32 research outputs found

    Perfil bioquímico de ovelhas criadas a pasto durante o periparto : Biochemical parameters in pasture-raised sheep during peripartum period

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    A avaliação de parâmetros bioquímicos nos animais de produção auxilia na avaliação de rebanho e no diagnóstico das enfermidades metabólicas que podem afetar o desempenho produtivo. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar parâmetros bioquímicos de ovelhas mestiças da raça Corriedale durante o periparto criadas em sistema a pasto. Foram utilizadas nove ovelhas, mantidas em sistema a pasto. Para a avaliação dos parâmetros bioquímicos no periparto foi realizada coleta de sangue por meio da venopunção da jugular nos seguintes momentos: semanalmente nas 4 semanas pré-parto, no dia do parto, e nos dias 3, 7 e 10 pós-parto. Foram analisadas as concentrações de betahidroxibutirato (BHB), colesterol, triglicérides, albumina, aspartato aminotransferase, ureia e cálcio utilizando kits comerciais em analisador bioquímico automatizado. A enzima AST foi o único metabólito que sofreu flutuações em decorrência do tempo. Os valores de Ca estiveram sempre abaixo da referência, contudo nenhuma ovelha apresentou sintomatologia de hipocalcemia. Entre 7 e 10 dias após o parto observou-se valores individuais máximos de BHB em 33% das ovelhas indicando transtorno no metabolismo energético. O perfil bioquímico de ovelhas mestiças da raça Corriedale mantidas em pastagem não sofreu maiores influencias relacionadas ao período de transição. Somente os valores de AST foram maiores no pós parto e três ovelhas apresentaram distúrbios no metabolismo energético no pós-parto devido ao aumento de BHB mostrando que diferente do que se postula o pós parto e distúrbios associados a ele pode ter importância também nas ovelhas

    Retrospective Study of Clinical Cases in Ruminants at the UFRGS Veterinary Teaching Hospital

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    Background: The pillars of animal production are sanity, genetics and nutrition. Sanitary control of the herd is important to reduce production costs and maintain health. The Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre - RS, is the place of greatest casuistry of the state, with 20.000 annual attendances, between small and large animals. In view of this scenario, the present study aimed to determine the frequency and characterize the ruminants attended at HCV, in order to help in the future, in the construction of control and prevention strategies of diseases found. Materials, Methods & Results: The documents of ruminant care between January 2007 and May 2018 were searched in the archives of the Hospital of Veterinary Clinics of UFRGS. Data on species, race, sex, age and diagnosis were collected. Diagnoses were classified as conclusive and inconclusive and the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according to etiology: infectious and parasitic diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, reproductive and obstetric diseases, toxic diseases, traumatic diseases. The prevalence of diseases and characteristics of ruminants attended (species, sex, category) was calculated. During the study period, between January 2007 and May 2018, 341 ruminants were attended, with emphasis on sheep (42%), goats (39%) and cattle (18%). In addition, a camel with foreign body obstruction, a sambar deer with fracture of the first thoracic vertebra and a buffalo with ruminal impaction were attended. The care profile was mapped, with predominance of females (57%) and adults (59%). Most of the animals did not present a defined breed, but among the breeds stands out Texel, of cutting aptitude, in sheeps and Saanen and Holstein, of dairy aptitude, in goats and cattle, respectively. In the retrospective study, the diseases with infectious and parasitic etiology presented the highest prevalence with 27.5% of the attendances, followed by reproductive (17.5%), traumatic (13.5%), metabolic (10%), others (10%) and toxic (2.5%). Sixty-six animals had inconclusive diagnosis (19.5%). Discussion: The highest prevalences were infectious and parasitic diseases, with emphasis on myiasis and verminosis. So, it is perceived that management corrections are sufficient to reduce the number of occurrences of diseases and prophylactic measures such as vaccination protocol, vermifugation and adequate nutritional management are allied in this walk. Among the reproductive diseases, dystocia (42.85%), which is one of the main causes of mortality in the peripartum period, has been highlighted. Dog attack was the major cause of traumas in ruminants and urolithiasis was highlighted in metabolic diseases. In toxic diseases, copper intoxication was the most important. Sheep are extremely sensitive to this intoxication, as they tend to accumulate copper in the organism. The retrospective study made it possible to visualize the panorama of HCV UFRGS visits to ruminants in the last years, mapping the profile and determining the casuistry of the diseases. Studies of hospital veterinary casuistry are rare, mainly involving ruminants. At the end, it is concluded that studies referring to casuistry are important to know the predominant diseases in a specific area and its risk factors considering differential diagnosis and future prevention programs

    Safety assessment and behavioral effects of Solanum guaraniticum leaf extract in rats

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    ABSTRACT Solanum guaraniticum is a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat gastric and liver diseases. However, there is no documented evidence corroborating its safety. The present study evaluated the potential toxicity of S. guaraniticum leaf extract after acute administration in rats. Single doses of the extract (1.250, 2.500, and 5.000 mg/kg) were administered by gavage, and the rats were then monitored for 48 h and/or 14 days. Mortality, acute signs of toxicity, and general activity in the open field test were assessed as well as hematological and biochemical parameters, enzymatic activity (δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase and acetylcholinesterase), and oxidative stress parameters (lipid peroxidation level, non-protein thiol content, tissue catalase activity, and serum ferrous reducing power). Phytochemical analysis was also performed by HPLC. The results showed that extract administration produced no deaths (LD50 > 5,000 mg/kg), and no significant adverse effects regarding food consumption, body weight gain, gross pathology, or other parameters. However, the open field tests showed a decrease in spontaneous activity (crossing and rearing) mainly at 48 h after treatment. The results suggest that S. guaraniticum extract is not acutely toxic, but causes alterations in central nervous system activity