3,357 research outputs found

    Perfils nutricionals de la carn i dels productes fets a base de carn

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    L'article presentamolt breument les diverses categories de productes carnis amb vuit taules de dades indicatives de composició i dades de productes elaborats a base de carn.The article presents briefly the various categories of meat products with eight tables of data composition and data indicative of processing meat

    Pojam zajednice

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    Diffeomorphic random sampling using optimal information transport

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    In this article we explore an algorithm for diffeomorphic random sampling of nonuniform probability distributions on Riemannian manifolds. The algorithm is based on optimal information transport (OIT)---an analogue of optimal mass transport (OMT). Our framework uses the deep geometric connections between the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of probability densities and the right-invariant information metric on the group of diffeomorphisms. The resulting sampling algorithm is a promising alternative to OMT, in particular as our formulation is semi-explicit, free of the nonlinear Monge--Ampere equation. Compared to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, we expect our algorithm to stand up well when a large number of samples from a low dimensional nonuniform distribution is needed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Bolshevismi vaiko sosialidemokratia

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    Reform der Agenda 2010: Notwendige Korrekturen oder Rückschritt?

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    Einführung von Mindestlöhnen, Reform bei der Arbeitslosenversicherung: Hat die Bundesregierung in diesem Sommer eine reformpolitische Wende vollzogen, oder sind dies notwendige Korrekturen bei der Fortsetzung der Agenda-Politik? Für Erwin Huber, Vorsitzender der CSU und bayerischer Finanzminister, hat die Reformagenda 2010, einen Beitrag zum gegenwärtigen Aufschwung geleistet, aber sie war »Stückwerk«, da sie sich auf den Arbeitsmarkt konzentrierte. Deshalb sei es entscheidend, sie durch weitere Reformschritte auf anderen Gebieten fortzuführen. Kein gutes Zeichen sei, dass sich die SPD mittlerweile von der Schröderschen Reformagenda mehr und mehr distanziere. Auch Michael Hüther, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, befürchtet, dass die Bundesregierung in diesem Sommer eine reformpolitische Wende eingeläutet hat, anstatt die Reformagenda konsequent weiterzuentwickeln. So ignoriere die Politik, vor allem mit dem Vorhaben der Einführung von flächendeckenden branchenbezogenen Mindestlöhnen und der Verlängerung der Bezugsdauer des Arbeitslosengelds I für ältere Arbeitnehmer, völlig die empirisch belegten Zusammenhänge. Klaus Brandner, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, unterstreicht, dass die Agenda-Politik wirke und mehr Menschen in Arbeit bringe. Die Korrekturen seien notwendig gewesen und im Einklang mit den Zielen der Reformpolitik, möglichst alle Menschen an der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung teilhaben zu lassen sowie ihnen zu ermöglichen, eine Beschäftigung zu finden, und zwar »eine gute Arbeit«, die fair und angemessen bezahlt und rechtlich abgesichert ist.Mindestlohn, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Reform, Wirtschaftspolitik, Sozialpolitik, Finanzpolitik, Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitslosigkeit, Deutschland

    Memory-Like Responses of Brain Microglia Are Controlled by Developmental State and Pathogen Dose

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    Microglia, the innate immune cells of the central nervous system, feature adaptive immune memory with implications for brain homeostasis and pathologies. However, factors involved in the emergence and regulation of these opposing responses in microglia have not been fully addressed. Recently, we showed that microglia from the newborn brain display features of trained immunity and immune tolerance after repeated contact with pathogens in a dose-dependent manner. Here, we evaluate the impact of developmental stage on adaptive immune responses of brain microglia after repeated challenge with ultra-low (1 fg/ml) and high (100 ng/ml) doses of the endotoxin LPS in vitro. We find that priming of naïve microglia derived from newborn but not mature and aged murine brain with ultra-low LPS significantly increased levels of pro-inflammatory mediators TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, MMP-9, and iNOS as well as neurotrophic factors indicating induction of trained immunity (p \u3c 0.05). In contrast, stimulation with high doses of LPS led to a robust downregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and iNOS independent of the developmental state, indicating induced immune tolerance. Furthermore, high-dose priming with LPS upregulated anti-inflammatory mediators IL-10, Arg-1, TGF- β, MSR1, and IL-4 in newborn microglia (p \u3c 0.05). Our data indicate pronounced plasticity of the immune response of neonate microglia compared with microglia derived from mature and aged mouse brain. Induced trained immunity after priming with ultra-low LPS doses may be responsible for enhanced neuro-inflammatory susceptibility of immature brain. In contrast, the immunosuppressed phenotype following high-dose LPS priming might be prone to attenuate excessive damage after recurrent systemic inflammation

    Minutes of UNO Fellowship & Scholarship Review Committee Meeting

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    Applications were distributed and the scoring process was described. Each application received three completed reviews. The total score was then computed and applications were ranked in based on the total score. Brent Bowen abstained from voting on the entire undergraduate process. The committee agreed that in the event of a tie, the decision will be made by a higher level authority. Lincoln engineering student applications were deferred to the UNL competition. Michaela Schaaf presented the underrepresented scholarship procedures for approval by the committee. The scholarship was advertised to all high school liaisons as a new scholarship which all students are eligible for, but preference will be given to underrepresented minorities. A summer research internship will be provided to a student who has typically completed their junior year. Upon successful completion of the internship and satisfactory academic performance, a four-year tuition and fees scholarship will be awarded to UNO for the aviation or space related field. The committee approved the process. (UNO\u27s Aviation Institute will contribute an out-of-state tuition waiver each year when applicable. Approved Dec. 16, 1996) The committee approved a new policy under which research scholars will not accumulate more than two weeks of time owed to a project. This will ensure that students do not have too large a load at the end of the semester. If no research work is available, the award will be reallocated. The committee approved the following travel grants as awarded. Fred Hansen, Graduate Student, awarded to attend the FAA Explosives Detection Technology and Aviation Security Technology Convention from Year 5 funds. Becky Lutte, Aviation Institute, awarded to attend the Global Aviation Safety and Security Conference from year 5 funds. Peter Suzuki, Urban Studies, awarded to attend the Transportation Research Board Meeting from year 5 funds. Willa Bruce, Public Administration, awarded to attend the Society for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Conference and to present her Space Grant research paper from year 6 funds. The following students were awarded as a result of the review committee=s ranking. Further details of the committee=s ranking are available from the Nebraska Space Grant and EPSCoR Office if necessary. (These are not in any specific order.) Under represented Research: Darnetta Sanders (H.S. Senior) and Jacquelyn Jones (H.S. Junior) Undergraduate Research: John Carrico, Shadric Thomas, Joe Bell and Lyle Jones Undergraduate Course Work: Ben McPeck, Mary Schaffart Undergraduate Flight: Antonia Krajicek Graduate Research: Becky Lutte, Fred Hansen, Amanda Talmadge, Duane Boyle, Scott Vlasek, Alicia Martin and Aimee Freeman, Tim Gleason, Jr. Graduate Course Work: John Papazafiropoulos, June Evans, Mike Turner, Ron Bojanski, Steve Morrissett

    „Kriseninternes Lernen“ und „krisenübergreifendes Lernen“ in der deutschen Kommunalverwaltung

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    Published online: 15 June 2022Krisen testen die Leistungsfähigkeit von Verwaltungen unter Realbedingungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert der vorliegende Beitrag Reaktion der deutschen Kommunalverwaltung auf die Fluchtmigration zwischen 2015 und 2017 und auf die erste Welle der COVID-19-Pandemie in 2020. Mit Blick auf die Debatte zum organisationalen Lernen in Ausnahmesituationen liegt der Schwerpunkt der Analyse auf der Rolle administrativer Netzwerke sowie der Lernfähigkeit von öffentlichen Behörden während sowie zwischen Krisensituationen. Die Auswertung zweier Umfragen unter Mitarbeitern der deutschen Kommunalverwaltung zeigt erstens, dass die Qualität der verwaltungsinternen und der zivilgesellschaftlichen Vernetzung von zentraler Bedeutung für administrative Krisenperformanz sind. Zweitens korrespondiert Leistungsfähigkeit in Krisen mit der Bereitschaft sowie mit der Fähigkeit, Lehren aus früheren Krisen zu ziehen.Crises constitute a test of the efficiency of the administrations under real conditions. This is where this article departs, comparatively analyzing the recent “migration crisis” and first wave of the COVID pandemic. Against the backdrop of the debate on organizational learning of public administration in exceptional situations, the analysis focuses on the role of administrative networks and the ability to learn during and between crises. The evaluation of two surveys among employees of German local government shows firstly that the quality of networking within the administration and civil society is of central importance for administrative crisis performance. Second, successful crisis performance corresponds to the willingness and organizational ability to draw lessons from previous crises.This article was published Open Access with the support from the EUI Library through the CRUI - Springer Transformative Agreement (2020-2024