45 research outputs found

    Quercetin enhances UVA-induced DNA damage in a rat fibroblast cell line

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    Ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation from sunlight induces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting a variety of cellular targets including the DNA. Quercetin, a flavonol present in many fruits, vegetables and beverages has been reported as a powerful antioxidant with an important role in prevention of carcinogenesis. The use of this compound, in topical formulations, could be of benefit in the prevention of skin damage produced by sunlight exposure. We investigated the effect of quercetin on DNA damage induced by UVA radiation in the rat subcutaneous fibroblast cell line, L929. Cells were irradiated by UVA light for 1h, in the presence of quercetin and DNA damage assessed, in individual cells, by the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet Assay). Our data showed that the combination of UVA with quercetin, at the three concentrations tested (20, 30 and 50 μM) enhances the level of DNA damage in a concentration-dependent manner. However, this effect seems not to be the same when cells are pre-incubated with quercetin, followed by irradiation, in the absence of the compound. We are investigating the mechanisms behind the observed harmful effect of quercetin together with UVA irradiation and trying to relate it, with the ROS levels, in both experimental conditions. The effect obtained suggests that, despite the well known antioxidant beneficial effects of quercetin in many different situations of oxidative stress, precautions should be taken if we think in the development of topical preparations with this compound, to be used on body areas exposed to sunlight.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/17174/200

    La evasión tributaria del impuesto de renta en colombiano. Caso 2020-2022

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    La evasión de impuestos en Colombia es una preocupación destacada para el gobierno, evidenciando no solo una fuga significativa de recursos públicos, sino también deficiencias en la supervisión fiscal. La evasión fiscal implica acciones deliberadas para evadir obligaciones tributarias, afectando la recaudación y, por ende, los servicios públicos esenciales. Los ciudadanos deben cumplir con impuestos para financiar el gasto público y garantizar servicios como educación y salud. La práctica de evasión, común en Colombia, implica sanciones y afecta tanto a individuos como a empresas, generando impactos económicos negativos. El gobierno ha implementado medidas, como modernizar la administración tributaria y adoptar tecnologías para rastrear transacciones. La investigación propuesta busca entender las causas y efectos de la evasión del impuesto de renta entre 2020 y 2022, considerando cambios legislativos y su impacto en el comportamiento de los contribuyentes. El análisis de datos revela un aumento en la recaudación tributaria en 2021, evidenciando medidas efectivas de control en 2020. La Ley 2277 busca combatir la evasión, proyectando un recaudo significativo. Actualmente la evasión sigue siendo evidente en el país, por ello los entes de control en este caso como lo es la Dian deberá implementar fiscalizaciones más profundas de los recursos con el fin de llegar a una cultura de cumplimiento de las obligaciones formales por parte de los contribuyentes.La evasión tributaria del impuesto de renta en colombiano. Caso 2020-2022Tax evasion in Colombia is a major concern for the government, evidencing not only a significant leakage of public resources, but also deficiencies in fiscal oversight. Tax evasion involves deliberate actions to avoid tax obligations, affecting tax collection and thus essential public services. Citizens must pay taxes to finance public spending and guarantee services such as education and health. The practice of tax evasion, common in Colombia, involves penalties and affects both individuals and companies, generating negative economic impacts. The government has implemented measures, such as modernizing tax administration and adopting technologies to track transactions. The proposed research seeks to understand the causes and effects of income tax evasion between 2020 and 2022, considering legislative changes and their impact on taxpayer behavior. The data analysis reveals an increase in tax collection in 2021, evidencing effective control measures in 2020. Law 2277 seeks to combat evasion, projecting a significant collection. Currently, evasion is still evident in the country, therefore the control entities in this case, such as the Dian, should implement deeper audits of resources in order to achieve a culture of compliance with formal obligations by taxpayers

    Incidencia de la danza contemporánea en el fortalecimiento de la inteligencia emocional

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    Este proyecto, inició partir de una gran motivación que nace desde la investigación realizado por las investigadoras desde el enfoque praxeológico de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, el cual cuenta con 4 fases que va señalando el camino del proceso de investigación (ver, juzgar, actuar y devolución creativa), el cual se realizó en el colegio Instituto Técnico Internacional, ubicado en el barrio Versalles de la localidad de Fontibón. Durante la primera fase (ver), se contextualiza la realidad del entorno de los estudiantes, en el que se lleva a cabo la investigación. Esta fase permite encontrar y reconocer las situaciones, realidades del barrio, colegio y el aula desde lo macro y lo micro, logrando identificar la formulación de la problemática. Al realizar esa mirada desde lo macro y micro contexto se logra un análisis importante en el cual se recoge información importante para solucionar la problemática identificada del presente trabajo de investigación. Dentro de los datos recogidos se evidencia la falta de fortalecimiento de inteligencia emocional en los niños y niñas del curso 103, donde se realiza la intervención, por lo cual se realizó una serie de actividades como propuesta pedagógica para fortalecer la inteligencia emocional a través de la danza contemporánea del Colegio Instituto Técnico Internacional, donde se plantea la siguiente pregunta problema, ¿Cómo la experiencia de la danza contemporánea influye en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de los niños y niñas del colegio instituto técnico internacional del grado 103?, con el ánimo de resolverla se plantea el siguiente objetivo: determinar la incidencia que tiene la danza contemporánea en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de los niños y niñas del grado 103 del colegio instituto técnico internacional. En la segunda fase (juzgar), desde el enfoque praxeológico, se consulta las diversas estrategias para llevar a cabo la propuesta pedagógica, a partir de algunas consultas de diferentes fuentes de información, entre estas algunas investigaciones desarrolladas por estudiantes universitarias de pregrado, las cuales fueron una base fundamental para el desarrollo de esta monografía. En la tercera fase (actuar), conduce a la construcción del diseño metodológico, ya que se ejecuta la propuesta pedagógica, permitiendo el desarrollo del proyecto caracterizado por el tipo de investigación cualitativa con un método de investigación acción educativa y utilizando como instrumentos los diarios de campo, test de inteligencia emocional y la observación que aportan la interpretación de los datos cualitativos, para así realizar un análisis adecuado. En la cuarta y última fase (devolución creativa), se llega al análisis de la investigación recolectada en las tres fases anteriores, lo que facilita la interpretación de los resultados y las conclusiones finales de la experiencia investigativa a través de la práctica, logrando resultados eficaces en el proceso de la presente investigación

    Effects of two new di(hetero)arylamines on prevention of oxidative stress induced in two different biological models

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    We investigated the antioxidant properties of two new diarylamines from organic synthesis (MJQ1 and MJQ2), whose basic structure is similar to others, with reported antioxidant capacity, assessed by chemical tests, and biological activity against microorganisms. In this study we induced lipid peroxidation, in isolated rat liver mitochondria with ADP/Fe2+, and the diarylamine effects were examined by oxygen consumption and by TBARS method. The anti-peroxidative effect was maximal for MJQ1 at 50 nM (higher than the one reported for trolox) and for MJQ2 at 60 μM. At these same concentrations none of them depressed the transmembrane potential (ΔΨ) developed by mitochondria, neither the RCR nor the ADP/O ratio values. For 2-fold these concentrations both diarylamines were effective in the prevention of mitochondrial ΔΨ collapse observed on respiring mitochondria, with the TPP+ electrode, which means a stabilization action on mitochondrial inner membrane. The results obtained were confirmed in whole cells. The compounds did not show toxicity to the L929 cell line, evaluated by the MTT reducing test and clearly protected from lipid peroxidation, induced by the oxidant pair ascorbate/Fe2+, to the PC12 cell model, at the concentrations where maximal antioxidant effect was observed in mitochondria. The new diarylamines revealed as very good antioxidants at very low concentrations, both in mitochondria and in whole cells. The results suggest a specific action site, for MJQ2, at mitochondrial complex I level. We are further exploring other intracellular targets for these new compounds that seems very promising against pathologies where oxidative stress is involved.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/17174/2004 - JP

    Avaliação da qualidade dos figos de uma variedade de “Figo Lampo” com diferentes tempos de refrigeração e de prateleira

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    Pretendeu-se avaliar o comportamento de uma variedade de figo lampo com o objetivo de determinar o potencial de comercialização no mercado interno e principalmente no mercado externo. Um dos principais problemas dos figos para comercialização em fresco é a sua grande perecibilidade pós-colheita, quer refrigerados quer em prateleira, quer conjugando as duas situações. Foi realizado um ensaio de campo num pomar de figo Lampo, localizado em Cachoeiras, Vila Franca de Xira, no qual foram colhidos 300 figos para avaliação, separados em 2 lotes: Lote A (mais maduros); Lote B (mais verdes). Os figos foram colocados sob condições de refrigeração e de prateleira. Os indicadores de qualidade foram: calibre, massa, Brix e firmeza. Os resultados obtidos para firmeza e Brix correspondentes aos dias de frio e de prateleira a que os figos foram sujeitos permitiram também avaliar o estado de maturação. Constatou-se que é possível a comercialização para o mercado externo até 4 a 5 dias de armazenamento. Relativamente ao mercado interno é possível colher a fruta madura, mas a comercialização e o consumo devem ser imediatos, pois nesse caso, a vida útil diminui, no máximo três dias, não devendo ultrapassar os 2 dias de frio.The main goal of this work is to evaluate the behaviour of a variety of lampo fig in order to determine the commercial potential in the domestic market and especially in the export market. A major problem for producers of fresh figs is its great perishable postharvest either refrigerated or shelf life, or combining the two. It was intended with this work, at the request of a producer’s organization, assess Fig behaviour Burro over several days of cold and days of shelf, in order to determine its commercial potential in the domestic market, especially in external market. It was carried out a field trial in a fig orchard , located in a village of Vila Franca de Xira county, where there were evaluated 300 figs, separated into 2 different lots, according to its ripeness (green and ripe). Figs were put under refrigeration conditions and the shelf. After analyzing the cold storage and the shelf life days which the figs were subject, assess their degree of ripeness, the texture parameters and Brix, it was concluded that for the foreign market the shelf life is on average four to five days if the cold storage is below four days. For the domestic market it is possible to harvest the ripe fruit, but the distribution and consumption should be immediate. In this case, the shelf life decreases to three days, and the cold storage must not exceed 2 days.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular characterization of PDGFR-α/PDGF-A and c-KIT/SCF in gliosarcomas

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    Gliosarcomas are rare and poorly characterized malignant brain tumors that exhibit a biphasic tissue pattern with areas of gliomatous and sarcomatous differentiation. These tumors are histological variants of glioblastoma, displaying a similar genetic profile and dismal prognosis. Up-regulation of PDGFR subfamily of tyrosine kinase members, PDGFR-α and c-Kit, and their intracellular effectors RAS/RAF/MAPK has a crucial role in the cancer development. In addition, signal transduction mediated by activating mutations of c-Kit and PDGFR can be effectively blocked by specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as Imatinib mesylate. The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular alterations of PDGFR signaling in gliosarcomas. Six cases were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the expression of PDGFR-α, c-Kit and their ligands PDGF-A and SCF, respectively. The cases were further evaluated for the presence of activating mutations of PDGFR-α (exons 12 and 18) and c-kit (exons 9, 11, 13, and 17), as well as B-RAF (exons 11 and 15). Expression of PDGF-A was found in all cases and co-expression of PDGFR-α was observed in three cases. Four cases showed expression of SCF, and c-Kit was observed only in one case that also expressed SCF. Generally, immunoreaction predominates in the glial component. The mutational analysis of PDGFR-α showed the presence of an IVS17-50insT intronic insertion in two cases, one of them also with a 2472C > T silent mutation; this silent mutation was also found in another case. Glioma cell line analysis of IVS17-50insT insertion showed no influence on PDGFR-α gene splicing. No mutations were detected in c-kit and B-RAF oncogenes. Our results indicate that activating mutations of PDGFR-α, c-kit and B-RAF are absent in gliosarcomas. Nevertheless, the presence of a PDGFR-a/PDGFA and c-Kit/SCF autocrine/paracrine stimulation loop in a proportion of cases, supports the potential role of specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of gliosarcomas.Novartis Portugal

    Analysis of EGFR Overexpression, EGFR gene amplification and the EGFRvIII Mutation in portuguese high-grade gliomas

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    Background: Patients with malignant gliomas do not respond to any current therapy. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) controls several oncogenic processes, being frequently up-regulated in gliomas due to overexpression, gene amplification and gene mutation. EGFR inhibitors are being tried in gliomas, yet the molecular determinants of therapeutic response are unclear. Materials and Methods: EGFR overexpression, EGFRvIII mutation and EGFR amplification were determined by immunohistochemistry and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) in 27 primary glioblastomas (GBM), 24 anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (AO) and four anaplastic oligoastrocytomas (AOA). Results: EGFR overexpression was associated with EGFR amplification, being found in 48% and 53% GBM, 33% and 40% AO and 75% and 67% AOA, respectively. EGFRvIII was found in 22% GBM, 8% AO and was absent in AOA. No association was observed between EGFR alterations and patient survival. Conclusion: We characterized, for the first time, EGFR molecular alterations in Portuguese patients with malignant glioma and identified a subpopulation of patients presenting putative biomarkers for EGFR-based therapies


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    El artículo presenta el desarrollo de un software para la formulación de dietas alimenticias, a través de la implementación de redes neuronales artificiales. Inicialmente se da una introducción sobre la nutrición vista como fuente de vida. En segundo lugar, se describe la forma como el nutricionista/dietista lleva a cabo la formulación de una dieta alimenticia para el ser humano, destacando la manera como este razona. Luego se justifica la selección, el diseño, e implementación de redes neuronales artificiales. Posteriormente, se aborda el diseño del software, basado en aspectos, tales como: definición de entradas y salidas para la red neuronal, modelo de la red, normalización de datos, método de entrenamiento, entre otros. Por último, se muestran los resultados obtenidos junto con las conclusiones

    Caracterización de la gestión de la innovación en las empresas del sector manufacturero de Boyacá

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    The contemporary company faces new challenges, hence innovation takes a leading role in the success of the company against its competitors, providing different features that are as competitive advantages. In this article we present the results of the research on the impact of science, technology and innovation policies, in building capacity in management of innovation in the manufacturing sector of the department of Boyacá.La empresa contemporánea se enfrenta a nuevos retos, de ahí que la innovación tome un papel preponderante en el éxito de la empresa frente a su competencia, brindándole características diferenciales que se constituyen como ventajas competitivas. En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados del proceso de investigación sobre la incidencia de las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación, en la generación de capacidades de gestión de innovación en las empresas del sector manufacturero del departamento de Boyacá