157 research outputs found

    Design of an intervention proposal to reduce the problematic behavior of psycho-deficiente people

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    En el presente trabajo final de grado, se lleva a cabo el diseño de una propuesta de intervención basada en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional, así como en las emociones básicas y las técnicas de autorregulación y modificación de conducta para proceder a su implementación en un centro para personas psico-deficientes. Esta propuesta se desarrolla con el propósito de que el grupo de personas psico-deficientes, es decir, personas con discapacidad intelectual que presentan trastornos de conducta, consiga reducir o eliminar, en cierta medida, los comportamientos inadaptados que presentan para poder mejorar la calidad de su bienestar social y emocional. En definitiva, en este trabajo, se les proporciona a los profesionales que trabajan con este colectivo una guía con las actividades, estrategias y técnicas necesarias que les permita ayudar a controlar sus impulsos y así, reducir los trastornos de conducta que presentanIn this final degree Project, the design of an intervention proposal is carried out based on the development of Emotional Intelligence, as well as, on basic emotions and techniques of self-regulation and behavior modification to proceed to its implementation in a center for psycho-deficient people. This proposal is developed with the purpose that the group of psycho-deficient people, that is, persons with intellectual disabilities with behavioral disorders, manage to reduce or eliminate, to a certain extent, to some extent, the disruptive behaviors they present to improve the quality of their social and emotional well-being. In short, in this project, professionals working with this group are provided with a guide with the necessary activities, strategies and techniques to help them control their impulses and so, reduce the behavioral disorders they present.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí

    El riesgo de liquidez en el marco de Basilea III

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    La reciente crisis económica y financiera sacó a la luz los desequilibrios estructurales de algunas de las principales economías del mundo, además de las debilidades de sus respectivos sistemas financieros. Basilea III surgió como respuesta a dichos desequilibrios. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en introducir el concepto de riesgo de liquidez y sus derivantes. Además de analizar el conjunto de medidas introducidas por Basilea III, concretamente los nuevos requerimientos en materia de liquidez, como son el “Liquidity Coverage Ratio” y el “Net Stable Funding Ratio”, los cuales pretenden fortalecer el sistema financiero y mejorar la liquidez de las instituciones financieras ante escenarios de estrés. Concluyendo el presente trabajo con un análisis de la evolución del “Net Stable Funding Ratio” junto a indicadores macroeconómicos y de capital regulatorio para ver su evolución e impacto en la economía real.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida

    Mindfulness-based emotional regulation for patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A randomized pilot study of efficacy, applicability, and safety

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    The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions to reduce anxiety or improve quality of life (QoL) in patients with cardiac pathologies is well established. However, there is scarce information on the efficacy, applicability, and safety of these interventions in adult patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). In this study, we examined their efficacy on QoL, psychological and biomedical variables, as well as the applicability and safety of a mindfulness-based intervention in patients with an ICD. Methods: Ninety-six patients with an ICD were randomized into two intervention groups and a control group. The interventions involved training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation, either face-to- -face or using the “REM Volver a casa” mobile phone application (app). Results: The sample presented medium-high QoL baseline scores (mean: 68), low anxiety (6.84) and depression (3.89), average mindfulness disposition (128), and cardiological parameters similar to other ICD populations. After the intervention, no significant differences were found in the variables studied between the intervention and control groups. Retention was average (59%), and there were no adverse effects due to the intervention. Conclusions: After training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation (face-to-face or via app), no significant differences were found in the QoL or psychological or biomedical variables in patients with an ICD. The intervention proved to be safe, with 59% retentio

    Art therapy as a therapeutic resource integrated into Mental Health Programmes: Components, effects and integration pathways

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    To understand the effectiveness of art therapy within the framework of multidisciplinary therapeutic programs, it is essential to adopt a holistic perspective that allows for the description of effect relationships. Under this premise, and in the context of the work carried out in two Mental Health Day Hospitals in the Community of Madrid, a study has been conducted with the primary objective of identifying and analysing which conditions and/or therapeutic factors make art therapy an effective therapeutic resource. Semi-structured interviews including questions about key factors, therapeutic contributions and suggested improvements were administered to a total of 10 professionals, 5 from each hospital. The responses were recorded, transcribed, and thematically analysed. From the analysis of the interviews, 5 categories were identified: Common Factors, Specific Factors, Benefits to Patients, Contributions to Therapists and Improvements. The study concludes that art therapy is a practical and helpful treatment, particularly for narrative regulation and elaboration. It requires an interdisciplinary approach to fit into each patient’s treatment plan. Clinical debriefings with multidisciplinary clinicians have been effective and essentia

    Individual adjustment and depression in a sample of oncological patients

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    Las variables psicológicas son las que más se han relacionado con el padecimiento de trastornos depresivos en pacientes oncológicos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación entre dimensiones de personalidad y mecanismos de afrontamiento en una muestra de pacientes oncológicos. Método: 40 pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer de mama, colon o pulmón en estadios no metastáticos y de un trastorno depresivo (DSM IV) se compararon con 39 pacientes con los mismos diagnósticos oncológicos pero que no presentaron ningún episodio depresivo. Para evaluar el afrontamiento se utilizó el MAC (Mental Adjustment Cancer Questionnaire) y para evaluar las dimensiones de personalidad se utilizó el TCI-R (Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter revisado de Clonninger). Resultados: Los pacientes deprimidos presentaron mecanismos de afrontamiento caracterizados por evitación ansiosa, desamparo y fatalismo y menor espíritu de lucha. Los pacientes deprimidos mostraron dimensiones de personalidad caracterizadas por altas puntuaciones en evitación del daño y bajas puntuaciones en dependencia de la recompensa. Las dimensiones de personalidad de persistencia y auto-dirección se correlacionaron con estilos de afrontamiento caracterizados por indefensión-desesperanza y fatalismo en la muestra de pacientes deprimidos, mientras que se correlacionaron con mayor espíritu de lucha en la muestra de pacientes no deprimidos. Entre los no deprimidos se encontró de nuevo que el espíritu de lucha era mayor cuanto meno tendencia a la evitación del daño presentaba el paciente. Conclusiones: Nuestros datos apoyan la importancia de la evaluación del estilo de afrontamiento y personalidad y apuntan a la importancia de otros factores como el mundo de creencias o asunciones básicas del sujeto como mediadora entre las variables de personalidad y de afrontamiento y el trastorno depresivo.Psychological variables are the most consistent findings which associate depressión and oncologic illness. Objective: To analyze the relationship between personality dimensions and coping style in a sample of oncologic patients. Method: 40 patients with diagnosis of breast, colon or lung cancer, no metastasic, and a depressive disorder (DSM IV) were compared with a 39 patients with the same oncologic diagnosis but without depression. We used the MAC (Mental Adjustment Cancer Questionnaire) and the TCI-R (Temperament and Character Inventory of Clonninger). Results: Depressed patients showed coping styles characterized by anxious avoidance, fatalism and less fighting spirit. Depressed patients had personality dimensions with high scores in harm avoidance and low scores in recompense reward. Personality dimensions of persistence and auto-direction correlated with coping styles of hopelessness and fatalism in the depressed sample, while the same dimensions correlated with fighting spirit in the non depressed sample. The non depressed patients showed more fighting spirit when the tendency to harm avoidance was inferior. Conclusions: Our data supports the importance of personality and coping style evaluation and suggests the importance of the patient’s assumptive world as a possible mediator between personality, coping and depression

    Effectiveness of a mental health stepped-care programme for healthcare workers with psychological distress in crisis settings: a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    The dataset that supports the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid data repository, e‐cienciaDatos in https://doi.org/10.21950/HN1HNOArtículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMEvidence-based mental health interventions to support healthcare workers (HCWs) in crisis settings are scarce. Objective To evaluate the capacity of a mental health intervention in reducing anxiety and depression symptoms in HCWs, relative to enhanced care as usual (eCAU), amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods We conducted an analyst-blind, parallel, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. We recruited HCWs with psychological distress from Madrid and Catalonia (Spain). The intervention arm received a stepped-care programme consisting of two WHO-developed interventions adapted for HCWs: Doing What Matters in Times of Stress (DWM) and Problem Management Plus (PM+). Each intervention lasted 5 weeks and was delivered remotely by non-specialist mental health providers. HCWs reporting psychological distress after DWM completion were invited to continue to PM+. The primary endpoint was self-reported anxiety/depression symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-Anxiety and Depression Scale) at week 21. Findings Between 3 November 2021 and 31 March 2022, 115 participants were randomised to stepped care and 117 to eCAU (86% women, mean age 37.5). The intervention showed a greater decrease in anxiety/depression symptoms compared with eCAU at the primary endpoint (baseline-adjusted difference 4.4, 95% CI 2.1 to 6.7; standardised effect size 0.8, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.2). No serious adverse events occurred. Conclusions Brief stepped-care psychological interventions reduce anxiety and depression during a period of stress among HCWs. Clinical implications Our results can inform policies and actions to protect the mental health of HCWs during major health crises and are potentially rapidly replicable in other settings where workers are affected by global emergenciesThe RESPOND project was funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014– 2020) (grant number: 101016127). The work of RM was funded by the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021–2023 of the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FJC2021-047610-I), the Acción Estratégica en Salud programme of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD22/00061), and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CB/07/09/0013). The work of MF-N was funded by the Acción Estratégica en Salud programme of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD20/00036

    Heart disease risk prediction using deep learning techniques with feature augmentation

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    [EN] Cardiovascular diseases state as one of the greatest risks of death for the general population. Late detection in heart diseases highly conditions the chances of survival for patients. Age, sex, cholesterol level, sugar level, heart rate, among other factors, are known to have an influence on life-threatening heart problems, but, due to the high amount of variables, it is often difficult for an expert to evaluate each patient taking this information into account. In this manuscript, the authors propose using deep learning methods, combined with feature augmentation techniques for evaluating whether patients are at risk of suffering cardiovascular disease. The results of the proposed methods outperform other state of the art methods by 4.4%, leading to a precision of a 90%, which presents a significant improvement, even more so when it comes to an affliction that affects a large population.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Problemas do empreendedor imigrante na Espanha: avaliação de políticas trabalhistas e sociais espanholas nos últimos cinco anos

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    This paper is a critical approach to the labor and social History of immigrant workers, who pretend to become « entrepreneurs » in Spain, during the last years. The paper studies the evolution of several immigrant entrepreneurs and it evaluates the public policies on the topic and the current risks and troubles (in legal, economical and sociological terms). Also, it pais attention on some violations of Spanish and European Union Law and Policy.Este trabajo es un estudio crítico de la historia social y laboral de trabajadores inmigrantes, que pretenden llegar a ser “emprendedores” en España, durante los últimos años. Este trabajo estudia la evolución de varios inmigrantes emprendedores y evalúa además las políticas públicas sobre el tema y sus problemas y riesgos actuales (en términos jurídicos, económicos y sociológicos). Incluso, se denuncian ciertas violaciones de Derecho y Política española y comunitaria.Este trabalho é um estudo crítico da história social e laboral dos trabalhadores imigrantes, que almejam tornar-se “empresários” na Espanha, durante os últimos anos. Este trabalho examina a evolução de vários imigrantes empresários e também avalia as políticas públicas sobre o assunto e seus problemas e riscos vigentes (em termos jurídicos, econômicos e sociológicos). Ademais, são relatadas certas violações da lei e da política espanhola e da Comunidade

    DNA methylation patterns in newborns exposed to tobacco in utero

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    [Background] Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a major risk factor for adverse health outcomes. The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of in utero tobacco exposure on DNA methylation in children born at term with appropriate weight at birth.[Methods] Twenty mother-newborn dyads, after uncomplicated pregnancies, in the absence of perinatal illness were included. All mothers were healthy with no cardiovascular risk factors, except for the associated risks among those mothers who smoked. Umbilical cord blood and maternal peripheral venous blood were collected and an epigenome-wide association study was performed using a 450 K epigenome-wide scan (Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation 450BeadChip) with adjustment to normalize the DNA methylation for data cell variability in whole blood.[Results] The maternal plasmatic cotinine levels ranged from 10.70-115.40 ng/ml in the exposed group to 0-0.59 ng/ml in the non-exposed group. After adjusting for multiple comparisons in 427102 probes, statistically significant differences for 31 CpG sites, associated to 25 genes were observed. There was a greater than expected proportion of statistically-significant loci located in CpG islands (Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.029) and of those CpG islands, 90.3% exhibit higher methylation levels in the exposed group. The most striking and significant CpG site, cg05727225, is located in the chromosome 11p15.4, within the adrenomedullin gene.[Conclusions] In utero tobacco exposure, even in the absence of fetal growth restriction, may alter the epigenome, contributing to global DNA hypomethylation. Therefore, DNA status can be used as a biomarker of prenatal insults. Considering the possibility to reverse epigenetic modifications, a window of opportunity exists to change the programmed chronic disease.The study was partially funded by grant number PI11/00144, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain and CIBER Fisiopatología Obesidad y Nutrición (CB06/03), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Narrativas, Mindfulness y diálogo colaborativo

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    En las últimas décadas asistimos a un interés creciente por la integración de Mindfulness en psicoterapia. En este texto se revisan brevemente los resultados de los programas más difundidos, que, desde diferentes escuelas, han incluido Mindfulness como un factor clave para el cambio. En base a las pocas diferencias de resultado que los diferentes programas psicoterapéuticos tienen entre sí, se ofrece una reflexión sobre las áreas de convergencia entre Mindfulness y las corrientes narrativas como marco potencial para los factores comunes y la integración en psicoterapia.In recent decades we have witnessed a growing interest in the integration of Mindfulness in psychotherapy. This text briefly reviews the results of the most widespread programs, which, from different schools, have included Mindfulness as a key factor for change. Based on the few differences in the results of the different psychotherapeutic programs, a reflection is offered on the areas of convergence between Mindfulness and narrative currents as a potential framework for common factors and integration in psychotherap