260 research outputs found

    Manned Mars Explorer project: Guidelines for a manned mission to the vicinity of Mars using Phobos as a staging outpost; schematic vehicle designs considering chemical and nuclear electric propulsion

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    The Manned Mars Explorer (MME) project responds to the fundamental problems of sending human beings to Mars in a mission scenario and schematic vehicle designs. The mission scenario targets an opposition class Venus inbound swingby for its trajectory with concentration on Phobos and/or Deimos as a staging base for initial and future Mars vicinity operations. Optional vehicles are presented as a comparison using nuclear electric power/propulsion technology. A Manned Planetary Vehicle and Crew Command Vehicle are used to accomplish the targeted mission. The Manned Planetary Vehicle utilizes the mature technology of chemical propulsion combined with an advanced aerobrake, tether and pressurized environment system. The Crew Command Vehicle is the workhorse of the mission performing many different functions including a manned Mars landing, and Phobos rendezvous

    Können Kindheitsbelastungen den Therapieerfolg depressiver Diabetiker vorhersagen?

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    Kindheitsbelastungen haben weitreichende negative Konsequenzen und wurden mit Depressionen und Diabetes mellitus in Zusammenhang gebracht. In einer randomisierten, kontrollierten, multizentrischen Studie wurden Diabetespatienten (N = 251) mit unzureichender Stoffwechseleinstellung und Major Depression 12 Wochen mit Sertralin oder einer diabetesspezifischen Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie behandelt. Therapieresponder wurden in die einjährige Langzeitphase integriert. Die Therapie fokussierte auf die Stoffwechsellage und die Depression. Die Stichprobe wurde auf Kindheitsbelastungen hin untersucht. Hauptergebnisse: Die Prävalenz wurde erhoben: Emotionaler Missbrauch (N = 74; 32 %), Körperlicher Missbrauch (N = 49; 21,3 %), Sexueller Missbrauch (N = 36; 15,5 %), Körperliche Vernachlässigung (N = 63; 27,2 %). Emotionale Vernachlässigung wurde am häufigsten berichtet (N = 91; 39,4 %). Kindheitsbelastungen waren unter anderem mit makrovaskulären Komplikationen, erhöhtem hs-CRP und Einbußen psychischer Gesundheit und Lebensqualität assoziiert. Zur Baseline lag bei Körperlicher Vernachlässigung (F = 5,003; p = 0,026), Körperlichem Missbrauch (F = 3,996; p = 0,047), extremem Emotionalem Missbrauch (F = 6,697; p = 0,011) und extremer Körperlicher Vernachlässigung (F = 10,002; p = 0,002) eine größere Depressionsschwere vor. Der Therapieerfolg wurde durch Kindheitsbelastungen nicht beeinträchtigt. Wirksamkeitsunterschiede der Interventionen waren nicht nachweisbar. Beurteilung: Kindheitsbelastungen sind bei depressiven Diabetikern hoch prävalent. Die Betroffenen sind depressiver und weisen möglicherweise ein deutlicher ausgeprägtes kardiovaskuläres Risikoprofil auf. Eine Indikation für personalisierte Therapiekonzepte in der Behandlung depressiver Diabetespatienten in Abhängigkeit von Kindheitsbelastungen stellt sich für die untersuchten Therapieziele nicht dar

    Körpertechniken des Wissens

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    Innerhalb der Kulturgeschichte des Wissens nehmen Körper, Sinne und Bewegung eine besondere Stellung ein. Als implizites Wissen bilden sie die Grundlage jeder Wissensproduktion, als Wissensformen an den Rändern der Schriftkultur blieben sie jedoch bisher für die kulturellen Archive, die das Selbstverständnis moderner (inklusive postmoderner) europäischer Gesellschaften bestimmen, weitgehend marginal. Speziell die Körpertechniken der Arbeit gehören zu diesen Wissensbeständen, die hier an zwei Wendepunkten untersucht werden: im frühen 20. Jahrhundert und aktuell

    Utopies du travail heureux au début du XXème siècle

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    L’époque moderne et la critique de la conception séculaire du travail « Travailler, c’est danser ». Voilà ce que prétend Karl Bücher, économiste allemand originaire de Leipzig, dans son ouvrage de 1896 intitulé Arbeit und Rythmus [Travail et rythme]. Dans cette importante étude, qui en 1924 en était déjà à sa sixième édition (un véritable essai « à succès »), Bücher, documents à l’appui, développe la thèse selon laquelle la danse, la poésie et la musique se seraient développées à partir de la..

    Efeitos a curto prazo da dieta com proteína da soja em pacientes com glomerulopatias proteinúricas

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    INTRODUCTION: It has been suggested that soy protein can slow renal disease progression by decreasing plasma cholesterol and proteinuria in patients with nephropathies. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of soy protein on proteinuria and dyslipidemia, in patients with proteinuric glomerulopathies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were divided into three groups: Control Group (n = 9) received diet with 0.8 g/kg/day of animal protein; Study Group 1 (n = 9), 0.8 g/kg/day of soy protein; and Group 2 (n = 9), 0.8 g/kg/day of soy protein plus fibers. The study period corresponded to eight weeks. During the baseline period and by the end of the study, patients were submitted to laboratorial and anthropometric evaluation. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between baseline and post-diet periods among the three groups in anthropometric parameters or body composition, neither in proteinuria levels (Control: 0.7 ± 0.6 versus 0.8 ± 0.6; Group 1: 2.0 ± 1.7 versus 1.9 ± 1.8; Group 2: 2.0 ± 1.4 versus 2.1 ± 2.0). However, a slight decrease in triglycerides (244.8 ± 275.9 versus 200.5 ± 34.0), total (234.0 ± 59.4 versus 181.2 ± 110.3) and LDL (136.0 ± 59.1 versus 104.1 ± 39.4) cholesterol in Group 1 was observed, although not significant. CONCLUSION: We have not observed beneficial effects when using soy protein instead of animal protein with the aim of attenuating proteinuria and hyperlipidemia, but we have shown that soy protein has not caused deleterious changes in body composition, ensuring an adequate nutritional state.INTRODUÇÃO: Há indícios de que a proteína da soja poderia contribuir para reduzir a velocidade de progressão da doença renal, diminuindo colesterol sérico e proteinúria em pacientes com nefropatias. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar o efeito da die>ta com proteína da soja sobre proteinúria e dislipidemia, em pacientes com glomerulopatias proteinúricas. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: o Grupo Controle (n = 9) recebeu dieta com 0,8 g/kg/dia de proteína animal; o Grupo de Estudo 1 (n = 9) recebeu dieta com 0,8 g/kg/dia de proteína da soja e o Grupo 2 (n = 9), dieta com 0,8 g/kg/dia de proteína da soja mais fibras. O período de estudo foi de oito semanas. Durante o período basal e no final do estudo, os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação laboratorial e antropométrica. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os períodos pré e pós-intervenção em nenhum dos grupos estudados, nos parâmetros antropométricos ou na composição corporal entre os três grupos, nem nos níveis de proteinúria (Controle: 0.7 ± 0.6 versus 0.8 ± 0.6; Grupo 1: 2.0 ± 1.7 versus 1.9 ± 1.8; Grupo 2: 2.0 ± 1.4 versus 2.1 ± 2.0). No entanto, observou-se discreta diminuição nos níveis triglicérides (244.8+-275.9 versus 200.5+-34.0), colesterol total (234.0+-59.4 versus 181.2+-110.3) e LDL (136.0+-59.1 versus 104.1+-39.4) no Grupo 1, embora sem atingir significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Não foram detectados efeitos benéficos com a substituição da proteína animal pela proteína da soja em relação aos objetivos de reduzir proteinúria e hiperlipidemia; porém, constatou-se que a dieta de proteína da soja não causou alterações deletérias na composição corporal, mantendo um estado nutricional adequado.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Medicine Glomerulopathies SectionSBN Department of Epidemiology and Kidney Diseases PreventionUNIFESP, Department of Medicine Glomerulopathies SectionSciEL

    Spatial consensus-building through access to web-based GIS : an online planning tool for Leipzig

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-149).by Matthias Baxmann.M.C.P

    Distalisation oberer erster Molaren mittels Headgear in Abhängigkeit des Durchbruchsstadiums der zweiten Molaren : Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde die Wirkungsweise des Headgears auf erste obere Molaren in Abhängigkeit des Durchbruchsstadiums der distalen Nachbarzähne an Schweineprämolaren experimentell untersucht und im Finite-Elemente-Modell simuliert. Untersuchte Durchbruchsstadien waren der vollständige Durchbruch, halber Druchbruch und das Keimstadium, wobei Bewegungen sowohl erster als auch zweiter Molaren ermittelt wurden. Dazu wurden die initiale Zahnbeweglichkeit dreiwurzeliger Schweineprämolaren in einem optomechanischen Messaufbau dreidimensional erfasst. Die Belastung erfolgte bis zu einem Maximalwert von 15 N. Eine Gruppe der Präparate wurde anschließend vollständig in Kunststoff eingebettet und in 1,0 mm dicke Schnitte zerlegt, digital fotografiert und als Bitmap-Dateien gespeichert. Die zweite Gruppe wurde mit einem Cone-Beam-CT-Prototypen geröntgt und ebenfalls als Bitmap-Datei gespeichert. Auf Basis der Schnittbilder konnten mit Hilfe verschiedener Software-Programme dreidimensionale Finite-Elemente-Modelle generiert werden, die dann rechnerisch mit demselben Kraftsystem wie in der experimentellen Untersuchung belastet wurden. In einer ersten Rechnung wurde für die Materialparameter ein in vorherigen Studien bestimmter bilinearer Parametersatz für mehrwurzelige Schweinezähne verwandt. Die experimentell und numerisch ermittelten Kraft/Auslenkungskurven wurden dann durch Anpassung der Materialparameter aneinander angenähert. Es ergaben sich daraus folgende Durchschnittsparameter des Parodonts: E1=0,05 MPa, E2= 0,32 MPa und ε12=4,9 %. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die initiale Zahnbeweglichkeit des ersten oberen Molaren bei Verwendung des Heagears von dem Durchbruchsstadium seiner distalen Nachbarzähne abhängt. Dabei konnten die klinischen Erfahrungswerte durch die experimentelle Untersuchung bestätigt werden. Die größte Translation des ersten Molaren ergab sich beim Keimstadium oder maximal halbdurchgebrochenen distalen Nachbarzahn. Die maximale Auslenkung dabei betrug 0,25 mm. Die Auslenkung mit vollständig durchgebrochenem distalen Nachbarzahn war um durchschnittlich 10% verringert. Wurde die Kraft des Headgears über den Kontaktpunkt vom erstenauf den zweiten Molaren übertragen, konnte gezeigt werden, dass ca. 30% der HG-Kraft noch auf den zweiten Molaren wirkten. Damit konnten klinische Erfahrungswerte nicht nur bestätigt sondern, hinsichtlich der prozentualen Kräfteverteilung zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Molaren, auch quantifiziert werden. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass der verwendete Cone-Beam-CT-Prototyp, der eine Schichtdicke der Präparate von 0,146mm ermöglichte, gegenüber der Erstellung histologischer Schnitte vorzuziehen ist.Distalization of maxillary first molars by headgear with respect to the eruption stage of second molars experimental and numerical investigations This study investigated the biomechanical behaviour of maxillary first molars in dependence to the eruption stage of their distal neighbours when headgear traction was applied. This was performed experimentally in pig jaw segments and then numerically simulated. Investigated stages of eruption of the second molars were complete eruption, half eruption and germ stage. The movement of first and also second molars was registered. By an optomechanical measuring system the initial tooth movement of three-rooted porcine premolars was three dimensionally registered. One group of teeth was then embedded in resin and cut into transverse section of 1,0 mm thickness and digitized. For the second group a cone-beam-ct-prototype was used. On the basis of these sections and with the help of various software programmes 3d finite-element-models could be constructed which then were numerically loaded with the same force system as applied in the experiment. In the first calculation bilinear material parameters for multi-rooted-porcine teeth from previous studies were used. The parameters of experimental and numerical force/deflection curves were then approximated to achieve a satisfactory congruence. The material behaviour of the periodontal ligament determined for these specimen delivered mean values of E1=0,05 MPa, E2= 0,32 MPa und ε12=4,9%. Forces up to a maximum value of 15 N were gradually applied. It could be shown that the initial movement of maxillary first molars when headgear traction is applied is dependend on the eruption stage of the distal neighbours which does support clinical experience. When the second molar is present as a germ or only half erupted greatest translation resulted. The maximum displacement was 0,25mm. If the second molar was already fully erupted the displacement of the first molar was decreased by 10% while 30% of the applied force was passed on to the second molar. Furthermore the use of a cone-beam-ct-prototype with a solution of 0,146mm is recommended as it seemed to be preferable compared to histological sections for constructing 3d- finite-element-models

    Caffeine intake by patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Because caffeine may induce cyst and kidney enlargement in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), we evaluated caffeine intake and renal volume using renal ultrasound in ADPKD patients. Caffeine intake was estimated by the average of 24-h dietary recalls obtained on 3 nonconsecutive days in 102 ADPKD patients (68 females, 34 males; 39 ± 12 years) and compared to that of 102 healthy volunteers (74 females, 28 males; 38 ± 14 years). The awareness of the need for caffeine restriction was assessed. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records of the patients. Mean caffeine intake was significantly lower in ADPKD patients versus controls (86 vs 134 mg/day), and 63% of the ADPKD patients had been previously aware of caffeine restriction. Caffeine intake did not correlate with renal volume in ADPKD patients. There were no significant differences between the renal volumes of patients in the highest and lowest tertiles of caffeine consumption. Finally, age-adjusted multiple linear regression revealed that renal volume was associated with hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage 3 and the time since diagnosis, but not with caffeine intake. The present small cross-sectional study indicated a low level of caffeine consumption by ADPKD patients when compared to healthy volunteers, which was most likely due to prior awareness of the need for caffeine restriction. Within the range of caffeine intake observed by ADPKD patients in this study (0-471 mg/day), the renal volume was not directly associated with caffeine intake.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Disciplina de NefrologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Disciplina de NefrologiaSciEL

    Primary stability of a press-fit cup in combination with impaction grafting in an acetabular defect model

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    The objectives of this study were to (a) assess primary stability of a press-fit cup in a simplified acetabular defect model, filled with compacted cancellous bone chips, and (b) to compare the results with primary stability of a press-fit cup combined with two different types of bone graft substitute in the same defect model. A previously developed acetabular test model made of polyurethane foam was used, in which a mainly medial contained defect was implemented. Three test groups (N = 6 each) were prepared: Cancellous bone chips (bone chips), tricalciumphosphate tetrapods + collagen matrix (tetrapods + coll), bioactive glass S53P4 + polyethylene glycol-glycerol matrix (b.a.glass + PEG). Each material was compacted into the acetabulum and a press-fit cup was implanted. The specimens were loaded dynamically in the direction of the maximum resultant force during level walking. Relative motion between cup and test model was assessed with an optical measurement system. At the last load step (3000 N), inducible displacement was highest for bone chips with median [25th percentile; 75th percentile] value of 113 [110; 114] µm and lowest for b.a.glass + PEG with 91 [89; 93] µm. Migration at this load step was highest for b.a.glass + PEG with 868 [845; 936] µm and lowest for tetrapods + coll with 491 [487; 497] µm. The results show a comparable behavior under load of tetrapods + coll and bone chips and suggest that tetrapods + coll could be an attractive alternative to bone chips. However, so far, this was found for one specific defect type and primary stability should be further investigated in additional/more severe defects