166 research outputs found

    Epidemiology, prevention and control of Legionnaires’ disease in Europe

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    Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is a water-borne infection cause by Gram-negative bacteria Legionella spp. with virtually no person-to-person transmission. The clinical presentation is a severe pneumonia with a case fatality of approximately 10%. Known risk factors include increasing age, chronic lung disease and various conditions associated with immunodeficiency. Most cases are community-acquired and sporadic. LD is notifiable in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). LD incidence is thought to be increasing in Europe and the USA for reasons not fully understood, including climate change, changing demographics and improved surveillance. The overarching aim of this thesis was to explore various aspects of LD epidemiology, prevention and control using surveillance data. In study I, we retrieved travel-associated Legionnaire’s disease (TALD) surveillance data for 2009 from the European Surveillance System, and tourism denominator data from the Statistical Office of the European Union. We estimated the risk for TALD in several European countries and highlighted potential under-ascertainment of LD in some countries. To confirm and generalize findings of studies performed at regional or national level, we investigated the effect of temperature, rainfall, and atmospheric pressure on short-term variations in LD notification rate in Denmark, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands in Study II. We fitted Poisson regression models to estimate the association between meteorological variables and the weekly number of communityacquired LD cases. We found that the higher risk was associated with simultaneous increase in temperature and rainfall. These findings contributed to the growing evidence supporting a possible impact of climate change on LD incidence. In Study III, we investigate the actors associated with LD recurrence in hotels. We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis and use survival analysis methods to estimate the association between hotels characteristics and the occurrence of a further case. We found that hotel size and previous association with multiple cases were predictors of the occurrence of a further case. This study also highlighted weaknesses in data collected in the surveillance scheme. In Study IV, we used a large sample of LD over a 10-year period to look more closely at healthcare-associated (HCA) LD. We found that HCA LD cases are responsible for a major part of LD and differ from community-acquired cases in many aspects, including demographics, causative strains and outcome. Taken together, the findings support the use of surveillance data for research purposes. They shed light on some epidemiological aspects of LD and inform the surveillance system for possible improvements

    Relative importance of location and period of banana bunch growth in carbohydrate content and mineral composition of fruit

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    Les relations entre les conditions naturelles de production (sol, climat) et les caractéristiques chimiques des bananes ont été étudiées en Martinique, afin d'alimenter une réflexion sur la mise en place d'un label de qualité basé sur l'origine et d'aider la gestion de la qualité. Matériel et méthodes. Les fruits produits sur six sites, les plus divers possibles, et pendant trois périodes distinctes de l'année, ont été récoltés à la même somme thermique et mûris dans les mêmes conditions. Résultats. Les différences de poids sec et de composition minérale de la pulpe des fruits à la récolte ont été plus fortes entre les sites qu'entre les périodes. Le poids sec de la pulpe a été plus élevé dans les fruits récoltés sur le site en altitude que dans les fruits récoltés en plaine. Les fruits produits sur des sols de type vertisol ont été plus riches en calcium et magnésium que ceux produits sur des sols de type andosol. Les fruits produits sur des sols bruns rouille à halloysite ont été les plus riches en manganèse. Les différences de teneurs en matière sèche, extrait sec soluble et acide citrique dans la pulpe des fruits mûrs ont été plus fortes entre les périodes qu'entre les sites. Les bananes récoltées pendant la saison chaude et humide ont présenté les plus faibles teneurs en extrait sec soluble et total. Les bananes récoltées pendant la saison fraîche et sèche ont été les plus riches en acide citrique. Le poids sec de la pulpe, la teneur en matière sèche des fruits verts, l'extrait sec soluble et les concentrations en glucose et fructose dans les fruits mûrs ont diminué avec l'augmentation, pendant la croissance des fruits, de la température moyenne journalière. À l'inverse, les teneurs en phosphore, magnésium et calcium de la pulpe des fruits verts ont augmenté en même temps que l'augmentation de la température. Conclusion. Ces données devraient être prises en compte pour une meilleure compréhension de l'élaboration de la qualité des bananes. Les conditions environnementales spécifiques en altitude justifient la mise en place d'une dénomination " Montagne " pour la banane. (Résumé d'auteur

    Start of the 2014/15 influenza season in Europe: drifted influenza A(H3N2) viruses circulate as dominant subtype

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    Members of the WHO European Region and European Influenza Surveillance Network: Portugal: Raquel Guiomar, Pedro Pechirra, Paula Cristovão, Inês Costa, Baltazar Nunes, Ana Rodrigues.The influenza season 2014/15 started in Europe in week 50 2014 with influenza A(H3N2) viruses predominating. The majority of the A(H3N2) viruses characterised antigenically and/or genetically differ from the northern hemisphere vaccine component which may result in reduced vaccine effectiveness for the season. We therefore anticipate that this season may be more severe than the 2013/14 season. Treating influenza with antivirals in addition to prevention with vaccination will be important

    Influenza epidemiology and immunization during pregnancy: Final report of a world health organization working group

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    From 2014 to 2017, the World Health Organization convened a working group to evaluate influenza disease burden and vaccine efficacy to inform estimates of maternal influenza immunization program impact. The group evaluated existing systematic reviews and relevant primary studies, and conducted four new systematic reviews. There was strong evidence that maternal influenza immunization prevented influenza illness in pregnant women and their infants, although data on severe illness prevention were lacking. The limited number of studies reporting influenza incidence in pregnant women and infants under six months had highly variable estimates and underrepresented low- and middle-income countries. The evidence that maternal influenza immunization reduces the risk of adverse birth outcomes was conflicting, and many observational studies were subject to substantial bias. The lack of scientific clarity regarding disease burden or magnitude of vaccine efficacy against severe illness poses challenges for robust estimation of the potential impact of maternal influenza immunization programs

    Travel-associated hepatitis A in Europe, 2009 to 2015.

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    BackgroundTravel to countries with high or intermediate hepatitis A virus (HAV) endemicity is a risk factor for infection in residents of countries with low HAV endemicity. Aim: The objective of this study was to estimate the risk for hepatitis A among European travellers using surveillance and travel denominator data. Methods: We retrieved hepatitis A surveillance data from 13 European Union (EU)/ European Economic Area (EEA) countries with comprehensive surveillance systems and travel denominator data from the Statistical Office of the European Union. A travel-associated case of hepatitis A was defined as any case reported as imported. Results: From 2009 to 2015, the 13 countries reported 18,839 confirmed cases of hepatitis A, of which 5,233 (27.8%) were travel-associated. Of these, 39.8% were among children younger than 15 years. The overall risk associated with travel abroad decreased over the period at an annual rate of 3.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.7-2.7) from 0.70 cases per million nights in 2009 to 0.51 in 2015. The highest risk was observed in travellers to Africa (2.11 cases per million nights). Cases more likely to be reported as travel-associated were male and of younger age (< 25 years). Conclusion: Travel is still a major risk factor for HAV infection in the EU/EEA, although the risk of infection may have slightly decreased in recent years. Children younger than 15 years accounted for a large proportion of cases and should be prioritised for vaccination

    Pulmonary melioidosis in CAMBODIA: a prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melioidosis is a disease caused by <it>Burkholderia pseudomallei </it>and considered endemic in South-East Asia but remains poorly documented in Cambodia. We report the first series of hospitalized pulmonary melioidosis cases identified in Cambodia describing clinical characteristics and outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We characterized cases of acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) that were identified through surveillance in two provincial hospitals. Severity was defined by systolic blood pressure, cardiac frequency, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and body temperature. <it>B. pseudomallei </it>was detected in sputum or blood cultures and confirmed by API20NE gallery. We followed up these cases between 6 months and 2 years after hospital discharge to assess the cost-of-illness and long-term outcome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During April 2007 - January 2010, 39 ALRI cases had melioidosis, of which three aged ≤2 years; the median age was 46 years and 56.4% were males. A close contact with soil and water was identified in 30 patients (76.9%). Pneumonia was the main radiological feature (82.3%). Eleven patients were severe cases. Twenty-four (61.5%) patients died including 13 who died within 61 days after discharge. Of the deceased, 23 did not receive any antibiotics effective against <it>B. pseudomallei</it>. Effective drugs that were available did not include ceftazidime. Mean total illness-related costs was of US65(range65 (range 25-$5000). Almost two-thirds (61.5%) incurred debt and 28.2% sold land or other belongings to pay illness-related costs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The observed high fatality rate is likely explained by the lack or limited access to efficient antibiotics and under-recognition of the disease among clinicians, which led to inappropriate therapy.</p

    Influenza surveillance in Europe: comparing intensity levels calculated using the moving epidemic method.

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    Although influenza-like illnesses (ILI) and acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) surveillance are well established in Europe, the comparability of intensity among countries and seasons remains an unresolved challenge. The objective is to compare the intensity of ILI and ARI in some European countries. Weekly ILI and ARI incidence rates and proportion of primary care consultations were modeled in 28 countries for the 1996/1997-2013/2014 seasons using the moving epidemic method (MEM). We calculated the epidemic threshold and three intensity thresholds, which delimit five intensity levels: baseline, low, medium, high, and very high. The intensity of 2013/2014 season is described and compared by country. The lowest ILI epidemic thresholds appeared in Sweden and Estonia (below 10 cases per 100 000) and the highest in Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, and Slovakia (above 100 per 100 000). The 2009/2010 season was the most intense, with 35% of the countries showing high or very high intensity levels. The European epidemic period in season 2013/2014 started in January 2014 in Spain, Poland, and Greece. The intensity was between low and medium and only Greece reached the high intensity level, in weeks 7 to 9/2014. Some countries remained at the baseline level throughout the entire surveillance period. Epidemic and intensity thresholds varied by country. Influenza-like illnesses and ARI levels normalized by MEM in 2013/2014 showed that the intensity of the season in Europe was between low and medium in most of the countries. Comparing intensity among seasons or countries is essential for understanding patterns in seasonal epidemics. An automated standardized model for comparison should be implemented at national and international levels.This work has been funded by the National and International Public Institutions and the Regional Health Department of Castilla y León (Spain).S