1,231 research outputs found

    The INSU and DMN network of ST radars

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    Due to their capabilities of measuring wind profiles with good time and height resolution, Stratosphere-Troposphere (ST) are well adapted to carry out atmospheric research. In France, a Very High Frequency (VHF) and an Ultrahigh Frequency (UHF) ST radar are working for research purposes. The INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers) and the DMN (Direction de la Meteorologie Nationale) networks are discussed

    Discriminative Parameter Estimation for Random Walks Segmentation

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    The Random Walks (RW) algorithm is one of the most e - cient and easy-to-use probabilistic segmentation methods. By combining contrast terms with prior terms, it provides accurate segmentations of medical images in a fully automated manner. However, one of the main drawbacks of using the RW algorithm is that its parameters have to be hand-tuned. we propose a novel discriminative learning framework that estimates the parameters using a training dataset. The main challenge we face is that the training samples are not fully supervised. Speci cally, they provide a hard segmentation of the images, instead of a proba- bilistic segmentation. We overcome this challenge by treating the opti- mal probabilistic segmentation that is compatible with the given hard segmentation as a latent variable. This allows us to employ the latent support vector machine formulation for parameter estimation. We show that our approach signi cantly outperforms the baseline methods on a challenging dataset consisting of real clinical 3D MRI volumes of skeletal muscles.Comment: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventaion (2013

    Effects of flares on solar high-degree helioseismic acoustic mode amplitudes

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    Several attempts have been made to observe whether solar flares excite acoustic modes since Wolff (1972) suggested this possibility. We look for the impact of flares on the amplitude of solar acoustic modes and other effects that are also affecting the mode amplitude. Solar acoustic mode amplitudes are known to be sensitive to magnetic fields. As flares usually occur in the presence of strong magnetic fields and most likely are the by-product of magnetic reconnection, we show how the magnetic field in and around the flaring region affects the mode amplitude. The mode amplitudes were obtained using ring-diagram analysis, which was first applied to a single event, the largest flare in the space age (the `Halloween Flare', SOL2003-10-28T11:00), using MDI data. Then, using HMI data, the analysis was applied to the regions corresponding to the flares observed during the high activity phase of cycle 24 and that fall into two groups. These two groups consist of small (10-60 erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}) and large (>>1200 erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}) peak-flux flares, based on the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK). The first set is used as a comparison to the results of the strong flares in the second set. After applying several corrections in order to take into account several sources of bias, we did not find any amplification in the inferred mode amplitude due to flaring activity larger than a 10% uncertainty.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    Comparative high-resolution chemostratigraphy of the Bonarelli Level from the reference Bottaccione section (Umbria-Marche Apennines) and from an equivalent section in NW Sicily: Consistent and contrasting responses to the OAE2.

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    The Bonarelli Level (BL) from the upper Cenomanian portion of the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) is characterized by the presence of black shales containing high TOC concentrations (up to 17%) and amounts of CaCO3 near to zero. In the absence of carbonate and, consequently, of relative carbon- and oxygen- isotopic data, the elemental geochemistry revealed to be a very useful tool to obtain information about the palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic evolution of the Tethys Ocean during the OAE2. Based on several geochemical proxies (Rb, V, Ni, Cr, Si, Ba), the BL is interpreted as a high-productivity event driven by increasingly warm and humid climatic conditions promoting an accelerated hydrological cycle. The enrichment factors of peculiar trace metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Sb, Mo, U) provide further insight about the H2S activity at the seafloor during the organic-rich sediment deposition and permitted us to evaluate the use of Ba as palaeoproductivity tracer in conditions of high rate of sulphate reduction. By comparing geochemical records from the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) with those previously obtained for the coeval Calabianca section (northwestern Sicily), different degrees of oceanic anoxia were delineated and ascribed to different abundance and type (degradable or refractory) of organic matter, which are limiting factors in the bacterial sulphate reduction reactions and in subsequent euxinic conditions at seafloor in the Tethys realm. Based on a ciclostratigraphic approach, consistent fluctuations at 100 kyr scale in the chemostratigraphic signals from the two sections are inferred to be expression of a strong orbital-climatic forcing driving changes in the oceanic environment during the BL deposition

    The CoRoT target HD 49933: 2- Comparison of theoretical mode amplitudes with observations

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    From the seismic data obtained by CoRoT for the star HD 49933 it is possible, as for the Sun, to constrain models of the excitation of acoustic modes by turbulent convection. We compare a stochastic excitation model described in Paper I (arXiv:0910.4027) with the asteroseismology data for HD 49933, a star that is rather metal poor and significantly hotter than the Sun. Using the mode linewidths measured by CoRoT for HD 49933 and the theoretical mode excitation rates computed in Paper I, we derive the expected surface velocity amplitudes of the acoustic modes detected in HD 49933. Using a calibrated quasi-adiabatic approximation relating the mode amplitudes in intensity to those in velocity, we derive the expected values of the mode amplitude in intensity. Our amplitude calculations are within 1-sigma error bars of the mode surface velocity spectrum derived with the HARPS spectrograph. The same is found with the mode amplitudes in intensity derived for HD 49933 from the CoRoT data. On the other hand, at high frequency, our calculations significantly depart from the CoRoT and HARPS measurements. We show that assuming a solar metal abundance rather than the actual metal abundance of the star would result in a larger discrepancy with the seismic data. Furthermore, calculations that assume the ``new'' solar chemical mixture are in better agreement with the seismic data than those that assume the ``old'' solar chemical mixture. These results validate, in the case of a star significantly hotter than the Sun and Alpha Cen A, the main assumptions in the model of stochastic excitation. However, the discrepancies seen at high frequency highlight some deficiencies of the modelling, whose origin remains to be understood.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (B-W and color), accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Corrected typo in Eq. (4). Updated references. Language improvement

    Placement of metallic biliary endoprostheses in complex hilar tumours

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    AbstractPurposeTo assess the technical success, clinical success and complications after 1 month of percutaneous biliary drainage with the placement of several metallic endoprostheses in complex hilar liver tumours.Materials and methodsThis is a retrospective study, on a homogenous target population of 68 consecutive patients, who underwent multiple percutaneous biliary drainage for complex hilar tumour (Bismuth type II, III and IV) between August 1998 and August 2010. Patients benefiting from previous endoscopic drainage were excluded from the study. The clinical data, biological data, imaging and interventional radiology procedures were studied.ResultsThe rate of success of the technique was 98.5% and the clinical rate of success was 84% after 1 week and 93% after 1 month. The rate of minor and major complications was 25 and 13% respectively.ConclusionMultiple percutaneous biliary drainage in complex hilar tumour is a safe and effective first intention procedure

    Spatial distribution of psychotic disorders in an urban area of France: an ecological study

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    Previous analyses of neighbourhood variations of non-affective psychotic disorders (NAPD) have focused mainly on incidence. However, prevalence studies provide important insights on factors associated with disease evolution as well as for healthcare resource allocation. This study aimed to investigate the distribution of prevalent NAPD cases in an urban area in France. The number of cases in each neighbourhood was modelled as a function of potential confounders and ecological variables, namely: migrant density, economic deprivation and social fragmentation. This was modelled using statistical models of increasing complexity: frequentist models (using Poisson and negative binomial regressions), and several Bayesian models. For each model, assumptions validity were checked and compared as to how this fitted to the data, in order to test for possible spatial variation in prevalence. Data showed significant overdispersion (invalidating the Poisson regression model) and residual autocorrelation (suggesting the need to use Bayesian models). The best Bayesian model was Leroux's model (i.e. a model with both strong correlation between neighbouring areas and weaker correlation between areas further apart), with economic deprivation as an explanatory variable (OR = 1.13, 95% CI [1.02-1.25]). In comparison with frequentist methods, the Bayesian model showed a better fit. The number of cases showed non-random spatial distribution and was linked to economic deprivation

    The universal red-giant oscillation pattern; an automated determination with CoRoT data

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    The CoRoT and Kepler satellites have provided thousands of red-giant oscillation spectra. The analysis of these spectra requires efficient methods for identifying all eigenmode parameters. The assumption of new scaling laws allows us to construct a theoretical oscillation pattern. We then obtain a highly precise determination of the large separation by correlating the observed patterns with this reference. We demonstrate that this pattern is universal and are able to unambiguously assign the eigenmode radial orders and angular degrees. This solves one of the current outstanding problems of asteroseismology hence allowing precise theoretical investigation of red-giant interiors.Comment: Accepted in A&A letter