263 research outputs found

    Earthworms from Mato Grosso, Brazil, and new records of species from the state

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar qualitativamente a diversidade de minhocas em áreas sob influência humana, em uma região de transição de Pantanal–Cerrado–Floresta Amazônica, no Estado de Mato Grosso. As minhocas foram coletadas nos municípios de Barra do Bugres e Arenápolis e estudadas em conjunto com espécies previamente identificadas de outros municípios do Estado, em um total de 29 pontos de coletas em 17 municípios. Em Barra do Bugres, foram coletadas e identificadas sete espécies de minhocas: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. e uma espécie da família Criodrilidae. Em Arenápolis foram identificadas quatro espécies: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis e Dichogaster sp. Ao todo, 32 espécies/subespécies de minhocas são conhecidas em Mato Grosso, 22 nativas e 10 exóticas.The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in areas under human influence, in a region of Cerrado–Pantanal–Amazon rainforest transition, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The earthworms were collected in the municipalities of Barra do Bugres and Arenápolis, and were studied together with species previously identified from other municipalities. Seventeen municipalities, at 29 sampling points of Mato Grosso State, have been sampled. Seven species of earthworms were collected and identified in Barra do Bugres: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. and a species of the Criodrilidae family. Four species of earthworms were identified in Arenápolis: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis and Dichogaster sp. In total, 32 earthworm species/subspecies are known from Mato Grosso, 22 native and 10 exotic

    Illicit substances detected through high-resolution MS analysis in urine samples are associated with greater symptom burden in patients with psychosis

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    Background The prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in acute psychotic patients has not been investigated systematically. We applied a highly sensitive and specific mass spectrometry method for detection of NPS as well as traditional drugs of abuse (including illicit or prescription substances) in order to assess their prevalence and associations with symptom severity. Identification of these substances is useful in both the diagnostic process and evaluation of treatment effects. Methods Demographic data, results from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Score (PANSS) and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) and urine samples from admission were collected from 53 patients recruited into a clinical study of psychosis during 2014-2017. Urine samples were analysed with liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS), through both highly specific detection of 191 substances using internal standards and untargeted screening by means of pre-defined libraries. PANSS and CDSS scores in patients with or without drugs of abuse were compared. Results Potential drugs of abuse, i.e. drugs that could be used in a controlled therapeutic or a non-prescribed manner, were detected in samples from 20 of the 53 patients. Seven samples contained illicit drugs, but no NPS were detected. In this small patient subgroup, PANSS total score and CDSS score were significantly higher than in patients with negative urine sample results. Conclusion Drug screening could play an important role in the differential diagnostic evaluation of patients admitted with psychotic symptoms. Although no NPS were detected in the study population, we found other substances that were associated with psychotic and depressive symptoms.publishedVersio

    Impact of childhood trauma on antipsychotic effectiveness in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A prospective, pragmatic, semi-randomized trial

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    Antipsychotic medications are generally effective in ameliorating psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). Identifying predictors associated with poor treatment response is important for a personalized treatment approach. Childhood trauma (CT) may have a general and differential effect on the effectiveness of different types of antipsychotics in SSDs. The Bergen-Stavanger-Trondheim-Innsbruck (BeSt InTro) study is a pragmatic, researcher-initiated, semi-randomized trial. The present study aimed to investigate symptom change (the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) from baseline to 1, 3, 6, 12, 26, 39 and 52 weeks of antipsychotic treatment (amisulpride, aripiprazole and olanzapine) by group (CT/no CT). Participants (n = 98) with diagnoses within the schizophrenia spectrum (F20–29 in the International Classification of Diseases — 10th Revision) were randomized to receive amisulpride, aripiprazole or olanzapine, and for this study categorized into groups of none and low CT, and moderate to severe CT according to thresholds defined by the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short-Form manual. CT in SSDs predicted an overall slower treatment response and less antipsychotic effectiveness after 26 weeks of treatment, which was statistically nonsignificant at 52 weeks. Secondary analyses showed a differential effect of CT related to type of antipsychotic medication: patients with SSDs and CT who received olanzapine showed less antipsychotic effectiveness throughout 52 weeks of treatment. The intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were convergent. Our findings indicate that in patients with SSD and CT, delayed response to antipsychotics could be expected, and a longer evaluation period before considering change of medication may be recommended.publishedVersio

    Gray space \u3ci\u3eand\u3c/i\u3e green space proximity associated with higher anxiety in youth with autism

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    This study used ZIP code level data on children\u27s health (National Survey of Children\u27s Health, 2012) and land cover (National Land Cover Database, 2011) from across the United States to investigate connections between proximity to green space (tree canopy), gray space (impervious surfaces), and expression of a critical co-morbid condition, anxiety, in three groups of youth: children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD, n=1501), non-ASD children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN, n=15,776), and typically developing children (n=53,650). Both impervious surface coverage and tree canopy coverage increased the risk of severe anxiety in youth with autism, but not CSHCN or typical children. Children with ASD might experience the stress-reducing benefits of nature differently than their typically developing peers. More research using objective diagnostic metrics at finer spatial scales would help to illuminate complex relationships between green space, anxiety, and other co-morbid conditions in youth with ASD

    Sex differences in antipsychotic efficacy and side effects in schizophrenia spectrum disorder:results from the BeSt InTro study

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    Current guidelines for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disease do not take sex differences into account, which may result in inappropriate sex-specific treatment. In the BeSt InTro study, a total of 144 patients (93 men and 51 women) with a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis and ongoing psychosis were included and randomized to amisulpride, aripiprazole, or olanzapine in flexible dose. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01446328). Primary outcomes were sex differences in dose, dose-corrected serum levels, efficacy, and tolerability. Dosing was higher for men than for women in the aripiprazole group (p = 0.025) and, at trend level, in the olanzapine group (p = 0.056). Dose-corrected serum levels were 71.9% higher in women than in men for amisulpride (p = 0.019) and 55.8% higher in women than in men for aripiprazole (p = 0.049). In the amisulpride group, men had a faster decrease in psychotic symptoms than women (p = 0.003). Moreover, amisulpride was more effective than the other medications in men but not in women. Prolactin levels were higher in women than in men, especially for amisulpride (p < 0.001). Also, women had higher BMI increase on amisulpride compared to the two other antipsychotics (p < 0.001). We conclude that clinicians should be aware of the risks of overdosing in women, especially for amisulpride and aripiprazole. Amisulpride is highly effective in men, but in women, amisulpride showed more severe side effects and may thus not be the drug of first choice. Our study shows that sex differences should be taken into account in future studies on antipsychotics. Future research is warranted to evaluate these preliminary results

    Indicador general de calidad del suelo en diferentes sistemas de uso del suelo en el Sur de Brasil

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    Como la degradación de los ecosistemas está asociada con una pérdida importante de la biodiversidad del suelo, es necesario evaluar la calidad del mismo para identificar y desarrollar prácticas agrícolas sustentables. Velasquez et al. (2007) propusieron un Indicador General de la Calidad del Suelo (GISQ en inglés) que combina varios subindicadores. Estos también pueden ser considerados para la evaluación de varios servicios ecosistémicos (SE) como la biodiversidad, la estructura del suelo, la reserva hídrica y el ciclo de los nutrientes. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el impacto de diferentes usos del suelo en una Reserva Natural en Brasil sobre la calidad del suelo. En cada sistema se midieron las variables asociadas a la diversidad del suelo, fertilidad, propiedades físicas y morfología de los agregados. En el bosque se obtuvieron los mayores valores para el GISQ (0,80) y para los subindicadores de macrofauna, química y física. El análisis ACP diferenció significativamente (p<0.001) el cultivo de Soja de los otros sistemas, basado en sus valores menores en los subindicadores. El GISQ reflejó la provisión de los SE, mostrando que a mayor calidad del suelo, mayor es la producción de SE. La metodología utilizada puede ser aplicada en cualquier lugar y permite el monitoreo de los cambios de usos de suelo. Además, podría ayudar en la implementación de tecnologías de restauración del suelo.Since the degradation of ecosystems is associated with an important loss of soil biodiversity, there is an urgent need for soil quality evaluation in order to identify and develop more sustainable practices. A General Indicator of Soil Quality (GISQ) has been proposed by Velasquez et al. (2007) which combines a set of subindicators. These subindicators may also be considered as indicators of the performance of different ecosystem services (ES) such as soil structure and nutrient cycling. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different landuse systems on soil quality in a Natural Reserve of South Brazil. Variables associated with soil biodiversity, fertility, physical properties and aggregate morphology were measured for each system. The highest GISQ average value was calculated for the Forest (0.80), while this system also had the highest values for macrofauna, chemical and physical subindicators. PCA analysis showed a significant separation (p<0.001) of the Soybean crop from the others systems based on the lowest subindicators values. The GISQ reflected the provision of soil ES, showing that better soil quality produces more ES. The methodology used can be applied extensively and allows monitoring of land-use changes through time. It could therefore guide the implementation of soil restoration technologies.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Indicador general de calidad del suelo en diferentes sistemas de uso del suelo en el Sur de Brasil

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    Como la degradación de los ecosistemas está asociada con una pérdida importante de la biodiversidad del suelo, es necesario evaluar la calidad del mismo para identificar y desarrollar prácticas agrícolas sustentables. Velasquez et al. (2007) propusieron un Indicador General de la Calidad del Suelo (GISQ en inglés) que combina varios subindicadores. Estos también pueden ser considerados para la evaluación de varios servicios ecosistémicos (SE) como la biodiversidad, la estructura del suelo, la reserva hídrica y el ciclo de los nutrientes. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el impacto de diferentes usos del suelo en una Reserva Natural en Brasil sobre la calidad del suelo. En cada sistema se midieron las variables asociadas a la diversidad del suelo, fertilidad, propiedades físicas y morfología de los agregados. En el bosque se obtuvieron los mayores valores para el GISQ (0,80) y para los subindicadores de macrofauna, química y física. El análisis ACP diferenció significativamente (p<0.001) el cultivo de Soja de los otros sistemas, basado en sus valores menores en los subindicadores. El GISQ reflejó la provisión de los SE, mostrando que a mayor calidad del suelo, mayor es la producción de SE. La metodología utilizada puede ser aplicada en cualquier lugar y permite el monitoreo de los cambios de usos de suelo. Además, podría ayudar en la implementación de tecnologías de restauración del suelo.Since the degradation of ecosystems is associated with an important loss of soil biodiversity, there is an urgent need for soil quality evaluation in order to identify and develop more sustainable practices. A General Indicator of Soil Quality (GISQ) has been proposed by Velasquez et al. (2007) which combines a set of subindicators. These subindicators may also be considered as indicators of the performance of different ecosystem services (ES) such as soil structure and nutrient cycling. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different landuse systems on soil quality in a Natural Reserve of South Brazil. Variables associated with soil biodiversity, fertility, physical properties and aggregate morphology were measured for each system. The highest GISQ average value was calculated for the Forest (0.80), while this system also had the highest values for macrofauna, chemical and physical subindicators. PCA analysis showed a significant separation (p<0.001) of the Soybean crop from the others systems based on the lowest subindicators values. The GISQ reflected the provision of soil ES, showing that better soil quality produces more ES. The methodology used can be applied extensively and allows monitoring of land-use changes through time. It could therefore guide the implementation of soil restoration technologies.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Micronutrientes e óxidos de ferro em coprólitos de minhocas produzidos em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (Oxisol) sob diferentes sistemas de manejo.

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    As estruturas biogênicas produzidas pelas minhocas modificam os atributos químicos e mineralógicos do solo. Estas alterações são pouco conhecidas em solos altamente intemperizados neotropicais invadidos por minhocas peregrinas e exóticas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações na disponibilidade de micronutrientes e nos óxidos de ferro de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) (Oxisol) sob diferentes condições de manejo quando invadidos pelas minhocas Pontoscolex corethrurus e Amynthas gracilis. Os micronutrientes analisados foram zinco (Zn), cobre (Cu), manganês (Mn) e ferro (Fe). Os óxidos de ferro foram analisados através de métodos de dissolução seletiva quantificando-se as alterações nos teores de ferro livre (Fed) e amorfo (Feo) e alumínio e manganês presentes nos óxidos de ferro por substituição isomórfica livres (Ald e Mnd) e amorfos (Alo e Mno). Solo foi coletado sob mata nativa, dois agroecossistemas de plantio direto e uma pastagem, seco ao ar, peneirado e umedecido para a incubação das minhocas e posterior obtenção de coprólitos. A análise dos atributos químicos e mineralógicos dos coprólitos mostrou que, de modo geral, foram observados aumentos nos teores de Fed e Feo nos coprólitos comparados ao solo controle. O oposto foi observado para os teores de Ald e Alo, havendo diminuição dos teores nos coprólitos. Para os teores de Mnd e Mno não houve diferenças significativas. Os coprólitos concentraram maiores teores de Zn, Cu e Mn, mas tiveram teores mais baixos de Fe disponível. A atividade das minhocas influiu, em geral, de forma positiva sobre os teores de micronutrientes e de óxidos de ferro livre e amorfo no LVdf sob diferentes sistemas de manejo estudado

    Sistemas de manejo, atributos químicos do solo e dispersão de argila em áreas de microbacias

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different farm systems on clay dispersion and its relationship with soil chemical properties and the no-tillage system participatory quality index (IQP), in watershed areas in the west of the state of Paraná, Brazil. The farm systems evaluated were: no-tillage; no-tillage with crop succession; no-tillage with soil disturbance; and conventional system. In addition, the farm systems were evaluated for their IQP. Soil samples were collected at 0.0–0.20-m soil depth, in 40 agricultural areas and in 6 native forests considered as references. The degree of clay dispersion, total organic carbon, pH (CaCl2), exchangeable potassium (K+), available phosphorus (P), exchangeable calcium and magnesium (Ca2++Mg2+), and potential acidity (H+Al3+) were determined. A linear multiple regression model was fitted by the method of least squares. The averages of clay dispersion degree per watershed were compared at 5% probability. The farm systems were compared by Scott-Knott’s test. Soil chemical properties showed a higher influence on clay dispersion than the different farm systems assessed. The no-tillage system alone showed the highest content of organic carbon, which was similar to those of the native areas. The conventional system and the no-tillage system with soil disturbance showed a lower IQP and a higher degree of clay dispersion than the areas with the no-tillage system alone. The IQP allows distinguishing the conventional system from the no-tillage system.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre o grau de dispersão de argila e sua relação com os atributos químicos do solo e o índice de qualidade participativo (IQP) do sistema plantio direto, em áreas de microbacias do Oeste do Paraná. Os sistemas de manejo avaliados foram: sistema plantio direto; plantio direto com sucessão de culturas; plantio direto com revolvimento do solo; e sistema convencional. Além disso, os sistemas de manejo foram avaliados quanto ao seu IQP. Amostras de solo foram coletadas a 0,0–0,20 m de profundidade do solo, em 40 áreas agrícolas e em 6 matas nativas tidas como referências. Foram avaliados grau de dispersão de argila, carbono orgânico total, pH (em CaCl2), potássio trocável (K+), fósforo disponível (P), cálcio e magnésio trocáveis (Ca2++Mg2+), e acidez potencial (H+Al3+). Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão linear múltipla pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. Realizou-se a comparação de médias do grau de dispersão de argila, por microbacia, a 5% de probabilidade. Os sistemas de manejo foram comparados pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Os atributos químicos do solo apresentaram maior influência sobre a dispersão da argila do que os diferentes sistemas de manejo avaliados. O sistema plantio direto integral apresentou o maior teor de carbono orgânico, que foi semelhante ao das áreas nativas. O sistema convencional e o plantio direto com revolvimento do solo apresentaram menor IQP e maiores taxas de dispersão de argila do que as áreas sob sistema plantio direto integral. O IQP permite diferenciar os sistemas de manejo convencional e plantio direto