159 research outputs found

    On monotone Rational Approximation

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    ركزنا في عملنا هنا على التقريب الحافظ للشكل باستخدام متعددات الحدود النسبية للدوال في فضاءات  عندما حيث قمنا بحل مشكله مقدمه من قبل الرياضاتي رونالد ديفور من خلال الكثير من محاضراته وسيمناراتيه لسنوات كثيره . اي اننا ناقشنا رتبه التقريب الرتيب باستخدام متعددات الحدود النسبية للدوال في فضاءات  عندما  عن طريق برهان مبرهنه مباشره للتقريب الرتيب النسبي للدوال في فضاءات  عندما .In this chapter,we focus on the shape preserving approximation using rational  polynomials, for rational in _spaces, . In our work, we solve a problem raised by R. DeVore in several lectures for many years ago. It mean we discuss the order of monotone rational approximation for function in , spaces fo


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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to provide an outlook of urothelial carcinoma through the immunohistochemical expression patterns of octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) in high-grade transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder. Methods: A total number of 60 tissue samples were collected for the study. Patients were divided into two groups according to the pathological diagnosis of the bladder tissue, Group A: 30 cases with high-grade TCC of the bladder and Group B: 30 cases with apparently normal bladder tissue. Tissue immunohistochemical analysis was applied to investigate the expression patterns of cancer stem cell (CSC) markers OCT4 in bladder samples. Results: OCT4 was positive in 80% of specimens of Group A and 3.3% in specimens of Group B. The association between OCT4 marker result and certain histopathological features in high-grade group: Positive OCT4 result was found in patients with inflammation and necrosis (90.9%) with a significant association (p=0.013). Regarding muscular invasion, we noticed that 87.5% of patients with muscular invasion showed positive OCT4 marker result with a significant association (p=0.039) between OCT4 marker result and muscular invasion. As well, OCT4 marker was highly sensitive and specific (sensitivity=66.7%, specificity=96.7%, and accuracy=76.7%). Conclusion: There was a significant expression of CSC OCT4 in high-grade TCC, OCT4 can be considered as a key regulator of tumor progression, aggressive behavior, and metastasis

    Depression among primary health care attendees in Baquba city

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    Background: Depression  is health problem of epidemic dimension, characterized by multiple symptoms, including abnormal and persisting affective changes associated with feeling of worthlessness guilt and helplessness, anxiety, crying, suicidal tendencies, loss of interest, in work and other activities , impaired capacity to perform every day social and functions,  and  hypochondriasis. Objective: To measure the rate of depression among patient attending primary health care centers in Baquba  city  and to identify their sociodemographic characteristics. Patients and Methods: Three hundred and sixty patients (160 males,200 females) were  drown randomly from three primary health care centers in Baquba city , cross sectional study were done for them  using General health questioner  (Golberg -30) ,semi structural psychiatric interview schedule based on American psychiatric association diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 5th edition  and Becks inventory test  to detect depression and its severity. Results were analyzed  statistically. Results: The  rate   of depression among  primary care attendants in Baquba city  in this study was (12.5%). More common in female than that in male (15.5% in female, 8.75 %  in male); female  male ratio (1.85-1), recognition rate of depression was  low 22.3%. Mild depression is higher than other types of depression 44.4%. Conclusion: Depression rate is high in primary health centers in Baquba city , the depression is  under diagnosed  and often in appropriately treated illness resulting in economic burden in health care centers

    Identity and Exchangeable of Figure and Background Visually

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    ركزت الطروحات بشكل عام والبحوث المتخصصة على دراسه مفاهيم متنوعة مهمة ضمن حقل العمارة ومن ضمنها مفهوم الهوية واليات وسبل دعم تشكيلها وتحديدها ضمن اطر متنوعة، الا انها اغفلت جانبا مهما دون الخوض فيه متمثلا باختبار مفردتي الشكل والخلفية بصريا وما لعلاقتهما والترابط التبادلي وتاثير كل منهما على الاخر في تشكيل الاطر العامة للهويه في ضوء الإطار المعرفي المعماري العام حول الهويه وعلاقاتها بالشكل والخلفيه بصريا. يهدف البحث الى تحديد الرؤى العامة لدراسة مفهوم الهوية بشكل عام واثر مفردتي الشكل والخلفية بصريا والتاثير التبادلي بينهما في تشكيل اسس تلك الهوية بتحديد الطرح المعرفي العام حول كل ما سبق ومن ثم التوجه لبناء اطر نظريه متعددة لمؤشرات تلك المفاهيم وتطبيقها على نتاج معماري متخصص يمثل تطبيق فعلي لحاله المفهوم الاساسي (الهوية) في العمارة وتحليل نتائج ذلك التطبيق لاستكشاف وتوضيح حالات التحقق للمؤشرات المطروحة حول ان هناك تقارب في طبيعه ومستوى النتائج للشكل والخلفيه بصريا وعلاقتها التبادلية مع مفهوم الهويه.  Studies has focused generally on studying generally and specific researches concepts in architecture, one of these concepts was the identity and the ways that support constructing and specifying the identity concept with in various frames , but it ignore important side which represented by experimenting two points which they are the figure and background visually and the exchangeable connection and the effect of each one of them on the other in forming the general frames to identity in sight of architectural knowledge frame around all identity and its relationships with figure and background visually.  This paper aims to define the general visions to study the identity concept in general and the effect of figure and background visually and the exchangeable effect between them in constructing the basis of this new identity by specifying the knowledge proposition about the general subject then build a theoretical frame for these concepts and apply it on specific architectural case study representing a practical example of the identity concept in architecture and analyzing the results of about there are approximate in nature and level of results of figure and background visually and its relationship exchangeable with identity

    Iris recognition method based on segmentation

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    The development of science and studies has led to the creation of many modern means and technologies that focused and directed their interests on enhancing security due to the increased need for high degrees of security and protection for individuals and societies. Hence identification using a person's vital characteristics is an important privacy topic for governments, businesses and individuals. A lot of biometric features such as fingerprint, facial measurements, acid, palm, gait, fingernails and iris have been studied and used among all the biometrics, in particular, the iris gets the attention because it has unique advantages as the iris pattern is unique and does not change over time, providing the required accuracy and stability in verification systems. This feature is impossible to modify without risk. When identifying with the iris of the eye, the discrimination system only needs to compare the data of the characteristics of the iris of the person to be tested to determine the individual's identity, so the iris is extracted only from the images taken. Determining correct iris segmentation methods is the most important stage in the verification system, including determining the limbic boundaries of the iris and pupil, whether there is an effect of eyelids and shadows, and not exaggerating centralization that reduces the effectiveness of the iris recognition system. There are many techniques for subtracting the iris from the captured image. This paper presents the architecture of biometric systems that use iris to distinguish people and a recent survey of iris segmentation methods used in recent research, discusses methods and algorithms used for this purpose, presents datasets and the accuracy of each method, and compares the performance of each method used in previous studie

    Prediction of Carry- over Coefficient for Fluid Flow through Teeth on Rotor Labyrinth Seals Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    The analysis presented in this work deals with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based modeling for the carry-over coefficient of flow through teeth on rotor straight through labyrinth seal. A two dimensional model for the flow through the seal was built in FLUENT 6.3.26. A grid independence study was carried out showing the influence of grid refinement on the fluid mass flow rate. The effect of turbulence modeling, seal geometry and shaft rotational speed have been taken into consideration. Three CFD models to predict the carry-over coefficient considering the effect of the parameters mentioned before have been presented. The prediction models have been validated against experimental works conducted by  Scharrer (1988) and Eser (2004).  The results obtained in the present work for the effect of different parameters, namely, (Number of teeth, Reynolds number, rotational speed and seal geometry) for two labyrinth seals with (0.127mm) and (0.33mm) tooth clearance have been presented. A prediction equation for the carry-over coefficient of the labyrinth seal has been proposed through this work. Verification for some of the results obtained through this work with that published by other workers has been carried out. The results obtained through the present work found to be in a good agreement with the results of other workers. Key words: Labyrinth seal, Carry-over coefficient, CFD

    Thermal performance of double-layer porous copper strips mounted as hollow cylinders

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    The thermal performance of thin double-layer porous copper strips was experimentally examined. To fabricate double-layer porous copper strips the lost carbonate sintering procedure was employed. The suitability of these materials for applications of heat sink was systematically investigated. Then, the thermal properties of an external heat transfer facility, which operates under a forced heat convection process using air as a coolant, were assessed. In this case, a cylindrical heating system was chosen to be used with the air passing across the samples at mass rates of 0.1- 0.5 kg/s. The temperatures of the air at the inlet and outlet in addition to the surface temperature of the system were monitored and used to determine the heat transfer performance. The results showed that both the porosity and roughness in a surface of a material could play an essential role in such type of material in enhancing heat transfer at a surface of the system. With high porosity and surface roughness of up to 82% and Ra ≤ 1.21 mm, respectively, the sample achieved a thermal transmittance 57% higher than that of a reference smooth copper sheet under the same Reynolds number. Finally, the heat transmittance of the examined porous sheets in the current research increased with the bulk porosity and surface roughness

    Evaluating the effect of unsteady air flow on a slotted aerofoil of wind turbines

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    In this study, three types of aerofoils were examined at various angles of attack and at a steady value then fluctuated of air flow. Then, the findings were compared to the XFOIL prediction results. The experimental and simulation results were consistent to some extent with the XFOIL prediction results. The shape of the chosen aerofoils was modified by making a slot through the blade the aerofoil and studying their effect on the aerodynamics of the modified shape. The slotted aerofoil shape was studied as it faced a fluctuated wind flow. The results revealed that the increase in angles of attack, the lift force increased and approximated its maximum value and then began to decrease with the slot. During the calculations, a case study for the number of elements was done to obtain the best mesh. The experimental and simulations were conducted by using ANSYS CFD at Reynolds number 106 and AOA equals (0°, 4°, 8°, 10°, 12°, 15°, 16°, 17°, 18°) for three shapes of aerofoils which are without a slot, two of which are symmetrical, NACA 0012 and NACA 0015, and one asymmetrical, which is NACA 4415. The slotted aerofoil (existence of an opening after 40% from the leading edge) which is the NACA 0015 aerofoil, was simulated