10 research outputs found


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    Basketball is a sport that is quite popular in Indonesia. Many schools accommodate the interests and talents of student at basketball in extracurricular activities. Like other sports, basketball has positive values that can be learned. In line with the social competencies established by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Basketball can be used to help achieve these competencies. This study involved 339 individuals from various backgrounds. Individuals that involved in research have experience in basketball as students, athletes, teachers, coaches, parent athletes, and supporters. The purpose of this study is to find out whether basketball has the potential to help students achieve social competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative and quantitative. The results of the research show that statistically, basketball has a strong correlation with social competence, whereas from theoretical studies the characteristics of basketball can support the achievement of social competence. Bolabasket adalah olahraga yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Beberapa sekolah mengakomodir minat dan bakat peserta didik dalam bolabasket dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Seperti olahraga lainnya, bolabasket memiliki nilai positif yang dapat dipelajari. Sejalan dengan kompetensi sosial yang ditetapkan oleh menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan, bolabasket dapat digunakan untuk mencapai kompetensi tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 339 subjek penelitian dari berbagai latar belakang. Individu yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini memiliki pengalaman dalam bolabasket sebagai siswa, atlet, guru, pelatih, orang tua dan suporter. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah bolabasket memilik potensi untuk membantu siswa dalam mencapai kompetensi sosial. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian secara statistik menunjukan, bolabasker memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan kompetensi sosial, dimana berdasarkan studi literature menunjukkan juga bahwa karakteristik bolabasket dapat mendukung pencapaian kompetensi sosial


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    Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini merupakan program pendidikan yang ditujukan untuk mendidik anak di usia awal, sebelum anak memasuki sekolah dasar. Sebagai program pendidikan yang mempersiapkan anak didiknya agar memiliki ketrampilan dan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk memasuki jenjang pendidikan di atasnya maka Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini memperhatikan aspek psikomotor, afektif, dan kognitif secara seimbang. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengembangkan media yang dapat membantu guru dalam membelajarjkan ketrampilan gerak dasar, yang merupakan pembelajaran aspek psikomotor, tetapi media tersebut dapat juga membelajarkan dua aspek lainnya. Alasan utama mengapa peneliti megembangkan media tersebut adalah belum adanya media sejenis di tempat penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan langkah pengembangan milik Borg dan Gall yang telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi di lapangan. Penelitian diadakan di tiga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Hasil dari pengembangan media pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa guru merasa terbantu dan anak didik merasakan manfaat dari media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan

    Measurement of Physical Fitness Employees Solo Net Surakarta

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    Physical fitness is an essential aspect of life. The role of physical fitness in living life is limited to athletes and society in general. For workers, having a fit body will increase productivity because they do not feel tired quickly. Good physical fitness is supported by good endurance as well. However, endurance does not play a single role in supporting physical activity. Having good endurance is indeed beneficial and is a must for individuals involved in activities or work that take a long time. Please note that every activity or work has specific targets that must be completed. Other aspects must be possessed in order to become an individual with complete physical fitness. The demands of the quality of physical fitness in the general public certainly cannot be equated with athletes' standards. For the general public, not getting tired of doing work and meeting the targets given by the institution where they work is already extraordinary


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    Pembelajaran daring menjadi hal yang umum di Indonesia semenjak terjadinya pandemi covid-19. Pendidikan tinggi sebagai salah satu jenjang pendidikan juga harus melaksanakan pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran daring yang ideal perlu didukung dengan kebijakan dan sapras yang memadai. Menarik untuk diketahui persepsi dan pengalaman dosen pada pendidikan tinggi yang melaksanakan pembelajaran daring secara mendadak. Perlu instrumen yang komprehensif untuk mengetahui persepsi dan pengalaman dosen. Indikator yang digunakan dalam instrumen adalah pengalaman dan persepsi terkait metode pembelajaran dan pengalaman dan persepsi terkait pembelajaran daring. Instrumen yang dikembang bersifat terbuka agar mendapatkan data yang luas dan merekam banyak hal terkait dengan persepsi dan pengalaman dosen. Instrumen tersebut juga berguna sebagai bahan evaluasi universitas selaku pembuat kebijakan dan pendukung utama pembelajaran daring

    Pengembangan Buku Pedoman Man To Man Defense Bola Basket Untuk Pelatih

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    In man to man defense, there are some principles included such as rotation, help and recover. Defense is the vision of whole field and position arrangement between player and a ball which is an important basic to support the most of basketball defense phylosophy. Well-comprehension of man to man defense will increase team playing quality. The coach that is responsible for players’ understanding must be able to explain and apply man to man defense properly. In order to make every coach has good perspective as suitable as man to man principles, it is needed a certain media that can be utilized to learn about it. Media is expected to have important role to strengthen academic performance. This research aimed to develop a media that can be used by every coach as guidance to learn man to man defense. This media can be used as guidance for uncertified coaches or as reminding for certified coaches and the ex-certified coaches. There were 21 Basketball coaches in Trenggalek Regency which included as samples of this research.The data were collected by opened-questionnaire in preliminary research, semi-opened questionnaire in try out by the expert and closed-questionnaire in field try out. The couches agreed on this guidance book development because there is no special book for man to man defense. This media was developed by ADDIE model and helped by two experts to increase the quality of product that one expert concerned on media and another concerned on content. Based on the experts’ validation and try out, this media is acceptable to use

    Development of Basketball Play System Handbook fo SMAN 1 Karangan Basketball Team

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    One of extracurricular in school is extracurricular based on sport activity. Sport extracurricular has a different approach with physical education. Sport extracurricular give student a chance to develop their talent and or hobby on one or more sports activity that provided by school based on school’s infraststructure. SMAN 1 Karangan, as a one of favorite school in Trenggalek provided basketball as sport extracurricular for their students. Basketball, as sport extracurriculer, is an achievement oriented activity but still in education corridor. Extracurricular activity has a common problems to fulfill the target. Start from the limited infrastructures, so basketball extracurricullar must share the place with other sport extracurricular, limited time to practices and inconsistency participation by the students that join in basketball extracurricular because of other needs. In this case, to make a smooth communication between coach and student, be required instructional media. Instructional media give a chance for the absence student, when team can not held practice because bad weather (SMAN 1 Karangan only has outdoor basketball field), or outside the regular practices to learn about the offense and defense system that used by the team. Well understanding of play system that divided into offense and defense will give team a bigger chance to has a better achievement. Instructional media developed with ADDIE method that involved two expert judgements and all of the extracurricular participants in process. The instructional media that has developed and tested declared usefull enough to help students to understand the play system

    Pengembangan Modul Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan Untuk Kelas VIII Semester Ganjil Di SMP Negeri 18 Kota Malang

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    ABSTRAK   Putro,  Baskoro  Nugroho.  2011.  Pengembangan  Modul  Pendidikan  Jasmani Olahraga  dan  Kesehatan  Untuk  Kelas  VIII  Semester  Ganjil  Di  SMP Negeri  18  Kota  Malang.  Skripsi,  Jurusan  Pendidikan  Jasmani  dan Kesehatan  Fakultas  Ilmu  Keolahragaan  Universitas  Negeri  Malang. Pembimbing (1) Drs. Heru Widijoto, M. S. (2) Drs. Tatok Sugiarto, S.Pd, M.Pd.   Kata  kunci:  Pengembangan,  Modul,  Pendidikan  Jasmani,  Olahraga  dan Kesehatan. Modul pendidikan  jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan merupakan salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan baik siswa maupun guru kelas VIII di SMP Negeri  18  Kota  Malang  untuk  membantu  proses  pembelajaran.  Modul  ini dikembangkan  sesuai  dengan  KTSP  yang  terdapat  pada  SMP  Negeri  18  Kota Malang.  Sebelumnya  SMP  Negeri  18  Kota  Malang  menggunakan  LKS pendidikan  jasmani,  olahraga  dan  kesehatan  yang  isinya  kurang  sesuai  dengan KTSP SMP Negeri 18 Kota Malang. Sumber belajar  yang  sesuai dengan KTSP sangat  dibutuhkan  bagi  SMP  Negeri  18  Kota Malang  karena  diharapkan  dari sumber  belajar  tersebut  siswa  terbantu  dalam  mengikuti  proses  pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan. Dalam  penelitian  ini,  peneliti  menggunakan  metode  penelitian  dan pengembangan  dari  Borg  and  Gall  (1983:775),  peneliti  tidak  menggunakan keseluruhan tetapi hanya menggunakan 7 langkah. Adapun 7 langkah yang dipilih oleh  peneliti  untuk  pengembangan  buku  ajar  pendidikan  jasmani,  olahraga  dan kesehatan  adalah  sebagai  berikut:  1)  riset  dan  pengumpulan  informasi  dalam melakukan penelitian awal atau analisis kebutuhan dengan angket yang ditujukan kepada  1 orang  guru  pendidikan  jasmani,  olahraga  dan  kesehatan  kelas VIII 2) pengembangan  rancangan  produk,  3)  evaluasi  para  ahli  dengan menggunakan 2 ahli pembelajaran pendidikan  jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan dan 1 ahli modul, yang menghasilkan berupa produk awal, 4) revisi rancangan produk berdasarkan evaluasi  para  ahli  (hasil  rancangan  produk  berupa  produk  awal)  dan  uji  coba lapangan  pada  kelompok  kecil,  5)  revisi  hasil  dari  uji  coba  lapangan  pada kelompok kecil, 6) uji coba lapangan pada kelompok besar, 7) revisi dari hasil uji coba  lapangan  pada  kelompok  besar  kemudian  menjadi  produk  akhir  berupa modul  pendidikan  jasmani,  olahraga  dan  kesehatan  untuk  kelas  VIII  semester ganjil. Berdasarkan hasil  analisis data uji coba kelompok kecil  terhadap 8 orang siswa  dan  uji  coba  kelompok  besar  terhadap  32  orang  siswa  kelas  VIII  SMP Negeri  18  Kota  Malang  modul  pendidikan  jasmani,  olahraga  dan  kesehatan dinyatakan  dapat  digunakan.  Produk  pengembangan  berupa  modul  pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan,   diharapkan dapat dijadikan referensi oleh guru pendidikan jasmani dalam memberikan materi pendidikan jasmani

    Development of Instructional Media For Outside Shooting Basic Technique Practice in Mini Basketball Club

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    Coach and athlete get involved on communication process during training process. Many athlete can not place their hand properly when they want to shoot. The mistake happens because the communication between coach and athlete do not run smoothly. Because of that mistake they need media to reduce the barriers on their communication process. Objective of this research is develop a media which can help mini basketball athlete in order to get easier to learn outside shooting and help coach to send information about outside shooting to their athlete. Outside shooting is an important basic technique because it’s the only way to make score. This research use Borg and Gall’s research and development method. Research subjects are 2 coaches on interview process, 1 coach and 8 athletes on field preliminary field test process, and 2 coaches and 30 athletes on main field test process. Beside the field test process, there is a validation for media design to make media become more interesting, easier and has clear guidance to use. The result show that media can help coach on their process to send their information about outside shooting and make the athlete feel easier to learn outside shooting. Coach and athlete also feel that the media is interesting, easy to use and has clear guidance to use. The conclusion is media can help coach to send outside shooting materi to their athlete and help athlete to understand the materi

    Enhancing Technical Skills Using Under-Passing and Game Approach in Girls Volleyball

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    Background: A long-term training process is required to train athletes, which requires systematic, targeted, planned, and repetitive handling. Training methods improve the mastery of fundamental techniques for beginner athletes. Training volleyball methods are essential for beginners as they make the exercise more focused and gradual to improve their under-passing. Coach training methods make it easier to give practical and concentrated exercises to the areas you want to enhance. Objective: The study aims to determine whether drill exercise and game approach can significantly improve female athletes' use of under-passing volleyball. Methods: With the type of research being Quasi-Experimental. The research design used was Randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. A total of 24 athletes were given treatment for two months. The instrument used was the Braddy Volleyball Test, and data analysis used the T-Test. Results: Results for the drill exercise experimental group were 0.695 > 0.05, and for the experimental group, the playing method was 0.695 > 0.05. This means that drill exercises and game approaches significantly improve the skills of passing volleyball. Conclusion: In experimental groups, I and II, athletes who were given a drill exercise program and game approach both improved their skills in the basic techniques of skills under-passing volleyball. The average posttest results of both groups of experiments are higher than the average pretest results. It shows a difference between the drill exercise program and the game approach