282 research outputs found

    Field evaluation of new plant protection products against Plasmopara viticola

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    One of the most dangerous fungal diseases in viticulture is downy mildew. Copper-based active ingredients have been used for a long time to protect vines against Plasmopara viticola and they have always maintained an important role in the defense of vines especially for organic production. On the other hand, copper accumulates in the soil causing toxicity with negative consequences on plants and soil fauna. For this reason, new formulations with lower copper content have been considered. In recent years, foliar fertilizers have been studied, in particular those based on phosphites that, along with the nutritional function, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. Those metabolites cause the induced systemic resistance and act directly in the break of cell membranes of pathogens. This study aims to investigate the efficacy against downy mildew of a commercial product based on phosphites and of a new copper- based foliar fertilizer, where copper is chelated with gluconic acid and aminoacids of plant origin. Based on present results, phosphites significantly reduced the infection, without anyway achieving the defense effectiveness of the copper-based treatment however they ensure a significant reduction of the doses of copper necessary to achieve adequate levels of vineyard protection

    Physiological aspects of lime-induced chlorosis in some Vitis species. 2. Genotype response to stress conditions

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    Research NoteOne-year-old cuttings from 7 Vitis species (V. amurensis Rupr., V. berlandieri Planch., V. californica Bentham, V. cinerea Engelm., V. longii Prince, V. monticola Buckl., V. riparia Michx.) were grown in pots containing non-calcareous and calcareous soil. Leaves selected in the middle of the second year's growing season were assayed to test the iron concentration of the dry matter and the total iron uptake. The most significant findings of the trial were: a) shoot growth of V. amurensis, V. longii, V. monticola and V. riparia was strongly depressed by the calcareous soil; b) V. berlandieri and V. californica took up higher amounts of iron when growing in the calcareous soil; c) a high ash alkalinity occurred in chlorotic leaves of V. riparia compared to non-chlorotic leaves at the same iron concentration

    Physiological aspects of lime-induced chlorosis in some Vitis species. I. Pot trial calareous soil

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    One-year-old cutting from eleven Vitis spp. (V. aestivalis Michx., V. amurensis Rupr., V. andersonii Rehder, V. arizonica Engelm., V. berlandieri Planch., V. californica Bentham, V. champini Plancch., V. cinerea Engelm., V. longii Prince, V. monticola Buckl., V. riparia Michx.) were grown in pot of a calcareous soil. Leaves selected in the middle of the annual growing season were assayed for total chlorophyll, macronutrients, oligo-element and ash alkalinity. At the end of the annual growing cycle the whole plants were analyzed for the iron concentration of the dry matter. The most significant findings were:V. berlandieri, V champini and V. cinerea ranked in the high tolerant group; V. arizonica, V. californica, V. longii and V. monticola in the tolerant group; V. aestivalis, V. amurensis, V. andersonii and V. riparia in the susceptible group;it is likely to exist two different mechanisms of tolerance to lime-induced chlorosis: an adaptive one for V. berlandieri and V. cinerea and a protective one for V. champin

    Vilã das frutas.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-03T01:00:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BOTTONCultivarHFv5n27p232004.pdf: 432973 bytes, checksum: 0c645f3b9c641fdfd0a391d703c64de2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-1

    Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Irradiated and Acetalized for Osteochondral Defect Repair: Mechanical, Chemical, and Histological Evaluation after Implantation in Rat Knees

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    Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) hydrogel plugs were implanted in artificial osteochondral defects on the trochlear groove of rat knees. After 0, 3, 6, 12, and 24 weeks of followup, samples containing the implants were mechanically evaluated by creep indentation test, chemically, and histologically by optical microscopy. The mechanical test pointed towards an increase of the implant creep modulus and the chemical analysis exhibited an increasing concentration of calcium and phosphorus within the implants over time. Optical microscopy showed no foreign body reaction and revealed formation, differentiation, and maintenance of new tissue at the defect/implant interface. The absence of implant wear indicated that the natural articular lubrication process was not disturbed by the implant. The performance of the irradiated and acetalized PVA was considered satisfactory for the proposed application

    Moderate Wine Consumption and Health: A Narrative Review

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    Although it is clearly established that the abuse of alcohol is seriously harmful to health, much epidemiological and clinical evidence seem to underline the protective role of moderate quantities of alcohol and in particular of wine on health. This narrative review aims to re-evaluate the relationship between the type and dose of alcoholic drink and reduced or increased risk of various diseases, in the light of the most current scientific evidence. In particular, in vitro studies on the modulation of biochemical pathways and gene expression of wine bioactive components were evaluated. Twenty-four studies were selected after PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar searches for the evaluation of moderate alcohol/wine consumption and health effects: eight studies concerned cardiovascular diseases, three concerned type 2 diabetes, four concerned neurodegenerative diseases, five concerned cancer and four were related to longevity. A brief discussion on viticultural and enological practices potentially affecting the content of bioactive components in wine is included. The analysis clearly indicates that wine differs from other alcoholic beverages and its moderate consumption not only does not increase the risk of chronic degenerative diseases but is also associated with health benefits particularly when included in a Mediterranean diet model. Obviously, every effort must be made to promote behavioral education to prevent abuse, especially among young people

    Field evaluation of new plant protection products against Plasmopara viticola

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    One of the most dangerous fungal diseases in viticulture is downy mildew. Copper-based active ingredients have been used for a long time to protect vines against Plasmopara viticola and they have always maintained an important role in the defense of vines especially for organic production. On the other hand, copper accumulates in the soil causing toxicity with negative consequences on plants and soil fauna. For this reason, new formulations with lower copper content have been considered. In recent years, foliar fertilizers have been studied, in particular those based on phosphites that, along with the nutritional function, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. Those metabolites cause the induced systemic resistance and act directly in the break of cell membranes of pathogens. This study aims to investigate the efficacy against downy mildew of a commercial product based on phosphites and of a new copper- based foliar fertilizer, where copper is chelated with gluconic acid and aminoacids of plant origin. Based on present results, phosphites significantly reduced the infection, without anyway achieving the defense effectiveness of the copper-based treatment however they ensure a significant reduction of the doses of copper necessary to achieve adequate levels of vineyard protection

    Danos de Lagria villosa em mudas de videira.

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    a cultura da videira ocupa aproximadamente 68 mil hectares de área plantada no Brasil (IBGE, 2005). No Estado de Santa Catarina, a área cultivada ultrapassa 3.700ha, sendo que a cultura encontra-se em expansão em diversas regiões do Estado (Epagri, 2004; Síntese ... 2004). A implantação de um parreiral é uma fase crítica para se obter sucesso na atividade, sendo que diversos fatores podem causar a perda das mudas e/ou prejudicar o desenvolvimento das plantas. Neste aspecto, danos de insetos têm elevada importância, pois podem causar sérios prejuízos aos viticultores (Hickel, 1996; Soria & DaI Conte, 2000; Botton et al., 2003)

    Controle químico da Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) e da Hypocala andremona (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em laboratório.

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    Hypocala andremona (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) e a Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) são as principais pragas do caquizeiro na Serra Gaúcha, contudo há poucas informações sobre o controle químico dessas lagartas. Neste trabalho, avalia-se a eficácia dos inseticidas: acefato, benz oato de emamectina (+ óleo mineral). e/orpirifós-etil, espinosade, etofemproxi, fenitrotiona, fosmete, metoxifenozida, liae/oprido e trie/orfom no controle da A. sph aleropa e da H. andremona em laboratorio. Os inseticidas (em gramas de ingrediente alivo por 100 litros de água - g i.a. 100L-I) acefato (37,5 e 75,0), benz oato de emamecttna (0,375 e 0,5), e/orpirifós-etil (45,0 e 67,5), espinosade (4,8 e 9,6), etofemproxi (10,0 e 15,0), fenitrotiona (75,0), metoxifenozida (14,4) e trie/orfom (/20,0 e 150,0) resultaram em mortalidade superior a 80,0% entre as lagartas de A. sphuleropú. Em relação à H. andremona, observou-se que o acefato (37,5 e 75,0), o benzoato de emamectina (0,375 e 0,5), o e/orpirifós-etil (45,0 e 67,5), o espinosade (4,8 e 9,6), o etofemproxi (10 e 15.0), afenilrotiona (50 e 75,0), ofosmele (50.0 e 100,0). a metoxifenozida (9,6 e 14,4) e o trie/orfom (120.0 e 150,0) causaram mortalidade superior a 80%. Esses inseticidas apresentaram elevada eficiência em laboratório e características desejáveis para uso no manejo de lagartas do caquizeiro. No entanto. para validar o seu emprego em pomares comerciais é necessária avaliação de campo. Palavras-chave: lagarta-das-folhas, lagarta-das-fruteiras, caquizeiro, inseticida. Hypocala andremona (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Argyrotaenia sph alerop a (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) are the main insect-pests of the persimmon in the Serra Gaúcha region, State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). No information is available about the chemical control of these caterpillars. The eJJect of acephate, emmamectin benz oate (+ mineral oil), e/orpyriphos-ethyl, spinosad, etofenprox, fenitrothion, fosmet, methoxyfenozide, tiae/oprid and trichlorphon on H. andremona and A. sphaleropa lVere evaluated in laboratory. Acephate (g.a. i./ 00 L-I) (37.5 and 75.0), emmamectin benzoate (0.375 and 0.5), e/orpyriphosethyl (45.0 and 675), spinosad (4.8 and 9.6), etofenprox (10.0 and 15. O), fenitrothion (75. O), methoxyfenozide (/4.4) and trichlorphon (/20,0 and 150, O) resu/ted in a mortality of A. sphaleropa higher than 80.0% For H. andremona, this eJJect \Vas observed to acephate (37.5 and 75.0), emmamectin benzoate (0.375 and 0.5), clorpyriphos-ethyl (45.0 and 67.5), spinosad (4.8 and 9.6), etofenprox (10.0 and /5.0), fenitrothion (50.0 and 75.0), fosmet (50.0 and 100.0), methoxyfenozide (9.6 and 14.4) and trichlorphon (/20.0 and /50.0). These inseclicides showed potenlial 10 conlrol caterpillars in the persimmon culture, being necessary fie/d evaluations to use lhe compounds in commercial orchards. Key words: South American tortricid moth, persimmon, caterpillars, insecticide