275 research outputs found

    Ambivalence and Phantasm in the Portuguese Colonial Discursive Production on Indians (Mozambique)

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    Based on a number of Portuguese colonial discourses on the subject of Indian residents of Mozambique and a collection of discourses produced by the leaders of Indian communities upon their colonial “hosts”, we will attempt to show how the absence of a joint encompassing representation of colonial society on the part of many Portuguese whites made the basis of their power seem uncertain and vulnerable. This uncertainty – worsened by a structural doubt regarding the value of the Indian way of thinking and acting – stimulated a process of paranoidization. Especially in the final years of Salazar’s regime, this discursive denial of reciprocity competed with an alternative model of representation of colonial society, characterised by a repetitive use of micro-familial positions in the conceptualization of Imperial encounters. However, this model cannot be discounted as an autistic production of colonial power, mirrored by certain social groups, namely, the leaders of the main Indian communities. We will accordingly explore the hypothesis of a co-authorship, both in the gradual recognition of mutual relations between the Portuguese and Indians, and in the emergence of the family-based model of colonial relations itself.À partir d’un certain nombre de discours coloniaux portugais relatifs aux indiens habitant au Mozambique, et d’un recueil de discours par les chefs des communautés indiennes et concernant leurs « hôtes » coloniaux, l’article s’efforce de montrer comment l’absence d’une représentation globale commune de la société coloniale parmi de nombreux Portugais blancs a fait paraître incertaine et vulnérable la base de leur pouvoir. Cette incertitude –aggravée par un doute structurel concernant la valeur du mode de pensée et d’action indien – a favorisé un processus de paranoïa. En particulier au cours des dernières années du régime de Salazar, cette négation discursive de la réciprocité s’est trouvée en concurrence avec un autre modèle de représentation de la société coloniale, caractérisé par une utilisation répétée des positions microfamiliales dans la conceptualisation des rencontres impériales. Toutefois, ce modèle ne peut pas être rejeté comme une production autiste du pouvoir colonial, reflétée par certains groupes sociaux, et spécifiquement les chefs des principales communautés indiennes. L’article explore donc l’hypothèse d’une origine commune, à la fois dans la reconnaissance progressive des relations réciproques entre Portugais et Indiens et dans l’émergence du modèle même des relations coloniales fondé sur la famille.Tendo por base um certo número de discursos coloniais portugueses sobre o tema dos habitantes indianos de Moçambique e uma colectânea de discursos apresentados pelos líderes das comunidades indianas relativamente aos seus « anfitriões »coloniais, o artigo tenta mostrar como a ausência de uma representação global comum da sociedade colonial entre muitos portugueses brancos fez com que a base do seu poder parecesse incerta e vulnerável. Esta incerteza – agravada por uma dúvida estrutural relativa ao valor da maneira indiana de pensar e de agir – estimulou um processo de paranóia. Especialmente no final do regime salazarista, esta negação discursiva da reciprocidade esteve em concorrência com um modelo alternativo de representação da sociedade colonial, caracterizada pela utilização repetitiva de posições micro-familiares na conceptualização dos encontros imperiais. No entanto, este modelo não pode ser rejeitado como uma produção autista do poder colonial, reflectido por certos grupos sociais, nomeadamente os líderes das principais comunidades indianas. O artigo, por conseguinte, explora a hipótese de uma origem comum, ao mesmo tempo no reconhecimento gradual das relações mútuas entre os portugueses e os indianos, e na emergência de um modelo de relações coloniais ele próprio baseado na família

    «In Mozambique, we didn't have apartheid», Identity constructions on inter-ethnic relations during the «Third Portuguese Empire»

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    Based on a series of memories of Hindu Indians who lived in Mozambique in the last decades of the Portuguese colonial administration, regarding the relations they established with a triple «other» — the colonial State and the Portuguese, the indigenous population and other groups of Indians —, the present article is an attempt to contribute to an area that has received virtually no attention, that of the study of identity productions relating to inter-ethnic and inter-racial relations in Mozambique in the colonial period. The analysis of the imagined constructions of Hindu Indians reveals that present identity experiences interact with the colonial memory and that interpretations of the past are a strong source of imaginary material for the postcolonial construction of power dynamics.Partindo de um corpus de memórias produzidas por Hindus de origem indiana que viveram em Moçambique nas últimas décadas da administração colonial portuguesa, nomeadamente acerca das relações que estabeleciam com o Estado colonial e com os colonos portugueses em geral, com a população africana e com outros grupos de origem indiana, o artigo procura contribuir para uma área de pesquisa escassamente trabalhada, o estudo das produções identitárias sobre as relações inter-raciais e inter-étnicas em Moçambique durante o período colonial. A análise das construções imaginadas dos Hindus de origem indiana revela que as suas experiências identitárias actuais interagem com as memórias coloniais e que as suas reinterpretações do passado colonial continuam a constituir uma importante fonte de argumentos no manejo pós-colonial das dinâmicas de poder em que se encontram envolvidos

    «Hierarchical alterity is a mere illusion»

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    Despite being dismissed by certain brahmanised sectors of the Hindu diaspora, the idioms through which Hindu women construct their own selves and the alternative conceptions of the social world that they transmit have contributed significantly to the success of their families in migratory contexts in terms of identity. Taking the Hindu diaspora within the Portuguese-speaking space as a case study, we hope to show how the women's expressive traditions constituted a contra-ethnicising logic which helped to consolidate the position of the ethnic minority of traders formed by the Hindu-Gujarati population settled in Mozambique during the colonial period.In the two main post-colonial migratory contexts, Portugal and England, these traditions continue to provide emerging generations with significant resources for the redefinition of relations between “self” and “other” and for the renegotiation of intra- or inter-ethnic power dynamics.Bien qu’ils soient rejetés par certains secteurs brahmanisés de la diaspora hindoue, les idiomes à travers lesquels les femmes hindoues se construisent elles-mêmes, ainsi que les conceptions alternatives du monde social qu’elles transmettent, ont contribué de façon significative à la réussite identitaire de leurs familles dans des contextes de migration. Prenant pour étude de cas la diaspora hindoue au sein de l’espace de la langue portugaise, nous espérons montrer comment les traditions d’expression féminines ont constitué une logique contre-ethnicisante qui a aidé à consolider la position de la minorité ethnique de négociants constituée par la population hindoue-gujarati installée au Mozambique durant la période coloniale.Dans les deux principaux contextes migratoires post-coloniaux, le Portugal et l’Angleterre, ces traditions continuent de fournir aux générations émergentes des ressources significatives pour la redéfinition des relations entre « soi » et « l’autre » et pour la renégociation des dynamiques de pouvoir intra-ethniques ou inter-ethniques.Apesar de serem rejeitados por certos sectores bramanizados da diáspora hindu, os idiomas através dos quais as mulheres hindus constroem as suas próprias personalidades e os conceitos alternativos do mundo social que transmitem têm contribuído significativamente para o sucesso de identidade das suas famílias em contextos migratórios. Considerando a diáspora hindu dentro do espaço ocupado pelos falantes da língua portuguesa como um caso de estudo, esperamos mostrar de que forma as tradições de expressão das mulheres têm constituído uma lógica contra-etnicizante que ajudou a consolidar a posição da minoria étnica de negociantes ocupada pela população hindu-gujaráti estabelecida em Moçambique durante o período colonial.Nos dois principais contextos migratórios pós-coloniais, Portugal e a Inglaterra, estas tradições continuam a fornecer gerações emergentes com recursos significativos para a redefinição de relações entre « ego » e « alter » e para a renegociação de dinâmicas de força intra ou inter étnicas

    Ideal e degradação, heteronomia e familiarismo - duas investigações sobre a "gestão racional" das margens sociais

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    A investigação na área da antropologia urbana, que temos vindo a conduzir em conjunto, desde os finais dos anos 80, levou-nos à constmção da hipótese de que, a coberto de algumas ideologias tradicionais - o pragmatismo, os ideais de gestão racional da vida social, o familialismo, o cosmopolitismo, etc. - as instituições responsáveis por essa mesma «gestão racional» da vida urbana são governadas por estratégias inconscientes que bloqueiam qualquer reflexão institucional e/ou pesquisa de estratégias alternativas mais apropriadas à prossecução da globalidade dos objectivos insdtucionais manifestados e/ou pressupostos

    Arbitragem necessária

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Direito, Especialidade em Ciências Jurídico-Forense

    A Reinvented Education in Business and Accounting using a GBL Approach for soft skills

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    [EN] The vulnerable, dynamic and digitalizing working environments of the 2020s obviously propose new types of `newcomerÂż skills. The character of these `soft skillsÂż is inherent, whereby their learning forms a challenge for educators. Researchers around the world are on the same question: how to make the learning tools and rebuilt the classroom (virtual and face-to-face) in order to cope with this digital generation? This change needs to incorporate new Skills; these skills, called Core Skills, are changing the way to teach and to learn. Motivation is the essential key to have in mind. Creating mind-sets under a strong cognitive engagement is education for the future of professionals. Gamification, Game-Based Learning (GBL), Simulations, Virtual classrooms, digital platforms with contents and many other methods are in use all around the world to change, with motivation, the perspective of students towards their own learning path. The VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world brought Higher Education Institutions the discussion of the future for an education of excellence. This article intends to present a case study as a solution to combine Simulation and GBL to promote the Core Skills that students and teachers need to achieve success on the process of teaching and learning. The solution is innovative due to the main scope: the perfect connection of humanity and empathy through the use of Simulation-GBL in higher educational institutions.Part of this work was supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission under Grant 2017-1-ES01-KA203- 038589 in the frame of the project CoSki21- Core Skills for 21th-century professionals. The authors would like to thank the people who have collaborated with the research answering the questionnaires.Bastos, S.; Silva, M.; Poza-Lujan, J.; Schleutker, K. (2020). A Reinvented Education in Business and Accounting using a GBL Approach for soft skills. Academic Conferences International Limited Reading, UK. 55-66. https://doi.org/10.34190/GBL.20.047S556

    Exercise as a tool for hypertension and resistant hypertension management: current insights

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    Although there has been an observed progress in the treatment of hypertension, its prevalence remains elevated and constitutes a leading cause of cardiovascular disease development. Resistant hypertension is a challenge for clinicians, as the available treatment options have reduced success. Physical activity and exercise training play an important role in the management of blood pressure. The importance of physical activity and exercise training as part of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention is acknowledged by several professional organizations in their recommendations/guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Aerobic exercise, dynamic resistance exercise, and concurrent training - the combination of dynamic resistance and aerobic exercise training in the same exercise session or on separate days - has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure and help in the management of hypertension. The present review draws attention to the importance of exercise training in the management of blood pressure in both hypertension and resistant hypertension individuals.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Factors Program – COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the project “P2020-PTDC/DTPDES/1725/2014.” iBiMED is a research unit supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Ref: UID/BIM/04501/2013) and POCI-01–0145-FEDER-007628 funds. CIDESD is a research unit supported by FCT (UID/DTP/04045/2013) and by the European Regional Development Fund, through COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01–0145-FEDER-006969). Susana Lopes received a PhD grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/129454/2017).publishe

    Bond behaviour of twisted stainless steel bars in mortar joints

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    The use of twisted stainless steel bars has proven to be effective in scenarios where lateral loads (e. g. earthquakes and winds storms) can cause partial or complete out-of-plane collapse of masonry wall’s outer leaves or separation of wood diaphragms from masonry walls. The particular application of these bars as a dry system in mortar joints, without any binder, brings additional advantages in terms of cost, installation time and weather restrictions. An experimental campaign composed by 60 pull-out tests aimed at characterizing the bond behaviour of twisted stainless steel bars in mortar joints. The influence on bond behaviour of two diameters of the helibar (ϕ8 mm and ϕ10 mm), three different anchorage lengths (8ϕhb, 12ϕhb, and 20ϕhb), and two diameters of the pre-drilled holes (ϕhb–2 mm and ϕhb–4 mm) was studied. Bond strength increased for the tighter pre-drilled hole but decreased for the higher twisted steel bar diameter. Good correlations between bond strength and anchorage length were found for the less tight pre-drilled holes
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