41 research outputs found

    Hubungan Karakteristik Individu Dengan Kejadian Penyakit Antraks Tipe Kulit Pada Penduduk di Wilayah Kabupaten Bogor

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    This research is aim to know several of risk factors about individual characteristics which are related with occurrence of skin type of anthrax disease in Bogor district for 2003-2007. The research was designed to reach out for the goal of this research is use Case Control epidemiological research design. Case of this research is taken from victim of skin type of anthrax disease record in Puskesmas {Center for Health Services) and clarified as positive infected by anthrax bacterial based on laboratory serological examination in Balitvet Bogor. Control is taken from inhabitant in Bogor district which are live in the same area with people who is diagnose as a victim of skin type of anthrax disease and do not showed clinical signs of skin type of anthrax disease. Data collection is done through by structured interview and observation which is doing by researcher itself and assisted by Puskesmas staff in Bogor district. Analysis data is done trough two steps that are univariate for analysis of frequency distribution and bivariate with Chi-square. All analysis processed by SPSS 13.0. The risk factors about individual characteristics which are related with occurrence of skin type of anthrax disease is working as a farmer with OR=3.011 {95% C=1.410-6.427)

    Studi Kasus: Pemalsuan Daging Sapi dengan Daging Babi Hutan di Kota Bogor

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    The adulteration of beef using wild boar meat in the city of Bogor has been a serious concern in the society. Monitoring and surveillance of beef products are needed to ensure the halal of animal products and to prevent the transmission risk of zoonotic diseases from wild boar meat to humans. The purpose of this study was to analyse the data of Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor related to meat adulteration in 2013-2017. The case study approach was used in this research by conducting a collection of primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained from an indepth interview with the chief of veterinary public health, processing, and marketing of livestock products of Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor. The secondary data were obtained from monitoring and surveillance report of Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor in 2013-2017. The results showed that 7.86% (3/33 samples) of beef samples contained wild boar meat during the 2013-2017 period. The adulterated beef was found mainly from the meat kiosks in traditional markets. In conclusion, monitoring and surveillance related to meat adulteration problem is needed to be improved especially in the traditional market

    Distribusi Skabies pada Peternakan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abstract  Beef cattle farms in Barru district are susceptible to various diseases, including scabies. This study aims to analyze data about the distribution of disease temporally by measuring the spreading speed, and spatially by mapping risk areas for scabies over the past three years. The data of this study was collected using the records from Dinas Peternakan and conducting interviews using structured questionnaires. This research was a descriptive study by measuring the incidence rate and describing the risk map using geographic information system (GIS). The results of this study indicate that, based on the incidence rate, the average distribution rate of scabies in beef cattle in Barru is 13 cases per 10.000 head/year. This incidence rate always increases every year. Furthermore, the highest incidence of the disease occurs in Mallusetasi with an incidence rate of 35 cases per 10 000 head/year. The three areas that are classified as high risk are Mallusetasi, Tanete Riaja, and Barru. Control measures that have been carried out were not successful to reduce the spread of the disease. Keywords : Beef cattle; Distribution; Incidence rate; Risk; Scabies   Abstrak  Peternakan sapi potong di Kabupaten Barru rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit, termasuk skabies. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis data distribusi kejadian penyakit secara temporal dengan mengukur kecepatan penyebaran, dan secara spasial dengan memetakan wilayah berisiko skabies selama tiga tahun terakhir. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rekapan dari Dinas Peternakan dan wawancara mendalam menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif dengan mengukur incidence rate dan menggambarkan peta risiko menggunakan geographic information system (GIS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan incidence rate, kecepatan rata-rata penyebaran skabies pada sapi potong di Kabupaten Barru sebesar 13 kasus per 10000 ekor—tahun. Nilai incidence rate tersebut selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya. Kejadian penyakit paling tinggi terjadi di kecamatan Mallusetasi dengan incidence rate sebesar 35 kasus per 10000 ekor—tahun. Terdapat 2 wilayah yang tergolong ke dalam risiko tinggi, yaitu Kecamatan Mallusetasi dan Kecamatan Tanete Riaja. Tindakan pengendalian yang telah dilakukan belum berhasil dalam mengurangi kecepatan penyebaran penyakit.  Kata kunci: Sapi potong; Incidence rate; Penyebaran; Risiko; Skabie

    Factors Influencing Farmers Participation in the Vaccination Program against Anthrax in Bogor District, Indonesia

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    Bogor District is one of the endemic areas of anthrax cases in Indonesia. The mass vaccination campaign on livestock including goats and sheep needs to be done to prevent the spread of the disease. The willingness of farmers to participate is the main key to the success of this vaccination campaign. This study aimed to identify the factors that influence the willingness of goat and sheep farmers to participate in vaccination programs against anthrax in their farms. A total of 60 goat and sheep farmers were randomly selected from 3 villages located in the region with the highest incidence of cases in Babakan Madang Subdistrict. Data was collected through direct interviews using a structured questionnaire. Analysis to determine risk factors was carried out by chi square test and continued by calculating the value of relative risk (RR) to measure the magnitude of the influence of these factors. The results showed that the factors that influenced the farmers to be willing to participate in the anthrax vaccination program were history that had been directly counseled with RR values 2,844 (95% CI = 1,547-5,288) and history of having constrained to vaccinate their livestock with RR values 1,960 (95% CI = 1,203 - 3,193). Based on these findings it is recommended to increase farmer participation in mass vaccination programs against anthrax can be done through increasing communication, information and education activities and minimizing constraints for farmers to vaccinate their livestock

    Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) sebagai jaminan keamanan produk Sarang Burung Walet Tujuan Ekspor ke Tiongkok

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    ABSTRACT   Edible Bird Nest (EBN) is a food product of animal origin that obtains many benefits for Indonesia's export commodities. EBN contains many nutrients in which it is widely utilized in the health sector. EBN products have been exported to various countries and one of them is China. EBN products exported to China have potential harms such as physical, biological, and chemical hazards that pose risks to human health. Therefore, every product of animal origin needs food safety assurance. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a food safety system developed to identify, evaluate, and control food safety hazards. HACCP is a system developed to prevent or reduce hazards to an acceptable extent during the globally adopted production. Through the implementation of a food safety assurance system in the EBN, it is expected to lower the risk of food hazards. This paper discussed HACCP in ensuring food safety of animal origin, especially Edible Bird Nest to fulfill the export requirements of Edible Bird Nest to China. Keywords: Animal-origin Food Safety, HACCP, Edible Bird Nes

    Potensi Penularan Bovine Tuberculosis pada Sapi Perah dan Manusia di Wilayah Tengah dan Timur Pulau Jawa, Indonesia

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    Kejadian kasus tuberkulosis pada manusia di Indonesia dilaporkan masih tinggi. Bovine tuberculosis pada sapi perah diduga turut berperan dalam meningkatkan kasus tuberkulosis karena dapat menular ke manusia (zoonosis). Penularan penyakit ini antar ternak dan ke manusia perlu dikendalikan untuk menurunkan tingkat kejadian kasus. Potensi penularan kasus antar ternak dan ke manusia di suatu wilayah dapat diperkirakan dengan mengombinasikan data pemeriksaan sampel susu dan praktik manajemen peternakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan potensi penularan kasus tuberkulosis pada sapi perah dan manusia di wilayah tengah dan timur Pulau Jawa yang merupakan sentra peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia. Pemeriksaan bakteri Bovine tuberculosis dengan metode PCR konvensional dilakukan terhadap 163 sampel susu dari 92 peternakan yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data praktik manajemen peternakan dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Potensi penularan kasus diperkirakan dengan nilai yang diperoleh dari metode Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Kriteria yang digunakan antara lain data pemeriksaan sampel susu, dan praktik manajemen pemeliharaan yang terdiri atas manajemen kesehatan, higiene sanitasi dan biosekuriti. Pemeriksan terhadap susu tidak menemukan bakteri M. bovis pada seluruh sampel yang diperiksa. Potensi penularan kasus tuberkulosis antar ternak sapi perah memiliki nilai 0.53 (sedang) dan potensi penularannya ke manusia memiliki nilai 0.4 (sedang)

    Kejadian Kasus Penyakit Newcastle di Peternakan Ayam Buras di Kabupaten Barru

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    Penyakit Newcastle Newcastle disease (ND) merupakan penyakit virus pada ayam yang sangat menular dengan tingkat kematian yang tinggi. Kerugian ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh ND adalah kematian ayam dan menurunnya produksi telur pada ayam petelur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis data distribusi penyakit dengan mengukur kecepatan penyebaran penyakit serta menggambarkan distribusi penyakit secara spasial melalui pemetaan risiko kejadian ND pada peternakan ayam buras di Kabupaten Barru. Data diperoleh dari catatan kasus ND milik dinas terkait dan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Data dianalisis dengan menghitung tingkat insidensi dan menggambarkan peta risiko menggunakan sistem informasi geografi. Berdasarkan tingkat insidensi, kecepatan rata-rata penyebaran ND pada ayam buras di Kabupaten Barru adalah 13 kasus per 100.000 ekor-tahun. Kejadian penyakit paling tinggi terjadi di Kecamatan Soppeng Riaja dengan tingkat insidensi 14 kasus per 100.000 ekor-tahun, sedangkan tidak ada kejadian di Kecamatan Tanete Riaja. Wilayah berisiko tinggi adalah Kecamatan Soppeng Riaja sehingga langkah-langkah pengendalian perlu lebih ditekankan di wilayah tersebut.   Kata kunci: penyakit Newcastle, tingkat insidensi, pemetaan risiko ayam buras, Kabupaten Barr

    Deteksi Virus African Swine Fever dari Sampah Makanan Kapal Laut Internasional di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok

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    ABSTRAK Sampah makanan kapal dihasilkan dari sampah dapur dan atau restoran yang berasal dari kru kapal atau penumpang. Sampah makanan kapal laut internasional yang diturunkan di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok berpotensi sebagai media pembawa virus African swine fever (ASF) ke Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadan virus ASF dari sampah makanan kapal laut internasional yang berasal atau transit dari negara tertular ASF di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Jumlah sampel dari setiap negara dihitung secara proporsional dari data jumlah frekuensi kedatangan kapal. Sebanyak 23 sampel pooling sampah makanan yang mengandung daging babi didapatkan dari 23 kapal yang berasal dari 5 negara tertular ASF yaitu China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Filipina, dan Korea Selatan. Sampel diuji dengan real-time PCR di Balai Besar Uji Standar Karantina Pertanian menggunakan kit ekstraksi dan master mix komersial serta primer King seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh OIE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari total 23 sampel yang diambil sebanyak 2 sampel positif (8,69%) mengandung virus ASF. Sampel positif tersebut berasal dari kapal China dan Filipina. Keberadaan virus ASF pada sampah makanan tersebut menunjukkan indikasi bahwa sampah makanan dari kapal laut internasional dapat menjadi jalur masuknya ASF ke Indonesia. Kata kunci: African swine fever, sampah makanan, kapal laut, real-time PCR   ABSTRACT Ship’s food waste was generated from the kitchen and or the restaurant originating from ships crews or passengers. International ship’s food waste that is disposed at Tanjung Priok Port has the potential to carry African swine fever (ASF) to Indonesia. This study is aimed to detect the presence of the ASF virus from international ship’s food waste originating or transiting from ASF-infected countries at Tanjung Priok Port. The number of samples from each country which was calculated proportionally from the data on the frequency of ship arrivals. A total of 23 pooling samples of food waste containing pork were obtained from 23 ships from 5 ASF-infected countries, i.e., China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Philippines, and South Korea. Samples were tested with real-time PCR at The Center for Diagnostic of Agricultural Quarantine using extraction kits and commercial master mixes and King’s primer as recommended by OIE. The results showed that from total of 23 samples, there were 2 positive samples (8.69%) containing the ASF virus. Those positive samples were from China and Philippines ships. The presence of the ASF virus in food waste indicates that food waste from international ships can be the entry route for ASF to Indonesia. &nbsp

    Factors Associated with the Level of Knowledge of Dairy Cattle Farmers Towards Brucellosis in Kawasan Usaha Peternakan (Kunak), Bogor District

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    Level of farmer’s knowledge have an importance role in the disease prevention and control of livestock. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the level of KUNAK dairy cattle farmer’s knowledge regarding brucellosis and factors that associated to it. A series of questions were asked to the respondents regarding their knowledge of brucellosis. Respondents of 70 farmers were selected with cluster random sampling technique for this research. Data were collected through interviewing respondent using the questionnaire regarding the knowledge of brucellosis in terms of its mode of transmission, symptoms, prevention and treatment. Questionnaire was done in the form of closed question. The analysis was done using chi square test in determining the association of factors affecting level of dairy cattle farmer’s knowledge and odds ratio (OR) in determining the strength of affecting level of dairy cattle farmer’s knowledge. The general result of the level of knowledge of farmers in KUNAK were good being the majority of them were in that category. The farmers of KUNAK had a higher level of knowledge in terms of prevention and symptoms of brucellosis than mode of transmission or treatment of it. The factor that has the most significance to the level of knowledge of KUNAK dairy farmers are the ones with a working experience more than 5 years in this field with 18 times more knowledgeable than farmers with less than 5 years of working experience. The need of disease awareness programs was required for the farmers in broadening their minds towards other aspects of a disease for them to better combat the problems in their day to day business

    Tantangan dan Kendala Pengendalian African Swine Fever

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    African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious hemorrhagic viral disease that attacks pigs and wild pigs causing economic losses for farms small and large scale. ASF outbreaks that occurred in several regions in the world have caused unrest for the livestock sector. The rapid spread of the ASF virus has resulted in very high pig mortality. ASF virus transmission can occur through direct or indirect contact. Urine and faecal excretion of pigs is an important route of ASF transmission. The ASF virus has three transmission cycles, namely the silvatic, domestic and wild boar cycles. Outbreaks that occur in several countries encourage the strategy of controlling and overcoming the disease through surveillance. ASF disease control that has been carried out includes improving farm biosecurity management systems and limiting the movement of animals and animal products before the ASF vaccine is found