a medical team when considered the physical layout of their work environment. The interaction was analyzed through the theory of social networks. As main results, we highlight the following: (i) the systematization of the literature on the subject of knowledge transfer and social network analysis; (ii) a practical application of social networks in the studies of office layouts; and, (iii) the proposal of an artifact to help management professionals to analyze the social network of an environment before changing or developing a new layout focused on the improvement of people interaction and, consequently, improving the organizational innovation

    Análise de redes sociais para configuração do layout de trabalho visando a transferência de conhecimento

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    Os contextos em que as organizações operam e agem mudaram drasticamente nos últimos anos. Neste sentido, o espaço físico e a organização encontram-se conectados. As famosas palavras de Winston Churchill em 19431: “Nós moldamos nossos prédios e nossas construções nos moldam”, indiretamente já se referia à importância do espaço físico em relação a interação entre indivíduos. O design dos espaços de trabalho é normalmente guiado por topologias (formas de configurar layouts: aberto, fechado, celular) que descrevem e determinam a qualidade das interações. Mas a questão do layout do espaço como fator de influência da troca de conhecimentos entre colaboradores é uma dimensão pouco considerada os pesquisadores da gestão organizacional, ficando restrito a arquitetos e designers a preocupação com a elaboração e configuração de um layout físico favorável. Considerando este contexto, o presente trabalho propõe, como objetivo geral, desenvolver uma sistemática que permita analisar a disposição do ambiente de trabalho com base na análise de redes sociais (SNA) com o intuito de promover a interação social e a transferência de conhecimentos entre os membros de uma equipe. A proposta desta dissertação é baseada em uma abordagem combinada de métodos quantitativos e estudo de caso. Nesses termos, os dados desta pesquisa buscam analisar a interação do layout físico com a transferência do conhecimento no ambiente de uma equipe médica. Essa interação foi analisada através da teoria das redes sociais. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se: (i) a sistematização da literatura sobre o tema da transferência do conhecimento e análise de redes sociais; (ii) análise e aplicação da prática das análises das redes sociais e estudo do layout e (iii) proposta de uma versão inicial de um artefato para auxiliar profissionais da gestão organizacional que se interessem em analisar a rede social de um ambiente antes de alterar ou elaborar um novo layout para que os colaboradores possam ter mais interação e com isso melhorar a transferência do conhecimento e, consequentemente, a inovação organizacional.The contexts in which organizations operate and act have changed dramatically in recent years. In this sense, the physical space and the organization are connected. The famous words said by Winson Churchill in 1943: “We shape our buildings and afterwards our building shape us”, indirectly already noted the importance of the physical space and interaction between individuals. The design of office spaces is often guided by general typologies (cellular, open and closed office) to describe and determine the quality of interactions in office structures. However, the layout of spaces, as an influence factor for knowledge sharing between people, is a dimension little considered by researchers from the organizational management field. Architects and designers are the only concerned about the design and configuration of a physical layout to strengthen such interaction. Based in this context, this work proposes, as main objective, to develop a systematic that allows analyzing the work environment disposition based on both a network analysis and on a knowledge transfer perspective. This proposal is based on a combined quantitative and a case study approach. In these terms, the collected data was used to analyze the interaction of a medical team when considered the physical layout of their work environment. The interaction was analyzed through the theory of social networks. As main results, we highlight the following: (i) the systematization of the literature on the subject of knowledge transfer and social network analysis; (ii) a practical application of social networks in the studies of office layouts; and, (iii) the proposal of an artifact to help management professionals to analyze the social network of an environment before changing or developing a new layout focused on the improvement of people interaction and, consequently, improving the organizational innovation

    Revisão sobre redes sociais: Aplicações e contribuições para a gestão do conhecimento

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    This paper presents an approach about social network analysis used in previous studies. In particular, methods of social network data collection are identified, the constitution of its organizational structure and, the influences and factors of social networks towards knowledge transfer. A systematic review was performed and some steps were established based on prisma protocol. A total of 55 studies presents: (i) the main analyzes used in network research, (ii) how the network structures are consolidated in terms of personal and organizational scope and (iii) the principals factors of social network that may block the transfer of knowledge.Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem sobre redes sociais intraorganizacionais usados em estudos anteriores. Mais especificadamente, identificam-se métodos de coleta de dados em redes sociais, a constituição da sua estrutura organizacional e as influências e fatores das redes sociais perante a transferência do conhecimento. O levantamento foi realizado através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura e algumas etapas foram estabelecidas baseada no protocolo Prisma. Foram selecionados 55 artigos dos quais os principais resultados apresentam: (i) as principais análises de redes utilizadas em pesquisas, (ii) como se consolidam as estruturas das mesmas no âmbito pessoal e organizacional, (iii) e quais os fatores que travam a transferência do conhecimento na estrutura organizacion