3,954 research outputs found

    A Search for Peculiar Objects with the NASA Orbital Debris Observatory 3-m Liquid Mirror Telescope

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    The NASA Orbital Debris Observatory (NODO) astronomical survey uses a transit 3-m liquid mirror telescope to observe a strip of sky in 20 narrow-band filters. In this article, we analyze a subset of data from the 1996 observing season. The catalog consists of 18,000 objects with 10<V<19 observed in 10 narrow-band filters ranging from 500 nm to 950 nm. We first demonstrate the reliability of the data by fitting the Bahcall-Soneira model of the Galaxy to the NODO magnitude counts and color counts at various galactic latitudes. We then perform a hierarchical clustering analysis on the sample to extract 206 objects, out of a total of 18,000, showing peculiar spectral energy distributions. It is a measure of the reliability of the instrument that we extract so few peculiar objects. Although the data and results, per se, may not seem otherwise particularly remarkable, this work constitutes a milestone in optical astronomy since this is the first article that demonstrates astromomical research with a radically new type of mirror.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, gzipped-Postscript Revised version 27/04, added references and changed conten

    Determination of trace elements in natural water samples by air-segmented flow-injection/ICP-MS after preconcentration with a chitosan-based chelating resin

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    本法では,各種天然水中の極微量金属成分を同時定量する目的で空気分節試料導入/ICP-MSシステムを用いて,微少量試料(数十μl)を前処理せずにネブライザーに送り込み,多数の金属成分の定量が可能であった。共存主成分による質量干渉を受ける一部遷移金属や直接試料導入では感度の足りない元素については,イミノ二酢酸型キトサンキレート樹脂充填カラムによる分離·濃縮操作の併用によって更に信頼性の高いデータが得られることが分かった。前処理においては,体積1mlのミニカラムを用いて50mlの溶液試料から50倍濃縮を行い,試料·試薬·廃液すべてを少量化することができた。本ICP-MSシステムでは試料導入量は80μlで十分であり,1mlでも数回繰り返し測定が可能で,しかも多元素同時分析ができた。確立した分析法を用いて河川水や市販のミネラルウォーターに応用し,希土類を含め45種の微量元素の定量が可能となった。Ultratrace elements in natural water samples were determined simultaneously by air-segmented flow-injection/inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(SFI/ICP-MS).A small volume of the sample solutions(80μl) was introduced into a nebulizer by an air-segmented flow-injection(SFI) system, and a maximum of fifteen elements were measured during each run.A chitosan-based chelating resin containing functional groups of iminodiacetate was used to separate and enrich analyte metal ions.A 50-fold preconcentration using 50ml of sample solutions was achieved by the proposed method, where 1ml of 0.1M nitric acid was added to residues after drying the chelating column effluent.At pH6, several heavy metals(Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, Pb and U) and rare earth elements(REEs) were quantitatively retained on the chelating resin column, whereas alkali and alkaline earth metals were eluted from the column by rinsing with 5ml of a 0.2M ammonium acetate solution.Metals adsorbed on the chelating resin column were recovered by elution with 10ml of 1M nitric acid.The proposed method was applied to the determination of trace elements in several natural water samples, such as river water and mineral drinking water

    A Polymerase-chain-reaction Assay for the Specific Identification of Transcripts Encoded by Individual Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)-gene-family Members

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker that belongs to a family of closely related molecules with variable expression patterns. We have developed sets of oligonucleotide primers for the specific amplification of transcripts from individual CEA-family members using the reverse transcriptase/ polymerase chain reaction (RT/PCR). Specific primer sets were designed for CEA, non-specific cross-reacting antigen (NCA), biliary glycoprotein (BGP), carcinoembryonic antigen gene-family members 1, 6 and 7 (CGMI, CGM6 and CGM7), and one set for all pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) transcripts. Primers were first tested for their specificity against individual cDNA clones and product-hybridization with internal, transcript-specific oligonucleotides. Total RNA from 12 brain and 63 gynecological tumors were then tested for expression of CEA-related transcripts. None were found in tumors located in the brain, including various mesenchymal and neuro-epithelial tumors. CEA and NCA transcripts were, however, present in an adenocarcinoma located in the nasal sinuses. In ovarian mucinous adenocarcinomas, we always found co-expression of CEA and NCA transcripts, and occasionally BGP mRNA. CEA-related transcripts were also found in some serous, endometrioid and clear-cell ovarian carcinomas. CEA, NCA and BGP transcripts were present in endometrial carcinomas of the uterus and cervical carcinomas, whereas uterine leiomyomas were completely negative. No transcripts were found from CGM 1, CGM6, CGM7 or from PSG genes in any of the tumors tested. The PCR data were compared with immunohistochemical investigations of ovarian tumors at the protein level using CEA (26/3/13)-, NCA-50/90 (9A6FR) and NCA-95 (80H3)-specific monoclonal antibodies

    Variation in enteric methane emissions among cows on commercial dairy farms

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    Methane (CH4) emissions by dairy cows vary with feed intake and diet composition. Even when fed on the same diet at the same intake, however, variation between cows in CH4 emissions can be substantial. The extent of variation in CH4 emissions among dairy cows on commercial farms is unknown, but developments in methodology now permit quantification of CH4 emissions by individual cows under commercial conditions. The aim of this research was to assess variation among cows in emissions of eructed CH4 during milking on commercial dairy farms. Enteric CH4 emissions from 1,964 individual cows across 21 farms were measured for at least 7 days per cow using CH4 analysers at robotic milking stations. Cows were predominantly of Holstein Friesian breed and remained on the same feeding systems during sampling. Effects of explanatory variables on average CH4 emissions per individual cow were assessed by fitting a linear mixed model. Significant effects were found for week of lactation, daily milk yield and farm. The effect of milk yield on CH4 emissions varied among farms. Considerable variation in CH4 emissions was observed among cows after adjusting for fixed and random effects, with the coefficient of variation ranging from 22 to 67% within farms. This study confirms that enteric CH4 emissions vary among cows on commercial farms, suggesting that there is considerable scope for selecting individual cows and management systems with reduced emissions

    CEACAM1 negatively regulates platelet-collagen interactions and thrombus growth in vitro and in vivo

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    Carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule-1 (CEACAM1) is a surface glycoprotein expressed on various blood cells, epithelial cells, and vascular cells. CEACAM1 possesses adhesive and signaling properties mediated by its intrinsic immunorecep-tor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs that recruit SHP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase. In this study, we demonstrate that CEACAM1 is expressed on the surface and in intracellular pools of platelets. In addition, CEACAM1 serves to negatively regulate signaling of platelets by collagen through the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)/Fc receptor (FcR)-?-chain. ceacam1 -/- platelets displayed enhanced type I collagen and GPVI-selective ligand, collagen-related peptide (CRP), CRP-mediated platelet aggregation, enhanced platelet adhesion on type I collagen, and elevated CRP-mediated alpha and dense granule secretion. Platelets derived from ceacam1-/- mice form larger thrombi when perfused over a collagen matrix under arterial flow compared with wild-type mice. Furthermore, using intravital microscopy to ferric chloride-injured mesenteric arterioles, we show that thrombi formed in vivo in ceacam1-/- mice were larger and were more stable than those in wild-type mice. GPVI depletion using monoclonal antibody JAQ1 treatment of ceacam1-/- mice showed a reversal in the more stable thrombus growth phenotype. ceacam1-/- mice were more susceptible to type I collagen-induced pulmonary thromboembolism than wild-type mice. Thus, CEACAM1 acts as a negative regulator of platelet-collagen interactions and of thrombus growth involving the collagen GPVI receptor in vitro and in vivo

    Dimensionless Coupling of Bulk Scalars at the LHC

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    We identify the lowest-dimension interaction which is possible between Standard Model brane fields and bulk scalars in 6 dimensions. The lowest-dimension interaction is unique and involves a trilinear coupling between the Standard Model Higgs and the bulk scalar. Because this interaction has a dimensionless coupling, it depends only logarithmically on ultraviolet mass scales and heavy physics need not decouple from it. We compute its influence on Higgs physics at ATLAS and identify how large a coupling can be detected at the LHC. Besides providing a potentially interesting signal in Higgs searches, such couplings provide a major observational constraint on 6D large-extra-dimensional models with scalars in the bulk.Comment: 20 page

    Draft genome sequence of Frankia sp. strain DC12, an atypical, noninfective, ineffective isolate from Datisca cannabina

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    Frankia sp. strain DC12, isolated from root nodules of Datisca cannabina, is a member of the fourth lineage of Frankia, which is unable to reinfect actinorhizal plants. Here, we report its 6.88-Mbp high-quality draft genome sequence, with a G+C content of 71.92% and 5,858 candidate protein-coding genes

    3D deep convolutional neural network-based ventilated lung segmentation using multi-nuclear hyperpolarized gas MRI

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    Hyperpolarized gas MRI enables visualization of regional lung ventilation with high spatial resolution. Segmentation of the ventilated lung is required to calculate clinically relevant biomarkers. Recent research in deep learning (DL) has shown promising results for numerous segmentation problems. In this work, we evaluate a 3D V-Net to segment ventilated lung regions on hyperpolarized gas MRI scans. The dataset consists of 743 helium-3 (3He) or xenon-129 (129Xe) volumetric scans and corresponding expert segmentations from 326 healthy subjects and patients with a wide range of pathologies. We evaluated segmentation performance for several DL experimental methods via overlap, distance and error metrics and compared them to conventional segmentation methods, namely, spatial fuzzy c-means (SFCM) and K-means clustering. We observed that training on combined 3He and 129Xe MRI scans outperformed other DL methods, achieving a mean ± SD Dice of 0.958 ± 0.022, average boundary Hausdorff distance of 2.22 ± 2.16 mm, Hausdorff 95th percentile of 8.53 ± 12.98 mm and relative error of 0.087 ± 0.049. Moreover, no difference in performance was observed between 129Xe and 3He scans in the testing set. Combined training on 129Xe and 3He yielded statistically significant improvements over the conventional methods (p < 0.0001). The DL approach evaluated provides accurate, robust and rapid segmentations of ventilated lung regions and successfully excludes non-lung regions such as the airways and noise artifacts and is expected to eliminate the need for, or significantly reduce, subsequent time-consuming manual editing