137 research outputs found


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    Desde la Oficina de Evaluación Institucional de una universidad privada, se realizan estudios que apuntan a conocer mejor a los alumnos, y de esta manera favorecer su permanencia en la universidad. Entre los estudios que se realizan, se evalúa el rendimiento académico de los alumnos a través de diferentes indicadores que permiten conocer su desempeño en la universidad, y en función de esto, poder tomar las medidas adecuadas para mejorar su proceso de formación integral. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio del rendimiento académico de los alumnos de las cohortes en condiciones de egresar (en tiempo transcurrido desde que iniciaron la carrera) que todavía no lo han hecho, con el fin de optimizar el rendimiento, aumentar la retención y aproximar el índice de duración real de las carreras al índice de duración teórica

    Parameters of oxidative stress in saliva from patients with aggressive and chronic periodontitis

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    Objectives: Free radicals play an important role in the onset and progression of many diseases. The aim ofthis study was to investigate the contribution of oxidative stress in the pathology of aggressive (AgP) andchronic (CP) periodontitis and its relation with the clinical periodontal status.Methods: Eighty subjects were divided into two groups: 20 patients with AgP and 20 patients with CP withtheir 20 corresponding matched controls, based on clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing pocket depth(PPD), and bleeding on probing (BOP). Saliva reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, and nonenzymaticantioxidant defences were measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay, asthiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs) and total radical-trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP),respectively. Pearson?s correlation and multivariate analysis were used to determine the relationshipbetween ROS and TBARs and the clinical parameters.Results: ROS and TBARs were increased in AgP while TRAP was decreased, comparing with CP. In AgP, astrong and positive correlation was observed between ROS and TBARs and they were closely associatedwith CAL and PPD.Discussion: In AgP, but not in CP, oxidative stress is a high contributor to periodontal pathology and it isclosely associated with the clinical periodontal status.Fil: Acquier, Andrea Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: de Couto Pita, Alejandra Karina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Busch, Lucila. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Gabriel A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Biofísica; Argentin

    Impact of physical and psychosocial factors on disability caused by lumbar pain amongst fishing sector workers

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    [Abstract] Functional disability due to lumbar pain should be considered from the biopsychosocial model. There is inconclusive evidence as to whether the key determining factors in this form of disability are psychosocial or physical. Our aim is to identify variables that cause functional disability due to lumbar pain amongst shellfish gatherers in Galicia by means of a cross-sectional survey. Participants (N = 929) completed a self-administered, paper-based questionnaire including sociodemographic and lifestyle issues, as well as the nature of the lumbar pain, the presence of musculoskeletal pain in other regions of the body, the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) and SF-36. Univariate examination, ROC curve and logistic regression analyses were performed. Most of these workers are women (98.7 %), with a mean age of 50.6 years. The point-prevalence of lumbar pain stands at 65.5 %. The RMDQ mean was 4.9 (SD = 4.7). In the logistic regression analysis, the variables associated with disability (RMDQ > median) were age (OR = 1.04), physical exercise (OR = 0.57), pain intensity (OR = 1.16), the number of regions of musculoskeletal pain (OR = 1.24) and mental health (SF-36) (OR = −0.95). Functional disability is determined by the physical nature of the pain and mental health attributes, although the former has a greater impact. In decreasing order of importance, functional disability is attributable to the presence of lower back pain, the number of regions of musculoskeletal pain, the intensity of that pain and age. Regular physical exercise and better mental health have a protective effect on disability

    Impact of musculoskeletal pain on health-related quality of life among fishing sector workers

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    [Abstract] This study aims to determine the impact of musculoskeletal pain (in terms of intensity of the pain, location and functional disability due to back pain) and other factors (socio-demographic, lifestyle and co-morbidity) on the health-related quality of life on a group of shellfish gatherers. This observational transversal study included 929 shellfish gatherers (18–69 years, 98.7 % women) who completed a self-administered questionnaire, including socio-demographic and lifestyle questions, co-morbidity, intensity and location of musculoskeletal pain, and Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Health-related quality of life was assessed using the 36-item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) of the SF-36 were considered as outcome variables. The impact of the different factors on the PCS and MCS scores was evaluated using a stepwise linear regression analysis. Physical health was found to be independently associated to intensity of musculoskeletal pain (regression coefficient, B = −0.96), number of locations with musculoskeletal pain (MSP) (B = −0.77), presence of pain in the hip-knee (B = −2.26), self-reported rheumatic disorders (B = −2.79), lower back pain (B = −1.62) and age (B = −0.06). Mental health was associated with the presence of self-reported depressive syndrome (B = −1043.1) and RMDQ score (B = −42.2). The sample had significantly lower values than the reference population in all of the dimensions of the SF-36. Intensity of the pain, pain in the hip-knee, lower back pain, functional disability due to back pain and number of locations with musculoskeletal pain were found to have a detrimental impact on the physical health of the workers. Depressive syndrome and greater functional disability due to back pain, in turn, predict worse mental health

    Uma sequência de aprendizagem à distância para um 1.º ciclo, através da mobilização das novas tecnologias, num período de pandemia

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    Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente Relatório Final é diferente dos relatórios finais dos anos anteriores pois, atualmente, estamos a viver uma pandemia incansável. Desta forma, o objetivo do meu estudo foi “Como mobilizar os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem para dar resposta ao cenário pandémico atual?”, o que me levou a refletir sobre aspetos importantes como o Ensino Híbrido e os Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem, por exemplo. No meu plano de intervenção, selecionei as plataformas Classroom, na qual inseri uma sequência de atividades (que junta as áreas da língua portuguesa e do estudo do meio) e Meet, destinada a encontros via on-line com os meus alunos. A inclusão destas duas ferramentas visou dar resposta ao ensino à distância de emergência provocado pela pandemia COVID-19 e respetivo confinamento. Para além disto, expliquei as várias funcionalidades e vantagens destas plataformas, defendendo-as como sendo duas das melhores no que toca a um ensino à distância com crianças pequenas. Esta experiência de ensino à distância de emergência, permitiu verificar que esta modalidade é possível e viável, com as ferramentas certas. No entanto, tal viabilidade não substitui o ensino presencial, até porque as vantagens associadas a este parecem ser superiores. Claro que, se o professor não estiver disposto a tal, o trabalho fica mais dificultado, daí necessitarmos de adotar uma postura aberta e reflexiva à introdução de ferramentas digitais no exercício da docência. Um professor que se adapta às novas circunstâncias que vão acontecendo no nosso quotidiano, um professor que coloca o ensino das crianças em primeiro lugar e que faz tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance para lhes proporcionar o melhor método, as melhores condições, o melhor em todas as vertentes possíveis. Com a minha investigação pretendo que os professores sejam alertados para certas ferramentas que podem ser mobilizadas (não só em tempos de pandemia, apesar de ser esse o meu foco) de forma a tornar as suas aulas mais apelativas, mais enriquecedoras e mais vantajosas, quer para os alunos, quer para os próprios docentes.ABSTRACT This final report is different from the others final reports from previous years because, nowadays, we are living a tireless pandemic. Because of that, my study goal was “how to mobilize virtual learning environments to respond to the current pandemic scenario?”, that make me reflect about important aspects like hybrid teaching and Virtual Learning Environments, for example. On my intervention plan, I selected the Classroom platform, in which I inserted a sequence of activities (which brings together the areas of the Portuguese language and the study of the environment) and Meet platform, intended for online meetings with my students. The inclusion of these two tools aimed to respond to the emergency distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and respective confinement. In addition to this, I explained the various features and advantages of these platforms, defending them as being two of the best when it comes to distance learning with young children. How I have already evidenced, I have defended, throughout my report, this way of distance teaching its possible and viable, with the right tools, however I am not saying at all that is a better way than the usual (presential) way, even because I don’t have present fundamentals that justify it. Of course, if the teacher isn’t willing to do so, work becomes more difficult. Then we need to adopt a posture as a teacher of the future. A teacher who adapts to new circumstances that are happening in our daily lives, a teacher who puts children’s teaching first and does everything in his power to provide them with the best method, the best conditions, the best in all possible aspects. With my research, I want teachers to be alerted to certain tools that can be mobilized (not only in times of pandemic, although that is my focus) to make their classes more appealing, more enriching, and more advantageous, either for the students or for the teachers themselves.N/

    Prevalence, co-occurrence, and predictive factors for musculoskeletal pain among shellfish gatherers

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    [Abstract] The aims of this study are to determine prevalence and co-occurrence of musculoskeletal pain (MSP) among shellfish gatherers and its consequences for the use of medicine, health care, and sickness leave and to investigate predictive factors (sociodemographic, lifestyle, comorbidity) of MSP in five anatomical areas (neck/shoulder/higher back, lower back, elbow/wrist/hand, hip/knee, and leg/ankle/foot). Nine hundred twenty-nine shellfish gatherers (94% women) voluntarily took part in a physiotherapy workshop. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess MSP and its consequences. Regression models were performed to determine the factors predicting the presence of MSP. The two most frequently self-reported forms of MSP were neck pain (70.9%) and lower back pain (65.5%). Sixty-four percent of respondents reported contact with their family doctor during the last 12 months due to MSP, and most subjects (88.1%) reported MSP in two or more locations. Hip/knee pain was associated with leg/ankle/foot pain (crude odds ratio = 3.14). Logistic regression analysis showed that being female and young is associated with lumbar pain, and being older is associated with pain in all areas of the lower limbs. The number of pain sites a person reported significantly predicted the presence of pain in all the anatomical areas studied. Prevalence of MSP and musculoskeletal comorbidity were high. The study shows that the presence of pain reported in one body area is highly dependent on the total number of painful areas. These findings are consistent with those of similar studies

    Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en trabajadoras del sector pesquero usando el cuestionario SF-36

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    [Resumen] Objetivo. Determinar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) mediante el cuestionario SF-36 en trabajadoras del sector pesquero, y compararla con valores normalizados de población de referencia y con valores de otras muestras similares que presentan trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Método. Mediante un estudio transversal se midió la CVRS en 917 mariscadoras a pie seleccionadas a partir de la participación voluntaria en un taller de fisioterapia. Se utilizó un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluía variables sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida, de comorbilidad, de prevalencia de dolor musculoesquelético y de CVRS. Para el SF-36 se calcularon puntuaciones crudas, puntuaciones estandarizadas y puntuaciones z. Resultados. La edad media de las participantes es de 50,6 años (desviación estándar: 8,8). En todas las dimensiones del SF-36 la muestra tuvo valores inferiores que la población general de referencia. Las mayores diferencias se observaron en las personas más jóvenes. Las dimensiones más afectadas, superando la diferencia mínimamente importante, fueron dolor corporal, vitalidad y salud general. Su salud física está más afectada que su salud mental. Conclusiones. Se demuestra que este grupo de trabajadoras tiene peor CVRS que la población general y que otras muestras poblacionales, sobre todo en los componentes físicos.[Abstract] Objective. To determine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured with the 36-item Short-Form (SF-36) questionnaire in women workers in the fishing industry, compared with norm-based values in the reference population and other similar samples of persons with musculoskeletal disorders. Method. A cross-sectional study was performed to measure HRQoL in 917 shellfish gatherers. Women taking part in a physiotherapy workshop were invited to participate. We used a self-administered questionnaire, including questions on sociodemographic variables, lifestyle, comorbidity, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, and HRQoL. For the SF-36 raw scores, norm-based scores and z-scores were calculated. Results. The mean age of participants was 50.6 years (standard deviation: 8.8). In all dimensions of the SF-36, values in the sample were lower than in the general reference population. The greatest differences were in younger people. The most affected dimensions were bodily pain, vitality and general health. Physical health was more affected than mental health. Conclusions. HRQoL, especially physical components, was worse in women shellfish gatherers than in the general population and other population samples

    Research in private universities in Argentina: changes in response to quality assurance and competitive funding policies

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    El desarrollo de la actividad de investigación ha sido débil en gran parte de las instituciones universitarias argentinas, principalmente en las de gestión privada. Frente a esto, se generó un entorno de políticas públicas para impulsar su desarrollo. En este trabajo se analiza en qué medida las regulaciones, señales e incentivos generados por estas políticas han favorecido al aumento en la actividad de investigación en el sector universitario privado. Para ello se analizó la evolución de un conjunto de indicadores de insumos y resultados de I+D y se realizó un análisis de conglomerados para clasificar las instituciones en grupos. Los resultados evidencian que el nuevo entorno de las políticas públicas analizadas favoreció el aumento de la actividad de investigación. Se concluye que si bien todas las instituciones universitarias privadas enfrentaron las mismas regulaciones e incentivos, sus respuestas estuvieron mediadas por la heterogeneidad de sus misiones, estrategias organizacionales y campo disciplinar.The development of research activity has been weak at most Argentine universities, particularly in the private sector. To confront this issue, the government provided an environment that would foster the development of public policies to promote its enforcement. This paper analyzes the extent to which regulations, signals and incentives generated by the new environment of policies led to changes in research activities at Argentina’s private universities. To observe the changes, the evolution of a set of R&D input and output indicators was analyzed and a cluster analysis was carried out in order to classify institutions in groups. The results show that the new environment of said public policies helped to increase research activity. We can conclude that while all private universities faced the same regulations and incentives, their responses were mediated by the heterogeneity of their missions and organizational strategies.Fil: Adrogué, Cecilia. Universidad de San Andrés; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Corengia, Ángela Virginia. Universidad Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Ana Maria. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pita Carranza, María Beatriz. Universidad Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Aplicación de la teoría de Peplau en pacientes con diabetes hospitalizados

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    Objetivo: aplicar la teoría de las relaciones interpersonales de H. Peplau en la atención a pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, para mostrar su importancia en la práctica clínica hospitalaria y en la prevención de las complicaciones de las personas con esta enfermedad en el hogar. Materiales y Métodos: la experiencia clínica desarrollada se organizó mediante una adaptación de la metodología del marco lógico. La muestra estuvo conformada por cinco pacientes hospitalizados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se tuvo en cuenta variables como la relación profesional de enfermería ­ paciente, nivel de conocimiento y capacidad de cuidado. Las técnicas de recolección de información fueron la entrevista semiestructurada, el taller (intervención educativa) y la lista de chequeo. Resultados: la aplicación de la teoría de H. Peplau permitió un acercamiento con los pacientes. A partir de éste, se logró un proceso de educación y seguimiento en el cual la mayoría reconoció la importancia de las prácticas preventivas para el manejo de su condición clínica.  Conclusiones: mediante el fortalecimiento de las relaciones interpersonales, orientado por la teoría de H Peplau, la (el) enfermera (o) y el paciente identifican las necesidades de cuidado con el fin de atenderlas y generar conductas preventivas para evitar complicaciones por la enfermedad. De esta forma, tanto los pacientes como el profesional de enfermería logran tener un mayor nivel de autonomía.  PALABRAS CLAVE: educación en enfermería, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, relaciones interpersonales, teoría de enfermería.Application of the Peplau theory in hospitalized diabetic patients ABSTRACTObjective: apply the H.Pelau theory of interpersonal relations in the care of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, to show its importance in the hospital clinical practice and in the prevention of complications on individuals with this disease at home. Materials and Methods: the clinical experience developed was organized through an adaptation of the logical framework methodology. The sample was composed of five hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Variables as the nurse-patient professional relationship, level of knowledge and care ability were taken into consideration. The collection techniques were: semi-structured interview, workshop (educational intervention) and check list. Results: the application of the H. Pelau theory allowed an approach with the patients. From this start point, a process of education and monitoring was achieved, wherein most recognized the importance of the preventive practices for the handling of their clinical condition. Conclusions: through the strengthening of interpersonal relations, oriented by the H. Pelau theory, the nurse or patient identify the care necessities in order to assist and generate conducts to prevent disease complications from the disease. Therefore, patients and nursing professionals are able to have a higher autonomy level. KEYWORDS: education, nursing, diabetes mellitus type 2, interpersonal relations, nursing theory.Aplicação da teoria de Peplau em pacientes com diabetes hospitalizados RESUMOObjetivo: aplicar a teoria das relações interpessoais de H. Peplau no atendimento a pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, para mostrar sua importância na prática clínica do hospital e na prevenção das complicações das pessoas com esta doença no lar. Materiais e Métodos: a experiência clínica desenvolvida se organizou através de uma adaptação da metodologia do marco lógico. A amostra esteve conformada por cinco pacientes hospitalizados com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Teve-se em conta variáveis como a relação professional de enfermagem - paciente, nível de conhecimento e capacidade de cuidado. As técnicas de recolecção de informação foram: uma entrevista semiestruturada, um workshop (intervenção educativa) e uma lista de verificação.  Resultados: a aplicação da teoria de H. Peplau permitiu uma aproximação com os pacientes.  A partir disto, foi alcançado um processo de educação e acompanhamento, em que a maioria reconheceu a importância das práticas preventivas para o manejo de sua condição clínica. Conclusões: através do fortalecimento das relações interpessoais orientado pela teoria de H Peplau, a (o) enfermeira (o) e o paciente identificam as necessidades de cuidado com o fim de atendê-las e gerar condutas preventivas para evitar complicações pela enfermidade. Desta forma, ambos os pacientes e os professionais de enfermagem podem alcançar maior nível de autonomia. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: educação em enfermagem, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, relações interpessoais, teoria de enfermagem.