277 research outputs found

    Les terres cuites architecturales comme sources d'information chronologique et technique des édifices avant l'an mil

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    A partir de l'étude d'un édifice phare de l'Ouest de la France (Église Notre-Dame sous Terre au Mont-Saint-Michel) mous montrons comment le couplage des études de bâti permettant l'identification d'ensembles maçonnés et leur chronologie relative, avec les méthodes de datation des terres cuites par thermoluminescence et archéomagnétisme, et des charbons de mortier par radiocarbone, aboutit à des informations particulièrement novatrices sur la chronologie de la production des briques, leur éventuel remploi ou sur leur production ad nove, mais aussi, plus inattendu, sur des éléments technologiques de leur production. Les orientations actuelles des recherches méthodologiques pour la datation physique des structures bâties sont également mises en perspectiv

    Luminescence dating applied to medieval architecture

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    Avranches’ keep remains constitute a witness of Anglo-Norman knowledge on castle building. Their similarity with other buildings such as Ivry-la-Bataille castle or London Tower required determining the place of Avranches keep in this group: pioneer or imitation? Therefore, samples of brick for luminescence dating were taken from the remaining little tower. Results indicate a chronology later than assumed: second part of the 12th century and first part of 13th century. These dates tend to prove that north-east tower remains would correspond to a reconstruction phase and not to the original construction.Le donjon d’Avranches représente un des rares témoins de l’architecture castrale anglo-normande. Son plan présente d’importantes resemblance avec d’autres edifices de du même contexte chrono-culturel, comme le donjon d’Ivry-la-Bataille ou la Tour de Londres. Ces ressemblances posent la question de la place du donjon d’Avranches dans cet ensemble : s’agit-il d’un édifice précurseur ou d’une imitation ? C’est pourquoi plusieurs prélèvements de brique ont été prélevés dans les vestiges de ce bâtiment, afin de procéder à la datation de la sa construction. Les résultats semblent suggérer une construction plus tardive qu’on ne l’envisageait, entre la deuxième moitié du xiie siècle et la première moitié du xiiie siècle. Ces dates pourraient suggérer une reconstruction partielle du donjon, sans correspondre à la phase de construction originale du château

    Safety and effectiveness of long-acting injectable Aripiprazole in daily practice: A naturalistic retrospective study

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    Background and objectives It was postulated that Aripiprazole may cause impulse-control problems. Therefore, real-world data on the effects and side effects of Aripiprazole 400 mg depot are needed to review the utility, safety and the clinical effectiveness of Aripriprazole 400 mg depot and highlight the occurrence of adverse effects including impulsivity in a naturalistic treatment settings. Methods A non-interventional, retrospective study was conducted to examine the electronic records of all patients who were receiving or had received Aripiprazole Lauroxil in South West London before May 2017. Disorder symptoms and side effects were compared between pre- and post-Aripiprazole PO and Aripiprazole Depot treatments. Results Data were considered for 57 patients who switched to Aripiprazole depot due to non-compliance and/or side effects. Most were suffering from chronic schizophrenia (75.4 %) and half (50.9 %) had comorbid alcohol and/or illicit drug use. Oral Aripiprazole was effective in improving hallucinations, delusions and depressive symptoms (P < 0.022); these benefits were maintained or enhanced further with Aripiprazole Depot. Proportions of patients experiencing sexual disinhibition, aggression and deliberate self-ham decreased significantly (P < 0.003) after starting oral Aripiprazole with no further change after Aripiprazole Depot. By study end, a quarter of patients had stopped taking Aripiprazole Depot due to ineffectiveness, side effects or patient request. Conclusion Aripriprazole Lauroxil 400 mg depot was safe, effective and well tolerated. Side effects manifestations should prompt full evaluations and dose reduction should be considered

    Belief Revision and Delusions: How Do Patients with Schizophrenia Take Advice?

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    The dominant cognitive model that accounts for the persistence of delusional beliefs in schizophrenia postulates that patients suffer from a general deficit in belief revision. It is generally assumed that this deficit is a consequence of impaired reasoning skills. However, the possibility that such inflexibility affects the entire system of a patient's beliefs has rarely been empirically tested. Using delusion-neutral material in a well-documented advice-taking task, the present study reports that patients with schizophrenia: 1) revise their beliefs, 2) take into account socially provided information to do so, 3) are not overconfident about their judgments, and 4) show less egocentric advice-discounting than controls. This study thus shows that delusional patients' difficulty in revising beliefs is more selective than had been previously assumed. The specificities of the task and the implications for a theory of delusion formation are discussed
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