22 research outputs found

    X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Sio2/Si Track Templates with Deposited Zn

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    Si/SiO2 /Zn structures are fabricated by the track template synthesis. SEM and AFM images of the surface after electrochemical deposition of zinc were obtained. XRD analysis of the deposited samples showed the creation of zinc oxide nanocrystals with Miller indexes (200) at θ=62,30 and (201) at θ=69,50 (PDF#361451-etalon)

    Transition levels of acceptor impurities in ZnO crystals by DFT-LCAO calculations

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    This research was partly supported by the Kazakhstan Science Project № AP05134367«Synthesis of nanocrystals in track templates of SiO2/Si for sensory, nano-and optoelectronic applications» and Latvian Super Cluster (LASC), installed in the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) of the University of Latvia. Authors are indebted to D. Gryaznov, A. Popov and A. Dauletbekova for stimulating discussions.Large scale ab-initio calculations are carried out to study the charge state transition levels of nitrogen and phosphorus impurity defects in zinc oxide crystals using the DFT-LCAO approximation as implemented into the CRYSTAL computer code. It is shown that at a high concentration of defects (close location of defects) their formation energy is underestimated due to a significant delocalization of the charge within the supercell. After inclusion the energy offset correction and defect-defective interaction, the formation energy is improved, in a comparison with that calculated in a large supercell. The optical transition levels obtained by a direct calculation confirm the experimental observation: nitrogen and phosphorus impurities are deep acceptor centers with large formation energy in a charged state and, therefore, cannot serve as the effective source of hole charge. The obtained results are in good agreement with the previous theoretical work, in which other calculation methods were used, and are capable of qualitatively describing the energy characteristics of the charged defects.University of Latvia; Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Accumulation of radiation defects and modification of micromechanical properties under MgO crystal irradiation with swift 132Xe ions

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    This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 and 2019-2020 under grant agreement No. 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. A.A. also acknowledges support via the project GF AP05134257 of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan .Accumulation of F-type defects under irradiation of MgO crystals by 0.23-GeV 132Xe ions with fluence varying by three orders of magnitude has been investigated via the spectra of optical absorption and low-temperature cathodoluminescence. The number of single centers continuously increases with fluence without any marks of saturation. At the highest fluence, a mean volume concentration of 3.1 × 1019 and 3.35 × 1019 cm−3 is reached for F and F+ centers, respectively. The F+ emission strongly dominates in the cathodoluminescence of irradiated MgO and its enhancement with fluence is detected. However, the creation efficiency of the F2 aggregate centers is very low and fluence dependence has a complicated shape. Radiation-induced changes of micro-mechanical properties of the same samples have been analysed; the depth profiles of hardening correlate with the ion energy loss. A joint contribution of ionization and impact mechanisms in the formation of structural defects under MgO irradiation with Xe ions is considered.H2020 Euratom 2019-2020,633053,2014-2018,GF AP05134257; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan GF AP05134257; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Photoluminescence of ZnWO4 Crystals Irradiated with 19.2 MeV Carbon Ions

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    ZnWO4 single crystals were irradiated with carbon ions with an energy of 19.2 MeV with different fluences. The path length of a carbon ion in a single crystal was R = 10 μm. The luminescence light yield decreases exponentially with fluence.This research has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP13068155)

    Incorporating Ecosystems in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Current Perspective and Future Directions

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    Integrated approaches for managing natural resources are needed to meet the increasing demand for freshwater, energy and food, while, in parallel, mitigating and adapting to climate change, maintaining the integrity of ecosystems, and ensuring equitable access to resources. The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus has been proposed as a cross-sectoral approach to understand, analyse, and manage the complex trade-offs and exploit synergies that arise among these resource sectors. Although not initially included as a component of the Nexus, the importance of ecosystems in supporting water, energy and food security is increasingly recognised by the Nexus community of researchers and practitioners. However, attempts to conceptually integrate Ecosystems into the Nexus have yet to converge into a common framework. A group of natural resources management researchers, system thinkers and ecosystem services experts from the European network COST Action CA20138 NEXUSNET have compiled and investigated the various approaches for integrating ecosystems in the WEF Nexus. By combining literature analysis with interdisciplinary workshops – one of which was held in a hybrid format (in person and online) at the University of Oulu, Finland, in September 2022 – we reveal a multiplicity of concepts utilised to represent, partially or fully, ecosystems in the Nexus, namely “natural environment”, “ecosystem services” and “biodiversity”. Disparity was also found in the role attributed to ecosystems in the Nexus framework, being it an underlying layer from which resources for Nexus sectors are extracted or the pillar of an expanded Nexus system – i.e., the WEF-Ecosystems Nexus. Through this collaborative effort, we present possible advantages and disadvantages of adopting differential WEF-Ecosystems Nexus approaches, highlighting their potential complementarity and integration to support future advancement of Nexus research. In the oral presentation, we will show our preliminary findings and encourage the exchange of ideas and feedback from the different scientific disciplines present at the CEMEPE Conference.Tenth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & SECOTOX Conference organized by: Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SECOTOX), Skiathos island, Greece, 2023

    Catchment-estuary-coastal systems under climate change and anthropogenic pressure

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    Abstract The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) calls for extensive action to prevent and reverse ecosystem degradation. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to assess the effects of climate change and hydrological alterations on coastal ecosystems in the most water-stressed regions, Central Asia and the Middle East. As a result, a thorough understanding of Catchment-Estuary-Coastal systems is needed to enable the development of effective management and restoration strategies. A starting assumption for the thesis was that coastal zones are susceptible to both the decline and rise in water level. The first study site is the world’s largest endorheic lake, the Caspian Sea, which faces continuous water decline. The second study site is a vulnerable coastal ecosystem in the Persian Gulf experiencing sea level rise. For both sites, the freshwater input from river discharge and precipitation has been decreasing. It can also be assumed that the causes of water level changes are both natural and anthropogenic. Therefore, this work attempts to separate and quantify the impact of anthropogenic activities and climate change on river flow alteration, lakes, and coastal systems. In Publication I, we addressed the effect of change in water balance parameters on the desiccation of different areas of the Caspian Sea. Publication III took the first step in quantifying and decoupling the effect of anthropogenic activities and climate change effect on river flow alteration impacting the water level in the southern Caspian Sea. Results suggested the major role played by anthropogenic activities in the fluctuation of the Caspian Sea level. To assess the direct impact of climate change on lake conditions, we determined the changes in the ice regime and their socio-ecological implications in Publication V. The high complexity of the catchment-estuary-coastal system was examined in Publication II, showing the necessity of a basin-level perspective and the integration of the entire hydrological continuum, including upstream river regulation, land use changes, and coastal studies. By considering the interconnection between temperature, rain, flow, and salinity in Publication IV, we addressed the cumulative impacts of these variables on mangrove health. Understanding the hydrological requirements of mangroves enables policymakers to justify environmental flow strategies for mangrove restoration.Tiivistelmä YK:n ekosysteemien ennallistamisen vuosikymmen (2021–2030) vaatii laajoja toimia ekosysteemien tilan parantamiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli arvioida ilmastonmuutosten ja hydrologisten muutosten vaikutuksia rannikon ja suistoalueiden ekosysteemeihin alueilla, jossa veden niukkuus uhkaa ekosysteemejä Keski-Aasiassa ja Lähi-idässä. Tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä erityisesti valuma-alueen ja suisto-rannikkojärjestelmien ymmärtämiseksi tehokkaampien maankäyttö ja vesien ennallistamisstrategioiden kehittämiseksi. Väitöstyön lähtökohtana oli, että rannikkoalueet ovat alttiita sekä vedenpinnan laskulle että nousulle. Ensimmäinen tutkimuskohde oli maailman suurin sisävesimuodostuma eli Kaspianmeri, jonka vedenpinta on pitkään ollut laskeva. Toisena tutkimuskohteena olivat Persianlahden haavoittuvat rannikkoekosysteemit, joissa merenpinta on nouseva. Molemmissa tapauksissa makean veden määrä on vähentynyt sateiden ja jokien virtaamien vähentyessä. Työn oletuksena oli, että vedenpinnan muutosten syyt olivat sekä luonnollisia että ihmisperäisiä. Tämän vuoksi työ pyrki erottelemaan ja kvantifioimaan ihmisperäisen toiminnan ja ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset jokien virtauksen muutoksiin, järvien vedenkorkeuteen ja rannikkojärjestelmiin. Artikkelissa I käsiteltiin vesitaseen muutoksien vaikutuksia Kaspianmeren eri alueiden kuivumiseen. Artikkeli III otti ensimmäisen askeleen kvantifioidakseen ja erottaakseen toisistaan ihmisen toiminnan ja ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset Kaspianmeren vedenkorkeuteen vaikuttavien jokien virtaamien muutoksiin. Julkaisun perusteella ihmisperäisillä valuma-alueiden toimilla on hallitseva rooli Kaspianmeren tulovirtaaman vaihteluissa. Koska Kaspianmeri on talvella osittain jään peittämä, työssä tutkittiin myös merijään muutoksia ja arvioitiin tarkemmin näiden muutosten vaikutuksia Kaspianmeren taloudellisiin ja ekologisiin olosuhteisiin. Valuma-alue sekä suisto- ja rannikkojärjestelmän monimutkaisuutta ja vuorovaikutuksia tarkasteltiin artikkelissa II. Tutkimus osoitti valuma-aluetason näkökulman ja koko hydrologisen jatkumon integroinnin tarpeellisuuden, mukaan lukien latvavesien ja niiden jokien sääntelyn, maankäytön muutoksien tarkastelun ja rannikon tutkimukset. Lämpötilan, sademäärän, virtauksen ja suolaisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä ja kumulatiivisia vaikutuksia mangroven tilaan käsiteltiin artikkelissa IV

    Присутствие загрязнителей в окружающей среде и пищевой цепи в Казахстане за последние 25 лет

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    International audienceIn recent years, increasing attention is paid to the ecological and global issues related to environmental pollution by heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. Pollution by metals is very noticeable in mining areas, as well as around foundries and metallurgical plants. Persistent organic pollutants are found everywhere, which can be explained by long-distance transport by wind and water, they remain for a long period of time in the environment, have the capacity for cumulation and can pass from one species to another through the food chain. The problems associated with the presence of heavy metals and POPs in the environment is relevant for the country. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to determine the points of contamination with contaminants for further studies the effect of these compounds on the food chain. This article aimed to summarize data reporting concentrations of environmental contaminants in various regions of Kazakhstan. In the course of the work, was made an analysis of scientific articles measured concentrations of contaminants in Kazakhstan, primarily in environmental matrices (soil, water, plants) and in livestock products.Thus, territories containing elevated concentrations of heavy metals, organic pollutants and pesticides in various environmental components were identified. The obtained data have an important theoretical value and contain useful information for further research.Соңғы жылдары қоршаған ортаның ауыр металдармен және тұрақты органикалық ластағыштармен ластануына байланысты экологиялық және жаһандық мәселелерге көп көңіл бөлінуде. Ауыр металдармен ластануы тау-кен өнеркәсіптердің, сондай-ақ құйма және металлургиялық зауыттардың айналасында байқалады. Тұрақты органикалық ластағыштар жел мен су арқылы алыс қашықтықта тасымалдануына байланысты барлық жерлерде кездеседі, олар кумуляция қабілетіне ие, және де ұзақ уақыт бойы қоршаған ортада сақталып, азық-түлік тізбегі арқылы бір түрден екіншісіне ауыса алады. Қоршаған ортада ауыр металдар мен тұрақты органикалық ластаушылардың, соның ішінде пестицидтердің болуына байланысты туындайтын мәселелер мемлекет үшін маңызды болып табылады. Осыған байланысты жұмыстың мақсаты аталған қосылыстардың тамақ тізбегіне әсерін одан әрі зерттеу үшін түрлі ластаушы заттармен ластанған аймақтарды анықтауға бағытталған. Мақалада Қазақстанның түрлі аймақтарында ластаушы заттардың концентрациясы туралы мәліметтер жинақталып қарастырылған. Жұмыс барысында Қазақстанда өндірілетін мал шаруашылық өнімдерінде және экологиялық матрицаларда (топырақ, су, өсімдіктер) ластаушылардың концентрациясын (ауыр металдар, органикалық ластағыштар, пестицидтер) анықтауға жүргізілген ғылыми зерттеулерге талдау жасалынды. Осылайша, әртүрлі экологиялық компоненттерде ауыр металдардың, органикалық ластағыштардың және пестицидтердің жоғары концентрациясы бар аумақтар анықталды. Алынған нәтижелер алдағы уақытта зерттеу жұмыстарын жүргізуге қажетті ақпарат пен маңызды теориялық құндылыққа ие.В последние годы все большее внимание уделяется экологическим и глобальным проблемам загрязнения окружающей среды тяжелыми металлами и стойкими органическими загрязнителями. Загрязнение металлами очень заметно в горнодобывающих районах, а также вокруг литейных и металлургических заводов. Стойкие органические загрязнители встречаются повсюду, что можно объяснить переносом на большие расстояния ветром и водой, они остаются в течение длительного периода времени в окружающей среде, обладают способностью к кумуляции и могут переходить от одного вида к другому через пищевую цепь.Проблемы, связанные с наличием тяжелых металлов и стойких органических загрязнителей, в том числе и пестицидов в окружающей среде являются актуальными для страны. В связи с этим, целью настоящей работы является определение точек загрязнения различными контаминантами для дальнейшего исследования влияния этих соединений на пищевую цепь. В этой статье обобщены данные о концентрации загрязнителей в окружающей среде различных регионов Казахстана. В ходе работы был выполнен анализ результатов научных исследований, посвященных измерению концентрации загрязняющих веществ (тяжелых металлов, органических загрязнителей, пестицидов) на территории Казахстана в первую очередь в экологических матрицах (почве, воде, растениях) и в продуктах животноводства. Таким образом, были выявлены территории, содержащие повышенные концентрации тяжелых металлов, органических загрязнителей и пестицидов в различных компонентах окружающей среды. Полученные данные имеют важное теоретическое значение и содержат полезную информацию для дальнейших исследований


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    В статье раскрывается содержание ключевых профессиональных компетенций современных руководителей государственных органов, влияющих на конкурентоспособность возглавляемых ими структурных подразделений. Согласно статье, руководитель государственного органа должен не только овладеть необходимыми профессиональными компетенциями, но и уметь применять их при работе, в которой компетенции, ориентированные на конкурентоспособность, были бы присущи всей команде. В статье поднимаются важнейшие для практики государственного управления вопросы о том, с помощью каких ресурсов формируются ключевые профессиональные компетенции, и насколько это благоприятно для государственного аппарата. Для эффективного выполнения трудовых обязанностей управленцу необходимо обладать определенным набором качеств, знаний и навыков, которые можно охарактеризовать как профессиональные компетенции руководителя. Статья посвящена конкретизации понятия «профессиональная компетенция руководителя государственного органа», от степени разработанности которого во многом зависит направленность и эффективность развития названной компетенции. Приведены результаты исследования сформированной методической и специальной компетенций, входящих в состав профессиональной компетенции руководителей государственных органов. О том, какие компетенции необходимы конкурентоспособному руководителю, как их следует оценивать и какие меры можно предпринять для развития профессиональных компетенций руководителя, можно ознакомиться в данной статье. Ключевые слова: профессиональные и управленческие компетенции, конкурентоспособность, компетентность, навыки, способности

    Isolation and characterization of camel milk proteins

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    International audienceCamel milk is an important constituent of Kazakh diet. Populaces of several regions of the country used camels as one of the basic sources of nutrients for many centuries. Camel milk contains high amounts of the immune-active proteins-lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins. It is also rich in vitamin C. Like any other, camel milk is highly perishable, with losses occurring during work at farm and under industrial conditions. These losses can be associated with challenges in preservation of the camel milk caused by the inability to process it into the shelf-stable products. The process of freeze-drying may be applied in order to retain the nutritional properties as well as technical and functional characteristics of the camel milk. Assessment of the effects of the isolation procedure and following freeze-drying on the mass yield of dry camel milk caseins and whey proteins could be interesting in order to get consolidated processes, which may further be transferred to an industrial level. These findings will play a central role in future freeze-drying operations since the retention of important nutritional components is an important part of food processing. In order to reveal the possible hurdles and to get a consolidated procedure to produce functional foods for different purposes, it is important to study the preceding data on isolation and preservation of camel milk proteins, as well as study their characteristics