168 research outputs found

    Transport and Phonon Damping in 4^{\bf 4}He

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    The dynamic structure function S(k,ω)S(k,\omega) informs about the dispersion and damping of excitations. We have recently (Phys. Rev. B {\bf 97}, 184520 (2018)) compared experimental results for S(k,ω)S(k,\omega) from high-precision neutron scattering experiment and theoretical results using the ``dynamic many-body theory'' (DMBT), showing excellent agreement over the whole experimentally accessible pressure regime. This paper focuses on the specific aspect of the propagation of low-energy phonons. We report calculations of the phonon mean-free path and phonon life time in liquid \he4 as a function of wave length and pressure. Historically, the question was of interest for experiments of quantum evaporation. More recently, there is interest in the potential use of 4^4He as a detector for low-energy dark matter (K. Schulz and Kathryn M. Zurek, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 117}, 121302 (2016)). While the mean free path of long wave length phonons is large, phonons of intermediate energy can have a short mean free path of the order of μ\mum. Comparison of different levels of theory indicate that reliable predictions of the phonon mean free path can be made only by using the most advanced many--body method available, namely, DMBT

    Superfluid 4He dynamics beyond quasiparticle excitations

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    The dynamics of superfluid 4He at and above the Landau quasiparticle regime is investigated by high precision inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the dynamic structure factor. A highly structured response is observed above the familiar phonon-maxon-roton spectrum, characterized by sharp thresholds for phonon-phonon, maxon-roton and roton-roton coupling processes. The experimental dynamic structure factor is compared to the calculation of the same physical quantity by a Dynamic Many-body theory including three-phonon processes self-consistently. The theory is found to provide a quantitative description of the dynamics of the correlated bosons for energies up to about three times that of the Landau quasiparticles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Microscopic dynamics of superfluid 4He: A comprehensive study by inelastic neutron scattering

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    The dynamic structure factor of superfluid 4 He has been investigated at very low temperatures by inelastic neutron scattering. The measurements combine different incoming energies resulting in an unprecedentedly large dynamic range with excellent energy resolution, covering wave vectors Q up to 5 Å^(-1) and energies ω up to 15 meV. A detailed description of the dynamics of superfluid 4He is obtained from saturated vapor pressure up to solidification. The single-excitation spectrum is substantially modified at high pressures, as the maxon energy exceeds the roton-roton decay threshold. A highly structured multiexcitation spectrum is observed at lowenergies, where clear thresholds and branches have been identified. Strong phonon emission branches are observed when the phonon or roton group velocities exceed the sound velocity. The spectrum is found to display strong multiexcitations whenever the single excitations face disintegration following Pitaevskii's type a or b criteria. At intermediate energies, an interesting pattern in the dynamic structure factor is observed in the vicinity of the recoil energy. All these features, which evolve significantly with pressure, are in very good agreement with the dynamic many-body calculations, even at the highest densities, where the correlations are strongest.Fil: Beauvois, K.. Universite Grenoble Alpes. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie - Commissariat a L´Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie; Francia. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Dawidowski, Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Fåk, B.. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Godfrin, H.. Universite Grenoble Alpes. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie - Commissariat a L´Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie; FranciaFil: Krotscheck, E.. State University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Ollivier, J.. Institut Laue Langevin; FranciaFil: Sultan, A.. Universite Grenoble Alpes. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie - Commissariat a L´Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives. Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie; Franci

    The dispersion relation of Landau elementary excitations and the thermodynamic properties of superfluid 4^4He

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    The dispersion relation ϵ(k)\epsilon(k) of the elementary excitations of superfluid 4^4He has been measured at very low temperatures, from saturated vapor pressure up to solidification, using a high flux time-of-flight neutron scattering spectrometer equipped with a high spatial resolution detector (105^5 'pixels'). A complete determination of ϵ(k)\epsilon(k) is achieved, from very low wave-vectors up to the end of Pitaeskii's plateau. The results compare favorably in the whole the wave-vector range with the predictions of the dynamic many-body theory (DMBT). At low wave-vectors, bridging the gap between ultrasonic data and former neutron measurements, the evolution with the pressure from anomalous to normal dispersion, as well as the peculiar wave-vector dependence of the phase and group velocities, are accurately characterized. The thermodynamic properties have been calculated analytically, developing Landau's model, using the measured dispersion curve. A good agreement is found below 0.85 K between direct heat capacity measurements and the calculated specific heat, if thermodynamically consistent power series expansions are used. The thermodynamic properties have also been calculated numerically; in this case, the results are applicable with excellent accuracy up to 1.3 K, a temperature above which the dispersion relation itself becomes temperature dependent.Comment: 35 pages, 59 figures; Supplemental Material: Text, Tables, data file

    Evidence for magnetic quasiparticle phase separation in a quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnet

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    Magnetic systems composed of weakly coupled spin-1/2 chains are fertile ground for hosting the fractional magnetic excitations that are intrinsic to interacting fermions in one-dimension (1D). However, the exotic physics arising from the quantum many-body interactions beyond 1D are poorly understood in materials of this class. Spinons and psinons are two mutually exclusive low-energy magnetic quasiparticles; the excitation seen depends on the ground state of the spin chain. Here, we present inelastic neutron scattering and neutron diffraction evidence for their coexistence in SrCo2_{2}V2_{2}O8_{8} at milli-Kelvin temperatures in part of the N\'eel phase (2.4 T \leq μ0\mu_\mathrm{{0}}H << 3.9 T) and possibly also the field-induced spin density wave phase up to the highest field probed (μ0\mu_\mathrm{{0}}H \geq 3.9 T, μ0\mu_\mathrm{{0}}Hmax_\mathbf{\mathrm{{max}}} = 5.5 T). These results unveil a novel spatial phase inhomogeneity for the weakly coupled spin chains in this compound. This quantum dynamical phase separation is a new phenomenon in quasi-1D quantum magnets, highlighting the non-trivial consequences of inter-chain coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement methodologies for reducing errors in the assessment of EMF by exposimeter

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    Objective: As well known, using a single body worn sensor exposimeter introduces systematic errors on the measurement of the incident free space electric field strength. This is because the body creates around it high, intermediate and low level field zones, which depend on the direction of arrival of the incident field. The goal of this work is to propose an efficient method for the reduction of these errors. Methods: After classifying the perturbations induced by the body on the measured electric and magnetic fields thanks to realistic numerical simulations, we then propose a two-sensor setup in conjunction with simple semi-empirical correction formulas, in order to compensate these perturbations. Results: At 942 MHz, when the two sensors are placed in any opposite sides of the body at chest height, the worst case, maximum and average errors respectively decrease to 12% and 3% compared to 83% and 22% for measurement techniques using a single sensor, or 32% and 11% when using the average value of the measurements. Conclusion: The error related to the measurement in the presence of the body was significantly reduced by the proposed method making use of two opposite sensors, E-field and H-field at the chest. Significance: The conformity of exposure to EMF in terms of reference values according to the ICNIRP is given in the abscence of the human body. The interest of this work lies in the reduction of the errors made when measuring the field in the presence of the body

    Magnetic field-induced phases and spin Hamiltonian in Cs2CoBr4

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    Magnetic structures and spin excitations are studied across the phase diagram of the geometrically frustrated S = 3/2 quantum antiferromagnet Cs2CoBr4 in magnetic fields applied along the magnetic easy axis, using neutron diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering and THz absorption spectroscopy. The data are analyzed, where appropriate, using extended SU (4) linear spin wave theory. A minimal magnetic Hamiltonian is proposed based on measurements in the high field polarized state. It deviates considerably from the previously considered models. Additional dilatometry experiments highlight the importance of magnetoelastic coupling in this system.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Field-temperature phase diagram of the enigmatic Nd2(Zr1−xTix)2O7 pyrochlore magnets

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    By combining neutron scattering and magnetization measurements down to 80 mK, we determine the (H, T ) phase diagram of the Nd2(Zr1−xTix )2O7 pyrochlore magnet compounds. In those samples, Zr is partially substituted by Ti, hence tuning the exchange parameters and testing the robustness of the various phases. In all samples, the ground state remains all in/all out, while the field induces phase transitions toward new states characterized by two in–two out or one out–three in/one in–three out configurations. These transitions manifest as metamagnetic singularities in the magnetization versus field measurements. Strikingly, it is found that moderate substitution reinforces the stability of the all in/all out phase: the Néel temperature, the metamagnetic fields along with the ordered magnetic moment, are higher in substituted samples with x < 10%

    Evolution of field-induced metastable phases in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice magnet TmB4

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    The appearance of a plateau in the magnetization of a quantum spin system subject to continuously varying magnetic field invites the identification of a topological quantization. Indeed, the magnetization plateaus at 1/8 and 1/2 of saturation in TmB4 have been suggested to be intrinsic, resulting from such a topological quantization, or, alternatively, to be metastable phases. By means of neutron- and x-ray-scattering experiments and magnetization measurements, we show that the 1/8 plateau is metastable, arising because the spin dynamics are frozen below T ≈ 4.5 K. Our experiments show that in this part of the phase diagram of TmB4, many long-ranged orders with different propagation vectors may appear and coexist, particularly as the applied field drives the system from one plateau to another. The magnetic structures accommodating a magnetization of ≈1/8 seem to be particularly favorable, but still only appear if the system has sufficient dynamics to reorganize into a superstructure as it is driven toward the expected plateau. This work demonstrates that TmB4 represents a model material for the study of slow dynamics, in and out of equilibrium