2,208 research outputs found

    Hyperbranched phosphorus flame retardants: multifunctional additives for epoxy resins

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    Les WNK kinases et les effets de WNK3 sur l'activiteĢ du canal ENaC

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    Les WNK kinases sont une famille de seĢrine/threĢonine proteĢines kinases, des enzymes capables de phosphoryler le reĢsidu OH de seĢrine ou threĢonine. Quatre membres (WNK 1-4) ont eĢteĢ identifieĢs, largement distribueĢs dans les cellules et tissus des mammifeĢ€res et dont les fonctions sont de reĢguler des canaux ioniques et cotransporteurs. Leur particulariteĢ se situe au niveau de leur structure puisque une lysine a eĢteĢ substitueĢe par une cysteĢine dans le domaine catalytique, d'ouĢ€ leur nom Ā« with-no-lysine kinase Ā» (McCormick and Ellison, 2011). Leur roĢ‚le dans le bon fonctionnement du rein et plus particulieĢ€rement dans le controĢ‚le et maintien du bilan hydro-sodeĢ n'est plus aĢ€ veĢrifier puisque des mutations dans WNK 1 et WNK 4 sont connues pour causer la maladie de l'hypertension familiale ou syndrome de pseudohypoaldosteĢronisme de type 2, aussi appeleĢ syndrome de Gordon (ou Fhht = Familial hyperkalaemic hypertension) (Furgeson and Linas, 2010). Le syndrome de Gordon est une maladie geĢneĢtique autosomale dominante caracteĢriseĢe par une hypertension, une hyperkalieĢmie et une acidose meĢtabolique. Les WNKs controĢ‚lent de nombreux canaux et transporteurs dans le rein, devenant des acteurs importants dans la reĢgulation du bilan sodique et potassique. Leurs effets sont nombreux et variables et les canaux jouant un roĢ‚le cleĢ dans cette reĢgulation sont ENaC, NCC et ROMK (Kahle et al., 2008). Dans ce travail, nous commencerons par une partie theĢorique faisant le point sur l'organisation des neĢphrons et la reĢgulation du bilan sodique et les diffeĢrents meĢcanismes entrant en jeu. Nous inteĢgrerons des informations geĢneĢrales concernant les WNKs ainsi qu'une revue plus deĢtailleĢe de leurs effets respectifs dans le neĢphron. Pour terminer, nous aborderons les reĢsultats d'une expeĢrience qui a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe en laboratoire sur des oocytes de Xenopus laevis. L'implication de WNK1 et WNK4 dans le controĢ‚le du sodium ayant deĢjaĢ€ eĢteĢ prouveĢe aĢ€ de nombreuses reprises, nous nous sommes inteĢresseĢs ici aux effets de WNK3 sur le canal ENaC ainsi que l'implication de Nedd4-2 dans ce proceĢdeĢ

    Hyperbranched Rigid Aromatic Phosphorus-Containing Flame Retardants for Epoxy Resins

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    A rigid aromatic phosphorus-containing hyperbranched flame retardant structure is synthesized from 10-(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-10H-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO-HQ), tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)phosphine oxide (THPPO), and 1,4-terephthaloyl chloride (TPC). The resulting poly-(DOPO-HQ/THPPO-terephthalate) (PDTT) is implemented as a flame retardant into an epoxy resin (EP) at a 10 wt% loading. The effects on EP are compared with those of the monomer DOPO-HQ and triphenylphosphine oxide (OPPh3) as low molar mass flame retardants. The glass transition temperature, thermal decomposition, flammability (reaction to small flame), and burning behavior of the thermosets are investigated using differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry, UL 94-burning chamber testing, and cone calorimeter measurements. Although P-contents are low at only 0.6 wt%, the study aims not at attaining V-0, but at presenting a proof of principle: Epoxy resinswith PDTT show promising fire performance, exhibiting a 25% reduction in total heat evolved (THE), a 30% reduction in peak heat release rate (PHRR) due to flame inhibition (21% reduction in effective heat of combustion (EHC)), and an increase in T-g at the same time. This study indicates that rigid aromatic hyperbranched polymeric structures offer a promising route toward multifunctional flame retardancy

    On mikusinski's operators of fractional integration

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    In the field F of convolution quotients,Ā  bāˆ is the operator of integration of fractional order āˆ and bāˆ fĀ Ā  Is the Riemann - Liouville integral of orderĀ Ā  āˆ of f. In this paper we give a generalization of this operator, which is denoted as bāˆ,va . Some particular cases are mentioned and the inverse operator is obtained

    Antiplasmodial Activity and In Vivo Bio-Distribution of Chloroquine Molecules Released with a 4-(4-Ethynylphenyl)-Triazole Moiety from Organometallo-Cobalamins

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    We have explored the possibility of using organometallic derivatives of cobalamin as a scaffold for the delivery of the same antimalarial drug to both erythro- and hepatocytes. This hybrid molecule approach, intended as a possible tool for the development of multi-stage antimalarial agents, pivots on the preparation of azide-functionalized drugs which, after coupling to the vitamin, are released with a 4-(4-ethynylphenyl)-triazole functionality. Three chloroquine and one imidazolopiperazine derivative (based on the KAF156 structure) were selected as model drugs. One hybrid chloroquine conjugate was extensively studied via fluorescent labelling for in vitro and in vivo bio-distribution studies and gave proof-of-concept for the design. It showed no toxicity in vivo (zebrafish model) as well as no hepatotoxicity, no cardiotoxicity or developmental toxicity of the embryos. All 4-(4-ethynylphenyl)-triazole derivatives of chloroquine were equally active against chloroquine-resistant (CQR) and chloroquine-sensitive (CQS) Plasmodium falciparum strains

    Pneumococcal Gene Complex Involved in Resistance to Extracellular Oxidative Stress

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a Gram-positive bacterium which is a member of the normal human nasopharyngeal flora but can also cause serious disease such as pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis. Throughout its life cycle, S. pneumoniae is exposed to significant oxidative stress derived from endogenously produced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and from the host through the oxidative burst. How S. pneumoniae, an aerotolerant anaerobic bacterium that lacks catalase, protects itself against hydrogen peroxide stress is still unclear. Bioinformatic analysis of its genome identified a hypothetical open reading frame belonging to the thiol-specific antioxidant (TlpA/TSA) family, located in an operon consisting of three open reading frames. For all four strains tested, deletion of the gene resulted in an approximately 10-fold reduction in survival when strains were exposed to external peroxide stress. However, no role for this gene in survival of internal superoxide stress was observed. Mutagenesis and complementation analysis demonstrated that all three genes are necessary and sufficient for protection against oxidative stress. Interestingly, in a competitive index mouse pneumonia model, deletion of the operon had no impact shortly after infection but was detrimental during the later stages of disease. Thus, we have identified a gene complex involved in the protection of S. pneumoniae against external oxidative stress, which plays an important role during invasive disease.
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