27 research outputs found

    Ajánlás a gyermekek tápláltsági állapotának otthoni becsléséhez – Az MTA-ELTE Egészégtudatos Gyermekekért Kutatócsoport által kidolgozott új módszer bemutatása

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    Regular monitoring of children’s nutritional status is essential to prevent micronutrient deficiencies, nutritional status abnormalities as stunting, wasting, overweight and obesity. Nutritional status assessment is usually performed by paediatricians by using anthropometry (body mass index, weight to height indices) and/or by body fat-mass measurement (bioimpedance analysis, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, computer tomography, etc.). Parents are also interested in but usually fail to accurately evaluate their child’s nutritional status. The main purpose of the study was to help the sufficient collaboration between the physicians and parents by developing a new nutritional status monitoring method for families. The new model – developed by the Health Promotion and Education Research Team, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University – requires age, sex, body mass, height, waist circumference and hand circumference as predictor (input) variables of nutritional status, while the centile values of the measured body dimensions, body fat percentage and the centile of body fat percentage, as well as the nutritional status category (undernutrition, normal nutritional status, overfat/obese) can be predicted (outcome variables) by the new method. The predictive accuracy of the model for nutritional status category was 94.9% in boys and 98.7% in girls. The new model was developed for nutritional status assessment in school-aged children and will be incorporated in the healthy lifestyle module of ‘Teenage Survival Guide’ educational package to be developed by the Health Promotion and Education Research Tea

    Confirmation of the three-factor model of problematic internet use on off-line adolescent and adult samples.

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    As the Internet became widely used, problems associated with its excessive use became increasingly apparent. Although for the assessment of these problems several models and related questionnaires have been elaborated, there has been little effort made to confirm them. The aim of the present study was to test the three-factor model of the previously created Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) by data collection methods formerly not applied (off-line group and face-to-face settings), on the one hand, and by testing on different age groups (adolescent and adult representative samples), on the other hand. Data were collected from 438 high-school students (44.5 percent boys; mean age: 16.0 years; standard deviation=0.7 years) and also from 963 adults (49.9 percent males; mean age: 33.6 years; standard deviation=11.8 years). We applied confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the measurement model of problematic Internet use. The results of the analyses carried out inevitably support the original three-factor model over the possible one-factor solution. Using latent profile analysis, we identified 11 percent of adults and 18 percent of adolescent users characterized by problematic use. Based on exploratory factor analysis, we also suggest a short form of the PIUQ consisting of nine items. Both the original 18-item version of PIUQ and its short 9-item form have satisfactory reliability and validity characteristics, and thus, they are suitable for the assessment of problematic Internet use in future studies

    A problémás közösségimédia-használat és a mentális egészség kapcsolata magyar kamaszok körében

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    Háttér és célok: A problémás közösségimédia-használat és a fizikai, valamint a mentális egészség között számos kutatás szignifikáns negatív kapcsolatot tárt fel. A túlzott közösségimédia-használatot összefüggésbe hozták többek között a depresszív és a szomatikus tünetképződéssel. A maladaptív érzelemszabályozás (pl. a rumináció) közvetítő szerepét több tanulmány is hangsúlyozta. Jelen tanulmány célja a problémás közösségimédia-használat és a depresszív tünetek, valamint a fizikai panaszok kapcsolatának feltérképezése magyar serdülők körében, kiemelt figyelmet fordítva a nemi eltérés és a ruminatív válaszstílus szerepére. Módszer: Az elemzés a Budapesti Longitudinális Kutatás1 első hullámának adatain történt. Az adatfelvétel a budapesti közoktatási intézmények 5. évfolyamos, túlnyomórészt 10-11 éves (M = 10,74; SD = 0,54) tanulóinak reprezentatív mintáján, a 2018/2019-es tanévben készült. A nettó minta nagysága 2126 fő: 48,8%-át (N = 1030) fiúk, 51,2%-át (N = 1079) lányok alkották. A résztvevők iskolai körülmények között egy önkitöltős kérdőívcsomagot töltöttek ki, melynek részeként a problémás közösségimédia-használat, a depresszió, a testi tünetek és a rumináció is felmérésre kerültek. A nemi eltérést Mann-Whitney próbával és Khí-négyzet próbával, az említett konstruktumok közötti kapcsolatot pedig mediációs eljárással vizsgáltuk. Eredmények: A problémás közösségimédiahasználat szignifikánsan nagyobb mértékben fordult elő a lányoknál, mint a fiúknál, továbbá mind a depresszióval, mind a testi tünetekkel szignifikáns kapcsolatot mutatott, melyet a rumináció jelentősen mediált. Következtetés: A lányok esetében magasabb lehet a rizikó a problémás közösségimédia-használat tüneteinek megjelenésére. A problémás felhasználók által alkalmazott ruminatív válaszstílus pedig megnövelheti az esélyét a depresszió és a testi tünetek megjelenésének

    Confirmation of the Chinese version of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire Short Form (PIUQ-SF)

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    Although an increasing number of studies have focused on problematic Internet use, numerous measures exist with only modest investigation into their reliability and validity, both within and across different cultures (Király et al. 2015). The most frequently used questionnaire is the Internet Addiction Test (Young 1998). However, its factor structure appears to be unstable (e.g., Fernandez-Villa et al. 2015; Pontesetal. 2014). Koronczai et al. (2011) suggested that a suitable measure should fit six basic requirements. More specifically, it should be (i) comprehensive, that is examining more, possibly all, aspects of problematic Internet use; (ii) as concise as possible, in order to be able to assess the more impulsive population, and to use in time-limited surveys (or having different forms with different length). Such a measure should be (iii) reliable and valid for different methods of data collection (e.g. online, paper-and-pencil self-rating, face-to-face); as well as (iv) for different age groups (e.g. adolescents and adults), and (v) in different cultural settings. Finally, (vi) cut-off scores should be defined on the basis of clinical examination. The Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) (Demetrovics et al. 2008) fulfills several of the aforementioned criteria. The 18-item PIUQ is a comprehensive measure that assesses three basic aspects of problematic Internet use (i.e., obsession, neglect, and control disorder). The 18-item and the shorter 9-item versions of the PIUQ have a reliable structure, and are suitable for time-limited surveys and have proved to be valid across various methods of data collection (i.e., online as well as paper-pencil) and age groups (Demetrovics et al. 2008; Koronczai et al. 2011). However, its implementation has so far mostly taken place in Western individualistic cultures (Kelley and Gruber 2010, 2013; Koronczai et al. 2011; Zahodne et al. 2011. To date, the PIUQ has also been applied in a survey in Iran with good Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and subscales (Mazhari 2012a, 2012b). Consequently, validation of the questionnaire in a culture that is significantly different from the Western culture is needed. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was the validation of the 9-item PIUQ among the Chinese population

    The relationship between personality traits, psychopathological symptoms, and problematic internet use: a complex mediation model

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    Background: There are many empirical studies that demonstrate the associations between problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. However, complex models are scarce. Objective: The aim of this study was to build and test a mediation model based on problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Methods: Data were collected from a medical addiction center (43 internet addicts) and internet cafés (222 customers) in Beijing (Mean age = 22.45 years, SD = 4.96; 90.2% males). Path analysis was applied to test the mediation models using structural equation modelling. Results: Based on the preliminary analyses (correlations and linear regression), two different models were built. In the first model, low conscientiousness and depression had a direct significant influence on problematic internet use. The indirect effect of conscientiousness – via depression – was non-significant. Emotional stability only affected problematic internet use indirectly, via depressive symptoms. In the second model, low conscientiousness also had a direct influence on problematic internet use, while the indirect path via the Global Severity Index was again non-significant. Emotional stability impacted problematic internet use indirectly via the Global Severity Index, while it had no direct effect on it, as in the first model. Conclusion: Personality traits (i.e., conscientiousness as a protective factor and neuroticism as a risk factor) play a significant role in problematic internet use, both directly and indirectly (via distress level)

    Psychometric properties of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire Short-Form (PIUQ-SF-6) in a nationally representative sample of adolescents

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    Despite the large number of measurement tools developed to assess problematic Internet use, numerous studies use measures with only modest investigation into their psychometric properties. The goal of the present study was to validate the short (6-item) version of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) on a nationally representative adolescent sample (n = 5,005; mean age 16.4 years, SD = 0.87) and to determine a statistically established cut-off value. Data were collected within the framework of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs project. Results showed an acceptable fit of the original three-factor structure to the data. In addition, a MIMIC model was carried out to justify the need for three distinct factors. The sample was divided into users at-risk of problematic Internet use and those with no-risk using a latent profile analysis. Two latent classes were obtained with 14.4% of adolescents belonging to the at-risk group. Concurrent and convergent validity were tested by comparing the two groups across a number of variables (i.e., time spent online, academic achievement, self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and preferred online activities). Using the at-risk latent profile analysis class as the gold standard, a cut-off value of 15 (out of 30) was suggested based on sensitivity and specificity analyses. In conclusion, the brief version of the (6-item) PIUQ also appears to be an appropriate measure to differentiate between Internet users at risk of developing problematic Internet use and those not at risk. Furthermore, due to its brevity, the shortened PIUQ is advantageous to utilize within large-scale surveys assessing many different behaviors and/or constructs by reducing the overall number of survey questions, and as a consequence, likely increasing completion rates

    Testi Attitűdök Tesztje (Body Attitude Test, BAT)

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