69 research outputs found

    How to update a living systematic review and keep it alive during a pandemic: a practical guide.

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    BACKGROUND The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of living systematic reviews. The speed of evidence generated during the covid-19 pandemic accentuated the challenges of managing high volumes of research literature. METHODS In this article, we summarise the characteristics of ongoing living systematic reviews on covid-19, and we follow a life cycle approach to describe key steps in a living systematic review. RESULTS We identified 97 living systematic reviews on covid-19, published up to 7th November 2022, which focused mostly on the effects of pharmacological interventions (n = 46, 47%) or the prevalence of associated conditions or risk factors (n = 30, 31%). The scopes of several reviews overlapped considerably. Most living systematic reviews included both observational and randomised study designs (n = 45, 46%). Only one-third of the reviews has been updated at least once (n = 34, 35%). We address practical aspects of living systematic reviews including how to judge whether to start a living systematic review, methods for study identification and selection, data extraction and evaluation, and give recommendations at each step, drawing from our own experience. We also discuss when it is time to stop and how to publish updates. CONCLUSIONS Methods to improve the efficiency of searching, study selection, and data extraction using machine learning technologies are being developed, their performance and applicability, particularly for reviews based on observational study designs should improve, and ways of publishing living systematic reviews and their updates will continue to evolve. Finally, knowing when to end a living systematic review is as important as knowing when to start

    Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in response to a changing environment in CHO cell batch culture

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    Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells have been the workhorse for industrial production of recombinant therapeutic proteins since 1987. Variations in cellular environment and phenotypes that occur throughout the bioprocess can bring about significant changes in productivity and quality of recombinant proteins. This can potentially lead to rejection of the production lot. Hence, there is interest in an in-depth understanding of cell-line behavior and control to achieve more predictable and reliable process performance. Biological systems undergo dynamic changes over time, where individual genes are turned “on”, “off” or “paused” as and when required. So far, there is very little information available for CHO cell lines, that elucidates the effect of dynamic epigenetic regulation on temporal expression of genes in response to altered substrate availability and culture conditions. While DNA methylation levels around TSS induce either expression or silencing of genes, transcriptional regulation is primarily considered to be an interplay of transcription factors and chromatin modifiers. On top of these, there is a rapid increase in indications that connects phase-specific long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation. Unfortunately, the mechanism of interaction of these lncRNAs with coding genes have not been studied extensively. In this study, the gene transcription dynamics throughout a batch culture of CHO cells was examined by analyzing expression profiles and histone modifications in regular 12-24 hour intervals. Chromatin states and differential methylation profiles were used to understand the role of epigenetic modifiers in the regulation of gene expression. A good correlation between expression level and absence of DNA-methylation in the promoter regions was observed. Genes having all essential active chromatin marks - specific for promoter activity, genic enhancer and active transcription, also showed significantly high positive correlation between the changes in expression levels and histone marks. Both transcription and chromatin modifications during different growth phases were found to be highly dynamic. Clusters of genes showing similar trends of expression depict gradual and continuous adaptation to the changing substrate concentrations. Less narrowly spaced temporal analyses would have prevented detection of critical regulators involved in transient changes during the batch culture. Here, we also report a plausible mode of interaction of lncRNAs with the coding genes mediated by RNA-DNA-DNA triplex formations. Based on the identified interactions, we could predict possible gene targets and the target sites for the expressed lncRNAs and show high level of correlation of expression levels between interacting pairs. To the best of our knowledge this is the first and most comprehensive report of genome wide transcriptional regulation by epigenetic modifiers for CHO. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Comparative transcriptomics in the Triticeae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Barley and particularly wheat are two grass species of immense agricultural importance. In spite of polyploidization events within the latter, studies have shown that genotypically and phenotypically these species are very closely related and, indeed, fertile hybrids can be created by interbreeding. The advent of two genome-scale Affymetrix GeneChips now allows studies of the comparison of their transcriptomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have used the Wheat GeneChip to create a "gene expression atlas" for the wheat transcriptome (cv. Chinese Spring). For this, we chose mRNA from a range of tissues and developmental stages closely mirroring a comparable study carried out for barley (cv. Morex) using the Barley1 GeneChip. This, together with large-scale clustering of the probesets from the two GeneChips into "homologous groups", has allowed us to perform a genomic-scale comparative study of expression patterns in these two species. We explore the influence of the polyploidy of wheat on the results obtained with the Wheat GeneChip and quantify the correlation between conservation in gene sequence and gene expression in wheat and barley. In addition, we show how the conservation of expression patterns can be used to elucidate, probeset by probeset, the reliability of the Wheat GeneChip.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While there are many differences in expression on the level of individual genes and tissues, we demonstrate that the wheat and barley transcriptomes appear highly correlated. This finding is significant not only because given small evolutionary distance between the two species it is widely expected, but also because it demonstrates that it is possible to use the two GeneChips for comparative studies. This is the case even though their probeset composition reflects rather different design principles as well as, of course, the present incomplete knowledge of the gene content of the two species. We also show that, in general, the Wheat GeneChip is not able to distinguish contributions from individual homoeologs. Furthermore, the comparison between the two species leads us to conclude that the conservation of both gene sequence as well as gene expression is positively correlated with absolute expression levels, presumably reflecting increased selection pressure on genes coding for proteins present at high levels. In addition, the results indicate the presence of a correlation between sequence and expression conservation within the Triticeae.</p

    Sarcopenia: etiology, clinical consequences, intervention, and assessment

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    The aging process is associated with loss of muscle mass and strength and decline in physical functioning. The term sarcopenia is primarily defined as low level of muscle mass resulting from age-related muscle loss, but its definition is often broadened to include the underlying cellular processes involved in skeletal muscle loss as well as their clinical manifestations. The underlying cellular changes involve weakening of factors promoting muscle anabolism and increased expression of inflammatory factors and other agents which contribute to skeletal muscle catabolism. At the cellular level, these molecular processes are manifested in a loss of muscle fiber cross-sectional area, loss of innervation, and adaptive changes in the proportions of slow and fast motor units in muscle tissue. Ultimately, these alterations translate to bulk changes in muscle mass, strength, and function which lead to reduced physical performance, disability, increased risk of fall-related injury, and, often, frailty. In this review, we summarize current understanding of the mechanisms underlying sarcopenia and age-related changes in muscle tissue morphology and function. We also discuss the resulting long-term outcomes in terms of loss of function, which causes increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries and other morbidities, leading to frailty and loss of independence

    Table S4: Raw data—average of live and dead seeds (%) in autogamy and natural pollinations of E. helleborine

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    Background Epipactis helleborine is an Eurasian orchid species which prefers woodland environments but it may also spontaneously and successfully colonise human-made artificial and disturbed habitats such as roadsides, town parks and gardens. It is suggested that orchids colonising anthropogenic habitats are characterised by a specific set of features (e.g., large plant size, fast flower production). However, as it is not well known how pollinator diversity and reproductive success of E. helleborine differs in populations in anthropogenic habitats compared to populations from natural habitats, we wanted to compare pollinator diversity and reproductive success of this orchid species between natural and anthropogenic habitat types. Methods Pollination biology, reproductive success and autogamy in populations of E. helleborine from anthropogenic (roadside) and natural (forest) habitats were compared. Eight populations (four natural and four human-disturbed ones) in two seasons were studied according to height of plants, length of inflorescences, as well as numbers of juvenile shoots, flowering shoots, flowers, and fruits. The number and diversity of insect pollinators were studied in one natural and two human-disturbed populations. Results Reproductive success (the ratio of the number of flowers to the number of fruits) in the populations from anthropogenic habitats was significantly higher than in the natural habitats. Moreover, plants from anthropogenic habitats were larger than those from natural ones. In both types of populations, the main insect pollinators were Syrphidae, Culicidae, Vespidae, Apidae and Formicidae. With respect to the type of pollinators’ mouth-parts, chewing (39%), sponging (34%) and chewing-sucking (20%) pollinators prevailed in anthropogenic habitats. In natural habitats, pollinators with sponging (55%) and chewing mouth-parts (32%) dominated, while chewing-sucking and piercing-sucking insects accounted for 9% and 4% respectively. Discussion We suggest that higher reproductive success of E. helleborine in the populations from anthropogenic habitats than in the populations from natural habitats may result from a higher number of visits by pollinators and their greater species diversity, but also from the larger size of plants growing in such habitats. Moreover, our data clearly show that E. helleborine is an opportunistic species with respect to pollinators, with a wide spectrum of pollinating insects. Summarising, E. helleborine is a rare example of orchid species whose current range is not declining. Its ability to make use of anthropogenically altered habitats has allowed its significant spatial range expansion, and even successful colonisation of North America