18 research outputs found

    Arquitecturas para sistemas de informação baseados em cloud computing

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    Mestrado em Engenharia dos Computadores e TelemáticaEste trabalho faz um apanhado do panorama actual no que diz respeito a Cloud computing. Começa por analisar a definição proposta pelo NIST e cate-gorizar vários serviços comerciais de acordo com as categorias propostas nes-sa definição. De seguida, são analisadas as implementações grátis disponíveis em licenças Open Source e chega-se à conclusão que para Clouds do tipo IaaS já existem várias implementações, algumas com boa qualidade, mas que na área de PaaS ainda existe muito trabalho a ser feito antes de se chegar a uma imple-mentação com funcionalidade comparável à dos serviços comerciais existen-tes. Após uma breve análise sobre a integração de SOA com as facilidades do Cloud computing, chegou-se à conclusão que PaaS se apresenta como o modelo de serviço mais adequando para desenvolver aplicações SOA. Visto que não existe ainda nenhum PaaS livre, e que os existentes apresentam problemas sérios de vendor lock in, é especificada uma framework completa, portátil e aberta que permitirá implementar um serviço do tipo PaaS em infra-estrutura privada ou sobre algum dos IaaS existentes. O PaaS especificado baseia-se, sempre que possível, em tecnologias existen-tes, concluindo-se que apenas a tecnologia de armazenamento de dados estruturados está aquém do necessário para a implementação. Deixa-se para o futuro a implementação dos vários módulos que permitirão a integração dos vários componentes da PaaS, no entanto sempre que possível, são sugeridas tecnologias a utilizar de forma a manter a implementação aberta e portátil.This work sums up the current situation of Cloud computing. It starts by per-forming an analysis of the NIST definition draft, and categorizing some com-mercial services into the categories proposed by the referred definition. Next, the free implementations distributed under an Open Source license are analyzed, and the conclusion is that there are some high quality IaaS cloud implementations, but the PaaS area still needs a lot of work before the functio-nality of a free implementation is comparable to that of the commercial services available. After a brief analysis of the integration of SOA and Cloud computing, the con-clusion is that PaaS presents the most adequate service model for the devel-opment of SOA applications. Given that, up to the moment, there is no free PaaS, and that the existing ones present serious vendor lock in problems, a complete, portable, and open framework that allows the deployment of a PaaS type service on private or on IaaS infrastructure is specified. The specified PaaS is based on current technology whenever possible, with exception of the storage of structured data that is not up to the requirements yet. The implementation of the modules required to integrate the various PaaS components is left as future work. Yet, whenever possible, suggestions are made about usable technologies that will allow the PaaS to remain portable and open

    Evaluation of dental enamel microproperties after bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide and different light sources : an in vitro study

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    To evaluate the tooth enamel surface morphology after the action of 35% hydrogen peroxide with and without LED activation. Material and Methods: 70 bovine incisors with an enamel surface of 4x4x3 mm were used, prepared for reading superfic

    Accountability e as câmaras municipais de Rondônia: uma investigação nos portais eletrônicos / Accountability and Rondônia city halls: an investigation in electronic portals

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    A velocidade da informação cresce de modo exponencial e as ferramentas tecnológicas de informação e comunicação transformaram o mundo, assim como as organizações. Entretanto, bem mais remota que estas tecnologias, é a necessidade de os governos serem transparentes e públicos de suas ações. A legislação brasileira, como a própria Constituição e a Lei de Acesso à Informação cobram do Estado ações neste sentido e a tecnologia da informação e comunicação é uma aliada no atendimento desta necessidade. Assim, busca-se um cenário favorável à formação de accountability, um termo sem uma tradução literal, mas com conceitos que serão explorados neste artigo, que desempenham papéis importantes para a formação de dados abertos governamentais e portais de transparência da administração pública. Destarte, tem-se o seguinte questionamento: qual o nível de accountability apresentado nos portais das assembleias legislativas dos três municípios mais populosos do estado de Rondônia? Objetivando responder esta indagação, foi verificado o nível de prestação de contas, transparência e participação nos portais eletrônicos das câmaras municipais de cidades com mais de 100 mil habitantes. Para tanto, utilizou-se um protocolo de observação criado por Raupp e Pinho (2013a), o qual escalonou os portais das câmaras municipais e apresentou-os como um quadro grave de capacidade de accountability, visto os municípios serem os mais populosos. A pesquisa conclui que para a construção da accountability nas dimensões da prestação de contas e transparência, os portais apresentam resultados medianos e na dimensão participação, não existem condições para que se efetive a participação dos cidadãos nos legislativos municipais. 

    A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing

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    Background: Cork oak (Quercus suber) is one of the rare trees with the ability to produce cork, a material widely used to make wine bottle stoppers, flooring and insulation materials, among many other uses. The molecular mechanisms of cork formation are still poorly understood, in great part due to the difficulty in studying a species with a long life-cycle and for which there is scarce molecular/genomic information. Cork oak forests are of great ecological importance and represent a major economic and social resource in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. However, global warming is threatening the cork oak forests by imposing thermal, hydric and many types of novel biotic stresses. Despite the economic and social value of the Q. suber species, few genomic resources have been developed, useful for biotechnological applications and improved forest management. Results: We generated in excess of 7 million sequence reads, by pyrosequencing 21 normalized cDNA libraries derived from multiple Q. suber tissues and organs, developmental stages and physiological conditions. We deployed a stringent sequence processing and assembly pipeline that resulted in the identification of ~159,000 unigenes. These were annotated according to their similarity to known plant genes, to known Interpro domains, GO classes and E.C. numbers. The phylogenetic extent of this ESTs set was investigated, and we found that cork oak revealed a significant new gene space that is not covered by other model species or EST sequencing projects. The raw data, as well as the full annotated assembly, are now available to the community in a dedicated web portal at http://www.corkoakdb.org. Conclusions: This genomic resource represents the first trancriptome study in a cork producing species. It can be explored to develop new tools and approaches to understand stress responses and developmental processes in forest trees, as well as the molecular cascades underlying cork differentiation and disease response.Peer Reviewe

    CagA phosphorylation EPIYA-C motifs and the vacA i genotype in Helicobacter pylori strains of asymptomatic children from a high-risk gastric cancer area in northeastern Brazil

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide and is associated with gastric diseases. Virulence factors such as VacA and CagA have been shown to increase the risk of these diseases. Studies have suggested a causal role of CagA EPIYA-C in gastric carcinogenesis and this factor has been shown to be geographically diverse. We investigated the number of CagA EPIYA motifs and the vacA i genotypes in H. pylori strains from asymptomatic children. We included samples from 40 infected children (18 females and 22 males), extracted DNA directly from the gastric mucus/juice (obtained using the string procedure) and analysed the DNA using polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. The vacA i1 genotype was present in 30 (75%) samples, the i2 allele was present in nine (22.5%) samples and both alleles were present in one (2.5%) sample. The cagA-positive samples showed distinct patterns in the 3’ variable region of cagA and 18 of the 30 (60%) strains contained 1 EPIYA-C motif, whereas 12 (40%) strains contained two EPIYA-C motifs. We confirmed that the studied population was colonised early by the most virulent H. pylori strains, as demonstrated by the high frequency of the vacA i1 allele and the high number of EPIYA-C motifs. Therefore, asymptomatic children from an urban community in Fortaleza in northeastern Brazil are frequently colonised with the most virulent H. pylori strains


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    ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the incidence of spinal injuries between 2000-2010 due to motorcycle accidents and the relation to the increase in motorcycle sales in the same period, as well as the anatomical distribution of these spinal injuries. Methods: Data were collected from 1,295 records of patients who have suffered spinal injury resulting from motorcycle accidents admitted to the ward TRM (Spinal Cord Trauma) of the Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia from 2000 to 2010 in this retrospective study. We selected 110 medical records and collected information on sex, age, neurological deficit on admission (according to Frankel scale), diagnosis, and level of injury. Results: Between 2000 and 2010 there was an increase of almost five times in the incidence of patients who have suffered spinal injury due to motorcycle accidents. More than half (51.4%) had cervical spine injury, 37.2% thoracic spine injury and 11.34% had lumbar spine injury. Only 34.3% of patients had no neurological deficit on admission and patients with thoracic spine fracture had a higher incidence and severity of lesion. The average age of patients was 30 years. Conclusions: The increased incidence of spinal injuries due motorcycle accidents occurred in the same period in which there was an increase in motorcycle sales in the country. Patients who have suffered those injuries were young, with higher incidence in the cervical and thoracic spinal levels and high rates of neurological deficit

    Mapping Alterations Induced by Long-Term Axenic Cultivation of Leishmania amazonensis Promastigotes With a Multiplatform Metabolomic Fingerprint Approach

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    Submitted by Nuzia Santos ([email protected]) on 2020-02-04T17:07:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mapping Alterations Induced .pdf: 15523213 bytes, checksum: a485f8b44283ace87e344a06f1a2edea (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Nuzia Santos ([email protected]) on 2020-02-04T17:13:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Mapping Alterations Induced .pdf: 15523213 bytes, checksum: a485f8b44283ace87e344a06f1a2edea (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2020-02-04T17:13:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mapping Alterations Induced .pdf: 15523213 bytes, checksum: a485f8b44283ace87e344a06f1a2edea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil / Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis. Unidad Metabolómica. Interacciones y Bioanálisis (UMIB), Universidad CEU. San Pablo, Boadilla del Monte, Spain.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil / Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis. Unidad Metabolómica. Interacciones y Bioanálisis (UMIB), Universidad CEU. San Pablo, Boadilla del Monte, Spain.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Departamento de Biologia Geral. Laboratório de Biotecnologia e Marcadores Moleculares. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Manchester Institute of Biotechnology. The University of Manchester. Manchester, United Kingdom.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto René Rachou. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Departamento de Morfologia. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Departamento de Morfologia. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis. Unidad Metabolómica. Interacciones y Bioanálisis (UMIB), Universidad CEU. San Pablo, Boadilla del Monte, Spain.Centro de Metabolómica y Bioanálisis. Unidad Metabolómica. Interacciones y Bioanálisis (UMIB), Universidad CEU. San Pablo, Boadilla del Monte, Spain.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Farmácia. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.Leishmaniases are widespread neglected diseases with an incidence of 1.6 million new cases and 40 thousand deaths per year. Leishmania parasites may show distinct, species-specific patterns of virulence that lead to different clinical manifestations. It is well known that successive in vitro passages (SIVP) lead to the attenuation of virulence, but neither the metabolism nor the pathways involved in these processes are well understood. Herein, promastigotes of a virulent L. amazonensis strain recently isolated from mice was compared to SIVP derived and attenuated promastigotes, submitted to 10, 40, and 60 axenic passages and named R10, R40, and R60, respectively. In vitro assays and in vivo tests were performed to characterize and confirmed the attenuation profiles. A metabolomic fingerprint comparison of R0, R10, and R60 was performed by means of capillary electrophoresis, liquid and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. To validate the metabolomic data, qPCR for selected loci, flow cytometry to measure aPS exposure, sensitivity to antimony tartrate and ROS production assays were conducted. The 65 identified metabolites were clustered in biochemical categories and mapped in eight metabolic pathways: ABC transporters; fatty acid biosynthesis; glycine, serine and threonine metabolism; β-alanine metabolism; glutathione metabolism; oxidative phosphorylation; glycerophospholipid metabolism and lysine degradation. The obtained metabolomic data correlated with previous proteomic findings of the SVIP parasites and the gene expression of 13 selected targets. Late SIVP cultures were more sensitive to SbIII produced more ROS and exposed less phosphatidylserine in their surface. The correspondent pathways were connected to build a biochemical map of the most significant alterations involved with the process of attenuation of L. amazonensis. Overall, the reported data pointed out to a very dynamic and continuous metabolic reprogramming process, accompanied by changes in energetic, lipid and redox metabolisms, membrane remodeling and reshaping of parasite-host cells interactions, causing impacts in chemotaxis, host inflammatory responses and infectivity at the early stages of infection