45 research outputs found

    Estudo sobre a participação das cooperativas do Estado do Paraná na economia / Study about the participation of cooperatives of the State of Paraná in the economy

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    Este trabalho trata do surgimento do cooperativismo no mundo, sua disseminação, chegada ao Brasil, evolução, inicio do sistema no estado do Paraná. A metodologia utilizada para realizar esta pesquisa foi pesquisa bibliográfica através de livros, site de empresas especializadas em cooperativismo e áreas afins.Em todas as situações houve crescimento e adesão de muitos como cooperantes. No inicio em 1844 foi uma revolução em protesto contra o Capitalismo, porém o crescimento continua bastante forte em todo mundo. O Objetivo principal é iniciar uma pesquisa sobre a importância do sistema para a economia no estado do Paraná em relação ao ramo agroindustrial, e verificar quanto foram os investimentos em agroindústria nos anos de 2010 a 2015. Os dados levantados neste trabalho mostram que desde 2010, segundo a Organização das Cooperativas do Paraná (OCEPAR), o faturamento do cooperativismo paranaense mais que dobrou, passando de R25bilho~esparaR 25 bilhões para R 60,33 bilhões e exportaram US2,5bilho~esem2015,mostraaindametasousadaspara2020esperandoreceitadeR 2,5 bilhões em 2015, mostra ainda metas ousadas para 2020 esperando receita de R 100 bilhões

    Estudo sobre a participação das cooperativas do Estado do Paraná na economia / Study about the participation of cooperatives of the State of Paraná in the economy

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    Este trabalho trata do surgimento do cooperativismo no mundo, sua disseminação, chegada ao Brasil, evolução, inicio do sistema no estado do Paraná. A metodologia utilizada para realizar esta pesquisa foi pesquisa bibliográfica através de livros, site de empresas especializadas em cooperativismo e áreas afins.Em todas as situações houve crescimento e adesão de muitos como cooperantes. No inicio em 1844 foi uma revolução em protesto contra o Capitalismo, porém o crescimento continua bastante forte em todo mundo. O Objetivo principal é iniciar uma pesquisa sobre a importância do sistema para a economia no estado do Paraná em relação ao ramo agroindustrial, e verificar quanto foram os investimentos em agroindústria nos anos de 2010 a 2015. Os dados levantados neste trabalho mostram que desde 2010, segundo a Organização das Cooperativas do Paraná (OCEPAR), o faturamento do cooperativismo paranaense mais que dobrou, passando de R25bilho~esparaR 25 bilhões para R 60,33 bilhões e exportaram US2,5bilho~esem2015,mostraaindametasousadaspara2020esperandoreceitadeR 2,5 bilhões em 2015, mostra ainda metas ousadas para 2020 esperando receita de R 100 bilhões

    Avaliação do PROUNI sobre o rendimento acadêmico: análise a partir de um propensity score matching

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    A presente pesquisa objetivou verificar o impacto do Prouni no rendimento das notas da prova do Enade dos alunos que recebiam bolsa integral que cursavam foram Serviço Social, Enfermagem, Educação Física e Fisioterapia, no ano de 2016, por meio da aplicação do Propensity score matching, usando os Microdados do ENADE. A pesquisa é relevante pois a existência de um sistema educacional democrático é fundamental para que um país possa alcançar melhor qualidade de vida para sua população. Boas políticas públicas podem criar um ambiente que propicie a inclusão no sistema educacional, especialmente no nível superior, já que o mesmo possui um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do cidadão e de toda o país. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o Prouni tem apresentado efeito positivo, pois os alunos bolsistas tiveram rendimento médio superior aos não bolsistas

    Avaliação da competitividade industrial do Rio Grande do Sul no Mercosul

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate the commercial acting of the industrial products of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Mercosul among 1990 to 1996, starting from the estimate of the intra-industrial trade in the bilateral relationships between this state and the partners of this common market. They were analysed 100 sections that consist in the Brazilian Nomenclature of Merchandise. As methodological referential for determination of the index of intra-industrial trade was used the Index GRUBEL, LLOYD (1975) and to classify the sections with competitive potential and those that present larger sensibility to the partners' of IVIercosul external competition, was used the procedures adopted by CORRÊA, LOES (1994). The results showed that the predominant pattern of trade In most of the sections is the inter-sectorial, with a big advantage for the commercial partners. When the index is hurried in a joined way, present an intra-industrial pattern. This elapses due to high concentration of the trade in few industrial sections.The objective of this article is to evaluate the commercial acting of the industrial products of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Mercosul among 1990 to 1996, starting from the estimate of the intra-industrial trade in the bilateral relationships between this state and the partners of this common market. They were analysed 100 sections that consist in the Brazilian Nomenclature of Merchandise. As methodological referential for determination of the index of intra-industrial trade was used the Index GRUBEL, LLOYD (1975) and to classify the sections with competitive potential and those that present larger sensibility to the partners' of IVIercosul external competition, was used the procedures adopted by CORRÊA, LOES (1994). The results showed that the predominant pattern of trade In most of the sections is the inter-sectorial, with a big advantage for the commercial partners. When the index is hurried in a joined way, present an intra-industrial pattern. This elapses due to high concentration of the trade in few industrial sections

    Papel dos contratos na avicultura de corte: um olhar sob a perspectiva da nova economia institucional

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       The purpose of this article is to analyze the structures of broiler production contracts between the companies and the integrated farmers from the perspective New Institutional Economics and the Transaction Cost Economics. We seek to understand the way the analytical categories of behavioral assumptions of this theory and how the characteristics of the transactions appear in these contracts. The research data collection procedure was based on eight original integration contracts between farmers and processing agribusiness of eight Brazilian companies. Each contract was held based on the theoretical framework discussed. Up and set standards regarding similarities and thus classified clauses included in the theoretical model. The clauses of contracts allow the identification of elements belonging to the behavioral assumptions and dimensions of the transactions: bounded rationality and opportunism; assets specificities; and frequency and uncertainty.      O objetivo deste artigo consiste em analisar as estruturas de contratos de produção de frango de corte entre as indústrias e os produtores rurais integrados sob a ótica da Nova Economia Institucional e Economia dos Custos de Transação. Busca-se assim compreender como as categorias analíticas dos pressupostos comportamentais desta teoria e as características das transações aparecem nos contratos. O procedimento de levantamento de dados da pesquisa teve como base oito contratos originais de integração entre produtor rural e a agroindústria processadora de frangos de corte de oito empresas brasileiras. A análise de cada contrato foi realizada fundamentada no referencial teórico abordado. Estabeleceram-se padrões e semelhanças pertinentes e, assim, classificadas as cláusulas compreendidas no modelo teórico. As cláusulas dos contratos levaram à identificação de elementos pertencentes aos pressupostos comportamentais e dimensões das transações: racionalidade limitada e oportunismo e a especificidade dos ativos segundo seus tipos, além da frequência e incerteza.&nbsp

    Acute Schistosomiasis In Brazilian Traveler: The Importance Of Tourism In The Epidemiology Of Neglected Parasitic Diseases.

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    Parasitic infectious diseases acquired in tourist areas may pose a challenge to physicians and to travel medicine practitioners. Acute schistosomiasis may be seen in returning travelers and migrants after primary infection. This form of schistosomiasis is frequently misdiagnosed due to its temporal delay and its nonspecific presentation and might occur even in countries where the disease is endemic, such as in Brazil. The patient developed the acute phase of schistosomiasis with severe clinical manifestations. The quantitative analysis revealed the presence of 240 eggs per gram of stool. The treatment was administered with oxamniquine, and the control of cure of the patient was monitored and was favorable. The present paper aims to emphasize the importance of a detailed clinical history including information regarding travel history.201265092

    Dissecting central post-stroke pain:a controlled symptom-psychophysical characterization

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    Central post-stroke pain affects up to 12% of stroke survivors and is notoriously refractory to treatment. However, stroke patients often suffer from other types of pain of non-neuropathic nature (musculoskeletal, inflammatory, complex regional) and no head-to-head comparison of their respective clinical and somatosensory profiles has been performed so far. We compared 39 patients with definite central neuropathic post-stroke pain with two matched control groups: 32 patients with exclusively non-neuropathic pain developed after stroke and 31 stroke patients not complaining of pain. Patients underwent deep phenotyping via a comprehensive assessment including clinical exam, questionnaires and quantitative sensory testing to dissect central post-stroke pain from chronic pain in general and stroke. While central post-stroke pain was mostly located in the face and limbs, non-neuropathic pain was predominantly axial and located in neck, shoulders and knees (P < 0.05). Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory clusters burning (82.1%, n = 32, P < 0.001), tingling (66.7%, n = 26, P < 0.001) and evoked by cold (64.1%, n = 25, P < 0.001) occurred more frequently in central post-stroke pain. Hyperpathia, thermal and mechanical allodynia also occurred more commonly in this group (P < 0.001), which also presented higher levels of deafferentation (P < 0.012) with more asymmetric cold and warm detection thresholds compared with controls. In particular, cold hypoesthesia (considered when the threshold of the affected side was <41% of the contralateral threshold) odds ratio (OR) was 12 (95% CI: 3.8–41.6) for neuropathic pain. Additionally, cold detection threshold/warm detection threshold ratio correlated with the presence of neuropathic pain (ρ = −0.4, P < 0.001). Correlations were found between specific neuropathic pain symptom clusters and quantitative sensory testing: paroxysmal pain with cold (ρ = −0.4; P = 0.008) and heat pain thresholds (ρ = 0.5; P = 0.003), burning pain with mechanical detection (ρ = −0.4; P = 0.015) and mechanical pain thresholds (ρ = −0.4, P < 0.013), evoked pain with mechanical pain threshold (ρ = −0.3; P = 0.047). Logistic regression showed that the combination of cold hypoesthesia on quantitative sensory testing, the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory, and the allodynia intensity on bedside examination explained 77% of the occurrence of neuropathic pain. These findings provide insights into the clinical-psychophysics relationships in central post-stroke pain and may assist more precise distinction of neuropathic from non-neuropathic post-stroke pain in clinical practice and in future trials

    O 6º objetivo da agenda dos ODS da ONU: Debates sobre água segura y saneamento básico universalizado.

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    El proyecto de Trabajo Comunal Universitario (TCU) No. 540: Procesos pedagógicos y didácticos para la enseñanza de los derechos humanos y la convivencia pacífica, coordinado por la Dra. Marcela Moreno Buján, con la cooperación académica del proyecto de extensión docente Grupo de Pesquisa Derecho y Sustentabilidad (GPDS), coordinado por el Dr. Carlos Peralta Montero, han unido esfuerzos para organizar y publicar la Colección “Comunidad Académica y COVID 19”. Esta colección, conformada por tres volúmenes, forma parte de la sistematización de experiencias relacionadas con las temáticas abordadas por el TCU No. 540 y el GPDS. Este volumen está compuesto por doce capítulos, desarrollados por veintiocho académicos costarricenses, brasileños y colombianos donde se reflexiona de manera interdisciplinaria sobre el sexto objetivo de la agenda de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU en el contexto de pandemia actual.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Acción Social::Trabajo Comunal Universitario (TCU

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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