184 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Ayat-Ayat Bersuci di Era Covid 19 Terhadap Kesehatan (Telaah Atas Tafsir Jami’ al-Ahkam al-Qur’an Karya al-Qurtubi)

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    Cleansing or cleaning oneself is one of the efforts of humans to protect themselves, not only because of the need for ritual worship, but also for health interests. Cleaning up is currently a matter of great concern considering that humanity is currently struggling together to deal with the Covid-19 virus, which is known to be very easily transmitted through contact with surfaces and air. In this paper, we will examine the contribution of the Qur'anic verse which talks about personal hygiene or purification of health education in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today. This research is a research library research which will collect data related to the commandment of purification according to the al-Qurthubi commentary review, then will analyze the contribution of verses to health education in the Covid-19 era.The results of the study found that the commandment to purify in Q.S al-Maidah verse 6, which is basically to perform a worship, has a great value as well in facing the Covid-19 pandemic era as it is today. In addition to being able to make someone fearful when he is always in a holy state, he will also maintain his physical cleanliness, and will always be in a healthy state and also able to avoid the Covid-19 virus which is very easy to spread


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    This article aims to provide a reinterpretation of the concepts of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah in the light of the book "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran" by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. The study explores the significance, methodology, and outcomes of this research. The primary objective of this study is to shed light on the deep insights of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah as presented by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky in his seminal work. By examining the core principles and foundations outlined in "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran," this research seeks to reevaluate and reinterpret the concepts within a contemporary context. The research methodology employed in this study involves a comprehensive analysis of the book, Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran, by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. The text is examined to identify the key principles and explanations provided regarding Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah. The findings are then critically analyzed, taking into consideration relevant sources and scholarly discussions to offer a fresh perspective on these concepts. The benefits of this research lie in its potential to enhance our understanding of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah and their applications within the realm of Quranic studies. By reinterpreting these concepts, scholars and researchers can gain new insights into Arabic grammar, syntax, and Quranic exegesis. The findings of this study may contribute to the development of more comprehensive methodologies for understanding the linguistic and grammatical aspects of the Quran. The results of this research reveal a nuanced understanding of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah. Through the reinterpretation of Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky's insights, it becomes evident that these concepts possess broader implications for understanding the structure and coherence of the Quranic text. The findings encourage further exploration and investigation, inviting scholars to delve deeper into the intricacies of Quranic language and its implications for Quranic interpretation. In conclusion, this article presents a reinterpretation of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah based on the perspectives provided in the book "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran" by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. By examining the goals, benefits, methodology, and outcomes of this research, it contributes to a broader understanding of these concepts and their significance within the field of Quranic studies.This article aims to provide a reinterpretation of the concepts of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah in the light of the book "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran" by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. The study explores the significance, methodology, and outcomes of this research. The primary objective of this study is to shed light on the deep insights of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah as presented by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky in his seminal work. By examining the core principles and foundations outlined in "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran," this research seeks to reevaluate and reinterpret the concepts within a contemporary context. The research methodology employed in this study involves a comprehensive analysis of the book, Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran, by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. The text is examined to identify the key principles and explanations provided regarding Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah. The findings are then critically analyzed, taking into consideration relevant sources and scholarly discussions to offer a fresh perspective on these concepts. The benefits of this research lie in its potential to enhance our understanding of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah and their applications within the realm of Quranic studies. By reinterpreting these concepts, scholars and researchers can gain new insights into Arabic grammar, syntax, and Quranic exegesis. The findings of this study may contribute to the development of more comprehensive methodologies for understanding the linguistic and grammatical aspects of the Quran. The results of this research reveal a nuanced understanding of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah. Through the reinterpretation of Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky's insights, it becomes evident that these concepts possess broader implications for understanding the structure and coherence of the Quranic text. The findings encourage further exploration and investigation, inviting scholars to delve deeper into the intricacies of Quranic language and its implications for Quranic interpretation. In conclusion, this article presents a reinterpretation of Al-Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi'liyah based on the perspectives provided in the book "Al-Qawaid Al-Asasiyah Fi Ulumil Quran" by Sayyid Muhammad Alawy Al-Makky. By examining the goals, benefits, methodology, and outcomes of this research, it contributes to a broader understanding of these concepts and their significance within the field of Quranic studies

    Pertanggung Jawaban Pribadi Dan Jabatan Dalam Hukum Administrasi Negara

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    The modern state is the personification of the legal system so that almost all countries in the world claim to be a state of law. However, the paradigm of the rule of law idea has shifted to the concept of a welfare state. This is because to carry out a government with increasingly complex needs of society is not sufficient only by referring to the legislative delegation or implementing laws. It is in this framework that the government is then given the authority to act on its own initiative in solving problems faced by society in the form of discretion. The problem is how to be accountable when the authority essentially contains responsibility consequences, the problem that arises next is that every government administration is always carried out by two entities, namely positions (government) and officials (people) as individuals who carry out government affairs. This paper finds that if there is an element of administrative error that causes loss to citizens, the responsibility and accountability will be borne by the person of the perpetrator of the maladministration, both administratively and even turning into a criminal responsibility.Negara modern adalah personifikasi tata hukum sehingga hampir seluruh negara di dunia mengklaim diri sebagai negara hukum. Namun paradigma gagasan negara hukum telah bergeser kepada konsep negara kesejahteraan. Sebab untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan di ruang publik yang semakin kompleks tidak cukup hanya dengan berpedoman pada delegasi undang-undang atau melaksanakan undang-undang. Dalam kerangka inilah kemudian kepada pemerintah diberikan wewenang bertindak dengan inisiatif sendiri dalam menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat berupa diskresi. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana pertanggungjawabannya ketika wewenang pada hakikatnya mengandung konsekuensi pertanggungjawaban, problematika yang muncul berikutnya adalah setiap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan selalu dilakukan dua entitas, yaitu jabatan (pemerintah) dan pejabat (orang) sebagai pribadi yang menjalankan urusan pemerintahan. Tulisan ini menemukan jika terdapat unsur kesalahan administrasi yang menyebabkan kerugian warga negara, tanggung jawab dan tanggung gugatnya dibebankan pada pribadi pelaku tindakan maladministrasi tersebut, baik secara administratif bahkan bisa berubah menjadi tanggung jawab pidana

    Analisis Beton Ringan Dengan Penambahan Batu Apung Dan Zat Additive Untuk Pengujian Kuat Tekan Beton

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    Beton ringan merupakan material penting dan diminati sehingga saat ini telah diaplikasikan pada struktur bangunan dan jembatan.  Beton ringan mempunyai keuntungan ekonomi jika dibandingkan beton agregat normal, meskipun biaya per volume beton lebih tinggi tetapi karena beratnya yang lebih ringan menyebabkan pengurangan dimensi struktur sehingga secara keseluruhan akan memberikan biaya yang rendah.  Penambahan batu apung yang dijadikan agregat ringan dalam pembuatan beton ringan dengan penambahan zat additive penta 003 dan juga agent foam dapat mempengaruhi terhadap berat jenis beton tersebut sesuai SNI 03-2847-2002 (Beton ringan adalah beton yang mempunyai berat satuan tidak lebih dari 1900 kg/m3). Didapati berat jenis 1m3 sebesar 1772,6 kg/m3 . Dari hasil penelitan beton normal yang dibandingkan dengan beton ringan memiliki perbandingan berat jenis 1m3 sebesar 458,4 kg/m3 , hal ini menjelaskan bahwa batu apung yang dijadikan agregat halus dapat dijadikan bahan dasar untuk pembuatan beton ringan. Pada pengujian kuat tekan beton ringan didapati peningkatan dalam kuat tekan beton pada umur 7 hari ke 14 hari sebesar 26,77% , lalu umur 14 ke 28 hari sebesar 20,21% dan yang terakhir perbandingan pada umur 7 hari ke 28 hari memiliki kuat tekan 41,72%.Kata kunci: Beton ringan, breksi batu apung, kuat tekan, zat additiv


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    Polemic on the origin of women creation is still exist, since the study on misoginis hadith on those problem is still interesting to be discuss. This article tries to reveal the origin of women creation focusing on text analysis through takhrÄ«j al-ḥadÄ«th method in Bukhori and Muslim books. Hadith texts stating that the origin of women is created from men’s rib based on feminism movement is considered invalid, although it comes from á¹£Äḥiḥain book since it gives negative impression toward women position. Those negative impression can be lost when the meaning toward those hadith through metaphor, not through textual meaning. Keywords: creation, women, Takhrij al-ḤadÄ«th


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    Human-nature interaction today enters a worrying stage. Film as a literary work begins to record this interaction. The film Lakardowo Mencari Keadilan to be one of them. This research uses the content analysis method with an ecocritical approach. This film is a research primary data source supported by various related references. The analysis emphasizes the study of environmental literature which focuses on apocalyptic reading with pastoral views that surround it through Creswell spiral analysis methods: data management, reading, and note-taking, classification and interpretation, then data visualization. In this research, Lakardowo's environment in the film Lakardowo Mencari Keadilan reflects the impact of B3 waste pollution that's not carried out by the community. Pollution of B3 waste on land, water, and air in Lakardowo clearly record through analysis of the apocalyptic narrative as a disaster for Lakardowo village. Whereas the hopes of the community of responses to B3 waste in Lakardowo is conveying in aspects of the reading of pastoral narratives

    Politik Hukum Pengaturan Keserentakan Pemilu

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    General elections in Indonesia have shifted a lot motivated by efforts to seek their ideal form. The last time, elections were held simultaneously by combining the five types of elections stipulated in Article 22E of the 1945 Constitution. The various complexities and challenges of the 2019 election should be evaluated. Elections basically have two main objectives, 1) to produce a government that represents every element in society; 2) create a government that is able to govern well. This paper discusses about the complexity and challenges of the 2019 simultaneous election and how the ideal election timing is designed. This research uses normative legal research methods (legal research) with two approaches: normative approach and conceptual approach. This study resulted, first, there were technical complications in the 2019 Concurrent Election, namely the workload of the organizers, especially the KPPS; a significant increase in the election budget; and voter confusion due to too many types of elections which implicated too many candidate lists. Second, the Constitutional Court has determined six electoral models as well as constitutional ones, and this can be considered as judicial law politics. Lawmakers must immediately act on the Constitutional Court's decision by amending the electoral law which adopts one of the simultaneous election models

    Teknologi Pembuatan Paving Block Dengan Menggunakan Campuran Material Tanah Liat Dan Semen Dengan Pengujian Kuat Tekan

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     Pada dasarnya paving block terbuat dari campuran agregrat kasar (krikil) dan agregrat halus (pasir) dengan menggunakan campuran air dan semen yang dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan berbagai macam bentuk maupun warna. Oleh karena itu penelitian yang dilakukan untuk agar dapat memberikan pilihan lain sebagai peganti bahan utama pada paving block dengan menggunakan material tanah liat dan semen dengan perbandingan campuran antara semen dan tanah liat dengan lama proses pembakaran agar dapat mengetahui pengaruh kuat tekannya serta kualitas dari paving block modifikasi campuran tanah liat dan semen. Sampel tanah yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian diambil dari Balaraja Kp.Saga Kabupaten Tangerang. Campuran yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah bervariasi antara lain 50% tanah liat 50% semen, 65% tanah liat 35% Semen, 75% tanah liat 25% semen, dengan lama proses pembakaran yang dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu 25jam dan 17jam pembakaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesak padi. Hasilnya dari sampel bahwa kekuatan tekan dengan lama pembakaran 25jam memiliki kuat tekan beton lebih tinggi ketimbang pembakaran 17jam, dikarenakan pembakaran yang memakan waktu 17jam masih terdapat kandungan air pada sampel paving block yang mengakibatkan daya kuat tekan lebih rendah ketimbang dengan pembakaran 25jam , dengan hasil pembakaran sampel paving block 25jam dengan campuran 50% tanah liat 50% semen memenuhi spesifikasi mutu C dengan 153mpa dan dengan campuran 65% tanah liat 35% semen memenuhi spesifikasi mutu D 125mpa, SNI 03-0691-199

    Analisis Anomali Gravitasi Sebagai Acuan Dalam Penentuan Struktur Geologi Bawah Permukaan Dan Potensi Geothermal (Studi Kasus Di Daerah Songgoriti Kota Batu)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan metode gravitasi pada tanggal 26 - 27 April 2011 di daerah Songgoriti Kota Batu dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pola anomali Bouguer dan struktur geologi bawah permukaan serta potensi panasbumi di daerah tersebut. Berdasarkan interpretasi kualitatif pada kontur anomali Bouguer lengkap didapatkan variasi nilai anomali Bouguer antara 47,3 - 67,4 mGal dengan nilai anomali tinggi terdapat pada arah tenggara penelitian dan nilai anomali sedang pada arah tenggara-selatan dan timur laut daerah penelitian. Hampir 75% daerah penelitian didominasi oleh nilai anomali Bouguer rendah. Hasil interpretasi kuantitatif pada model penampang 2D lintasan AB dan CD, didapatkan tujuh lapisan batuan di bawah permukaan yaitu lapisan lapuk, tufa pasiran, anglomerat, lempung pasir, breksi tufaan terlempungkan, lava, dan breksi Vulkanik. Berdasarkan interpretasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta penelitian sebelumya dapat disimpulkan bahwa potensi geothermal di daerah penelitian sangat kecil
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