21 research outputs found

    The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative: scientific objectives and experimental design

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    Abstract. As the climate warms, the grounded ice sheet and floating ice shelves surrounding Antarctica are melting and releasing additional freshwater into the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless, almost all existing coupled climate models have fixed ice sheets and lack the physics required to represent the dominant sources of Antarctic melt. These missing ice dynamics represent a key uncertainty that is typically unaccounted for in current global climate change projections. Previous modelling studies that have imposed additional Antarctic meltwater have demonstrated regional impacts on Southern Ocean stratification, circulation, and sea ice, as well as remote changes in atmospheric circulation, tropical precipitation, and global temperature. However, these previous studies have used widely varying rates of freshwater forcing, have been conducted using different climate models and configurations, and have reached differing conclusions on the magnitude of meltwater–climate feedbacks. The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) initiative brings together a team of scientists to quantify the climate system response to Antarctic meltwater input along with key aspects of the uncertainty. In this paper, we summarize the state of knowledge on meltwater discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves to the Southern Ocean and explain the scientific objectives of our initiative. We propose a series of coupled and ocean–sea ice model experiments, including idealized meltwater experiments, historical experiments with observationally consistent meltwater input, and future scenarios driven by meltwater inputs derived from stand-alone ice sheet models. Through coordinating a multi-model ensemble of simulations using a common experimental design, open data archiving, and facilitating scientific collaboration, SOFIA aims to move the community toward better constraining our understanding of the climate system response to Antarctic melt. </jats:p

    Resolving and parameterising the ocean mesoscale in earth system models

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    Purpose of Review. Assessment of the impact of ocean resolution in Earth System models on the mean state, variability, and future projections and discussion of prospects for improved parameterisations to represent the ocean mesoscale. Recent Findings. The majority of centres participating in CMIP6 employ ocean components with resolutions of about 1 degree in their full Earth Systemmodels (eddy-parameterising models). In contrast, there are alsomodels submitted toCMIP6 (both DECK and HighResMIP) that employ ocean components of approximately 1/4 degree and 1/10 degree (eddy-present and eddy-rich models). Evidence to date suggests that whether the ocean mesoscale is explicitly represented or parameterised affects not only the mean state of the ocean but also the climate variability and the future climate response, particularly in terms of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and the Southern Ocean. Recent developments in scale-aware parameterisations of the mesoscale are being developed and will be included in future Earth System models. Summary. Although the choice of ocean resolution in Earth System models will always be limited by computational considerations, for the foreseeable future, this choice is likely to affect projections of climate variability and change as well as other aspects of the Earth System. Future Earth System models will be able to choose increased ocean resolution and/or improved parameterisation of processes to capture physical processes with greater fidelity

    Supporting GFDL data for Southern Ocean Freshwater release model experiments Initiative (SOFIA)

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    Note: This data collection is hosted at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Data DOI capability is provided by PUL. Please refer to the README for a detailed description of the dataset. For questions, please contact [email protected], with the subject line including the title of the dataset.See "how_to_access_data.txt" to access data files from GDFL servers.This output was produced in coordination with the Southern Ocean Freshwater release model experiments Initiative (SOFIA) and is the Tier 1 experiment where freshwater is delivered in a spatially and temporally uniform pattern at the surface of the ocean at sea surface temperature in a 1-degree latitude band extending from Antarctica’s coastline. The total additional freshwater flux imposed as a monthly freshwater flux entering the ocean is 0.1 Sv. Users are referred to the methods section of Beadling et al. (2022) for additional details on the meltwater implementation in CM4 and ESM4. The datasets in this collection contain model output from the coupled global climate model, CM4, and Earth System Model, ESM4, both developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ocean_monthly_z and ocean_annual_z output are provided as z depth levels in meters as opposed to the models native hybrid vertical ocean coordinate which consists of z* (quasi-geopotential) coordinates in the upper ocean through the mixed layer, transitioning to isopycnal (referenced to 2000 dbar) in the ocean interior. Please see README for further details.File list: doc/README data/ cm4_tier1_antwater.agessc.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.bsnk.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.cld_amt.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.evap.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.evs.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.ficeberg.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.frazil.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.friver.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.heat_content_surfwater.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.hfds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.hflso.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.hfsifrazil.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.hfsso.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.lsrc.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.mlotst.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.precip.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.prlq.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.prsn.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.rlntds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.rsntds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.sfdsi.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.siconc.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.sithick.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.siu.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.siv.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.slp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.snowfl.ice_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.so.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.so.ocean_monthly_z_complete.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.static_fields.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.tauuo.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.tauvo.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.temp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.thetao.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.thetao.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.t_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.ucomp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.umo.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.umo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.uo.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.uo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.u_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.vcomp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.vmo.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.vmo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.volcello.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.volcello.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.vo.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.vo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.v_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.wfo.ocean_monthly.tar.gz cm4_tier1_antwater.zos.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.agessc.ocean_annual_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.bsnk.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.cld_amt.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.evap.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.evs.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.ficeberg.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.frazil.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.friver.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.heat_content_surfwater.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.hfds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.hflso.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.hfsifrazil.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.hfsso.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.lsrc.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.mlotst.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.precip.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.prlq.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.prsn.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.rlntds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.rsntds.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.sfdsi.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.siconc.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.sithick.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.siu.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.siv.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.sivol.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.slp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.snowfl.ice_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.so.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.static_fields.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.tauuo.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.tauvo.ocean_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.temp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.thetao.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.t_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.ucomp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.umo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.uo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.u_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.vcomp.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.vmo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.volcello.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.vo.ocean_monthly_z.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.v_ref.atmos_level_monthly.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.wfo.ocean_monthly_complete.tar.gz esm4_tier1_antwater.zos.ocean_monthly.tar.g

    Representation of Southern Ocean Properties across Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Generations: CMIP3 to CMIP6

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    International audienceThe air–sea exchange of heat and carbon in the Southern Ocean (SO) plays an important role in mediating the climate state. The dominant role the SO plays in storing anthropogenic heat and carbon is a direct consequence of the unique and complex ocean circulation that exists there. Previous generations of climate models have struggled to accurately represent key SO properties and processes that influence the large-scale ocean circulation. This has resulted in low confidence ascribed to twenty-first-century projections of the state of the SO from previous generations of models. This analysis provides a detailed assessment of the ability of models contributed to the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to represent important observationally based SO properties. Additionally, a comprehensive overview of CMIP6 performance relative to CMIP3 and CMIP5 is presented. CMIP6 models show improved performance in the surface wind stress forcing, simulating stronger and less equatorward-biased wind fields, translating into an improved representation of the Ekman upwelling over the Drake Passage latitudes. An increased number of models simulate an Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport within observational uncertainty relative to previous generations; however, several models exhibit extremely weak transports. Generally, the upper SO remains biased warm and fresh relative to observations, and Antarctic sea ice extent remains poorly represented. While generational improvement is found in many metrics, persistent systematic biases are highlighted that should be a priority during model development. These biases need to be considered when interpreting projected trends or biogeochemical properties in this region

    Reduced Deep Convection and Bottom Water Formation Due To Antarctic Meltwater in a Multi‐Model Ensemble

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    The additional water from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves due to climate‐induced melt can impact ocean circulation and global climate. However, the major processes driving melt are not adequately represented in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) models. Here, we analyze a novel multi‐model ensemble of CMIP6 models with consistent meltwater addition to examine the robustness of the modeled response to meltwater, which has not been possible in previous single‐model studies. Antarctic meltwater addition induces a substantial weakening of open‐ocean deep convection. Additionally, Antarctic Bottom Water warms, its volume contracts, and the sea surface cools. However, the magnitude of the reduction varies greatly across models, with differing anomalies correlated with their respective mean‐state climatology, indicating the state‐dependency of the climate response to meltwater. A better representation of the Southern Ocean mean state is necessary for narrowing the inter‐model spread of response to Antarctic meltwater. Plain Language Summary The melting of the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves can have significant impacts on ocean circulation and thermal structure, but current climate models do not fully capture these effects. In this study, we analyze seven climate models to understand how they respond to the addition of meltwater from Antarctica. We find that the presence of Antarctic meltwater leads to a significant weakening of deep convection in the open ocean. The meltwater also causes Antarctic Bottom Water to warm and its volume to decrease, while the sea surface cools and sea ice expands. However, the magnitude of the response to meltwater varies across models, suggesting that the mean‐state conditions of the Southern Ocean play a role. A better representation of the mean state and the inclusion of Antarctic meltwater in climate models will help reduce uncertainties and improve our understanding of the impact of Antarctic meltwater on climate. Key Points Antarctic meltwater substantially reduces the strength of simulated Southern Ocean deep convection in climate models The additional meltwater induces Antarctic Bottom Water warming and contraction, with dense water classes converting to lighter ones Differences in the magnitude of these responses between models can be partly attributed to their different base state