2,467 research outputs found

    Acute cardiac inflammatory responses to postischemic reperfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Objectives: The investigation centers on whether there is a reperfusion-induced specific cardiac inflammatory reaction after bypass surgery. Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) leads to systemic inflammation. Additionally, cardiac inflammation due to reperfusion could occur. Knowledge about nature and time course of this reaction might help to develop cardioprotective interventions. Methods: In 12 patients receiving coronary bypass grafts, arterial and coronary venous blood was obtained before onset of CPB, and 1, 5, 10, 25, 35 and 75 min after cardiac reperfusion. Plasma levels of IL6 and IL8 were measured by immunoassay. CD11b, CD41, and CD62 on blood cells were quantified by flow cytometry. Measurement of CD41, a platelet marker, on neutrophils and monocytes allowed detection of leukocyte–platelet microaggregates. Results: Transcardiac veno–arterial difference of IL6 rose in the 10th and 25th min of reperfusion (from 0 to 7 pg/ml; p<0.05), and after 75 min (15 pg/ml). IL8 did not change. CD11b on neutrophils (PMN) decreased transcardially to 95, 88 and 82% of the initial level in the 5th, 10th, and 75th min, respectively, suggesting sequestration of activated neutrophils. CD62 on platelets rose about 30% in the 75th min. Initially, leukocyte–platelet microaggregates were formed during coronary passage (+31% of the arterial level for PMN, +23% for monocytes). During reperfusion, coaggregates were retained (PMN: -1% and -7% in the 5th and 10th min, monocytes: -22%, -13% and -12% in the 1st, 5th and 10th min. Conclusions: During early reperfusion after aortic declamping, the coronary bed is already a source of proinflammatory stimuli and target for activated leukocytes, partly in conjunction with platelets. Mitigation of these phenomena might help to improve cardiac function after CPB especially in patients at risk


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    As IT spending continuously increased throughout the last years, it nowadays accounts for a significant amount of total corporate spending. Simultaneously, academic research validated the strategic importance and performance benefits derived from a superior IT capability the ability to successfully deploy organizational IT skills and resources. Furthermore, shareholders pursuing long-term oriented goals are interested in consistent investments to develop organizational capabilities, such as IT capability. Consequentially, the question arises how a firms ownership structure is related to its IT capability. This research question is addressed by analyzing secondary data on publicly listed U.S. companies of the last ten years. The results provide support for the hypothesized relation throughout the investigated period and withstand several control and robustness tests. This study contributes to the ongoing research on IT capability by showing that certain types of shareholders promote the development and deployment of IT capability which in turn influences strategic topics. Findings further confirm that decisions on IT investments characterized by long-term benefits must be backed by owners with a corresponding long-term investment horizon

    IT Capability and Firm Performance: Findings from Periods of Economic Downturn

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    Information technology is crucial in many industries and is seen as a decisive factor of a firm’s performance and financial success. Based on the dynamic capabilities view, this paper aims at extending existing research on organizational IT capability and performance. In particular, this work examines if firms exhibiting superior IT capability outperform their competitors, especially during two phases of economic downturn: the burst of the dotcom-bubble in 2000 and the recent financial crisis in 2008. Applying secondary statistics on different performance measures and proxies of IT capability among publicly traded US companies, we found that firms characterized by superior IT capability outperformed their competitors during both crises in all but one performance indicator. This paper contributes to research by investigating two crisis periods and using up-to-date data to reconcile prior research

    Integration im Arbeitsleben von Menschen mit hohem UnterstĂŒtzungsbedarf

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    Der Autor beschreibt in diesem Beitrag Menschen einer sehr heterogenen Gruppe. Wurden diese Menschen vor einigen Jahren als schwerstmehrfachbehindert dargestellt, trifft man heute eher auf die Bezeichnung Menschen mit hohem (und/oder komplexem) UnterstĂŒtzungsbedarf. Im Zusammenhang mit Arbeit werden sie hĂ€ufig als „werkstattunfĂ€hige“ Menschen bezeichnet, da angenommen wird, dass sie z.B. in einer Werkstatt fĂŒr behinderte Menschen (WfbM) keine wirtschaftlich verwertbare Leistung erbringen können. Der Beitrag zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, diesen Personenkreis durchaus in das Arbeitsleben zu integrieren und somit Teilhabe zu ermöglichen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Copepoda Harpacticoidea sublitoraler Weichböden in der Kieler Bucht

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    Von September 1968 bis August 1969 wurde die Harpacticidenfauna der sublitoralen Weichböden in der östlichen Kieler Bucht untersucht. Von den 31 aufgefundenen Arten erwiesen sich 11 als neu fĂŒr das Gebiet der Kieler Bucht. Eine neue Unterart konnte beschrieben werden: Robertsonia tenuis (BRADY u. ROBERTSON) kieliensis ssp. nov. Bei folgenden Arten werden taxonomische Fragen erörtert: Halectinosoma herdmani, Haleclinosoma fumarchium, Pseudobradya minor, Robertsonia tenuis, Typhlamphiascus typhlops, Amphiascoides debilis, Amphiascoides dispar und Arthropsyllus serratus. Ferner werden einige ökologische Gesichtspunkte behandelt. The Copepoda Harpacticoidea of sublitoral muddy bottoms in the eastern part of the Kieler Bucht were studied from September 1968 till August 1969. From 31 species found 11 are new for the Kieler Bucht region. One new subspecies is described: Roberseniar tenuis (BRADY + ROBERTSON) kieliensis ssp. nov. Besides taxonomical studies concerning the following species, Halectinosoma herdmani, Halectinosoma finmarchicum, Pseudobradya minor, Robertsonia tenuis kieliensis, Typhlamphiascus typhlops, Amphiascoides debilis, Amphiascoides dispar and Arthropsyllus sceratus some ecological aspects are discussed

    Evaluation of Liver Function Tests to Predict Operative Risk in Liver Surgery

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    Despite numerous studies in the past it is not possible yet to predict postoperative liver failure and safe limits for hepatectomy. In this study the following liver function tests ICG-ER (indocyaninegreen elimination rate), GEC (galactose elimination capacity) and MEGX-F (monoethylglycinexylidid formation) are examined with regard to loss of liver tissue and prediction of operative risk. Liver function tests were assessed in 20 patients prior to liver resection and on the 10th. postoperative day. Liver and tumor volume were measured by ultrasound and pathologic specimen and the parenchymal resection rate was calculated. In patients without cirrhosis (n = 10) ICG-ER and MEGX-F remained unchanged after resection, GEC was reduced but did not correspond to the resection rate. Patients with cirrhosis (n = 10) had a significantly lower ICG-ER and GEC before resection than patients without cirrhosis. After resection these tests were unchanged. Patients with liver related complications and cirrhosis (n = 5) had lower ICG-ER and GEC than patients with cirrhosis and no complications. In the postoperative course all liver function tests in these patients were significantly lower compared to preoperative results. Comparing liver function tests ICG serves best to indicate postoperative liver failure. Liver function tests do not correspond with loss of liver tissue
