636 research outputs found

    Application of Prototype Method on Student Monitoring System Based on WEB

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    Public vocational school in Subang which continues to improve its academic activities, specifically in terms of improving student discipline related to student participation in school and improving student achievement. The collection of information about student participation and the value of new students delivered at the end of the semester compilation of report cards makes students who experience difficulties in the development of grades, meetings and student learning activities at school, for that we need a system that can help students to help guardians of students and the school in activities that involve students in school. In this research, we use a prototype method for system development. The advantage of the system built is that it can send attendance messages or student grades to enter no answers or get poor test scores for student guardians, student guardians can provide feedback on incoming information and make permits through the existing information system pages, the school also can use attendance data and grades to support activities at school

    Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction on Cocoa Hybrids (Theobroma Cacao L.) Resistance to Phytophthora Pod Rot

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    Phenomenon of genotype by environment interaction was able to influence the stability performance of cocoa resistance to Phytophthora pod rot (PPR). This research had an objective to evaluate the effect of genotype by environment interaction on resistance of cocoa hybrids to PPR. The tested hybrids were F1 crosses between selected clones of TSH 858, Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2, NIC 7, ICS 13, KEE 2 and KW 165. There were 14 tested hybrids and an open pollinated hybrid of ICS 60 x Sca 12 was used as control in multilocation trials at four different agroclimatic locations, namely Jatirono Estate ((highland-wet climate), Kalitelepak Estate (lowland-wet climate), Kaliwining Experimental Station (low land-dry climate) and Sumber Asin Experimental Station (highland-dry climate). Trials were established in the randomized complete block design with four replications. Resistance to PPR were evaluated based on the percentage of infected pod for the years during wet climate of 2010 in Jatirono, Kalitelepak and Kaliwining followed in dry climate of 2011–2015 in Kaliwining and Sumber Asin. Variance of data were analyzed for detecting the effect of genotype by environment interaction (GxE) then visualized with a graph of genotype main effect and genotype by environment interaction (a graph of GGE) biplot. There was consistently no interaction effect between hybrid and location to PPR incidence which was affected by single factor of hybrid, year, location and interaction between year and location. The effect of year indicated yearly change of weather was more important to PPR incidence than location difference. A graph of GGE biplot indicated a stable performance of the tested hybrids among locations


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    Kajian ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan penggunaanswearwordsdalam film Bachelorette. Swearwordspadaumumnyadiucapkanolehkaumpria di masyarakat(Jay, 2000). Namun di masakini, kaumwanita pun cenderungmelakukanSwearwords(Edwards, 2009). Sepertihalnya yang dapatdijumpaipada film Bachelorette yang mayoritastokohwanitanyaseringmengucapkanSwearwords. Berdasarkan Magnus Ljung (2011), ada lima tematentangswearwordsyaituthe religious/ supernatural theme, the scatological theme, the sex organ theme, the sexual activities theme, and the mother (family) theme.Dari film tersebut, penelitianiniakanmencobamenganalisajenis - jenisSwearwords yang diucapkan di konteksdansituasitertentu. Descriptive qualitative adalahmetode yang digunakandalampenelitianini. Pengumpulan data dilakukandenganmengelompokkandanmenganalisa dialog di antarakarakterwanita yang terdapatSwearwordsdalam film Bachelorette. Alat yang digunakanadalahpenelitisendiri yang menggunakan laptop, pemutar video KMP, dan earphone untukmembantupenelitidalammengumpulkandata.HasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaSwearwords di film Bachelorette yang diucapkanoleh para tokohwanitadikelompokkankedalam lima tema. Tema - tematersebutantara lain the religious/ supernatural theme, the scatological theme, the sex organ theme, the sexual activities theme, and the mother (family) theme. Kelimatematersebutteraplikasidalamempatkonteksyakniuntukmengekspresikankemarahan, rasa frustasi, keterkejutanataukejadiantakterduga, danuntukmemberidukungan. Dari hasil yang didapat, fuck cenderungseringdiucapkandanmunculdalamberbagaikonteks di film Bachelorette. Kata kunci:Swearwords, wanita, dan film Bachelorette   Abstract This paper is to reveal the use of swearwords in Bachelorette movie. Swearwords are usually uttered by men in society (Jay, 2000). Nowadays, women also tend to do swearing (Edwards, 2009). This can be seen in Bachelorette movie which tends to expose women who produce a lot of swearwords. According to Magnus Ljung (2011), there are five themes of swearwords such as religious/ supernatural theme, the scatological theme, the sex organ theme, the sexual activities theme, and the mother (family) theme(Ljung, 2011).From that movie, this research tries to analyze what types of swearwords which are uttered in particular circumstances. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. The data collection was done by gathering and analyzing the dialogs which contain of swearwords among the women characters in Bachelorette movie. The instrument was the researcher himself who uses a laptop, KMP player, and the earphone to help the researcher to collect the data. The findings from the research show that swearwords in Bachelorette movie which are used by women characters are categorized into five themes. They are religious/ supernatural theme, the scatological theme, the sex organ theme, the sexual activities theme, and the mother (family) theme. Those categories are applied in four circumstances such as to express anger feeling, frustration, surprised or unexpected accident, and support giving. From the findings, fuck tend to be uttered in any circumstances in Bachelorette movie.  Key words:Swearwords, women, and Bachelorette movie

    Chromatographic Identification of Leaf Color Characteristics on Fine-flavor and Bulk Cacao as Selection Indicator

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    A problem encountered in plant breeding process to determine bean color quality of fine-flavor cocoa is a long selection period. Preliminary results indicatedthat the fine-flavor cocoa has a low color reflectance than bulk cocoa. The objectiveof this study is to find more applicable and easier method to do the early detectionof fine-flavor cocoa on the breeding population. Detection of the leaf color haracteristics was done by chromatographic and spectrophotometry analysis. hromatographic analysis was carried out in Kaliwining Experimental Station, IndonesianCoffee and Cocoa Research Institute using complete random design consistedof two types of cocoa; fine-flavor (10 clones) and bulk cocoa (10 clones). pectrophotometric analysis was conducted at Ma Chung University, Malang, East Java.Four clones of bulk cocoa and six clones of fine flavor cocoa were used in thisanalysis. The results of the study showed that the flush color characteristics of thefine-flavor cocoa were different from the bulk cocoa characteristics as shown bythe differences in the value of L*, b* and anthocyanin content. Flush characteristic s ofthe fine-flavor cocoa had brighter color, more toward green with higher yellowlevel, while the bulk cocoa had darker flush, red and lower yellow level. Thecolor parameter of L* and b* had a higher genetic variation compared with theenvironment variation. However, the parameter a* had a higher environmental variation compared with genetic variation. Grouping of fine-flavor cocoa and bulk cocoacould be done through the detection of flush anthocyanin content, when tendencyof flush anthocyanin content on fine-flavor cocoa was lower than bulk cocoa.The detection of flush color particularly L* and b* parameters through hromatographic analysis and anthocyanin content through spectrophotometric analysismay be used as a criteria for selection the fine flavor cocoa on seedling phase

    Implementasi Program Beras Untuk Masyarakat Miskin (Raskin) Dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan (Studi Di Desa Sidoharjo, Kecamatan Jambon, Kabupaten Ponorogo)

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    : Implementation of Beras Untuk Masyarakat Miskin (Raskin) Program in Raising Poverty (A Study in Sidoharjo, Jambon, Ponorogo). Poverty is the most complex issue whether tha happens in both developing countries and developed countries. The Government has been planed some programs to solve the poverty, such as Beras Untuk Masyarakat Miskin (RASKIN) Program. Results of the research show that the implementation of Raskin Program in Sidoharjo was different from the policy. The implementation has been divided into two processes. The implementation of Raskin Program in Sidoharjo can be seen by the objective ans benefit, distribution and monitoring process. Factor that support of Raskin Program were the commitment of the implementer agent, coordination between institution and the anthusiasm respond from society. In other side, factor that inhibit the implementation of Raskin Program were financial bugeting, database, less monitoring, economis social and geographic

    Konstruksi Sosial Membaca Buku Perpustakaan di Kalangan Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo Tahun 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa dalam membaca buku perpustakaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo dengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas XI IPS.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan strategi fenomenologi. Sumber data berasal dari observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Wawancara dilakukan dengan informan kunci yaitu siswa kelas XI IPS dan informan pendukung adalah petugas perpustakaan, guru, serta wakasek kurikulum. Observasi berkaitan dengan perilaku siswa dalam membaca buku perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo, dan dokumen yang digunakan berkaitan dengan jumlah pengunjung, jumlah peminjam buku perpustakaan, dan jumlah koleksi buku yang tersedia di perpustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan informan dengan cara purposive. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi siswa tentang membaca buku perpustakaan meliputi membaca buku perpustakaan sebagai hiburan, membaca buku perpustakaan untuk menghabiskan waktu, membaca buku perpustakaan ketika ada permintaan dari guru, dan membaca buku perpustakaan untuk mengerjakan tugas. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa dalam membaca buku perpustakaan terdiri dari dua, yaitu faktor penghambat dan faktor pendorong. Faktor penghambat meliputi kurangnya guru dalam memanfaatkan perpustakaan, kurangnya perhatian dari keluarga dalam hal membaca buku, dan kurangnya motivasi dalam diri siswa untuk membaca buku. Sedangkan faktor pendorong siswa dalam membaca buku perpustakaan, antara lain ketersediaan bahan bacaan sesuai dengan minat siswa, keberadaan musik di ruang perpustakaan,dan suasana perpustakaan yang tenang.Berkaitan dengan teori konstruksi sosial bahwa perilaku membaca buku perpustakaan di kalangan siswa SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo tidak lepas dari pengaruh lingkungan primer dan sekunder siswa. Lingkungan primer dan sekunder memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagi siswa mengenai membaca buku, dimana lingkungan tersebut kurang mendukung siswa dalam hal membaca


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    IDENTIFIKASI JENIS CACING YANG MENGINFESTASI SAPI ACEH YANG ADA DI PUSAT PEMBIBITAN SAPI ACEH, KABUPATEN ACEH BESARAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan jenis-jenis cacing yang menginfestasi serta prevalensi infestasinya pada sapi Aceh jantan di Pusat Pembibitan Sapi Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan 50 sampel feses sapi Aceh jantan yang diambil secara acak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Apung untuk mengidentifikasi telur cacing nematoda dan metode modifikasi Borray untuk pemeriksaan telur cacing serta metode Mc. Master untuk menghitung jumlah telur tiap gram feses. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan 3 jenis parasit yang menginfeksi Sapi Aceh di Pusat Pembibitan Sapi Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar yaitu Oesophagostumum sp., Haemonchus sp. dan Paramphistomum sp. Sebanyak 4% dari 50 sampel feses sapi Aceh terinfeksi Oesophagostumum sp., 4% dari 50 sampel terinfeksi Haemonchus sp. dan 38% dari 50 sampel terinfeksi Paramphistomum sp. Kisaran jumlah telur nematoda yaitu 200-400 telur tiap gram feses, jumlah tersebut termasuk kategori infeksi ringan

    Survei Sarana dan Prasarana pada Event Olahraga Rektor Cup Universitas Jambi Tahun 2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensurvei sarana dan prasarana di Gedung Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kepelatihan FKIP Universitas Jambi terhadap hasil pelaksanaan event Rektor Cup Universitas Jambi Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif sesuai dengan permasalahan serta metode yang digunakan observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi atau kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sarana dan prasarana pada Gedung Olahraga Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kepelatihan FKIP Universitas Jambi terhadap hasil penyelenggaran event Rektor Cup Universitas Jambi Tahun 2021 bahwa kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana yang ada sudah lengkap dengan lapangan, net atau jarring, shuttlecock, kursi wasit, lampu penerangan, serta fasilitas umum lainnya seperti toilet, kantin, dan tempat parkir. Gedung olahraga yang digunakan memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dari standar yang sudah ditetapkan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan sarana dan prasarana yang ada menjadi faktor keberhasilan terhadap hasil event olahraga Rektor Cup Universitas Jambi Tahun 2021 yang telah dilaksanakan
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