14 research outputs found


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    The protection of animals from killing and abuse or maltreatment, through the provisions of criminal law and the law of misdemeanors, has been established in the Republic of Serbia with significant delay in comparison to common law countries and the developed countries of European – continental legal tradition. The criminal offence of killing and torture (now: maltreatment) of animals was included in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia in 2006, while our country adopted its first Law on Animal Welfare in 2009. Therefore, in order to provide as efficient implementation of relevant universal and European standards as possible, it is necessary to analyze the solutions that are present in the legislations of countries with longer history and advanced tradition in this field of law in theoretical as well as in practical sense. In that context, the author analyzes the provisions of the Swedish Penal Code as well as of the Animal Welfare Law of the Kingdom of Sweden along with the examples of the practice of relevant state bodies in that country, as possible role models. Moreover, the author discusses the similarities and the differences between the Swedish legislation and the legislation of our country, which can be distinguished in this field. Having in mind their advantages and weaknesses, the author also offers constructive suggestions in order to upgrade and further develop state reaction to animal cruelty in the Republic of Serbia.Zaštita životinja od ubijanja i zlostavljanja putem odredaba krivičnog i prekršajnog prava postavljena je u Republici Srbiji sa znatnim zakašnjenjem u poređenju sa zemljama common – law sistema i razvijenim zemljama evropsko – kontinentalne pravne tradicije. Krivično delo ubijanja i mučenja (sada: zlostavljanja) životinja uključeno je u krivično zakonodavstvo Republike Srbije 2006. godine, a svoj prvi Zakon o dobrobiti životinja naša zemlja je usvojila 2009. godine. Zbog toga je, u cilju što efikasnije implementacije relevantnih univerzalnih i evropskih standarda, potrebno razmotriti rešenja prisutna u zakonodavstvima drugih zemalja sa dužom istorijom i naprednijom tradicijom u ovoj oblasti prava kako u teorijskom tako i u praktičnom smislu. U tom kontekstu, autor analizira odredbe švedskog Krivičnog zakonika i Zakona o zaštiti životinja Kraljevine Švedske i primere iz prakse nadležnih pravosudnih organa te zemlje kao moguće uzore. Takođe, autor razmatra sličnosti i razlike između zakonodavstva Švedske i zakonodavstva naše zemlje koje se mogu uočiti u ovoj oblasti. Imajući u vidu njihove prednosti i nedostatke, autor daje konstruktivne predloge kako bi se unapredila i dalje razvijala državna reakcija na zlostavljanje životinja u Republici Srbiji


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    The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the term, contents, characteristics and purpose of specific Extrajudicial Measures and Extrajudicial Sanctions prescribed in juvenile justice system of Canada, as well as to question the contribution of these measures i.e. sanctions when it comes to the accomplishment of fundamental ideas and principles of restorative justice. The author also attempts to point out the possibilities of Extrajudicial Measures and Extrajudicial Sanctions when it comes to the suppression of recidivism among juvenile offenders, and to present these measures as possible role – models and guidelines that would contribute to the improvement of present situation regarding the application of similar measures against juvenile offenders in Serbia. Basic issues that will be discussed include the following: brief historical review of the development of juvenile criminal law in Canada, the definition of the term, essence, contents, and actual ways in which Extrajudicial Measures and Extrajudicial Sanctions are imposed and applied in accordance with current Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as the attempt to estimate the scope and quality in which the application of these measures allows the concept of restorative justice to be fulfilled along with the idea that that the purpose of post delictum intervention is not supposed to be punishment or re – education but the establishment of preconditions for the reparation of damage caused by criminal offence through the activation of the mechanism of re – integrative instead of disintegrative shaming. Finally, the possibility of implementing some of the ideas that exist in Canadian system within the frames of present legislative solutions in juvenile criminal law of Serbia will also be discussed in this paper, particularly in the context of educational orders prescribed by Law on juvenile perpetrators of criminal offences and criminal – legal protection of minors.Cilj ovog rada jeste da predstavi i analizira pojam, sadržinu, karakteristike i svrhu specifčnih vansudskih mera i vansudskih sankcija predviđenih u sistemu maloletničkog krivičnog prava Kanade, kao i da preispita doprinos ovih mera, odnosno sankcija ostvarivanju osnovnih ideja i načela restorativne pravde. Takođe, autor nastoji da ukaže na mogućnosti vansudskih mera i vansudskih sankcija kada je u pitanju suzbijanje recidivizma maloletnih prestupnika, ali i da ove mere predstavi kao moguće uzore i smernice, koje bi doprinele unapređenju postojeće situacije u primeni sličnih mera prema maloletnim prestupnicima u Srbiji. Osnovne teme u izlaganju obuhvataju: sumarni istorijski osvrt na razvoj maloletničkog krivičnog prava Kanade, defnisanje pojma, smisla, sadržine i konkretnih modaliteta izricanja i izvršenja vansudskih mera i sankcija u skladu sa važećim kanadskim Zakonom o maloletničkom krivičnom pravosuđu, kao i nastojanje da se proceni u kom obimu i kvalitetu primena ovih mera omogućava ostvarivanje koncepta restorativne pravde i ideje da svrha post delictum intervencije ne treba da bude kažnjavanje ili prevaspitanje maloletnika, već stvaranje uslova da se popravi šteta pričinjena izvršenjem krivičnog dela aktiviranjem kod prestupnika mehanizma reintegrativnog umesto dezintegrativnog postiđivanja. Konačno, u okviru ovog rada biće razmotrena i mogućnost implementacije nekih od ideja zastupljenih u kanadskom sistemu u okvirima pozitivnopravnih rešenja u maloletničkom krivičnom pravu Srbijie, a pre svega vaspitnih naloga iz Zakona o maloletnim učiniocima krivičnih dela i krivičnopravnoj zaštiti maloletnih lica

    Prikaz monografije „Tužioci i žrtve“ Dr Jovana Ćirića

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    Prikaz monografije „Tužioci i žrtve“ Dr Jovana ĆirićaPrikaz monografije „Tužioci i žrtve“ Dr Jovana Ćirić


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    Terrorism represents one of the most serious threats to the safety of modern society on both – global as well as national level and criminal offences with the elements of terrorism are prescribed by criminal legislation of individual states as well as in international documents of universal and regional character. In spite of numerous theoretical and legal definitions of the actual term “terrorism”, the specific difference between this crime and other politically motivated illegal acts cannot always be determined with certainty. The authors of this paper attempt to analyze terrorism from politicological and legal point of view having in mind the complexity of this phenomenon and its tight correlation with other criminal offences. The aim of politicological analysis is to determine what comprises differentia specific between terrorism and other similar acts, whereas legal analysis is focused on the review of the most important international legal sources pertinent to the prevention, punishing and suppression and of terrorist acts on one hand and on legal consequences of terrorism and activities related to terrorism in accordance with current criminal law of the Republic of Serbia.Terorizam je jedna od najozbiljnijih pretnji po bezbednost savremenog društva na globalnom i nacionalnom nivou. Krivična dela sa elementima terorizma predviđena su u krivičnim zakonima većine država i u međunarodnim dokumentima univerzalnog i regionalnog važenja. Nije moguće uvek sa sigurnošću odrediti specifčnu razlika između terorizma kao krivičnog dela i drugih politički motivisanih nezakonitih akata. Zbog kompleksnosti ovog fenomena i njegovu tesnu vezu sa drugim krivičnim delima, autori u radu nastoje da analiziraju terorizam sa politikološkog i pravnog aspekta. Politikološka analiza treba da odredi šta je differentia specifca između terorizma i drugih sličnih pojava, dok je pravna fokusirana na najznačajnije međunarodne pravne izvore, kao i pozitivno krivično pravo Srbije, relevantne za prevenciju, sankcionisanje i suzbijanje terorizma

    Krivičnopravna zaštita životinja

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    Resources in the function of tourism business: Basic questions

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    This paper treats complex problems and questions related to the protection of natural and artificially formed environmental values at the levels of law and legislatures, as well as of natural resources (in the context of tourism), expressed through: 1. Observing and defining what comprises the respective (group) subject of legal protection; 2. Difficulties in the procedure of defining the minimal basic elements of natural and artificially formed environmental values that require legislative protection; 3. The complexity of creating an appropriate regime of environmental protection and 4. The levels at which it is adequate to form such protection: level of International law, level of national legislation, or regional - inter-state level and local - community level. If we want to accomplish the set tasks, it is necessary to choose a sovereign state as an example, as well as our terrain of practical research. Of course, it is also necessary to form an adequate methodological apparatus, in terms of gathering the necessary facts, sorting, inductive and subsequent deductive analyses, but also, in the light of ecological-legal methods, primarily the formal normative method, material normative method and normative hierarchical method

    Trovanje životinja - veterinarsko medicinski i krivično pravni aspekti

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    Apart from approved or planned poisoning with agricultural purpose, an increase in the number of cases of intentional animal poisoning (primarily referring to cats and dogs) has been detected in Serbia, and it is suspected that their number is significantly larger than the one shown by the official statistics data. Under the conditions prescribed by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, such activities may represent the crime of killing and torture of animals, but also the crime of causing a general danger. It would be impossible to conduct the procedure of discovering and proving these criminal offences and the responsibility of their perpetrators without findings and opinion of forensic veterinary-medicine experts. They play an important role when it comes to site inspection, crime scene processing, collecting the samples from the crime scene, processing of samples and autopsy and exhumation of a potentially poisoned animal body. Just like other evidence in criminal procedure, findings and opinion of experts of veterinary medicine are estimated in accordance with the principle of free assessment of evidence. However, due to the specificity of such cases of killing and torture of animals, their impact on court's decision on the existence of criminal offence and perpetrator's liability is crucial. In this paper, the authors discuss the scope of animal poisoning in Serbia, particularly in Belgrade, analyze possible criminal - legal consequences of these illegal activities and point out to a significant role that experts of veterinary medical profession have in discovering and proving such cases and the liability of their perpetrators.Pored odobrenih ili planiranih trovanja u poljoprivredne svrhe, u Srbiji je zabeležen porast slučajeva namernog, nezakonitog trovanja životinja (prvenstveno pasa i mačaka), a opravdano se sumnja da je taj broj znatno veći od onog koji pokazuju statistički podaci. Pod određenim uslovima propisanim Krivičnim zakonikom Republike Srbije takve radnje mogu da predstavljaju krivično delo ubijanja i zlostavljanja životinja, ali i krivično delo izazivanja opšte opasnosti. Postupak otkrivanja i dokazivanja ovih krivičnih dela i odgovornosti njihovih učinilaca ne bi bilo moguće sprovesti bez nalaza i mišljenja stručnjaka forenzičke veterinarske medicine. Oni imaju važnu ulogu u sprovođenju uviđaja, odnosno obrade mesta događaja, prikupljanja uzoraka sa mesta događaja, njihove obrade i analize, obdukcije i ekshumacije leša potencijalno otrovane životinje. Kao i ostali dokazi u krivičnom postupku, nalaz i mišljenje veštaka veterinarsko-medicinske struke se procenjuju u skladu sa načelom slobodne ocene dokaza. Međutim, zbog specifičnosti takvih slučajeva ubijanja i zlostavljanja životinja, u praksi je njihov uticaj na odluku suda o postojanju krivičnog dela i odgovornosti učinioca presudan. U radu autori razmatraju rasprostranjenost trovanja životinja u Srbiji, posebno u Beogradu, analiziraju moguće krivično-pravne posledice tih nezakonitih radnji i ukazuju na značajnu ulogu stručnjaka veterinarsko medicinske struke u otkrivanju i dokazivanju takvih slučajeva i odgovornosti njihovih učinilaca

    Krivičnopravna zaštita životinja

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    Krivičnopravna zaštita životinja

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    In the context of climate change and rising risk of environmental crisis caused by pollution and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, the concept of environmental security, primarily defined as the resilience of countries and individuals to the challenges of environmental degradation, is rapidly obtaining the interest of general public and experts from various scientific disciplines. However, it seems that the gender aspect of security in general, and particularly of environmental security has not been given the amount of attention it deserves until recently. Thanks to the ecofeminist movement, based upon the idea that women are more closely related to nature than men and more vulnerable and susceptible to the negative impacts of environmental degradation (especially those emerging as the consequences of pollution and climate change), the role of women in the improvement of environmental security through participation in decision-making processes in legislation and public policy making is finally being recognised. The aim of this paper is to analyse the modern concept of environmental security as well as the evolution and contemporary discourses within ecofeminist movements and to explain the link between them, i.e., the contribution of ecofeminism to the shift in the approach to environmental security in the sense of taking into consideration the rights and interests of women as more common victims of negative environmental impacts as well as their potentials as relevant stake holders in this field.U kontekstu klimatskih promena i rastućeg rizika od ekološke krize izazvane zagađenjem i nedrživim eksploatisanjem prirodnih resursa, koncept ekološke bezbednosti, prvenstveno određen kao spremnost država i pojedinaca da se suoče sa izazovima degradacije životne sredine ubrzano pobuđuje interesovanje kako šire javnosti tako i eksperata iz različitih naučnih disciplina. Međutim, čini se da rodnom aspektu bezbednosti uopšte, a posebno ekološke bezbednosti,  sve do nedavno nije pruženo oniliko pažnje koliko zaslužuje. Zahvaljujući ekofeminističkim pokretima, koji počivaju na ideji da su žene više povezane sa prirodom nego muškarci te da su u tom smislu ranjivije i podložnije negativnim uticajima degradacije životne sredine (posebno onim koji se pojavljuju kao posledice zagađenja i klimatskih promenama), uloga žena u unapređenju ekološke bezbednosti kroz njihovo učešće u procesima donošenja odluka u oblasti zakonodavstva i javnih politika konačno je prepoznata. Cilj ovog rada jeste da analizira moderni koncept ekološke bezbednosti, kao i evoluciju i savremene diskurse u okviru ekofeminističkih pokreta, kao i da objasni njihovu povezanos, odnosno doprinos ekofeminizma promeni u pristupu ekološkoj bezbednosti u pravcu uvažavanja prava i interesa ženna kao češćih žrtava negativnih ekoloških uticaja ali i njihovih potencijala kao relevantnih donosilaca odluka u ovoj oblasti