1,231 research outputs found

    A review and comparison of efficient flooding schemes for on-demand routing protocols on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)

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    Since the basic components of ad hoc wireless networks are mostly battery-operated portable devices, power conservation is one of the central issues of such networks. Power-conservative designs for ad hoc networks pose many challenges due to the lack of central coordination facilities. Existing on-demand routing protocols perform route discovery by flooding the network with a query message requesting a route to the destination. Flooding is used because of its simplicity and greater success in finding the best route between the source and destination available at that time of route discovery. However, as flooding involves querying all reachable network nodes, frequent flooding can rapidly deplete the energy reserved at each node. In addition to consuming significant portions of the available network bandwidth. Further, as the number of communicating nodes increases, more congestion, contention, and collisions can be expected. This paper reviews and compares approaches for optimizing bandwidth efficiency of route discovery, where several efficient flooding schemes have been presented based on different techniques to solve the problems related with the traditional blind flooding

    Grounded Theory of Consumer Loyalty: A Perspective through Video Game Addiction

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    Game addiction has become an extremely important topic in psychology researchers, particularly in understanding and explaining why individuals become addicted (to video games). In previous studies, effect of online game addiction on social responsibilities, health problems, government action, and the behaviors of individuals to purchase and the causes of making individuals addicted on the video games has been discussed. Extending these concepts in marketing, it could be argued than the phenomenon could enlighten and extending our understanding on consumer loyalty. This study took the Grounded Theory approach, and found that motivation, satisfaction, fulfillments, exploration and achievements to be part of the important elements that builds consumer loyalty

    Globalization and water resources management : the changing value of water

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    The Jordan River system, which is shared by Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Palestine, is a major issue in the current Middle East peace negotiations. Although we believe that the International Water Law is the most suitable basis to solve the disputes between Arab countries and Israel, it is worthwhile developing multi weighting approximation criteria for determining the water rights for the above riparian countries. The paper provides an overview of current resolution principles and procedures and presents the conflict resolution process in theory. The aim of this paper is to develop multi-criteria decision tool to the problem of allocating the waters of the Jordan River Basin between all riparian parties. The prime principle of the criteria is equitable and reasonable allocation factors identified by the International Law Commission in its draft articles on the non navigational uses of water. A general mathematical model was derived that found the optimal allocation outcome based on the weight of each factor. The approach presented here should be seen as a trial to deal with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict over water rights in such complex trans-boundary water resources system. It is hoped that, water negotiators review this approach

    Replay Attacks and Defenses Against Cross-shard Consensus in Sharded Distributed Ledgers

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    We present a family of replay attacks against sharded distributed ledgers targeting cross-shard consensus protocols, such as the recently proposed Chainspace and Omniledger. They allow an attacker, with network access only, to double-spend or lock resources with minimal efforts. The attacker can act independently without colluding with any nodes, and succeed even if all nodes are honest; most of the attacks can also exhibit themselves as faults under periods of asynchrony. These attacks are effective against both shard-led and client-led cross-shard consensus approaches. We present Byzcuit-a new cross-shard consensus protocol that is immune to those attacks. We implement a prototype of Byzcuit and evaluate it on a real cloud-based testbed, showing that our defenses impact performance minimally, and overall performance surpasses previous works

    MIS 5e at San Giovanni di Sinis (Sardinia, Italy): Stratigraphy, U/Th dating and "eustatic" inferences

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    AbstractThe most representative Late Pleistocene ("Tyrrhenian") outcrop in Sardinia (San Giovanni di Sinis) was re-visited based on detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis supported by U-series dating of fossil corals. The stratigraphy shows shoreface–backshore sandstones overlying an erosional surface cut on vertebrate-bearing layers. Facies analysis and sequence-stratigraphic approaches suggest "eustatic" changes during the overall depositional interval of the marine sequence. Disconformities distinguish two coastal units suggesting a lateral shifts of the depositional environments driven by millennial-scale frequency sea level fluctuations, never exceeding a maximum height +1 to +3 m and by a subsequent rise to +5 ÷ +5.5 m asl.These deposits have historically been assigned to MIS 5, on the basis of i) their palaeontological content (warm "Senegalese" fauna), ii) lithostratigraphic interpretations and iii) amino-acid, geochronological data and generally attributed to the high sea-level episode of MIS 5e sub-stage, through sequential interpretation. U-series measurements in colonies of Cladocora caespitosa from the main outcrop of San Giovanni di Sinis and other minor deposits from the eastern side of the isthmus and from Capo San Marco, yielded 230Th-ages confirming an assignment of the embedding sediments to MIS 5e.Similar measurements in a pelecypod valve (Cerastoderma sp.) and a vermetid colony at San Marco yielded much younger apparent ages, tentatively attributed to late "diagenetic" U-uptake processes. Both the first minor pulses and the most important "eustatic" pulse recorded at San Giovanni di Sinis cannot be assigned unequivocally to one of the MIS 5e sea-level oscillations proposed in the recent literature, due to dating inaccuracies and uncertainties, but it seems probable that it occurred during an early part of the interval

    Morphological and Chemical Properties of Particulate Matter in the Dammam Metropolitan Region: Dhahran, Khobar, and Dammam, Saudi Arabia

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    Characteristics of airborne particulate matter (PM) as well as its levels in air samples collected from selected sites within cities of Dhahran, Khobar, and Dammam, in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, are investigated. Concentration levels of the 10 microns’ PM (i.e., PM10) are determined using the gravimetric technique. Morphological and chemical characteristics of the PM collected from the sampling cities are studied using Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Moreover, levels and types of hazardous materials related to these samples are assessed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Results revealed that the average concentration levels of PM10 were approximately 177, 380, and 126 μg/m3 in Dhahran, Khobar, and Dammam, respectively. The structure of PM collected in Dhahran was mainly platy and rod-like shaped with a size between 2 and 6 μm, while PM collected in Khobar was mostly irregular in form, with a size range between 2 and 8 μm, and Dammam’s PM was rounded and between 1 and 3 μm in size. Both EDX and XRF results indicate relatively high weight % of C, O, Si, F, and Ca with lower weight % of Na, Mg, and K at the 3 cities. Finally, the study shows that Ba and Zn were the main trace metals associated with the collected PM in the 3 cities

    Optimization of carbon and energy utilization through differential translational efficiency.

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    Control of translation is vital to all species. Here we employ a multi-omics approach to decipher condition-dependent translational regulation in the model acetogen Clostridium ljungdahlii. Integration of data from cells grown autotrophically or heterotrophically revealed that pathways critical to carbon and energy metabolism are under strong translational regulation. Major pathways involved in carbon and energy metabolism are not only differentially transcribed and translated, but their translational efficiencies are differentially elevated in response to resource availability under different growth conditions. We show that translational efficiency is not static and that it changes dynamically in response to mRNA expression levels. mRNAs harboring optimized 5'-untranslated region and coding region features, have higher translational efficiencies and are significantly enriched in genes encoding carbon and energy metabolism. In contrast, mRNAs enriched in housekeeping functions harbor sub-optimal features and have lower translational efficiencies. We propose that regulation of translational efficiency is crucial for effectively controlling resource allocation in energy-deprived microorganisms