21 research outputs found


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    This study was motivated by the case of the disappearance of legal bus services due to their loss in competition with a kind of car services called “Travel” for the corridor of Padang - Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Travel might not legal public transport services, and therefore, in this study is also called un-official public transportation. This study aims to determine the driving attributes for passenger’s satisfaction of un-official public transportation services and to figure out the service attributes that need to be improved according to passengers’ perceptions. Data was collected using random sampling with a total sample of 160 respondents and was analyzed using the Importance Satisfaction Analysis (ISA) method. Quadrant analysis of ISA revealed that the availability of music and air conditioner on-board is not so essential but resulting a higher satisfaction to passengers. Passengers are calling for an improvement of the services by consistently implementing the law against a driver who uses a mobile phone while driving or driving inconsiderately, and improving the courtesy and friendliness of the driver

    Studi Kecepatan Kendaraan Dalam Platoon

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    Jalan raya Padang – Bukittinggi merupakan jalan arteri di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Peningkatan jumlah kepemilikan kendaraan akan mempengaruhi peningkatan arus lalu lintas. Banyak kendaraan yang melewati ruas jalan tersebut dapat dilihat dari iring – iringan (platoon) arus lalu lintas di ruas jalan. Beberapa karakteristik yang dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi tersebut yaitu jumlah kendaraan, headway rata – rata dan kecepatan rata – rata kendaraan dalam platoon. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa pengaruh variasi kendaraan leader, headway dan panjang platoon terhadap kecepatan kendaraan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survey langsung dilapangan dengan merekam arus lalu lintas kendaraan beriringan (traffic platoon) selama 2 hari. Untuk menentukan kecepatan diambil jarak 50 m dan waktu diukur dengan stop program. Nilai headway rata – rata pada hari kerja adalah 1.32 detik dan headway pada hari libur adalah 1.49 detik, pada pengukuran platoon dengan headway sampai dengan 2 detik dan headway rata – rata pada hari kerja 1.66 detik dan pada hali libur 1.89 detik pada pengukuran headway sampai dengan 3 detik . Dari pengolahan data kecepatan disimpulkan ukuran platoon dan jenis pemimpin platoon berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecepatan rata – rata kendaraan dalam platoon, pada pengukuran platoon dengan headway sampai dengan 2 detik, sedangkan pada pengukuran platoon dengan headway sampai dengan 3 detik, ukuran berpengaruh secara signifikan dan kendaraan leader tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kecepatan rata – rata dalam platoon. Kata kunci : platoon, headway, kecepatan rata – rata, kendaraan leade

    Analisa Kerusakan Jalan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan

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    ABSTRACTRoads are the infrastructure of arteries in supporting the pace of economic activity, good road conditions will affect the comfort and safety of road users. In order for the road to be able to accommodate the needs of movement with a certain level of service, it is necessary to make an effort to maintain the quality of road services, where one of the efforts is to improve road surface conditions (Ramli, 2017). One of the stages in improving road surface conditions is to conduct an assessment of existing road conditions. This study aims to identify the type of pavement damage, determine the type of treatment that can be done to improve the condition of the 7.22 Km Panti - Simpang Empat road section and identify the impact of road damage on the environment. The analysis was carried out using the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method. The type of damage to the Panti - Simpang Empat road segment based on the Pavement Condition Index method is dominated by Edge Cracking by 35.7%, Pacthcing & Utill cut patches by 15.5%, Rutting by 10.9%, Cracks by 10.9%, Cracks Elongated / Transverse (Long & Trans Cracking) by 5.7%, and Alligator cracking by 5.4%. The average PCI value on the Jalan Panti - Simpang Empat segment is 68.55 with Fair condition. The type of treatment needed on the Panti - Simpang Empat road section in terms of evaluation of road damage is Preventive Maintenance.Keywords :  road;  pavement damage type; PCI; handling ABSTRAK Jalan merupakan prasarana urat nadi dalam mendukung laju aktifitas perekonomian, Kondisi jalan yang baik akan berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan dan keselamatan pengguna jalan. Agar jalan dapat tetap mengakomodasi kebutuhan pergerakan dengan tingkat layanan tertentu maka perlu dilakukan suatu usaha untuk menjaga kualitas layanan jalan, dimana salah satu usaha tersebut adalah memperbaiki kondisi permukaan jalan (Ramli, 2017). Salah satu tahapan dalam memperbaiki kondisi permukaan jalan adalah dengan melakukan penilaian terhadap kondisi eksisting jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis kerusakan perkerasan, menentukan jenis penanganan yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kondisi ruas jalan Panti – Simpang Empat sepanjang 7.22 Km dan mengidentifikasi dampak kerusakan jalan terhadap lingkungan. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index). Jenis kerusakan pada ruas jalan Panti – Simpang Empat berdasarkan Metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index) didominasi oleh Retak Tepi (Edge Cracking) sebesar 35.7%, Tambalan (Pacthcing & Utill cut patch) sebesar 15.5%, Alur (Rutting) sebesar 10.9%, Retak memanjang/Melintang (Long & Trans Cracking) sebesar 5.7%, dan Retak Kulit Buaya (Alligator cracking) sebesar 5.4%. Nilai PCI rata-rata pada ruas Jalan Panti – Simpang Empat adalah 68,55 dengan kondisi Fair (Sedang). Jenis Penanganan yang diperlukan pada ruas jalan Panti – Simpang Empat ditinjau dari evaluasi kerusakan jalan adalah Pemeliharaan Berkala (Preventive Maintenance).Kata Kunci : jalan; jenis kerusakan perkerasan; PCI; Penangana

    Study of the technical guidance application on the specific allocation fund (DAK) for road infrastructure (2017): Case study in the Public Works Office of West Sumatra

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    The specific allocation fund (DAK) is one of the central government programs used to provide the road infrastructure in regions of Indonesia. DAK 2017 used the technical guidelines for the implementation of the specific allocation fund in the infrastructure sector. The technical guidelines are a very important guideline in the implementation of DAK since the guidelines are composed according to the aim of ensuring the implementation or management of DAK for road infrastructure in accordance with the provisions, which should be orderly in their implementation and on target. A number of problems have been identified during the implementation: for instance, a low absorption of funds due to delays in the procurement process as well as changes in the organisational structure of DAK. Therefore, this research aimed to fill in the gaps in the issues in order to solve the problems encountered in the implementation of DAK for road infrastructure. This research was focused on the implementation of DAK in Payakumbuh, Bukittinggi, and Solok City, which are known as centres of economic growth in West Sumatra. They also support Padang city, the capital of the West Sumatra province. The study was mainly centred on the application of the technical guidance and any problems encountered. It was a qualitative research study and it applied the triangulation method as the validated approach. The results show that both Payakumbuh and Solok City have fulfilled the ten indicators of DAK implementation, on the other hand, Bukittinggi city can only fulfil nine indicators. In relation to the indicators of the handling program’s determination, the three other study sites did not apply what was instructed in the technical guideline in terms of conducting a survey to determine the road condition. In addition, these sites also did not send quarterly reports to the inspectors

    Parents Perception toward Road Safety Related to the Potential of Cycling to School in Urban Area

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    This study focuses on parents’ perception on road safety with regards to potentially consider cycling to school as a mode of transportation in Taman Medan, within the Petaling Jaya Municipal area in Selangor, Malaysia. The data was obtained from a set of questionnaires, from two hundred and fifty five (n = 255) respondents whom participated in this study. The parents’ concerns on road safety as are the reason why most parents do not allow their children to cycle to school. Road safety concerns are also explored with regards to the cycling facilities along the route to schools that was suggested, the majority of parents suggested on the exclusive bike path facilities for their children cycling to school. Finally, parents will only allow their children to cycle to school if the distance is within 500 meters

    The Performance of the Accessibility to BRT Stop: A Case Study on Transpadang Metro Bus

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    In this study were conducted the assessment of the accessibility performance to mass transit facilities before and after BRT (Trans Padang Metro Bus) operated. This study focuses on the accessibility of the bus transit stops in an urban area, a case study in Padang City, West of Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 600 questionnaires were analyzed, multivariate analysesis were used. Regarding the performance, parameters which were observed namely; ‘the access distance’, ‘the protection from the weather’, ‘the time delays’, ‘the convenient to access the bus stops facility’, ‘the protection from traffic accidents’, ‘the road pavement condition’, ‘the facilities for the disability’ and ‘the safety from crimes’. As the result, the performance of ‘protection from the weather’, ‘the protection from other traffic’, ‘the facilities for the disability’, ‘the safety from crimes’ increased. While, the performance of ‘the access distance’, ‘the time delays’, ‘the convenient to access the bus stops facility’, ‘the road pavement condition’ decreased

    Preliminary Study on Parking Control System for Proposed Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Area: Implementation Potential in Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), Malaysia

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    Abstract: Rapid growth in the urbanised area presents many transportation and land use challenges for local and regional policy makers. As part of the key role in land use accessibility, parking management system is of significant importance to travelers making their travel decisions. It affects such diverse travel decisions as mode choice, trip destination choice and trip frequency. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) which offers a mix development of residential, retail, office and open space can respond to these challenges by supporting transit use. The combination of local pedestrian environment with access to CBD by transit would reduce the number of private vehicle dependency that will promote more environmentally friendly and sociable lifestyles. This study tries to look into the potential of parking control system in restricting the use of private vehicle within the proposed TOD area in Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), Selangor, Malaysia

    Determining the potential of cycling as an urban mode in specific Malaysian contexts / Bayu Martanto Adji

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    The research was designed to invertigate the potential of cycling as transportation mode. There were three studies in this research, namely; first, the potential for cycling as a transportation mode for activities on campus; second, the potential of cycling as feeder mode in public transportation system; and third, the potential of cycling for the trip from home to school. The studies were chosen because the trip in the studies are short distance. The cycling are potential for short distance trips. The first study covers the whole area of the University of Malaya campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The second and third study cover one area in Petaling Jaya (PJ), namely Taman Medan area. Sets of questionnaire were designed and distributed and there were two (2) types of survey undertaken for this study i.e. field survey and webbased survey. A total of 1044 respondents were involved in this study. Statistical analysis (Multivariate test) was used to investigate the significant influence of the socioeconomic characteristic on the travel behavior, while the Structural Equation Models (SEM) approach was utilized to rank the impediment factors for cycling. The regression models were develop to investigate the relationship of willingness to cycle againts the travel time and travel cost. The sensitivity analysis also conducted. With regards to the potential for cycling around campus. The potential for cycling is very high. Health and environment concerned are the most considered as the reason for cycling. While the main constraint for cycling is the rainy day. As the result in this study, regarding the cycling facilities, the majority of respondents suggested the exclusive bike path for cycling around campu

    Rekomendasi Rencana Anggaran Biaya dari Audit Keselamatan Jalan Tahap Detail Engineering Design (DED) pada Jalan Nasional Provinsi Jambi

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    From 2016 – 2018 in Jambi province there were 3,543 traffic accidents, with 1,085 deaths. What causes traffic accidents is caused by three factors, human factors themselves, vehicle factors and road infrastructure factors. To reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, you can eliminate or reduce the causes of traffic accidents, such as improving the safe condition of road infrastructure. The aim of this research is to calculate recommendations for budget plans from the results of road safety audits at the detailed engineering design (DED) stage, totaling six detailed engineering design (DED) documents on Jambi province national roads. This research uses road safety audit guidelines Pd 03 – 2019 – B. From the results of the analysis, the percentage between the safety cost recommendation results compared to the construction cost design (owner estimate) at DED 1 = 6.17%, DED 2 = 0.93%, DED 3 = 16.13%, DED 4 = 7.33%, DED 5 = 0.75% and DED 6 = 8.83% and the combined percentage obtained is 7.05%. Thus, a detailed engineering design (DED) still requires attention in producing a detailed engineering design (DED) that is oriented towards road safety and the costs of physical implementation of the results of road safety recommendations