3,117 research outputs found

    Final excitation energy of fission fragments

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    We study how the excitation energy of the fully accelerated fission fragments is built up. It is stressed that only the intrinsic excitation energy available before scission can be exchanged between the fission fragments to achieve thermal equilibrium. This is in contradiction with most models used to calculate prompt neutron emission where it is assumed that the total excitation energy of the final fragments is shared between the fragments by the condition of equal temperatures. We also study the intrinsic excitation-energy partition according to a level density description with a transition from a constant-temperature regime to a Fermi-gas regime. Complete or partial excitation-energy sorting is found at energies well above the transition energy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of nuclei in thermal contact

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    The behaviour of a di-nuclear system in the regime of strong pairing correlations is studied with the methods of statistical mechanics. It is shown that the thermal averaging is strong enough to assure the application of thermodynamical methods to the energy exchange between the two nuclei in contact. In particular, thermal averaging justifies the definition of a nuclear temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Fatores que influenciam o preço de touros Nelore PO comercializados no Estado do Pará: Um estudo de caso.

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    The supervised curricular internship was carried out from October10th, 2016 to December 14th, 2016, totalizing 360 (three hundred and sixty) hours in the Agropecuária Fazenda Água Fria, located in Xinguara-PA, under the supervision of the animal scientist João Carlos Guimarães Giffoni Filho and orientation of Prof. Dr. Jorge Luís Ferreira. Fazenda Água Fria develops beef cattle breeding in the commercial follow-up and production of PO animals, using modern techniques in cost management, animal management and nutrition, with careful zootechnical evaluation and good use of animal breeding tools. Activities related to the breeding season calendar included gynecological examination in bovine females, estrus synchronization protocol, artificial insemination (AI), ultrasonography, follicular aspiration (OPU) and embryo transfer (ET). Activities related to sanitary management of the herd were also monitored, such as neonatal care and update of the vaccination schedule during the National Vaccination Campaign against Foot-and-Mouth Disease. During the monitoring of the activities, technical reports of productive and reproductive performance were conducted, which allowed the analysis of the performance of the animals, serving as a diagnostic of the activity. The analysis of the zootechnical indexes aroused interest in verifying the direct and / or indirect relation in the final marketing price of Nelore bulls PO, which became the final objective of this Course Completion Work, entitled: Factors that influence the price of Nelore bulls commercialized in the State of Pará: A estudy of case.O estágio curricular supervisionado foi realizado no período de 10/10/2016 à 14/12/2016, perfazendo um total de 360 (trezentas e sessenta) horas na Agropecuária Fazenda Água Fria, localizada em Xinguara-PA, sob a supervisão do Zootecnista João Carlos Guimarães Giffoni Filho e orientação do Prof. Dr. Jorge Luís Ferreira. A Fazenda Água Fria desenvolve a bovinocultura de corte no seguimento comercial e produção de animais PO, fazendo uso de técnicas modernas na gestão de custos, manejo e nutrição animal, com criteriosa avaliação zootécnica e bom uso das ferramentas de melhoramento genético animal. Foram acompanhadas atividades relacionadas ao calendário de estação de monta como, exame ginecológico em fêmeas bovinas, protocolo de sincronização de cio, inseminação artificial (IA), ultrassonografia, aspiração folicular (OPU) e transferência de embriões (TE). Também foram acompanhadas atividades relacionadas ao manejo sanitário do rebanho, como cuidados com neonatos e atualização do calendário vacinal durante a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação Contra Febre Aftosa. Durante o acompanhamento das atividades foram realizados relatórios técnicos de desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo, que permitiram a análise da performance dos animais, servindo de diagnóstico da atividade. A análise dos índices zootécnicos despertou interesse em verificar a relação direta e/ou indireta no preço final de comercialização de tourinhos nelore PO, que tornou-se o objetivo final deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, intitulado: Fatores que influenciam o preço de touros Nelore PO comercializados no Estado do Pará: Um estudo de caso

    Coparenting across the transition to parenthood : qualitative evidence from South-Brazilian families

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    Coparenting emerges across the transition to parenthood and refers to the way individuals coordinate, support each other in their parental roles and share responsibility in childrearing. Despite the increase in research on coparenting, relatively few studies have focused on non- North American or non-European families, which has hindered practice and policy targeting diverse countries. Likewise, qualitative research on coparenting is relatively rare, yet critical to shed light on details and complexities not well captured by other methods, including insights into sociocultural factors linked to coparenting in distinct contexts. Moreover, a qualitative longitudinal approach is particularly well suited to examine important life course transitions and turning points, such as the transition to parenthood. To address these gaps, we investigated coparenting across the transition to parenthood in South-Brazilian families, using a qualitative, longitudinal, multiple case study. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 12 first-time mother and fathers (six nuclear families altogether), at 6, 12, and 18 months postpartum (36 interviews altogether). In two families only the father was employed, with the mother caring for the child; in two families both parents were employed, and they hired a nanny to care for the child in their home; and, in two families both parents were employed, and the child started attending daycare at the end of maternity leave. Through the two articles that comprise the current doctoral dissertation, we explored three components of Feinberg’s (2003) coparenting framework: division of labor (how parents divide childcare tasks and household chores, as well as their satisfaction with this division); agreement/disagreement (e.g., regarding children’s emotional needs and discipline); and, support/undermining (appreciation and cooperation, or criticism and competition). The first article is focused on the division of labor, whereas the second is focused on agreement/disagreement and support/undermining. Deductive thematic analysis revealed similarities and singularities between families. As presented in the first article, we found weaker sharing of household chores over time, against greater sharing of childcare tasks during the first few days postpartum, followed by a downward tendency in the fathers’ contributions during the first few months postpartum. This more unequal division of labor remained stable over time only for families who had chosen maternal care, changing after the end of maternity leave for families who had chosen nanny care and daycare. Parental satisfaction regarding the division of labor remained relatively high over time only for families who had chosen nanny care, which suggests that counting on a domestic worker since the beginning of the transition to parenthood contributed to preventing parental feelings of overload or unfairness across the transition to parenthood. Findings were discussed in the 10 light of the role that instrumental and social support, as well as the prevailing Brazilian gender norms, may play in the division of labor for new parents. With respect to the second article, our findings showed that agreement among parents remained relatively stable during the first year, whereas disagreements concerning discipline demanded more parental negotiation as infants advanced toward toddlerhood. Support and undermining coexisted in the same families, although mothers and fathers expressed undermining differently. Aspects of the ecological context, such as family of origin, instrumental and social support, as well as labor market, also appeared to influence coparenting agreement/disagreement and support/ undermining. Following each article, we presented strengths, limitations, suggestions for future research, as well as implications for practice (e.g., counseling) and policy (e.g., childcare arrangements and parental leave)

    Relacionamento conjugal e temperamento de crianças com idade entre quatro e seis anos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar a relação entre relacionamento conjugal de pais e temperamento de crianças com idade entre quatro e seis anos. A pesquisa abrangeu uma amostra não-clínica, composta por 104 famílias biparentais residentes em quatro municípios do estado de Santa Catarina, perfazendo o total de 208 entrevistados. Os seguintes instrumentos foram aplicados ao pai e à mãe das crianças focais: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Questionário sobre Relacionamento Conjugal (QRC), FLOREAL e Children`s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ). Os dados obtidos foram compilados e tabulados em uma planilha do programa informático Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Realizou-se análise quantitativa, com base na estatística descritiva e inferencial. Os dados receberam tratamento estatístico não-paramétrico, uma vez que nem todas as variáveis obedeceram à distribuição normal. Por meio da análise dos dados constatou-se que: a) a relação de casal dos participantes se caracterizou, em média, pela harmonia conjugal, sendo que os membros da díade consideram o seu relacionamento marital satisfatório e pouco conflituoso; b) quanto ao temperamento infantil, o fator controle com esforço foi o que recebeu os maiores escores médios, de acordo com as respostas de pai e de mãe; c) identificou-se relações entre os fatores do temperamento da criança, notadamente o afeto negativo, e o relacionamento conjugal dos pais, especialmente nas variáveis ligadas à qualidade do relacionamento conjugal, ao conflito conjugal, à reciprocidade negativa e à evitação; há indicativos de que quanto maiores são as reações de raiva, desconforto, tristeza, medo e baixa capacidade de se acalmar dos filhos, também mais o relacionamento de casal é caracterizado por interações conflitivas, evitação e reciprocidade negativa. Os resultados apontam para o fato de que as relações conjugais e o temperamento das crianças afetam-se recursivamente. Destaca-se, assim, a importância de se considerar a bidirecionalidade das relações entre pais e filhos em intervenções profissionais e em programas de promoção de desenvolvimento saudável de crianças e de famílias.This dissertation aims at determining the relationship between temperament of children aged between four and six years and the marital relationship of their parents. The survey covered a non-clinical sample composed of 104 two-parent families living in four municipalities in the state of Santa Catarina - Brazil (a total of 208 respondents). The following instruments were applied to the father and mother of the focal children: Socio-demographic Questionnaire, Questionnaire on Marriage (QRC), FLOREAL and Children `s Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ). The data were compiled and tabulated in the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). A quantitative analysis based on descriptive and inferential statistics has been carried out. A nonparametric analysis has been chosen since not all variables obey the normal distribution. With the data analysis it was found that: a) the relationship of the couples were characterized, on average, by marital harmony, with the members considering their marital relationship satisfactory and little conflicted, b) in respect to the child temperament the effortful control was the factor that received the highest mean scores according to the answers of both father and mother, c) relationships were identified between factors of the child's temperament (especially negative affect) and marital relationship (especially in variables related to the quality of the marital relationship, marital conflict, the negative reciprocity and avoidance). There is evidence that the greater the reactions of anger, discomfort, sadness, fear and low soothability the children, the more frequent the couple relationship is characterized by conflicting interactions, avoidance and negative reciprocity. The results point to the fact that the children temperament and marital relationships affect each other. It is noteworthy, therefore, the importance of considering the bidirectionality of the relationship between parents and children in professional interventions and programs to promote healthy development of children and families

    Interação e práticas sociais

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    This article aims at pointing out some guidelines for an analysis methodology, which might be able to detect an interaction process between different fields of performance, that is, the production and co-production of meanings in educational/ communicative social practices. The relevance of the operationalization of this interactional cut/view leads us to admit the viability of the social intervention power of the participants of these experiences. Este artigo se propõe a apontar algumas diretrizes para uma metodologia de análise, que possa detectar um processo de interação entre campos diferentes de atuação, ou seja, a produção e a coprodução de sentidos em práticas sociais comunicativas/educativas. A pertinência da operacionalização desse recorte interacional leva-nos a admitir a viabilidade de um efetivo poder de intervenção social dos participantes dessas experiências.

    Arte e vivência no planeta fome : um diálogo entre Carolina Maria de Jesus, Elza Soares e Maria Auxiliadora da Silva

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2022.A presente tese propõe um diálogo entre literatura, pintura e música, através das obras de Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), Elza Soares (1930-2022) e Maria Auxiliadora da Silva (1938-1974). Esse diálogo parte das seguintes perspectivas: o conceito de escrevivência, cunhado por Conceição Evaristo, e de sua ampliação da literatura para as outras artes, em uma terminologia que denominamos artevivência. O estudo da espacialidade nas artes a partir de dois olhares: o “lugar” social e histórico onde Carolina, Auxiliadora e Elza nascem, crescem, tornam-se artistas; e os espaços que elas abordam em suas obras, a partir de temáticas comuns. E, a aproximação entre as três modalidades artísticas, através do empréstimo da terminologia e dos significados de um campo ao outro. Foi a partir desses três pontos de apoio que analisamos algumas questões que as obras dessas artistas, contemporâneas entre si, evocam. Do ponto de vista social, a realidade da pobreza e da marginalidade como legado da escravidão, a visão crítica do racismo e da supremacia branca advindo da abordagem de Lélia Gonzalez, Abdias do Nascimento e Beatriz Nascimento, entre outros. Tudo isso, a partir de suas próprias vivências e da escuta de vivências outras, em histórias que se (con)fundem e formam o que Evaristo denomina vertente negra e feminina de atuação artística. Por fim, esta pesquisa pretende contribuir com os estudos entre as artes e com a constatação de uma linha artística que se faz a partir do protagonismo feminino negro, que questiona a realidade social expressando sua subjetividade.The present thesis proposes a dialogue between literature, painting, and music, through the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), Elza Soares (1930-2022), and Maria Auxiliadora da Silva (1938-1974). This dialogue begins with the following perspective: the notion of escrevivência by Conceição Evaristo, and its amplification from literature to the other arts, in a terminology that we call artevivência. The study of spatiality in the arts from two points of view: the social and historical “place” where Carolina, Auxiliadora and Elza are born, grow up, and become artists; and the places they approach in their works through common themes. As well as the approximation between the three artistic modalities, by borrowing the terminology and the significances from one field to the other. It was from these three support points that we analyzed some questions that the work of these artists, contemporaneous with each other, evoke. From the social point of view, the reality of poverty and marginality as a legacy of slavery, the critical view of racism and white supremacy from the approach of Lélia Gonzalez, Abdias do Nascimento and Beatriz Nascimento, among others. All of that, from their own experiences and the listening of other people's experiences, in stories that (con)fuse and form what Evaristo calls the black feminine strands of artistic performance. Finally, this research intends to contribute to the studies among the arts, with the finding of an artistic line that forms itself through black feminine protagonism, which questions its social reality by expressing subjectivity.La presente tesis propone un diálogo entre literatura, pintura y música, a través de las obras de Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), Elza Soares (1930-2022) y Maria Auxiliadora da Silva (1938-1974). Este diálogo parte de las siguientes perspectivas: el concepto de escrevivência, de autoría de Conceição Evaristo, y su ampliación de la literatura para otras artes, en una terminología que llamamos artevivência. El estudio de la espacialidad en las artes desde dos miradas: el "lugar" social e histórico en donde Carolina, Auxiliadora y Elza nacen, crecen, se tornan artistas; y los espacios que ellas abordan en sus obras a partir de temas comunes. Y la aproximación entre las tres modalidades artísticas, a través del préstamo de la terminología y de los significados de un campo a otro. Fue desde estos tres puntos de apoyo que analizamos algunas cuestiones que las obras de estas artistas, contemporáneas entre sí, evocan. Del punto de vista social, la realidad de la pobreza y la marginalidad como legado de la esclavitud, la visión crítica del racismo y la supremacía blanca a partir del enfoque de Lélia Gonzalez, Abdias do Nascimento y Beatriz Nascimento, entre otros. Todo eso, desde sus propias vivencias y de la escucha de vivencias ajenas, en historias que se (con)funden y forman lo que Evaristo llama vertiente negra y femenina de actuación artística. Por fin, esta investigación pretende contribuir con los estudios entre las artes y con la constatación de una línea artística que se hace a partir del protagonismo femenino negro, que cuestiona la realidad social expresando su subjetividad


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    Considering the relevance of the studies of song for the Portuguese language studies e for the research about Brazilian sociocultural issues, we will approach the interpretation as an enlargement for the understanding of the lyrics and melody. Therefore, we will present a study about the concept of interpretation, derived from Antonio Candido’s (1996) reflections about poetry analysis, the thoughts of Umberto Eco (2005, 2010) about interpretation and Paul Zumthor (1997) on vocal interpretation issues. Beyond that, we will present a reflection about the relevance of the studies of interpretation for a greater understanding of the songs and their contexts. About this, we will analyze Flores horizontais (2000) by Oswald de Andrade and Zé Miguel Wisnik, recorded by Elza Soares on her CD Do cóccix até o pescoço (2002).Considerando a importância dos estudos da canção para o ensino da língua portuguesa e para pesquisas sobre questões socioculturais brasileiras, abordaremos a interpretação como ampliação à compreensão da letra e da melodia. Para tanto, apresentaremos um estudo sobre o conceito de interpretação, advindo das reflexões de Antonio Candido (1996) nas análises de poesia, do pensamento de Umberto Eco (2005, 2010) sobre interpretação, e Paul Zumthor (1997), no âmbito da interpretação vocal, além de uma reflexão sobre a relevância de seus estudos para maior entendimento da canção e seus contextos. Sob esse aspecto, analisaremos Flores horizontais (2000) de Oswald de Andrade e Zé Miguel Wisnik, gravada por Elza Soares no disco Do cóccix até o pescoço (2002)