324 research outputs found
Contemporary societies "under the veil" of A Theory of Justice / Sociedades contemporâneas "sob o véu" de Uma Teoria da Justiça
The present work evaluated, from the perspective of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice, the data released by the United Nations Development Program in the 2017 Human Development Report. From this information, it was demonstrated that the classification proposed by the Human Development Index adjusted to Inequality, conveyed in this document, presents dissonance in relation to the Rawlsian perspective. Therefore, through the analysis of multiple criteria such as religious freedom, gender equality and ethnic-racial isonomy, a reflection was established regarding the need to adjust the quality of life — up until now established as a parameter for 'ranking' countries — for an approach to social justice
Enamorados de las máquinas: el debate bioético sobre la automatización sexual
Empreses de tot el món estan desenvolupant i venent robots sexuals. Preguntes sobre "Com afectaran les relacions amb els robots a les relacions humanes en el futur?" sorgeixen quan les tecnologies s'utilitzen per a satisfer les necessitats socials i emocionals de les persones. Aquest article analitza l'ús de robots sexuals des d'una perspectiva bioètica, considerant que les tecnologies i els dissenys tenen valors intrínsecs que cal tenir en compte. Les relacions amb robots i sistemes informàtics, com la intel·ligència artificial, són una possibilitat per a moltes persones a tot el món. Presentem preguntes plantejades per veus a favor i en contra del sexe amb robots. A més de la polarització binària, la perspectiva bioètica recorda els conceptes de biopolítica i biopoder de Foucault per a situar problemes com la mecanització de les relacions íntimes. Sostenim que el debat sobre els robots sexuals ofereix l'oportunitat de revisar vells patrons en relació amb el gènere, desigualtat i la salut.A few companies around the world are now developing and selling sex robots. Questions such as “how will relationships with robots’ impact human relations in the future” emerge when technologies are used to meet the social and emotional needs of individuals. Considering that technology and design have embedded values and biases, this article surveys the use of sex robots from a bioethical perspective. Relationships with robots and computational systems, like Artificial Intelligence, are a possibility for many people around the world. We present questions raised by the voices in favor of robot sex, and against it. Beyond a binary polarization, the bioethical perspective recalls the Foucaultian concepts of biopolitics and biopower to situate the problems with the mechanization of intimate relationships. We argue that sex robots offer the opportunity to review old patterns regarding gender, inequality, and health.Empresas de todo el mundo están desarrollando y vendiendo robots sexuales. Preguntas sobre "¿Cómo afectarán las relaciones con los robots a las relaciones humanas en el futuro?" surgen cuando las tecnologías se utilizan para satisfacer las necesidades sociales y emocionales de las personas. Este artículo analiza el uso de robots sexuales desde una perspectiva bioética, considerando que las tecnologías y los diseños tienen valores intrínsecos que hay que tener en cuenta. Las relaciones con robots y sistemas informáticos, como la inteligencia artificial, son una posibilidad para muchas personas en todo el mundo. Presentamos preguntas planteadas por voces a favor y en contra del sexo con robots. Además de la polarización binaria, la perspectiva bioética recuerda los conceptos de biopolítica y biopoder de Foucault para situar problemas como la mecanización de las relaciones íntimas. Sostenemos que el debate sobre los robots sexuales ofrece la oportunidad de revisar viejos patrones en relación con el género, desigualdad y la salud
“Many holes tied together with ropes”: the concept of network for mental health professionals
Este trabalho objetivou analisar os sentidos que são atribuídos ao conceito de rede de atenção pelos profissionais de saúde e identificar como eles o transformam em trabalho vivo na produção do cuidado. A investigação foi de abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas mediadas pelo uso de situações-problema com profissionais de diferentes níveis de atenção aos pacientes com transtorno mental. Os dados foram apreciados pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin e, da análise temática, emergiram três categorias: (1) sentidos de uma rede de cuidado - conceituação e características; (2) meios operadores para a construção de uma rede de cuidados - construção da prática; e (3) propostas para minimização das dificuldades e efetivação de uma rede de cuidados. Delas, por fim, surgiram as seguintes subcategorias: trabalho em rede; redes de apoio; conflito; continuidade do cuidado; assistência integral; cuidado compartilhado; processo de formação; espaços amplos de discussão; e organização do trabalho. Desse modo, foi possível concluir que os profissionais expressam diferentes conceitos de rede e, com isso, agem de modo singular na produção do cuidado, mesmo estando sob a mesma diretriz normativa. Foram identificadas, também, uma fragmentação do acesso e barreiras a ele, o que dificulta a trajetória do paciente pela rede assistencial.This study aimed to analyze the meanings attributed to the concept of network of care by health professionals and identify how they change it into living work in the production of care. This study used a qualitative approach, with interviews mediated by the use of problem situations with professionals from different levels of care provided to patients with mental disorders. Data were evaluated using Bardin’s content analysis and, from the thematic analysis, three categories were defined: (1) meanings of a network of care - concept and characteristics; (2) operating means for the construction of a network of care - practice construction; and (3) proposals to minimize the challenges and consolidate a network of care. From these, the following subcategories were identified: networking; support networks; conflict; continuity of care; integral care; shared care; training process; broad discussion; and work organization. This study concluded mental health professionals express different concepts of network and, therefore, act differently when producing care, even though they observe the same normative guideline. Access fragmentation and barriers to access were also observed, which hinders the patient’s use of the network of care
Bioethics in brazilian dentistry undergraduate courses: Bioética nos cursos de graduação em odontologia brasileiros
A literature review was conducted with the objective of evaluating the insertion and teaching of bioethics in Brazilian dentistry undergraduate courses, after the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines of 2002. Twelve articles were selected from the Pubmed, Scielo and Lilacs databases, published between 2002 and 2020. The results showed that many colleges had not yet inserted the discipline of bioethics in their syllabus, in some of those they had inserted, teaching was predominantly theoretical and disjointed from the other disciplines. It was also evidenced that, in institutions where active methodologies were associated with the teaching of bioethics, the results were more positive. It is concluded that the insertion of bioethics can contribute to the ethical and humanistic formation of the students, and more recent studies on the subject are necessary
Evaluation of antimicrobial use in the basic health units of Ponte Nova / MG
Antimicrobials are prescribed drugs in large quantity in Primary Care. The use of these has been highlighted in the policies to rationalize the use of medicines, for being more consumed and because these are drugs most wrongly and abusively used. The study das as an objective to evaluate the process of antibacterial therapy in primary health care of Ponte Nova/MG, identifying the classes of most used antimicrobials, the main bacterial infections, comparing them to the indications to antibacterial therapy protocols. Field research was carried out in the Basic Health Units and in the Pharmacy of Minas, based on interviews guided by a survey, structured in a database with all the information collected through the program Epiinfo Amoxicillin was the antimicrobial that appeared the most in the prescriptions, followed by cephalexin, ciprofloxacin and azithromycin. Among the most identified infections are the urinary tract and upper respiratory tract. Brazil and the European countries presented the same antimicrobial consumption pattern. The study illustrated the major problem currently presented, the considered increased risk of bacterial resistance, as it confirmed the abusive use of antimicrobials to treat infections
Probable chronic renal failure caused by Lonomia caterpillar envenomation
Erucism is a skin reaction to envenomation from certain poisonous caterpillar bristles. In Brazil, most reports of erucism provoked by Lonomia caterpillars are from the southern region. Most manifestations of erucism are local and include burning pain, itching, local hyperthermia and, rarely, blisters (benign symptoms with spontaneous regression in a few hours). General symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, headache, fever, myalgia, abdominal pain and conjunctivitis may also occur. Uncommon symptoms include arthritis, coagulation disorders (manifested as bruising and bleeding), intracerebral hemorrhage and acute renal failure, which comprise serious complications. The present study reports the case of 60-year-old patient from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, who came into contact with a caterpillar and developed, a few days later, chronic renal disease
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