1,075 research outputs found

    A maximum likelihood approach to genome assembly

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    De novo genome assembly is the bioinformatics' problem to reconstruct the original molecule from its sub-sequences, with no previous knowledge on DNA. Inspired by the maximum likelihood approach, recently a new experimental approach was developed. In this thesis, for the first time this new stochastic approach has been implemented into a software assembler. A parallel software has been developed in order to obtain a first experimental validation of the model, testing also some artificial dataope

    Verbal and non-verbal recognition memory assessment: validation of a computerized version of the Recognition Memory Test

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    Background: The use of computerized devices for neuropsychological assessment (CNADs) as an effective alternative to the traditional pencil-and-paper modality has recently increased exponentially, both in clinical practice and research, especially due to the pandemic. However, several authors underline that the computerized modality requires the same psychometric validity as "in-presence" tests. The current study aimed at building and validating a computerized version of the verbal and non-verbal recognition memory test (RMT) for words, unknown faces and buildings. Methods: Seventy-two healthy Italian participants, with medium-high education and ability to proficiently use computerized systems, were enrolled. The sample was subdivided into six groups, one for each age decade. Twelve neurological patients with mixed aetiology, age and educational level were also recruited. Both the computerized and the paper-and-pencil versions of the RMT were administered in two separate sessions. Results: In healthy participants, the computerized and the paper-and-pencil versions of the RMT showed statistical equivalence for words, unknown faces and buildings. In the neurological patients, no statistical difference was found between the performance at the two versions of the RMT. A moderate-to-good inter-rater reliability between the two versions was also found in both samples. Finally, the computerized version of the RMT was perceived as acceptable by both healthy participants and neurological patients at System Usability Scale (SUS). Conclusion: The computerized version of the RMT can be used as a reliable alternative to the traditional version

    Resistive-Wall-Mode Active Rotation in the RFX-Mod Device

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    Equilibrio e sfide per l’inclusione alla luce della pandemia: Spunti e pilastri per la costruzione di alleanze di qualità

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    In January 2020 the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a public health Emergency of international concern. Since then, no remark about school or about the birth of coalitions and «Community Agreement» can leave out of consideration this event or its consequences. In contemporary modern society, in which complexity is directly reflected in heterogeneity of classrooms, if it is true that talent doesn’t make the difference because «it is not a gift» (Margiotta, 2018), it’s necessary to focus on some conditions that cannot be omitted and to rethink in generative terms didactics and alliances building and give everybody the same opportunities. Every day teachers face balance challenges and tightrope walkings like acrobats, like craftsmen who, absorbed in the dynamics of «risk-society» (Beck, Giddens, 1980), tries to create practical models of inclusion. Walking the tightrope becomes the perfect metaphor for a good-quality teaching and alliances building that tries to give, in real and digital setting, proper answers to people full of capabilities. It is worth it to benefit from all these changes and press against all those values, tools and main «pillars» (2030 Agenda) that let us think, plan and create inclusive settings with the right equipment to give each student the opportunity to show what he is interested in and cultivate his own interests.Nel gennaio 2020 l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità dichiara l’emergenza SARS-CoV-2 un’emergenza di sanità pubblica a carattere internazionale. Da quel momento in poi, nessuna riflessione che si concentri sulla scuola o sulla costruzione di alleanze e «Patti di Comunità», può prescindere da tale evento e da quanto ne è seguito. In una società come quella attuale, in cui la complessità si rispecchia direttamente nell’eterogeneità dei gruppi classi, se è vero che non è il talento a fare la differenza perché «non è un dono» (Margiotta, 2018), si tratta di focalizzare alcuni presupposti imprescindibili e ripensare in termini generativi la didattica e la costruzione di alleanze, per leggervi, all’interno di esse, germogli di «possibilità». Equilibrio e funambolismo caratterizzano in modo sempre più sfidante il docente, l’artigiano che con passione, immerso nelle dinamiche della «risk-society» (Beck, Giddens, 1980), cerca di costruire esempi pratici di inclusione. Camminare sulla fune diventa la metafora di una prassi di insegnamento e di costruzione di alleanze di qualità, che cerca, all’interno di ambienti fisici e digitali, di dare risposte alle domande di senso e formare persone capacitanti. Vale la pena profittare dei cambiamenti per stringersi attorno a quei valori, a quegli strumenti, a quei «pilastri» (Agenda 2030) che consentono di pensare, progettare e realizzare contesti facilitanti, equipaggiati per garantire l’espressione degli interessi di ogni alunno

    Il welfare delle capacitazioni: Risposta educativa per sfidare le povertà post-pandemiche

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    The pandemic situation has fueled numerous debates and reflections not only in the health but also in the educational field. The period of multiple crisis we are going through shows with increasingly clear scientific evidence that the welfare paradigm is no longer able to offer adequate responses to the new post-pandemic challenges. It is necessary to formulate other possible models such as generative welfare and the welfare of capabilities, aware that these transformations we are going through must be supported by didactic approaches different from those used up to now. Putting educational and planning co-responsibility back at the center becomes the sine qua non for taking advantage of this period of crisis and transform it in a period of opportunity.La situazione pandemica ha alimentato numerosi dibattiti e riflessioni non solo in ambito sanitario, ma anche educativo. Il periodo di policrisi che stiamo attraversando mostra con evidenze scientifiche sempre più manifeste che il paradigma del welfare assistenziale non è più in grado di offrire risposte adeguate alle nuove sfide postpandemiche. Si rende necessario formulare altri modelli possibili quali il welfare generativo e il welfare delle capacitazioni, consapevoli che queste trasformazioni in atto devono essere sostenute da approcci didattici differenti da quelli utilizzati fino a questo momento. Rimettere al centro la co-responsabilità educativa e progettuale diviene la conditio sine qua non per poter sfruttare questo periodo di crisi come periodo di opportunità
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