153 research outputs found

    Spatial mismatch, wages and unemployment in metropolitan areas in Brazil

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    The spatial mismatch hypothesis states that a lack of connection to job opportunities may affect an individual's prospects in the labour market, especially for low-skilled workers. This phenomenon is especially observed in large urban areas, in which low-skilled minorities tend to live far away from jobs and face geographical barriers to finding and keeping jobs. This paper aims to investigate whether this negative relationship between spatial mismatch and labour market outcomes is valid in Brazil after controlling for individual characteristics. Our conclusions indicate that there is no clear relation between different measures of accessibility to jobs and the probability of being unemployed. However, for wages there is a clear correlation, which is stronger in larger metropolitan areas in the country. Given the exploratory nature of this work, our results still rely on strong identification hypotheses to avoid potential bias related to simultaneous location decisions of workers and firms within the city. Even if these conditions do not hold, the results are still meaningful as they provide a better understanding of the conditional distribution of wages and the unemployment rate in the biggest metropolitan areas of Brazil

    A responsabilidade civil do médico por danos causados em cirurgias estéticas

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso sobre a responsabilidade civil do médico cirurgião plástico nas cirurgias plásticas puramente estéticas, no qual foi realizada revisão de literatura e pesquisa de jurisprudência sobre o tema, a fim de apurar os mais diversos posicionamentos doutrinários e jurisprudencial. Trata da análise da diferença entre obrigação de meio e de resultado, no que tange à responsabilidade específica do médico na cirurgia de caráter estético. Aborda a discussão sobre se deve o médico cirurgião plástico ser responsabilizado civilmente pela não satisfação do seu paciente no resultado obtido, mesmo que não tenha havido imprudência, negligência ou imperícia, e por quais motivos a obrigação do cirurgião plástico é considerada pela literatura jurídica majoritária e pela jurisprudência como obrigação de resultado e não de meio, já que está sujeita aos mesmos fatores externos que as demais especialidades de cirurgia. Verificam-se, da leitura do trabalho, os mais diversos fundamentos utilizados por ambas as correntes; a majoritária, que defende a obrigação do cirurgião plástico como de resultado, por haver uma promessa de resultado e uma perspectiva por parte do paciente, e a que defende a obrigação de meio do cirurgião plástico, por este estar sujeito aos mesmos fatores imprevisíveis que qualquer outro cirurgião, estando somente sujeito àquelas obrigações imputadas a todos os profissionais desse ramo

    Xícaras do cotidiano

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    Efectos de la calidad de luz en la reproducción, crecimiento y contenido pigmentario de Gracilaria birdiae (Rhodophyta: Gracilariales)

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    Gracilaria species are the main source of agar worldwide. Since laboratory cultivation is an important means of sustaining such production, this study aimed to assess the influence of two fundamental strategies of physiological algae adjustment, photoacclimation and photomorphogenesis, on G. birdiae physiology. Specifically, the effects of different spectral light qualities on reproduction, growth, and pigment content in two distinct photoperiods (8 and 14 hours) were examined. Tetrasporophytes and gametophytes were submitted to different light qualities: white, green, red, and blue over the course of nine weeks. At the end of this period, chlorophyll a, allophycocyanin, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin contents were analysed. Gametophytes showed reproductive structures only under monochromatic radiation. A stimulatory effect on tetrasporangium differentiation was mainly observed under red light, but this high fertility was negatively correlated with growth rate, i.e. algae cultivated under red light showed the lowest growth rate. However, while growth rates were higher in algae exposed to white light, they were similar to those observed in algae subjected to green light and 14 hours of daylight. PE was the predominant pigment, irrespective of light quality. Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin concentration increased when algae were cultivated under green and blue light. Therefore, considering future management prospects for G. birdiae mariculture, we suggest that red light could be utilized as a reproductive inductor to produce tetraspores. Furthermore, if the aim is to achieve high phycoerythrin content, continuous blue light could be applied during a short photoperiod. Indeed, the combination of different wavelengths could allow better economic resource exploitation.Las especies del género Gracilaria son la principal fuente de agar en el mundo. El desarrollo de técnicas de cultivo en laboratorio es importante para mejorar la producción, y por ello, este estudio tuvo como objetivo la evaluación de la influencia de dos estrategias de ajuste fisiológico de las algas, la fotoaclimatación y la fotomorfogénesis en G. birdiae. De modo más específico, se evaluaron los efectos de diferentes calidades espectrales de luz sobre la reproducción, crecimiento y contenido pigmentario bajo dos fotoperiodos (8 y 14 horas). Tetrasporofitos y gametofitos fueron sometidos a las siguientes calidades de luz: blanca (WH), verde (GR), rojo (RD) y azul (BL) a lo largo de nueve semanas. Al final del periodo, se analizaron los contenidos de clorofila a (Chl a), aloficocianina (APC), ficocianina (PC) y ficoeritrina (PE). Los gametofitos carecieron de estructuras reproductivas exclusivamente en radiación blanca. La diferenciación de tetrasporangios fue obtenida bajo estímulo de luz roja, pero fue negativamente correlacionado con las tasas de crecimiento (GRTs), presentando las tasas más bajas. Por otro lado, mientras las tasas de crecimiento fueron más altas en algas expuestas a luz WH, éstas fueron similares en algas mantenidas bajo luz GR y 14 horas de fotoperiodo. PE fue el pigmento predominante en G. birdiae, independientemente de la calidad de la luz aplicada. La concentración de PC y PE aumentaron cuando las algas recibieron luz GR y BL. De esa manera, considerando las perspectivas de manejo en la maricultura de G. birdiae, se sugiere que la luz roja puede ser utilizada como factor de inducción de la producción de tetrasporas. Por otro lado, las algas cultivadas en fotoperiodos cortos y luz BL alcanzaron altos contenidos de PE. La combinación de diferentes longitudes de onda puede permitir una mayor valorización en la explotación económica de los recursos algales

    The use of the invasive allien species Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta) as source of cosmeceutical compounds

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    The brown macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) is invading the western coast Mediterranean sea from 2016. In Spain, it is consider exotic invasive species from December, 2020. Recently , it is starting to invade areas in Provence coast (France) and the Azores Islands (Portugal). This risk studies have stablished that it can potentially extend in the whole Mediterranean Sea. This algal species originated from East Asia was identified the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by 2002 in the Thau Lagoon (France) , where its entering was associated to oyster aquaculture. Rugulopteryx can be fixed in hard substrates from the surface to 40 m depth presenting the highest cover (95-100%) about 10-20 m depth. It can be also mantained long time as free floating algae and in addition it can be observed as beach cast algae. Drastic alterations in the biodiversity of the native communities and high impacts in fish and touristic economical sectors are being produced . In addition to the prevention, one strategy to control the invasion in high impacted areas is to harvest specimens for commercial use to obtained natural bioactive compounds . This strategy presents a two-folded opportunity i.e high availability of biological material for the extraction of bioactive compounds for cosmeceutical uses and through specimen collection , mitigating negative effects caused by alien species, contributing to ecosystem integrity and sustainability. In this study seasonal pattern of biomass productivity, photosynthetic capacity and the accumulation of high cosmeceutical compounds as polyphenols and fucoidans and biochemical content (protein, lipids and carbohydrates) are presented. R.okamurae has a high carbon content (35-42%) and broad range of internal N content (1.5-4.5%).Photosynthetic capacity is maintained very high throughout the year with the maximal production and accumulation of high value compounds in summer. Toxicity of extracts was also evaluated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Lecirelina apresenta eficiência similar à da Buserelina (agonistas do hormônio liberador de Gonadotrofinas) para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bubalinos

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    Buffalo has peculiar reproductive patterns, which make artificial insemination programs a hard and expensive task. Artificial insemination in fixed time is advantaged because females show low incidence of homosexual behaviour and strong dominance relationships, which leads to a poor accuracy in estrus detection. The aim of this experiment was to compare the efficiency of two different GnRH agonists in the GnRH/PGF2alpha/GnRH protocol (Buserelin vs Lecirelin). Two hundred and seventy buffaloes with 45 to 60 days postpartum were synchronized and fixed-time inseminated. The animals were kept on pasture in two farms at São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Cows in Group 1 (n = 132) received, intramuscularly, 20 µg of Buserelin at a random day of the estrous cycle and, seven days later, 15 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha. Two days after prostaglandin administration, 10 µg Buserelin were intramuscularly injected. Cows in Group 2 (n = 138) were treated with the same protocol, but with intra-muscular administrations of Lecirelin (50 µg in the first administration and 25 µg in the second). Artificial insemination was performed 16 hours after the last injection in both groups. Pregnancies were diagnosed by ultrasonography (Pie Medical 480, 5.0 and 7.5 MHz linear probe), 30 days after artificial insemination. Conception rates were not influenced by farm (P >; 0.05) and were similar in both groups [Group 1: 47.0% (62/132); Group 2: 50.0% (69/138); P >; 0.05]. Results show that Lecirelin is as efficient as Buserelin to synchronize ovulation for fixed-time artificial insemination in buffaloes.O uso de protocolos de sincronização da ovulação em bubalinos é bastante vantajoso, em virtude de certas peculiaridades apresentadas pela espécie que podem prejudicar programas de inseminação artificial, como a baixa incidência de comportamento homossexual e relações de dominância entre os animais. Com o objetivo de verificar a eficácia da Lecirelina como agonista de GnRH no protocolo GnRH/PGF2alfa/GnRH, 270 búfalas, com período pós-parto entre 45 e 60 dias, mantidas a pasto em duas propriedades, foram submetidas a dois tratamentos de sincronização da ovulação. Os animais do Grupo 1 (n = 132) receberam, em dia desconhecido do ciclo estral, 20 µg de Buserelina IM, sendo aplicados, 7 dias mais tarde, 15 mg de prostaglandina (PGF2a). Dois dias após a administração da PGF2alfa, os animais receberam 10 µg de Buserelina, IM. As fêmeas do Grupo 2 (n = 138) foram tratadas seguindo o mesmo protocolo, com a diferença de que, na primeira e na terceira administrações hormonais, se aplicaram, respectivamente, 50 µg e 25 µg de Lecirelina, IM. A inseminação artificial foi efetuada em tempo fixo, 16 horas após a terceira administração hormonal, em ambos os grupos. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultra-sonografia, 30 dias após a inseminação artificial. As taxas de concepção foram semelhantes [47,0% (62/132) e 50,0% (69/138) nos Grupos 1 e 2 (P >; 0,05)]. Não foi observado efeito da propriedade (P >; 0,05) nas taxas de concepção. Os resultados demonstram que é possível utilizar Lecirelina para promover a sincronização da ovulação de bubalinos, com resultados satisfatórios

    Short-term effects of light quality, nutrient concentrations and emersion on the photosynthesis and accumulation of bioactive compounds in Pyropia leucosticta (Rhodophyta)

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    Intertidal macroalgae have developed adaptation and acclimation strategies protecting against stressful environments. The red algae, Porphyra sensu lato are well known for their use as human food, but they also present potential applications in cosmeceutics. In order to enhance the content of interested bioactive compounds, this study evaluated the effects of three different stress factors, through two bi-factorial experiments, the combination of PAR and PAR supplemented by UV-A, Violet and Blue radiation (PARUVAViBl+) with three nutrient concentrations or emersion/immersion conditions. Interactive effects of PARUVAViBl+ and nutrient concentrations on the daily integrated electron transport rate (ETRint) was observed. This suggests a photoprotective effect of nitrate against the possible damage by UV-A radiation. The emersion produced a decreased in the in situ ETR, followed by a recovery during re-hydration. The energy dissipation rate (EDR), firstly described in this work, increased under nutrient limitation and under PARUVAViBl+ radiation, as a photoprotection mechanism. At morphological level, the surface/volume (S/V) ratio of the cells increased under nutrient limitation favoring the nitrogen assimilation, although it could be a risk of photodamage under UV-A radiation. Biliproteins and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) increased under high nutrient availability as it was expected due to both are N-compounds. Polyphenols were higher under PARUVAViBl+ at day 2, indicating a photoprotective mechanism whereas this effect disappeared at day 7 of culture. Emersion seems to induce MAAs accumulation under PARUVAViBl+ radiation. Antioxidant capacity determined by ABTS assay was positively correlated to antioxidant substances as biliproteins, polyphenols and MAAs. The application of short-term stress conditions (2–7 days) during culture, can be a strategy to increase the content of interesting compounds due to both UV screen properties and antioxidant capacity.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Pilot study to evaluate an apparatus for mechanical lymph drainage

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    Introduction. An association of therapies is recommended in the treatment of lymphedema with lymph drainage constituting one of the most important. Material and methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate a 3-hour session of a new mechanical lymph drainage method utilizing the RAGodoy® apparatus. Volumetry was used to assess passive exercising in 13 patients suffering from arm lymphedema after breast cancer treatment. The participants’ age varied between 42 and 78 years old. Patients were submitted to mechanical lymph drainage using a passive, electromechanical apparatus for the upper limbs denominated RAGodoy®. This apparatus performs bending and stretching exercises of the elbow. Measurements by water displacement volumetry were taken at the start and at hourly intervals during the 3-hour session. The paired t-test was used for statistical analysis, with an alpha error of 5% being considered acceptable. Results. The greatest reduction was observed in the first hour (p-value = 0.0001) with increases in volume being seen after the second and third hour compared to the end of the first hour (p-value = 0.001). Conclusion. Mechanical lymph drainage utilizing the RAGodoy® apparatus is efficient to reduce the volume of lymphedematous arms, however its use is not recommended for more than one hour

    Cardiac surgery educational group in a university hospital: psychological impact

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    Este estudo avaliou o impacto psicológico de um grupo educativo de cirurgia cardíaca em pacientes de um hospital universitário. Participaram 73 sujeitos, dos quais 62% eram homens. A média de idade foi 52 anos, desvio-padrão foi 16. Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma sessão multidisciplinar com exposição dialogada sobre cardiopatias, procedimento cirúrgico e sintomas psicológicos. Os resultados mostraram que, para poucos pacientes (36%), o grupo ajudou a esclarecer dúvidas sobre o tratamento, demonstrando a necessidade de ajustes nas estratégias didáticas para melhor compreensão dos conteúdos. A análise das emoções percebidas após participação no programa revelou que 70% responderam estar esperançosos. A contraposição entre "esperança" e "tranquilidade" foi uma resposta emocional esperada frente à vivência da cirurgia, avaliada como uma condição de ameaça ambiental. Conclui-se que o grupo educativo foi benéfico para o ajustamento psicossocial do paciente à cirurgia. Entretanto, maior eficácia será alcançada mediante aperfeiçoamento do método de atuação e inclusão de um programa interdisciplinar estruturado para controle do stress.This study assessed the psychological impact of an educational group for cardiac surgery patients in a university hospital. Seventy-three subjects took part in the study - 62% were men with an average age of 52 (standard deviation = 16), subjected to a multidisciplinary session including discussion about heart disease, surgical procedures and psychological symptoms. The results showed that for a few patients (36%), the group helped to clarify questions about the treatment, demonstrating the need for adjustments in teaching strategies for a better understanding of the content. The analysis of emotions perceived after participation in the program showed that 70% were said to be hopeful. The contrast between "hope" and "tranquility" was an expected emotional response given the experience of surgery, evaluated as an environmental threat condition. It was concluded that the educational group was beneficial to the patients' psychosocial adjustment to surgery. However, greater effectiveness will be achieved by improving the performance method and the inclusion of an interdisciplinary program designed to control stress