1,215 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal dynamics and plastic flow of vortices in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites

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    We present simulations of flux-gradient-driven superconducting rigid vortices interacting with square and triangular arrays of columnar pinning sites in an increasing external magnetic field. These simulations allow us to quantitatively relate spatio-temporal microscopic information of the vortex lattice with typically measured macroscopic quantities, such as the magnetization M(H)M(H). The flux lattice does not become completely commensurate with the pinning sites throughout the sample at the magnetization matching peaks, but forms a commensurate lattice in a region close to the edge of the sample. Matching fields related to unstable vortex configurations do not produce peaks in M(H)M(H). We observe a variety of evolving complex flux profiles, including flat terraces or plateaus separated by winding current-carrying strings and, near the peaks in M(H)M(H), plateaus only in certain regions, which move through the sample as the field increases

    Magnetic properties of submicron Co islands and their use as artificial pinning centers

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    We report on the magnetic properties of elongated submicron magnetic islands and their influence on a superconducting film. The magnetic properties were studied by magnetization hysteresis loop measurements and scanning-force microscopy. In the as-grown state, the islands have a magnetic structure consisting of two antiparallel domains. This stable domain configuration has been directly visualized as a 2x2-checkerboard pattern by magnetic-force microscopy. In the remanent state, after magnetic saturation along the easy axis, all islands have a single-domain structure with the magnetic moment oriented along the magnetizing field direction. Periodic lattices of these Co islands act as efficient artificial pinning arrays for the flux lines in a superconducting Pb film deposited on top of the Co islands. The influence of the magnetic state of the dots on their pinning efficiency is investigated in these films, before and after the Co dots are magnetized.Comment: 6 pages including figure

    Investigating human audio-visual object perception with a combination of hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-testing fMRI analysis tools

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    Primate multisensory object perception involves distributed brain regions. To investigate the network character of these regions of the human brain, we applied data-driven group spatial independent component analysis (ICA) to a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data set acquired during a passive audio-visual (AV) experiment with common object stimuli. We labeled three group-level independent component (IC) maps as auditory (A), visual (V), and AV, based on their spatial layouts and activation time courses. The overlap between these IC maps served as definition of a distributed network of multisensory candidate regions including superior temporal, ventral occipito-temporal, posterior parietal and prefrontal regions. During an independent second fMRI experiment, we explicitly tested their involvement in AV integration. Activations in nine out of these twelve regions met the max-criterion (A < AV > V) for multisensory integration. Comparison of this approach with a general linear model-based region-of-interest definition revealed its complementary value for multisensory neuroimaging. In conclusion, we estimated functional networks of uni- and multisensory functional connectivity from one dataset and validated their functional roles in an independent dataset. These findings demonstrate the particular value of ICA for multisensory neuroimaging research and using independent datasets to test hypotheses generated from a data-driven analysis

    Social Interactions vs Revisions, What is important for Promotion in Wikipedia?

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    In epistemic community, people are said to be selected on their knowledge contribution to the project (articles, codes, etc.) However, the socialization process is an important factor for inclusion, sustainability as a contributor, and promotion. Finally, what does matter to be promoted? being a good contributor? being a good animator? knowing the boss? We explore this question looking at the process of election for administrator in the English Wikipedia community. We modeled the candidates according to their revisions and/or social attributes. These attributes are used to construct a predictive model of promotion success, based on the candidates's past behavior, computed thanks to a random forest algorithm. Our model combining knowledge contribution variables and social networking variables successfully explain 78% of the results which is better than the former models. It also helps to refine the criterion for election. If the number of knowledge contributions is the most important element, social interactions come close second to explain the election. But being connected with the future peers (the admins) can make the difference between success and failure, making this epistemic community a very social community too

    Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis

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    Following the latest Permian extinction ∌252 million years ago, normal marine and terrestrial ecosystems did not recover for another 5-9 million years. The driver(s) for the Early Triassic biotic crisis, marked by high atmospheric CO2 concentration, extreme ocean warming, and marine anoxia, remains unclear. Here we constrain the timing of authigenic K-bearing mineral formation extracted from supergene weathering profiles of NW-Pangea by Argon geochronology, to demonstrate that an accelerated hydrological cycle causing intense chemical alteration of the continents occurred between ∌254 and 248 Ma, and continued throughout the Triassic period. We show that enhanced ocean nutrient supply from this intense continental weathering did not trigger increased ocean productivity during the Early Triassic biotic crisis, due to strong thermal ocean stratification off NW Pangea. Nitrogen isotope constraints suggest, instead, that full recovery from ocean nutrient stress, despite some brief amelioration ∌1.5 million years after the latest Permian extinction, did not commence until climate cooling revitalized the global upwelling systems and ocean mixing ∌10 million years after the mass extinction
