222 research outputs found

    La question Ă©conomique chez les Goncourt

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    Le Journal et les Ɠuvres littĂ©raires des Goncourt sont riches en rĂ©fĂ©rences Ă  l’actualitĂ© politique, sociale et Ă©conomique. Peut-on pour autant lire chez les Goncourt une opinion Ă©conomique ? Et si oui, comment s’articule-t-elle avec leurs opinions rĂ©actionnaires bien connues et leur fascination pour le XVIIIe siĂšcle ? En rappelant certains aspects cruciaux des utopies socialistes et libĂ©rales, d’une part, de leur critique par les « rĂ©actionnaires » d’autre part, il est possible de restituer le fond gĂ©nĂ©ral Ă  partir duquel les Goncourt jugent du contexte Ă©conomique et d’éclairer leurs positions. En particulier, cela permet de comprendre la nature et l’évolution de leur antisĂ©mitisme, pierre de touche de la pensĂ©e conservatrice et catholique du XIXe siĂšcle.The Goncourts' Journal and literary works are rich in references to current political, social and economic events. Can we read in the Goncourts an economic opinion? And if so, how does it fit in with their well-known reactionary views and their fascination with the 18th century? By recalling certain crucial aspects of socialist and liberal utopias, on the one hand, and their criticism by the “rĂ©actionnaires” on the other, it is possible to restore the general background against which the Goncourts judged the economic context and to shed light on their positions. In particular, it allows us to understand the nature and evolution of their anti-Semitism, a touchstone of 19th century conservative and Catholic thought

    Le scandale financier comme projet de recherche

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    Comme tout autre type de scandale, le scandale financier est un objet hybride, qui pose Ă  la recherche des problĂšmes de repĂ©rage et de dĂ©finition. Son histoire n’est pas Ă  confondre avec celle de la corruption ou des transgressions, ni avec celle des crises et des krachs. Injustement boudĂ©, Ă  de rares exceptions prĂšs, par la profession historienne, le scandale financier permet pourtant d’interroger le rĂ©gime des valeurs et des normes lĂ©gales ou morales qui gouvernent une sociĂ©tĂ© ainsi que les formes de mobilisations et de contre-mobilisations auxquelles donnent (ou non) lieu la mise en cause publique d’acteurs issus du monde de l’économie et de la finance. Exposant au regard collusions inavouables et collisions inattendues, il est toutefois plus qu’un simple rĂ©vĂ©lateur des relations entre l’argent et le pouvoir : sa dynamique mĂȘme se nourrit des transformations qu’il est capable ou incapable d’impulser dans le fonctionnement usuel des diffĂ©rents univers sociaux qu’il met en tension. C’est Ă  cet objet riche et pluridimensionnel, enjeu d’investissements stratĂ©giques et sĂ©mantiques toujours intĂ©ressĂ©s, que sont consacrĂ©es les contributions rĂ©unies dans le prĂ©sent numĂ©ro d’Entreprises et Histoire. Celui-ci veut ĂȘtre Ă  la fois un hommage aux travaux pionniers parus sur la question et un appel Ă  renouveler les recherches sur cette thĂ©matique qui intĂ©resse aussi bien l’histoire Ă©conomique et financiĂšre que l’histoire sociale, politique et culturelle

    Nonurgent patients in the emergency department? A French formula to prevent misuse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overcrowding in emergency department (EDs) is partly due to the use of EDs by nonurgent patients. In France, the authorities responded to the problem by creating primary care units (PCUs): alternative structures located near hospitals. The aims of the study were to assess the willingness of nonurgent patients to be reoriented to a PCU and to collect the reasons that prompted them to accept or refuse.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We carried out a cross sectional survey on patients' use of EDs. The study was conducted in a French hospital ED. Patients were interviewed about their use of health services, ED visits, referrals, activities of daily living, and insurance coverage status. Patients' medical data were also collected.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>85 patients considered nonurgent by a triage nurse were asked to respond to a questionnaire. Sex ratio was 1.4; mean age was 36.3 +/- 11.7 years.</p> <p>Most patients went to the ED autonomously (76%); one third (31.8%) had consulted a physician. The main reasons for using the ED were difficulty to get an appointment with a general practitioner (22.3%), feelings of pain (68.5%), and the availability of medical services in the ED, like imaging, laboratory tests, and drug prescriptions (37.6%). Traumatisms and wounds were the main medical reasons for going to the ED (43.5%).</p> <p>More than two-thirds of responders (68%) were willing to be reoriented towards PCUs. In the multivariate analysis, only employment and the level of urgency perceived by the patient were associated with the willingness to accept reorientation. Employed persons were 4.5 times more likely to accept reorientation (OR = 4.5 CI (1.6-12.9)). Inversely, persons who perceived a high level of urgency were the least likely to accept reorientation (OR = 0.9 CI (0.8-0.9).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study provides information on the willingness of ED patients to accept reorientation and shows the limits of its feasibility. Alternative structures such as PCUs near the ED seem to respond appropriately to the growing demands of nonurgent patients. Reorientation, however, will be successful only if the new structures adapt their opening hours to the needs of nonurgent patients and if their physicians can perform specific technical skills.</p

    Be careful with triage in emergency departments: interobserver agreement on 1,578 patients in France

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For several decades, emergency departments (EDs) utilization has increased, inducing ED overcrowding in many countries. This phenomenon is related partly to an excessive number of nonurgent patients. To resolve ED overcrowding and to decrease nonurgent visits, the most common solution has been to triage the ED patients to identify potentially nonurgent patients, i.e. which could have been dealt with by general practitioner. The objective of this study was to measure agreement among ED health professionals on the urgency of an ED visit, and to determine if the level of agreement is consistent among different sub-groups based on following explicit criteria: age, medical status, type of referral to the ED, investigations performed in the ED, and the discharge from the ED.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a multicentric cross-sectional study to compare agreement between nurses and physicians on categorization of ED visits into urgent or nonurgent. Subgroups stratified by criteria characterizing the ED visit were analyzed in relation to the outcome of the visit.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 1,928 ED patients, 350 were excluded because data were lacking. The overall nurse-physician agreement on categorization was moderate (kappa = 0.43). The levels of agreement within all subgroups were variable and low. The highest agreement concerned three subgroups of complaints: cranial injury (kappa = 0.61), gynaecological (kappa = 0.66) and toxicology complaints (kappa = 1.00). The lowest agreement concerned two subgroups: urinary-nephrology (kappa = 0.09) and hospitalization (kappa = 0.20). When categorization of ED visits into urgent or nonurgent cases was compared to hospitalization, ED physicians had higher sensitivity and specificity than nurses (respectively 94.9% versus 89.5%, and 43.1% versus 30.9%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The lack of physician-nurse agreement and the inability to predict hospitalization have important implications for patient safety. When urgency screening is used to determine treatment priority, disagreement might not matter because all patients in the ED are seen and treated. But using assessments as the basis for refusal of care to potential nonurgent patients raises legal, ethical, and safety issues. Managed care organizations should be cautious when applying such criteria to restrict access to EDs.</p

    Cliometrics and Time Series Econometrics: Some Theory and Applications

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    The paper discusses a range of modern time series methods that have become popular in the past 20 years and considers their usefulness for cliometrics research both in theory and via a range of applications. Issues such as, spurious regression, unit roots, cointegration, persistence, causality, structural time series methods, including time varying parameter models, are introduced as are the estimation and testing implications that they involve. Applications include a discussion of the timing and potential causes of the British Industrial Revolution, income „convergence ‟ and the long run behaviour of English Real Wages 1264 – 1913. Finally some new and potentially useful developments are discussed including the mildly explosive processes; graphical modelling and long memory

    "War Finance (France)"

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    International audience[Introduction] Though it entered war with an already important public debt, France managed its growth in ways comparable to that of other main warring powers, mixing monetary financing, internal and external debt. Monetary financing was made possible by the 5 August 1914 convertibility suspension, while strong British and, later on, American support avoided a decline of the exchange rate before the end of the war. State debt purchases were transformed into a patriotic act through intense marketing, but it did not prevent a slow increase in interest rates, albeit a rudimentary circuit policy, leading to a growing share of short-term debt

    ISOCO : Produire des séries statistiques à partir de données textuelles

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    National audienceLes progrĂšs de la numĂ©risation et de la mise en ligne de masses considĂ©rables d’imprimĂ©s ocĂ©risĂ©s ouvre de nouvelles perspectives d’utilisation, qui sont moins fondĂ©es sur la recherche d’une information spĂ©cifique et pertinente que sur l’agrĂ©gation d’un grand nombre d’élĂ©ments textuels et syntaxiques en vue de la construction d’indices plus gĂ©nĂ©raux. C’est cela que souhaite explorer le projet ISOCO, en cours de lancement, et centrĂ© sur la presse française, d’une part, la pĂ©riode 1880-1938 d’autre part, en rapprochant des indices de presse construits autour de thĂ©matiques Ă©conomiques et des indices fondĂ©s sur les sources statistiques actuellement disponibles. En cas de succĂšs, cette dĂ©marche pourrait ĂȘtre Ă©largie Ă  d’autres domaines. Dans tous les cas, elle suppose un travail par Ă©tapes, prudent, afin de tenir compte non seulement des biais de la source elle-mĂȘme (pĂ©riodicitĂ©, recopie des articles, Ă©volution des publications) mais aussi de l’évolution des maniĂšres de traduire un concept au cours du temps
