137 research outputs found

    Los basaltos alcalinos subvolcánicos espilitizados de Arándiga (provincia de Zaragoza): estudio mineralógico y geoquímico

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    Diversos sills subvolcanicos. aflorantes en el área de Arándig-a (Zaragoza) se emplazan en sedimentos pertenecientes al transito del Keuper al Rhetiense-Hettangiense. Corresponden a basaltos alcalinos cuyos minerales primarios (olivino, piroxeno, plagioclasa) se han transformado en albita-oligoclasa, ortosa, clorita, clorita-esmectita, carbonatos, etc. Es característica de los sills una zonación petrográfica reconocible en sus propiedades texturales y asociaciones minerales. La composici6n química de estas rocas ha experimentado asimismo importantes modificaciones. Las pautas de variación de los elementos incompatibles indican una pequeiia diferenciación magmiítica. Tiene notable afinidad con rocas, de an6loga composici6n y edad, aflorantes en..otros sectores de la Cadena Ibérica. Según ha sido expuesto por diversos autores, representa una provincia alcalina que, con edad Trias-Lias, esta asociado a un rifting intracontinental que afecta al borde occidental del Tethys

    Las doleritas toleiticas triasicas del sector SE de la Cordillera Ibérica : Petrología y Geoquímica

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    Las doleritas toleíticas aflorantes en diapiros triásicos del SE de la Cordillera Ibérica (Alfarp, Quesa y Lugar Nuevo de Fenollet, SE de Valencia) representan líquidos diferenciados (valores bajos en Ni, Cr y mg*) emplazados como sills, de escaso espesor, por debajo de sedimentos (arcillas, margas y yesos), poco consolidados, del límite Triásico superior-Hettangiense. Su composición mineral y geoquímica, con afinidad toleítica continental y similitud a MORB, evidencia el carácter menos diferenciado de las doleritas de Alfarp, respecto a las de Quesa, siendo las doleritas aflorantes en Fenollet las que presentan una composición más evolucionada. Estas doleritas son la expresión de un magmatismo poco profundo, asociado al inicio del rifting mesozoico, desarrollado en la zona de intersección del rift celtibérico y el borde NE del surco bético. Este magmatismo presenta claras diferencias respecto a las doleritas toleíticas, menos diferenciadas, de los dominios pirenaico y bético.The tholeiitic dolerites that crop out in three diapirs of the SE of the Iberian Chain (Alfarp, Quesa and Lugar Nuevo de Fenollet, Valencia), are the expression of evolved (iow Ni, Cr and mg* values) basic magmas, injected into poorly lithified sediments (iutites, marls and gypsum) which represent the Upper Triassic (Keuper facies)-Hettangian boundary, developing sills with reduced thickness. Their mineral and whole-rock geochemical compositions indicate a continental tholeiitic affinity and certain similarities to a MORB composition and, on the other hand, show that the Alfarp dolerites represent the less evolved compositions, whereas the Fenollet dolerites show a significantly greater differentiation. These rocks are the expression of a shallow magmatism, related to the initial stages of the mesozoic rifting that affected the intersection of the Celtiberian Rift with the Betic Graben. This magmatism is clearly different of the isochronous tholeiitic magmatism (dolerites) which crops out at the Pyrenees and [email protected]

    Diversity and abundance of weed seeds in cereal crop grain in Western Andalusia, South Spain

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    Se analizó la presencia de semillas de malas hierbas en muestras de la cosecha de cereal de 2013 correspondientes a 200 campos de las provincias de Huelva y Sevilla. Se identificaron 91 especies de las que 29 mostraron una frecuencia de presencia de al menos el 5%. La especie más frecuente (74%) y abundante fue “Lolium rigidum”. Las especies arvenses del género “Phalaris” también fueron muy frecuentes (66-32%). Especies con frecuencia superior al 20% fueron “Polygonum aviculare”, “Convolvulus arvensis”, “Chrysanthemum coronarium”, “Pulicaria paludosa” y “Centaurea diluta”. En comparación con estudios previos referidos al conjunto del área cerealista española, se observó una frecuencia similar de las especies dominantes “L. rigidum” y “P. aviculare” y una frecuencia muy superior de “Phalaris spp.” En sentido contrario, la frecuencia de especies segetales especialistas fue muy inferior.We examined the weed seeds present in crop grain samples from 2013 from across 200 cereal fields in Huelva and Seville provinces, Andalusia, South-western Spain. Ninety-one weed species were identified of which 29 species were present in at least 5% of samples. “Lolium rigidum” was the most frequent (74%) and abundant species. The weedy species of the genus “Phalaris” were also highly frequent (66-32%). “Polygonum aviculare”, “Convolvulus arvensis”, “Chrysanthemum coronarium”, “Pulicaria paludosa” and “Centaurea diluta” were detected in more than 20% of samples. Compared to available data for the whole cereal crop area in Spain, we found a similar frequency of the dominant weeds “L. rigidum” and “P. aviculare” but a much higher presence of “Phalaris” spp. In an opposite trend, the frequency of specialist segetal species was much lower

    Setting, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Volcanoclastic Complex of Orea (Guadalajara, Iberian Chain)

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    [Abstract] The volcanoclastic outcrop ofOrea (south margin of the Iberian Chain) reflects a pluriepisodic igneous activity, expressed in agglomerates and tuffs ofdacitic composition (with a calc-alkaline affinity) and Autunian-Thuringian age. The tuffs are the results' of a hydromagmatic activity, developed under a thin sheet of water (in a paludal environment). The structure of the magmatic outcrop results of the late-Hercynian extensional tectonics, equivalent to that observed in many other outcrops ofthe southeast border ofthe Iberian Chain. The setting characters and composition of the involved magmatic rock-types, suggest the presence of only one volcanic focus, as in other coetaneous half-grabens of this sector of the Iberian Chain

    Unstable state decay in non-Markovian heat baths and weak signals detection

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    The statistics of the first passage and nonlinear relaxation times are used to characterize the decay process of an unstable state for an electrically charged Brownian particle embedded in non-Markovian heat baths under the action of an external electric field. The relaxation process is described, in the overdamped regime, by a Generalized Langevin Equation (GLE) characterized by an arbitrary friction memory kernel, and a bistable potential profile. By applying the quasideterministic approach, the statistics of the mean first passage time is calculated through the exact analytical solution of the GLE with arbitrary memory kernel in the linear regime of the bistable potential. To characterize the relaxation process including the nonlinear contributions of the bistable potential, we use the specific Ornstein–Uhlenbeck friction memory kernel to exactly calculate the nonlinear statistics of the mean first passage time as well as the nonlinear relaxation time. Both characteristic times are applied for possible detection of weak signals in the unstable state decay process.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    A novel nonsense variant in TPM4 caused dominant macrothrombocytopenia, mild bleeding tendency and disrupted cytoskeleton remodeling

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    [Background]: Rare inherited thrombocytopenias are caused by alterations in genes involved in megakaryopoiesis, thrombopoiesis and/or platelet release. Diagnosis is challenging due to poor specificity of platelet laboratory assays, large numbers of culprit genes, and difficult assessment of the pathogenicity of novel variants. [Objectives]: To characterize the clinical and laboratory phenotype, and identifying the underlying molecular alteration, in a pedigree with thrombocytopenia of uncertain etiology. [Patients/Methods]: Index case was enrolled in our Spanish multicentric project of inherited platelet disorders due to lifelong thrombocytopenia and bleeding. Bleeding score was recorded by ISTH‐BAT. Laboratory phenotyping consisted of blood cells count, blood film, platelet aggregation and flow cytometric analysis. Genotyping was made by whole‐exome sequencing (WES). Cytoskeleton proteins were analyzed in resting/spreading platelets by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting. [Results]: Five family members displayed lifelong mild thrombocytopenia with a high number of enlarged platelets in blood film, and mild bleeding tendency. Patient's platelets showed normal aggregation and granule secretion response to several agonists. WES revealed a novel nonsense variant (c.322C>T; p.Gln108*) in TPM4 (NM_003290.3), the gene encoding for tropomyosin‐4 (TPM4). This variant led to impairment of platelet spreading capacity after stimulation with TRAP‐6 and CRP, delocalization of TPM4 in activated platelets, and significantly reduced TPM4 levels in platelet lysates. Moreover, the index case displayed up‐regulation of TPM2 and TPM3 mRNA levels. [Conclusions]: This study identifies a novel TPM4 nonsense variant segregating with macrothrombocytopenia and impaired platelet cytoskeletal remodeling and spreading. These findings support the relevant role of TPM4 in thrombopoiesis and further expand our knowledge of TPM4‐related thrombocytopenia.This work was partially supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Feder (PI17/01966, PI20/00926), Gerencia Regional de Salud (GRS2061A/19, GRS2135/A/2020, GRS2314/A/2021), Fundación Mutua Madrileña (FMM, AP172142019) and Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETHFETH; Premio López Borrasca 2019 and Ayuda a Grupos de Trabajo en Patología Hemorrágica 2020 and 2021).Peer reviewe

    Pienet ja media : Haminan kaupungin päiväkotihenkilöstön havaintoja ja ajatuksia lasten median käytöstä

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada lisää tietoa pienten lasten median käytöstä. Kohderyhmäksi valikoituivat päiväkotien työntekijät ja heidän havaintonsa. Tutkimusasetelma oli kaksiosainen: millaisia havaintoja työntekijät ovat tehneet lasten median käytöstä ja millaisia ajatuksia lasten median käyttö työntekijöissä herättää. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla viittä (5) Haminan kaupungin päivähoidon työntekijää. Haastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina teemahaastattelurungon avulla. Litteroitua aineistoa analysoitiin käyttämällä aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia. Haastateltavat tai heidän työyksikkönsä eivät virallisesti toteuttaneet mediakasvatusta. Päävastuu mediakasvatuksesta koettiin olevan vanhemmilla ja ammatillisen mediakasvatuksen nähtiin alkavan esiopetuksessa ja jatkuvan peruskoulussa. Haastateltavien havaintojen mukaan lapset ilmaisivat vaihtelevasti käyttämäänsä mediaa leikeissä ja puheissa. Osa esiin tulevista mediasisällöistä koettiin sopimattomaksi päiväkoti-ikäisille. Vanhemmat toivat harvoin esille lasten median käyttöä työntekijöiden kanssa. Osassa yksiköistä median käyttö kuului yhdeksi teemaksi vanhempien kanssa käytäviä keskusteluja, osassa asia otettiin esille tarvittaessa. Haastatelluissa herätti huolta se, miten runsas median käyttö, tietokonepelit tai yksin median kanssa toimiminen vaikuttavat lasten kasvuun. Huoli kohdistui muun muassa kielen kehitykseen, kykyyn keskittyä tai kykyyn luoda sosiaalisia suhteita. Yleinen näkemys oli, että alle 3-vuotiaan ei tarvitsisi olla ollenkaan tekemisissä sähköisen median kanssa.The purpose of this study was to gather information about little children and media. Kindergarten workers were interviewed about their observations about children`s relationship with media and also about their thoughts of the matter. Five (5) kindergarten workers were interviewed to gain data. Interviews were carried out individually. The transcribed data material was analyzed by content analysis. The data shows that neither the interviewees nor their work units did officially practice media education. They regarded parents responsible for media education. The professional media education belonged to preschool and elementary school. The interviewees observed that children occasionally brought ideas or contents from media to their games and topics of speak. Some of those media contents were considered not suitable for children in the kindergarten. However, parents and interviewees rarely talked about media and children unless necessary. Excess media usage, computer games or handling media alone caused concern about child development, including language skills, ability to concentrate or ability to form relationships. Therefore the impression of interviewees was that children under 3 years old should not at all be in contact with electronic media

    Characterization of the platelet phenotype caused by a germline RUNX1 Variant in a CRISPR/Cas9-generated murine model

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    RUNX1-related disorder (RUNX1-RD) is caused by germline variants affecting the RUNX1 gene. This rare, heterogeneous disorder has no specific clinical or laboratory phenotype, making genetic diagnosis necessary. Although international recommendations have been established to classify the pathogenicity of variants, identifying the causative alteration remains a challenge in RUNX1-RD. Murine models may be useful not only for definitively settling the controversy about the pathogenicity of certain RUNX1 variants, but also for elucidating the mechanisms of molecular pathogenesis. Therefore, we developed a knock-in murine model, using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, carrying the RUNX1 p.Leu43Ser variant (mimicking human p.Leu56Ser) to study its pathogenic potential and mechanisms of platelet dysfunction. A total number of 75 mice were generated; 25 per genotype (RUNX1WT/WT, RUNX1WT/L43S, and RUNX1L43S/L43S). Platelet phenotype was assessed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. On average, RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S mice had a significantly longer tail-bleeding time than RUNX1WT/WT mice, indicating the variant's involvement in hemostasis. However, only homozygous mice displayed mild thrombocytopenia. RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S displayed impaired agonist-induced spreading and α-granule release, with no differences in δ-granule secretion. Levels of integrin αIIbβ3 activation, fibrinogen binding, and aggregation were significantly lower in platelets from RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and high thrombin doses. Lower levels of PKC phosphorylation in RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S suggested that the PKC-signaling pathway was impaired. Overall, we demonstrated the deleterious effect of the RUNX1 p.Leu56Ser variant in mice via the impairment of integrin αIIbβ3 activation, aggregation, α-granule secretion, and platelet spreading, mimicking the phenotype associated with RUNX1 variants in the clinical setting.This work was partially supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Feder (PI17/01311, PI17/01966, and CB15/00055), Fundación Séneca (19873/GERM/15), Gerencia Regional de Salud (GRS 2061A/19 and 1647/A/17), Fundación Mutua Madrileña (FMM, AP172142019), and Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH-FETH; Premio López Borrasca 2019 and Ayuda a Grupos de Trabajo en Patología Hemorrágica 2019). The authors' research on IPDs is conducted in accordance with the aims of the Functional and Molecular Characterization of Patients with Inherited Platelet Disorders Project, which is supported by the Hemorrhagic Diathesis Working Group of the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. A.M.-Q., C.F.-I., and L.H.-C. were supported by predoctoral grants from the Junta de Castilla y León, Spain. E.V. was supported by the predoctoral grant from the University of Salamanca, Spain. IG-T and RB were supported by "Contratos postdoctorales Programa II) from the University of Salamanca, Spain