1,696 research outputs found

    Ordered Statistics Vertex Extraction and Tracing Algorithm (OSVETA)

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    We propose an algorithm for identifying vertices from three dimensional (3D) meshes that are most important for a geometric shape creation. Extracting such a set of vertices from a 3D mesh is important in applications such as digital watermarking, but also as a component of optimization and triangulation. In the first step, the Ordered Statistics Vertex Extraction and Tracing Algorithm (OSVETA) estimates precisely the local curvature, and most important topological features of mesh geometry. Using the vertex geometric importance ranking, the algorithm traces and extracts a vector of vertices, ordered by decreasing index of importance.Comment: Accepted for publishing and Copyright transfered to Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, November 23th 201

    The Defect Sequence for Contractive Tuples

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    We introduce the defect sequence for a contractive tuple of Hilbert space operators and investigate its properties. The defect sequence is a sequence of numbers, called defect dimensions associated with a contractive tuple. We show that there are upper bounds for the defect dimensions. The tuples for which these upper bounds are obtained, are called maximal contractive tuples. The upper bounds are different in the non-commutative and in the com- mutative case. We show that the creation operators on the full Fock space and the co ordinate multipliers on the Drury-Arveson space are maximal. We also study pure tuples and see how the defect dimensions play a role in their irreducibility.Comment: 16 Pages. To appear in Linear Algebra and its Application

    Sesquilinear quantum stochastic analysis in Banach space

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    A theory of quantum stochastic processes in Banach space is initiated. The processes considered here consist of Banach space valued sesquilinear maps. We establish an existence and uniqueness theorem for quantum stochastic differential equations in Banach modules, show that solutions in unital Banach algebras yield stochastic cocycles, give sufficient conditions for a stochastic cocycle to satisfy such an equation, and prove a stochastic Lie–Trotter product formula. The theory is used to extend, unify and refine standard quantum stochastic analysis through different choices of Banach space, of which there are three paradigm classes: spaces of bounded Hilbert space operators, operator mapping spaces and duals of operator space coalgebras. Our results provide the basis for a general theory of quantum stochastic processes in operator spaces, of which Lévy processes on compact quantum groups is a special case

    Societal Reaction to the Release of Sex Offenders

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    This qualitative study explored public views on the release of convicted sex offenders. A content analysis was conducted on the comments section of four newspaper articles about releases. One hundred and fifty-six comments were examined, and six prominent themes emerged including: Critiques of the criminal justice system, execution, life imprisonment, tattooing, race and physical disfigurement. Most comments were negative and voiced a desire for harsher punishment. Public perception of sex offenders largely reflected stereotyped media portrayals.   Faculty Mentor: Diane Symbaluk Department: Sociolog

    #AkuGalau: Korpus Bahasa Indonesia untuk Deteksi Emosi dari Teks

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    Detection of emotions from text is a problem of text classification based on the type of emotion. The availability of an emotional corpus plays an essential role in the detection of emotions. However, most corpus for emotional detection is available in English. This condition is a major problem when developing a system for detecting emotions from Indonesian texts. The emotional text corpus for Indonesian is very limited. Therefore, this research focuses on the development of Indonesian text emotional corpus. The development of such a corpus is the first step in the study of detecting emotions from the Indonesian text. The data source used to develop the corpus is a tweet. The annotation process is done automatically based on the hashtag (#) of emotions contained in a tweet with five types of emotions: happy, sad, angry, afraid, and love. This research produced an Indonesian emotional text corpus consisting of 500 complete tweets with emotional labels at the superordinate and basic levels. Emotion detection experiments were conducted to test the corpus using the Naive Bayes method. The accuracy of the experiments reached 82%, these results indicate that the corpus can be used in text emotion detection.Deteksi emosi dari teks merupakan persoalan klasifikasi teks berdasarkan jenis emosi. Ketersediaan data berupa korpus emosi memegang peranan penting dalam deteksi emosi. Namun demikian, sebagian besar korpus untuk deteksi emosi tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris. Kondisi tersebut menjadi persoalan utama ketika melakukan deteksi emosi untuk teks Bahasa Indonesia. Korpus teks emosi untuk bahasa Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan korpus teks berbahasa Indonesia. Pengembangan korpus emosi berbahasa Indonesia ini sebagai langkah awal dalam penelitian deteksi emosi dari teks bahasa Indonesia. Sumber data yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan korpus adalah tweet. Proses anotasi dilakukan secara otomatis berdasarkan hashtag (#) emosi yang terdapat dalam tweet dengan lima jenis emosi: senang, sedih, marah, takut dan cinta. Penelitian ini menghasilkan korpus teks emosi bahasa Indonesia yang terdiri dari 500 tweet lengkap dengan label emosi pada tingkat superordinate dan tingkat basic. Percobaan deteksi emosi dilakukan untuk menguji korpus dengan menggunakan metode Naive Bayes. Tingkat akurasi dari percobaan mencapai 82 %, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa korpus dapat digunakan dalam deteksi emosi


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    The Rambouillet International Conference took place in two phases from 6 to 23 February and from 15 to 18 March 1999. The Rambouillet International Conference itself was of great importance to the Albanians, as the Kosovo Albanian issue was being addressed internationally. The aim of the Albanians in Rambouillet was for the crisis in Kosovo to receive not only political but also legal solutions, in order to achieve Kosovo's independence as soon as possible. What did the Rambouillet Agreement contain? Recognized international principles and human rights, did not infringe on the sovereignty and integrity of Yugoslavia, but expressed the need for self-government in Kosovo. The use of violence in Kosovo as a means of resolution was prohibited, and the withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosovo was demanded. It allowed refugees to return to their homes. Following the Serbian side's opposition to the Rambouillet Agreement, which provided opportunities for a peaceful solution to the conflict, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization warning of the need for a military intervention in the former Yugoslavia as the only option was already on the agenda as a human, legal and humanitarian obligation.Keywords: The Rambouillet International Conference, Kosovo Albanians, The international community, Kosovo delegation, Kosovo, Humanitarian intervention

    Smart Water: Short-Term Forecasting Application in Water Utilities

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    The unyielding interconnection between water and energy has made demand forecasting a necessity for water utilities. Electricity prices driven by the time of use has impelled water utilities towards short-term water demand forecasting. The progressive new Smart Water Grid platform has helped water utilities in utilizing their Water Distribution Networks. This two-way platform has provided developers and decision makers with robust models that rely on consumer feedback. Among these models is the water demand forecasting models. Multitudinous demand forecasting methods have been developed but none have utilized model implementation practicality. Utilities differ in size, capacity, and interest. While small size utilities focus on model simplicity, larger utilities prioritize model accuracy. This work focuses on a water utility located in Essex County, Ontario, Canada. This study presents three papers that focus on investigation and evaluation of short-term water demand forecasting techniques. The first paper compares water usage between two crops (tomatoes and bell peppers) in an effort to evaluate a crop to crop forecast technique that relies on one crops watering data in order to produce forecasts for another crop, The second paper examines the effect of model type, input type, and data size on model performance and computational load. The third paper proposes a new methodology where model performance is not sacrificed for model simplification

    Towards the utility of a wider range of evidence in the derivation of Sharīʿa precepts : paradigm shift in contemporary Usūlī epistemology

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    The fundamental distinction made in Shiite legal epistemology is that between qaṭʿ (certainty) and ẓann (conjecture). Contemporary Uṣūlī epistemology maintains that in the juristic process of the derivation of Sharīʿa precepts, a mujtahid is prohibited to use any evidence that gives rise to mere ẓann. Rather, he must only use evidence that gives qaṭʿ of Sharīʿa precepts. Furthermore, this discourse distinctly argues that a mujtahid can also derive knowledge of Sharīʿa precepts through the ẓann al-khāṣ (especial conjecture) that is emanated from evidence that is ẓannī (conjectural) by nature but is substantiated by the Divine Lawgiver Himself through other qaṭʿī (certainty bearing) evidence. This understanding effectively curtails the derivation of Sharīʿa precepts to only the textual evidence of the Qurʾān and sunna, and in the present day this textualist dependency can be criticised for contributing towards the gulf that exists between traditional Shiite jurisprudence and matters that are pertinent to contemporary societies. In light of this, this study critically analyses the contemporary discourse of Uṣūlī epistemology and explores whether it has the potential to legitimise the epistemic validity and utility of a wider range of evidence in the juristic process of deriving Sharīʿa precepts. It essentially focuses on the strength and rigour of the epistemological underpinnings that are maintained in Uṣūlī legal theory, and by highlighting that these underpinnings and the underlying epistemic assumptions that are prevalent in contemporary Uṣūlī legal epistemology are rationally derived, this study explains how and why the Uṣūlīs have been led to rationally give preference to textual evidence over nontextual evidence. This study concludes that Uṣūlī legal theory has the potential to, and moreover is required to, undergo an epistemological paradigm shift that permits the acceptance of the epistemic validity of a wider range of evidence, other than just those that emanate qaṭʿ or ẓann al-khāṣ