3,366 research outputs found

    Raman Microspectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy based Data-Driven Tissue Discrimination and Diagnostics

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    The ultimate objective of any new interventional or surgical techniques is to achieve a balance of minimal invasiveness, optimal efficacy, and rapid treatment duration, all while minimizing the risk of complications. A pivotal component in the management of any disease is the distinction between the impacted target structures and the neighboring healthy tissue throughout all medical interventions, encompassing surgical procedures. Such differentiation is paramount in reducing harm to healthy tissue and augmenting the efficacy of the treatment. Within the current therapeutic procedures, innovations in the field of preoperative and postoperative diagnostics contribute to the improved differentiation of benign and malignant tissue structures. On the one hand, sophisticated imaging techniques support an improved surgical decision-making, while on the other hand, histopathological examination methods enable a precise classification of the tissue after surgery. In contrast, intraoperative tissue differentiation has been based on the time-consuming gold standard of frozen section diagnostics for many years. However, by incorporating the supplementary data provided by advanced imaging sensors during surgery, and integrating it with cutting-edge machine learning methodologies, it is feasible to augment the quality of information utilized for tissue differentiation, thereby increasing the precision of the overall process. Another important task of modern medicine is the patient-specific treatment of cancer, as it has been found that different patients do not respond in the same way to drug treatment due to developed resistance mechanisms. This thesis aimed to establish Raman microspectroscopy (RMS) as marker-independent, and non-destructive technique to monitor fibrotic and epigenetic modifications in malign and benign human tissue. Additionally, the potential of RMS and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) was evaluated to non-invasively monitor the drug efficacy on patient-derived organoids from cancer patients. Towards this aim, collagen type I (COL I) structures of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections of various fibrotic diseases were compared to respective control tissue sections. Incorporating Raman measurements into the experimental protocol, we conducted routine histological and immunofluorescence (IF) staining techniques to showcase the superior efficacy of RMS when paired with spectral deconvolution. This technique offers a time- and cost-efficient alternative to conventional procedures. For the differentiation of pathological tissue, the identification of epigenetic modes of action is a promising and potentially successful approach. In alignment with IF imaging of the most abundant epigenetic modification of 5-methylcytosine (5mC), Raman spectra of cell nuclei were evaluated using multivariate data analysis. Compared to invasive staining methods, non-invasive RMS showed promising results for the differentiation of pathological tissue changes in cardiac fibrosis and endometriosis. In addition, RMS and FLIM have been used on several bladder and colon cancer organoids to evaluate their potential to monitor patient-specific responses to drug treatment. The results showed both that organoids are generally suitable as a screening platform for drug treatments and that Raman and FLIM have the potential to assess drug sensitivity. This work highlights the potential of RMS for future applications in ex vivo tissue discrimination of fibrotic diseases and identification of epigenetic changes. In addition, this work demonstrates the proof of principle that RMS and FLIM are suitable for monitoring patient-specific responses to medications on organoid models

    Redes sociais virtuais como forma de compreender o mundo e a sociedade

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Tecnologias da Informação e ComunicaçãoAs redes sociais virtuais advêm das redes sociais e são possibilitadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é conhecer de que forma os usuários das redes sociais virtuais compreendem os sites e aplicativos de redes sociais virtuais e as consequências disso. Para alcançar o objetivo almejado foram apresentados os conceitos necessários, como ciência, tecnologia e sociedade, redes sociais e redes sociais virtuais, bem como, foram exemplificadas as suas repercussões na sociedade. Além de conhecer as opiniões, comportamentos e crenças dos participantes das redes sociais virtuais sobre as mesmas e analisar os seus impactos em suas vidas. Para tanto, a forma de coleta de dados se classifica como levantamento, assim como, uma pesquisa bibliográfica para a elaboração do referencial teórico e do questionário. Por fim, os dados obtidos passaram por uma análise quantitativa. A partir da análise dos dados dos 427 respondentes foi possível conhecer algumas das percepções dos usuários sobre os sites e aplicativos de rede sociais virtuais, sendo que 93,4% deles utilizam as redes diariamente e, no geral, as opiniões dos usuários sobre as redes permanecem neutras, entretanto, a maioria dos usuários possui um bom entendimento sobre os mais diversos aspectos delas. Enfim, por meio de todo o estudo realizado foi possível conhecer a compreensão dos usuários de sites e aplicativos de redes sociais virtuais sobre as mesma. Assim, confirmou-se a hipótese de que uma boa compreensão sobre as redes sociais virtuais gera uma percepção correta da realidade representada nas redes sociais virtuais.Virtual social networks come from social networks and are made possible by information and communication technologies. The general objective of this paper is to know how users of virtual social networks understand virtual social networking sites and applications and the consequences thereof. In order to achieve the desired objective, the necessary concepts were presented, such as science, technology and society, social networks and virtual social networks, as well as their repercussions in society. In addition to knowing the opinions, behaviors and beliefs of participants of virtual social networks about them and analyze their impacts on their lives. Therefore, the form of data collection is classified as a survey, as well as a bibliographic research for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and the questionnaire. Finally, the data obtained underwent a quantitative analysis. From the data analysis of the 427 respondents it was possible to know some of the users 'perceptions about the websites and virtual social networking applications, and 93.4% of them use the networks daily and, in general, users' opinions about the networks. remain neutral, however, most users have a good understanding of many aspects of them. Finally, through all the study conducted it was possible to know the understanding of users of websites and virtual social networking applications about them. As confirmed by the hypothesis that a good understanding of virtual social networks generates a correct perception of the reality represented in virtual social networks

    Die Politisierung der Europäischen Union: zur Genese eines europapolitischen Forschungsansatzes in Fachzeitschriften und Tageszeitungen 2006-2014

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    In seiner Antrittsrede vor dem Europäischen Parlament hat der neue Präsident der Europäischen Kommission, Jean-Claude Juncker, erklärt, er wolle eine »politische Kommission«. Und der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, Martin Schulz, sagte bei gleicher Gelegenheit: »Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, mehr Politik zu wagen.« Um die Skepsis und Ablehnung der Bürger/innen gegenüber der Europäischen Union zu verringern und dem Projekt Europa neues Leben einzuhauchen, fordern die europäischen Entscheidungsträger/innen also eine stärkere Politisierung der EU und ihrer Organe. Damit knüpfen die Politiker/innen an einen aktuellen Forschungsansatz an, mit dem einige Europawissenschaftler/innen zu erklären versuchen, warum der europäische Integrationsprozess die Diskrepanz zwischen den proeuropäischen Eliten und distanzierten Bürger/innen in Europa nicht zu überbrücken vermag. Die vorgestellten Beiträge geben einen Überblick über die Entstehung dieses Forschungsansatzes und dessen Nutzbarkeit für die europapolitische Praxis. (Autorenreferat

    La1x_{1-x}Mn1y_{1-y}O3±δ_{3±δ} buffer layers on inclined substrate deposited MgO templates for coated conductors

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    Most commercial high-temperature superconducting coated conductors based on ion beam assisted MgO deposited templates use LaMnO3 (LMO) films as the terminating buffer layer. In contrast, coated conductors based on inclined substrate deposition (ISD)-MgO technology are still produced with homoepitaxial (homoepi)-MgO as the cap layer. In this work we report on the deposition of LMO buffer layers on ISD-MgO/homoepi-MgO by electron beam physical vapor deposition. The growth parameters of textured LMO films were studied systematically and their properties were optimized regarding the critical current densitiy (Jc) of the subsequently deposited DyBa2Cu3O7-δ (DyBCO) superconducting films. LMO films without outgrowths at the surface were obtained at growth rates of up to 4 Å/s. Despite the formation of non-stoichiometric LMO films containing 59 % La, single-phase films were obtained at substrate temperatures below 775 circleC and at oxygen partial pressures of up to 4×10-4 mbar due to a large homogeneity region towards La. The Jc values of DyBCO films deposited on LMO were found to be independent of the LMO thickness in a range from 50 nm to 450 nm. DyBCO films on LMO reach Jc = 0.83 MA/cm2 at 77 K in zero applied field. This value is up to 30 % higher than those of DyBCO films grown directly on homoepi-MgO. The wide range of LMO growth parameters and higher Jc values of DyBCO on LMO compared to DyBCO on homoepi-MgO make this material attractive for its use in manufacturing coated conductors based on ISD-MgO technology

    Uma análise bibliométrica da literatura internacional sobre colaboração na cadeia de suprimentos

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    Collaboration has been recognized as an important strategy for supply chain management success. However, previous studies suggest that this issue is little understood and explored, in terms of identifying and organizing the content already developed, as well as in providing reflections and alternatives for its appropriation in the organizational environment. This work sheds light on these issues and aims at systematically mapping the international scientific production on collaboration in supply chain. Bibliometric methods were used by means of structured mapping and systematic analysis of publications found on the Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index (WoS-SSCI) database up to 2014. As a result, 173 were retrieved, which were published in 68 journals and written by 380 authors associated with 226 institutions of 32 countries. The bibliometric analysis allowed us to identify the journals that stand out because of the high count of citations and number of articles, which could be used as reference for future studies in this area; among them is the Supply Chain Management an International Journal. From the systematic analysis of highly cited papers and recent papers, we observed a predominance of quantitative studies using surveys and some using structural equation modeling. Based on the paper analysis, we identified some gaps and opportunities for future research. It thus follows that collaboration within the supply chains context is a relevant matter with increasing academic interest, which needs to be further studied for theoretical development and practical implications.Keywords: collaboration, supply chain, bibliometric study.A colaboração tem sido reconhecida como uma importante estratégia para o sucesso da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. Entretanto, estudos anteriores sugerem que se trata de um tema pouco compreendido e explorado, tanto no sentido de identificar e organizar o conteúdo já desenvolvido quanto no de proporcionar reflexões para a sua apropriação no ambiente organizacional. Este trabalho lança luz sobre essas questões e tem por objetivo mapear sistematicamente a produção científica internacional sobre a colaboração na cadeia de suprimentos. O método utilizado foi o estudo bibliome?trico, por meio do mapeamento estruturado e da análise sistemática das publicações localizadas na base Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index (WoS-SSCI) até o ano 2014. Como resultado, foram recuperados 173 artigos, os quais estão publicados em 68 periódicos e escritos por 380 autores vinculados a 226 instituições de 32 países. Entre outros resultados da análise bibliométrica, foram identificados os periódicos que se destacam devido aos altos números de citações e quantidades de artigos, os quais poderão ser tomados como referência para futuras pesquisas nesta área – entre eles está o Supply Chain Management an International Journal. A partir da análise sistemática, verificou-se que a maioria dos artigos selecionados são estudos empíricos com abordagem quantitativa que utilizam survey e alguns que empregam a modelagem de equações estruturais. Nos textos analisados, foi identificado um amplo leque de lacunas e oportunidades para a realização de futuros estudos na área. Conclui-se, portanto, que a colaboração no contexto da cadeia de suprimentos é um assunto relevante e de crescente interesse acadêmico que ainda carece de estudos aprofundados para desenvolvimento teórico e implicações práticas.Palavras-chave: colaboração, cadeia de suprimentos, estudo bibliométrico