385 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    Effectiveness Learning Group Investigation Model To Enhance Student Learning Outcomes Lesson In Economics. This study aims to determine whether the group investigation model of learning is more effective than conventional learning model for improving student learning outcomes in the class of economic subjects. This form of experimental research study conducted with the type of experiment is quasi-experiment (Experiment Quasy Reasearch). Based on a statistical calculation of the average post-test results of the control class average of 64.29 and a post-test results of the experimental class 69.82 calculations obtained using SPSS with significance <? or 0.034 <0.05 then Ha is accepted. This means that the learning process by providing treatment group investigation for the provision of learning is more effective than conventional models to improve student learning outcomes on economic subjects. Keywords: Group Investigation Model Learning, Learning Outcomes. Absrak: Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model pembelajaran group investigation lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian eksperimen dengan jenis eksperimen yang dilakukan adalah eksperimen semu (Quasy Experiment Reasearch). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik dari rata-rata hasil post-test kelas kontrol 64,29 dan rata-rata hasil post-test kelas eksperimen 69,82 diperoleh perhitungan menggunakan program SPSS dengan signifikansi < ? atau 0,034 < 0,05 maka Ha diterima. Hal ini berarti proses belajar mengajar dengan memberikan perlakuan berupa pemberian pembelajaran group investigation lebih efektif daripada model konvensional untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi

    Periodic Accretion From A Circumbinary Disk In The Young Binary UZ Tau E

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    Close pre-main-sequence binary stars are expected to clear central holes in their protoplanetary disks, but the extent to which material can flow from the circumbinary disk across the gap onto the individual circumstellar disks has been unclear. In binaries with eccentric orbits, periodic perturbation of the outer disk is predicted to induce mass flow across the gap, resulting in accretion that varies with the binary period. This accretion may manifest itself observationally as periodic changes in luminosity. Here we present a search for such periodic accretion in the pre-main-sequence spectroscopic binary UZ Tau E. We present BVRI photometry spanning 3 years; we find that the brightness of UZ Tau E is clearly periodic, with a best-fit period of 19.16 +/- 0.04 days. This is consistent with the spectroscopic binary period of 19.13 days, refined here from analysis of new and existing radial velocity data. The brightness of UZ Tau E shows significant random variability, but the overall periodic pattern is a broad peak in enhanced brightness, spanning more than half the binary orbital period. The variability of the H alpha line is not as clearly periodic, but given the sparseness of the data, some periodic component is not ruled out. The photometric variations are in good agreement with predictions from simulations of binaries with orbital parameters similar to those of UZ Tau E, suggesting that periodic accretion does occur from circumbinary disks, replenishing the inner circumstellar disks and possibly extending the timescale over which they might form planets

    Synthesis of medium-chain glycerides using lipase from Candida rugosa

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    Enzymatic synthesis of medium-chain glycerides (MCG) from capric acid and glycerol was studied using lipase from Candida rugosa. The effects of various reaction parameters such as time, molar ratio of substrates (mmol capric acid/mmol glycerol), amount of lipase, type of organic solvents, and initial water activity (a w ) were studied. The best conditions tested for MCG synthesis at 37°C were, respectively, time, 24 h; molar ratio of substrates, 2.5; and amount of lipase, 100.0 mg. The use of organic solvents greatly influenced the activity of lipase in the synthesis of MCG. Generally, activity of lipase was high in nonpolar solvents with log P values from 3.50 to 4.50, where P is the partition coefficient between water and 1-octanol. The enzymatic synthesis of MCG was preferably carried out at an initial a w of 0.328, which resulted in maximal yield. Analysis of the products of reaction using gas chromatography showed that lipase from Candida rugosa seemed to produce more dicaprin and tricaprin than monocaprin

    Keefektifan Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) pada Materi Kata Sifat dalam Mata Kuliah Bunpou 1 (Penelitian Eksperimen terhadap Mahasiswa Bahasa Jepang Tingkat I Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 Universitas Riau)

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    The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of two stay two stray cooperative learning can improve students comprehension in Japanese adjective of the Japanese language student level I FKIP University of Riau. The research was experimental research which used the matching only posttest control group design. The object of this research is a Japanese student level I Riau University consisting of 45 samples of the research. Data collection technigue used this research was test and questioner. Post-test to find out students comprehension in Japanese adjective after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process. The result of post-test were statistically analyted using to formula manually to know the improvement of students' comprehension after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process Based on statistically analyzing data using t formula it was found that <(0.65 1,68) it means that there was not significant difference between students' who taught by and students two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process who taught by did not use that learning process. . questioner to find out students respondens and reason after two stay two stray cooperative learning was learning process. Based of questioner result, all of students attract to this learning method because student can improve the learning motivation of student, easly understand subject of learning and gain students memorize

    Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Cepat pada Mahasiswa Tingkat II Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    Abtract: Speed reading is a blend of speed reading with understanding thecontent of reading. This study aims to determine the level of reading speed, readingcomprehension, effective speed reading, and speed reading constraints in Japanese.This study used quantitative research methods. Reading speed is calculated based wpm(words per minute). texts are used to measure the student reading speed were about theJapanese language proficiency test (nihongo ryoku shiken) N4 (level 4). Samples of thisstudy were the students of level 2 of Japanese Study Program,FKIP University of Riauacademic year 2014/2015 academic year consisted of 29 people. The results of the studyare the average of speed of reading students in the amount at 155 wpm (words perminute), which means speed reading of students categorized slow readersas,understanding of reading students gained an average value at 55.86, which means theability of understanding of students categorized as sufficient and effective studentsspeed reading amounted to 106 wpm (words per minute), which means that the readerhas not been effective. It was caused by several factors, including the ability of readingis still stammering, reading strategies only read text, there were kanji and katakana onreading, and did not understand the meaning of the word in texts

    White-light flares on cool stars in the Kepler Quarter 1 Data

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    We present the results of a search for white light flares on the ~23,000 cool dwarfs in the Kepler Quarter 1 long cadence data. We have identified 373 flaring stars, some of which flare multiple times during the observation period. We calculate relative flare energies, flare rates and durations, and compare these with the quiescent photometric variability of our sample. We find that M dwarfs tend to flare more frequently but for shorter durations than K dwarfs, and that they emit more energy relative to their quiescent luminosity in a given flare than K dwarfs. Stars that are more photometrically variable in quiescence tend to emit relatively more energy during flares, but variability is only weakly correlated with flare frequency. We estimate distances for our sample of flare stars and find that the flaring fraction agrees well with other observations of flare statistics for stars within 300 pc above the Galactic Plane. These observations provide a more rounded view of stellar flares by sampling stars that have not been pre-selected by their activity, and are informative for understanding the influence of these flares on planetary habitability.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    An Analysis of the Demand for the Consumptionof Rice Substitutes in Households in the Province of Maluku

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    The aim of this Research is to analyse the partial relationships between the variables of the price of rice substitutes, the price of rice, income per household and the number of household members against the variables of household food availability and household food consumption patterns in Maluku Province. This research was carried out in Maluku Province using a sample of 200people. Data used in this research is the primary data based on questionnaires and interviews with respondants and using secondary data taken from SUSENAS data covering a research period from 1995 through to 2014. The analysis used to test the hypothesis is the regression analysis using the SPSS application. The results of this research demonstarte that the variables of the price of rice substitutes, the price of rice, household income and the number of household members has a significant influence on the variables of the household food availability and the pattern of household food consumption in Maluku Province

    Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Kata Kerja Transitif dan Intransitif Bahasa Jepang pada Mahasiswa Tingkat II Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau

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    This research describes about using an error of transitive and intransitive verbs are done by students in second grade of Japanese Program in Riau University. This research uses a descriptive method. This theory which is used for error analysis and linguistic theory of jidoushi tadoushi . The data is an error gets from written questionnaire test form on bunpou subject. While the factor of an error data gets from interview. Based on the data analysis can be concluded that the form of the most common error is when selecting verb in the sentence of tadoushi or jidoushi . This caused of students still difficult for which different between jidoushi and tadoushi

    Pengembangan Media Power Point sebagai Bahan Ajar Pendukung Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jepang Kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Minas Kabupaten Siak

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    This research is about the development of power point as supporting teaching media of Japanese subject in SMAN 1 Minas, kabupaten Siak. This research aims to know whether power point as supporting teaching media of Japanese subject in SMAN 1 Minas, kabupaten Siak is appropriate with standard of experts or validator, so it is suitably used in the real learning process. This research uses SCL theory and research and development method. This research uses questioner as data accumulation technique. The result of this research is power point supporting teaching media