20 research outputs found

    Peripheral NN scattering from subtractive renormalization of chiral interactions

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    We apply five subtractions in the Lippman-Schwinger (LS) equation in order to perform a non-perturbative renormalization of chiral N3LO nucleon-nucleon interactions. Here we compute the phase shifts for the uncoupled peripheral waves at renormalization scales between 0.1 fm−10.1~ \rm{fm}^{-1} and 1 fm−11 ~ \rm{fm}^{-1}. In this range, the results are scale invariant and provide an overall goof agreement with the Nijmegen partial wave analysis up to at least Elab=150 MeVE_{\rm{lab}} = 150 ~ \rm{MeV}, with a cutoff at Λ=30 fm−1\Lambda = 30~\rm{fm}^{-1}.Comment: Talk given at the XXXVI RTFNB, Maresias Beach, Brazil, September 201

    O lúdico na educação infantil : brincando eu aprendo

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Faculdade de Educação, 2018.O presente trabalho visa analisar a importância do ato de brincar no desenvolvimento e aprendizagem na educação infantil. Sabendo que a importância das atividades lúdicas nas escolas é inegável, pois não há atividade que congregue interesse e concentre mais as crianças em torno do que estão realizando, do que os jogos, os brinquedos e as brincadeiras. Por meio na qual as crianças comunicam-se consigo mesma e o com o mundo, aceita a existência dos outros estabelecendo relações sociais, constrói conhecimentos e desenvolvendo-se integralmente. Fundamentado em autores como Piaget (1978), Vigostky (1998), Kishimoto (1998), os quais subsidiaram o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, fui fazendo uso de uma abordagem qualitativa, tendo como instrumento de pesquisa o questionário com perguntas abertas direcionadas as professoras da educação infantil, chego a um resultado que as atividades lúdicas possibilitam a livre imaginação para o ato de brincar, criar e recriar na busca da expressão individual e em grupo. É fundamental que se assegure à criança o tempo e o espaço para que o lúdico seja vivenciado com intensidade. Portanto, esse trabalho é de grande valia para minha formação acadêmica e para professores interessados em inovar a sua prática, pois a brincadeira permeia todas as ações como jogo simbólico e é através dela que a criança se compreende, compreende o outro e o meio em que vive, e também ao fazer uso dos jogos, brinquedos e das brincadeiras que desenvolve a linguagem, o pensamento, a socialização, a iniciativa e a sua autoestima, preparando-se para ser uma cidadã capaz de enfrentar desafios e participar na construção de um mundo mais feliz e fraterno


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    Considerando a escolha contábil presente na IAS 40/CPC 28, no que diz respeito ao modelo de mensuração das Propriedades para Investimento (Custo Histórico ou Valor Justo), e a exclusão do conservadorismo do rol das características qualitativas, dado que a mesma seria incompatível com a neutralidade, o presente trabalho objetiva analisar se as empresas brasileiras do setor de Exploração de Imóveis apresentam números contábeis conservadores e se há diferença conforme modelo de mensuração escolhido. O setor foi escolhido dada a alta representatividade das Propriedades para Investimento em suas empresas e cujo reconhecimento podem ser afetados por práticas conservadoras ao passo que é permitido o uso do valor justo. Nesse sentido, analisou-se as informações trimestrais no período entre 2010 e 2016, através dos modelos de conservadorismo e oportunidade de Basu (1997) e de Ball e Shivakumar (2005). Encontrou-se evidências de reconhecimento assimétrico de perdas (perdas inoportunas) entre o retorno e o lucro por parte das empresas que optaram pelo custo histórico, indo de encontro ao conceito de conservadorismo assimétrico, e que tendem a serem revertidas no período seguinte, o que pode ser justificado pelo posicionamento de Shivakumar (2013) quando o mesmo alerta que a discricionariedade intrínseca ao conservadorismo pode ser utilizada de modo a informar números contábeis mais atrativos. Quanto ao valor justo, pode-se verificar que, por considerarem tanto o reconhecimento oportuno de perdas econômicas como de ganhos, implicam em menor nível de conservadorismo e menor reconhecimento assimétrico de perdas em relação a lucros


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    Forage seeds often have a low germination percentage due to their seeds' dormancy, such as seeds of the genus Urochloa. Chemical scarification is chosen to overcome the dormancy, yet the seed's vigor level is not taken into account. On this wise, the method can harm the seed's quality. In this context, the study aimed to investigate the appropriate scarification period in brachiaria seeds and how the lot's thermal stress can affect this result. The experimental design was completely randomized, arranged in a 3x4 factorial scheme, designated by thermal stress (0, 24, and 48 hours) and periods of chemical scarification with concentrated sulfuric acid (0, 5, 10, and 15 minutes), with four repetitions. After scarification of the treatments, the seeds were evaluated for germination and vigor criteria. Scarification for 5 minutes is enough to express the quality of Urochloa brizantha cv. MG-5. This technique is not recommended after the seeds are severely stressed by temperature and humidity

    Appropriate hydration period and chemical agent improve priming in brachiaria seeds

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    Priming is an alternative to improve the performance of seeds that have germination problems, such as Urochloa brizantha seeds. This study aimed at evaluating the appropriate hydration period and chemical agents used for priming, via direct immersion, in the physiological quality and carbohydrate content of U. brizantha seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3 x 4 factorial arrangement, with four replicates of each treatment, consisting of lower, median and higher hydration periods, in the phase II of the absorption curve, and agents used for priming: water, gibberellin, sucrose and antioxidant (riboflavin). Germination and vigor tests were carried out, as well as carbohydrate contents determination, in the seeds. It was observed that seeds hydrated in the lower period show higher physiological potential. Priming with gibberellin provides a greater seedling emergence, and with sucrose higher carbohydrate contents

    Pre-germination treatments of Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum) seeds

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    Paricá seeds have dormancy and, even after mechanical scarification, these seeds show slow and uneven germination. Pre-germination treatments can be used to increase seed germination performance. Thus, the aimed to evaluate the physiological potential and initial growth of paricá seeds after pre-germination treatments, using different substances as plant regulators and nutrients, in addition to mechanical scarification. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2x7 factorial scheme, consisting of the following pre-germination treatments: mechanical scarification (10% and 50% of the seed coat) and seed pre-soaking [control-water, KNO3 ­0.2%, Ca(NO3)2 0.2%, gibberellin 0.02%, cytokinin 0.02%, and mixture of gibberellin + cytokinin (1:1)] besides a control group without pre-soaking, with four replicates. The study evaluated germination and emergence rates, germination and emergence speed indices, collar diameter, plant height, seedling dry mass, hypocotyl and seedling length, and electrical conductivity. It was observed that pre-soaking the seeds in gibberellin after mechanical scarification at 50% as a pre-germination treatment resulted in seeds with higher vigor expression and greater initial seedling growth

    Selective photodynamic effects on cervical adenocarcinoma cells provided by F127 Pluronic®-based micelles modulating hypericin delivery

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    Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women. The endocervical adenocarcinoma (ECA) represents an aggressive and metastatic type of cancer with no effective treatment options currently available. We evaluated the antitumoral and anti-migratory effects of hypericin (HYP) encapsulated on Pluronic F127 (F127/HYP) photodynamic therapy (PDT) against a human cell line derived from invasive cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) compared to a human epithelial cell line (HaCaT). The phototoxicity and cytotoxicity of F127/HYP were evaluated by the following assays: colorimetric assay, MTT, cellular morphological changes by microscopy and long-term cytotoxicity by clonogenic assay. In addition, we performed fluorescence microscopy to analyze cell uptake and subcellular distribution of F127/HYP, cell death pathway and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The PDT mechanism was determined with sodium azide and D-mannitol and cell migration by wound-healing assay. The treatment with F127/HYP promoted a phototoxic result in the HeLa cells in a dose-dependent and selective form. Internalization of F127/HYP was observed mainly in the mitochondria, causing cell death by necrosis and ROS production especially by the type II PDT mechanism. Furthermore, F127/HYP reduced the long-term proliferation and migration capacity of HeLa cells. Overall, our results indicate a potentially application of F127/HYP micelles as a novel approach for PDT with HYP delivery to more specifically treat ECA


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    Forage seeds often have a low germination percentage due to their seeds' dormancy, such as seeds of the genus Urochloa. Chemical scarification is chosen to overcome the dormancy, yet the seed's vigor level is not taken into account. On this wise, the method can harm the seed's quality. In this context, the study aimed to investigate the appropriate scarification period in brachiaria seeds and how the lot's thermal stress can affect this result. The experimental design was completely randomized, arranged in a 3x4 factorial scheme, designated by thermal stress (0, 24, and 48 hours) and periods of chemical scarification with concentrated sulfuric acid (0, 5, 10, and 15 minutes), with four repetitions. After scarification of the treatments, the seeds were evaluated for germination and vigor criteria. Scarification for 5 minutes is enough to express the quality of Urochloa brizantha cv. MG-5. This technique is not recommended after the seeds are severely stressed by temperature and humidity