25 research outputs found

    Consumers´ Perception of Responsible Companies and Using of Cause-Related Marketing in their CSR Practice

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    The importance to integrate principles of social responsibility has also penetrated the field of marketing. The paper focuses on the topic of cause-related marketing (CrM), an innovative tool of corporate social responsibility (CSR), that allows for a balance between the company´s interest, consumer satisfaction, and the long-term prosperity of society as well. The main aim is to examine consumers´ perceptions of using cause-related marketing as a part of the socially responsible activities of companies in Slovakia. This aim is preceded by a partial aim – to examine the consumers´ perception of socially responsible companies in general. The selected results of the pilot questionnaire survey are presented. The obtained data from a sample of 415 respondents were evaluated by selected statistical methods (Chi-Square, Spearman´s correlation coefficient). Generally, consumers positively perceive the importance of socially responsible behavior of companies. According to research results, CSR is a differentiation point on market, when socially responsible companies are perceived as more trustworthy and attractive than competitors. Engagement in cause-related marketing is relatively high when almost 80 % of the respondents indicated that they have already participated in a campaign of this type. On the other hand, skepticism towards CrM exists. Research results indicated that CrM can create a competitive advantage for companies that adopt it and help enhance better image and reputation of a socially responsible company

    Electrochemically Pretreated Carbon Microfiber Electrodes as Sensitive HPLC-EC Detectors

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    The paper focuses on the analysis and detection of electroactive compounds using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with electrochemical detection (EC). The fabrication and utilization of electrochemically treated carbon fiber microelectrodes (CFMs) as highly sensitive amperometric detectors in HPLC are described. The applied pretreatment procedure is beneficial for analytical characteristics of the sensor as demonstrated by analysis of the model set of phenolic acids. The combination of CFM with separation power of HPLC technique allows for improved detection limits due to unique electrochemical properties of carbon fibers. The CFM proved to be a promising tool for amperometric detection in liquid chromatography

    Quantitative transcriptomics, and lipidomics in evaluating ovarian developmental effects in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) caged at a capped marine waste disposal site

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    In the present study, a previously capped waste disposal site at Kollevåg (Norway) was selected to study the effects of contaminant leakage on biomarkers associated with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) reproductive endocrinology and development. Immature cod were caged for 6 weeks at 3 locations, selected to achieve a spatial gradient of contamination, and compared to a reference station. Quantitative transcriptomic, and lipidomic analysis was used to evaluate the effects of the potential complex contaminant mixture on ovarian developmental and endocrine physiology. The number of expressed transcripts, with 0.75 log2-fold differential expression or more, varied among stations and paralleled the severity of contamination. Particularly, significant bioaccumulation of ∑PCB-7, ∑DDTs and ∑PBDEs were observed at station 1, compared to the other station, including the reference station. Respectively 1416, 698 and 719 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), were observed at stations 1, 2 and 3, compared to the reference station, with transcripts belonging to steroid hormone synthesis pathway being significantly upregulation. Transcription factors such as esr2 and ahr2 were increased at all three stations, with highest fold-change at Station 1. MetaCore pathway maps identified affected pathways that are involved in ovarian physiology, where some unique pathways were significantly affected at each station. For the lipidomics, sphingolipid metabolism was particularly affected at station 1, and these effects paralleled the high contaminant burden at this station. Overall, our findings showed a novel and direct association between contaminant burden and ovarian toxicological and endocrine physiological responses in cod caged at the capped Kollevåg waste disposal site.publishedVersio

    Impaired NDRG1 functions in Schwann cells cause demyelinating neuropathy in a dog model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 4D

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    Mutations in the N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) cause degenerative polyneuropathy in ways that are poorly understood. We have investigated Alaskan Malamute dogs with neuropathy caused by a missense mutation in NDRG1. In affected animals, nerve levels of NDRG1 protein were reduced by more than 70% (p < 0.03). Nerve fibers were thinly myelinated, loss of large myelinated fibers was pronounced and teased fiber preparations showed both demyelination and remyelination. Inclusions of filamentous material containing actin were present in adaxonal Schwann cell cytoplasm and Schmidt-Lanterman clefts. This condition strongly resembles the human Charcot-MarieTooth type 4D. However, the focally folded myelin with adaxonal infoldings segregating the axon found in this study are ultrastructural changes not described in the human disease. Furthermore, lipidomic analysis revealed a profound loss of peripheral nerve lipids. Our data suggest that the low levels of mutant NDRG1 is insufficient to support Schwann cells in maintaining myelin homeostasis. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

    Integrative omics-analysis of lipid metabolism regulation by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor a and b agonists in male Atlantic cod

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    Lipid metabolism is essential in maintaining energy homeostasis in multicellular organisms. In vertebrates, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs, NR1C) regulate the expression of many genes involved in these processes. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is an important fish species in the North Atlantic ecosystem and in human nutrition, with a highly fatty liver. Here we study the involvement of Atlantic cod Ppar a and b subtypes in systemic regulation of lipid metabolism using two model agonists after in vivo exposure. WY-14,643, a specific PPARA ligand in mammals, activated cod Ppara1 and Ppara2 in vitro. In vivo, WY-14,643 caused a shift in lipid transport both at transcriptional and translational level in cod. However, WY-14,643 induced fewer genes in the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway compared to that observed in rodents. Although GW501516 serves as a specific PPARB/D ligand in mammals, this compound activated cod Ppara1 and Ppara2 as well as Pparb in vitro. In vivo, it further induced transcription of Ppar target genes and caused changes in lipid composition of liver and plasma. The integrative approach provide a foundation for understanding how Ppars are engaged in regulating lipid metabolism in Atlantic cod physiology. We have shown that WY-14,643 and GW501516 activate Atlantic cod Ppara and Pparb, affect genes in lipid metabolism pathways, and induce changes in the lipid composition in plasma and liver microsomal membranes. Particularly, the combined transcriptomic, proteomics and lipidomics analyses revealed that effects of WY-14,643 on lipid metabolism are similar to what is known in mammalian studies, suggesting conservation of Ppara functions in mediating lipid metabolic processes in fish. The alterations in the lipid profiles observed after Ppar agonist exposure suggest that other chemicals with similar Ppar receptor affinities may cause disturbances in the lipid regulation of fish. Model organism: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:389BE401-2718-4CF2-BBAE-2E13A97A5E7B. COL Identifier: 6K72F.The study was carried out as part of the project “dCod 1.0: decoding systems toxicology of Atlantic cod” financed by the Norwegian Research Council (project no. 248840) and is part of Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN), financed by the Research Council of Norway (project no. 248810). This work was also part of the iCod 2.0 project (project no. 244564) financed by the Norwegian Research Council. The UPLC-HRMS analysis was performed in collaboration with another project in DLN, AurOmega (project no. 269432). The Genomics Core Facility (GCF) at the University of Bergen, which is a part of the NorSeq consortium, provided services on RNA sequencing; GCF is supported in part by major grants from the Research Council of Norway (grant no. 245979/F50) and Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) (grant no. BFS2017TMT04 and BFS2017TMT08).Peer reviewe

    Migration of endocrine and metabolism disrupting chemicals from plastic food packaging

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    Plastics constitute a vast array of substances, with over 16 000 known plastic chemicals, including intentionally and non-intentionally added substances. Thousands of chemicals, including toxic ones, are extractable from plastics, however, the extent to which these compounds migrate from everyday products into food or water remains poorly understood. This study aims to characterize the endocrine and metabolism disrupting activity, as well as the chemical composition of migrates from plastic food contact articles (FCAs) from four countries as significant sources of human exposure. Fourteen plastic FCAs covering seven polymer types with high global market shares were migrated into water and a water–ethanol mixture as food simulants according to European regulations. The migrates were analyzed using reporter gene assays for nuclear receptors relevant to human health and non-target chemical analysis to characterize the chemical composition. Chemicals migrating from each FCA interfered with at least two nuclear receptors, predominantly targeting pregnane X receptor (24/28 migrates). Moreover, peroxisome proliferator receptor gamma was activated by 19 out of 28 migrates, though mostly with lower potencies. Estrogenic and antiandrogenic activity was detected in eight and seven migrates, respectively. Fewer chemicals and less toxicity migrated into water compared to the water–ethanol mixture. However, 73 % of the 15 430 extractable chemical features also transferred into food simulants, and the water–ethanol migrates exhibited a similar toxicity prevalence compared to methanol extracts. The chemical complexity differed largely between FCAs, with 8 to 10 631 chemical features migrating into food simulants. Using stepwise partial least squares regressions, we successfully narrowed down the list of potential active chemicals, identified known endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as triphenyl phosphate, and prioritized chemical features for further identification. This study demonstrates the migration of endocrine and metabolism disrupting chemicals from plastic FCAs into food simulants, rendering a migration of these compounds into food and beverages probable

    Sensitive HPLC-EC Detectors

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    The paper focuses on the analysis and detection of electroactive compounds using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with electrochemical detection (EC). The fabrication and utilization of electrochemically treated carbon fiber microelectrodes (CFMs) as highly sensitive amperometric detectors in HPLC are described. The applied pretreatment procedure is beneficial for analytical characteristics of the sensor as demonstrated by analysis of the model set of phenolic acids. The combination of CFM with separation power of HPLC technique allows for improved detection limits due to unique electrochemical properties of carbon fibers. The CFM proved to be a promising tool for amperometric detection in liquid chromatography

    Plastic products leach chemicals that induce in vitro toxicity under realistic use conditions

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    Plastic products contain complex mixtures of extractable chemicals that can be toxic. However, humans and wildlife will only be exposed to plastic chemicals that are released under realistic conditions. Thus, we investigated the toxicological and chemical profiles leaching into water from 24 everyday plastic products covering eight polymer types. We performed migration experiments over 10 days at 40 °C and analyzed the migrates using four in vitro bioassays and nontarget high-resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MSE). All migrates induced baseline toxicity, 22 an oxidative stress response, 13 antiandrogenicity, and one estrogenicity. Overall, between 17 and 8681 relevant chemical features were present in the migrates. In other words, between 1 and 88% of the plastic chemicals associated with one product were migrating. Further, we tentatively identified ∼8% of all detected features implying that most plastic chemicals remain unknown. While low-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polyurethane induced most toxicological endpoints, a generalization for other materials is not possible. Our results demonstrate that plastic products readily leach many more chemicals than previously known, some of which are toxic in vitro. This highlights that humans are exposed to many more plastic chemicals than currently considered in public health science and policies

    Combined Metabolome and Lipidome analyses for in-depth characterization of lipid accumulation in the DHA producing Aurantiochytrium sp. T66

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    Thraustochytrids are marine heterotrophic microorganisms known for their potential to accumulate docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-enriched lipids. There have been many attempts to improve thraustochytrid DHA bioprocesses, especially through traditional optimization of cultivation and media conditions. Nevertheless, thraustochytrid-based bioprocesses are still not commercially competitive for high volume-low cost production of DHA. Thus, it is realized that genetic and metabolic engineering strategies are needed for the development of commercially competitive thraustochytrid DHA cell factories. Here, we present an analytical workflow for high resolution phenotyping at metabolite and lipid levels to generate deeper insight into the thraustochytrid physiology, with particular focus on central carbon and redox metabolism. We use time-series sampling during unlimited growth and nitrogen depleted triggering of DHA synthesis and lipid accumulation (LA) to show-case our methodology. The mass spectrometric absolute quantitative metabolite profiling covered glycolytic, pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) metabolites, amino acids, complete (deoxy)nucleoside phosphate pools, CoA and NAD metabolites, while semiquantitative high-resolution supercritical fluid chromatography MS/MS was applied for the lipid profiling. Interestingly, trace amounts of a triacylglycerols (TG) with DHA incorporated in all three acyl positions was detected, while TGs 16:0_16:0_22:6 and 16:0_22:6_22:6 were among the dominant lipid species. The metabolite profiling data indicated that lipid accumulation is not limited by availability of the acyl chain carbon precursor acetyl-CoA nor reducing power (NADPH) but rather points to the TG head group precursor glycerol-3-phosphate as the potential cause at the metabolite level for the gradual decline in lipid production throughout the cultivation. This high-resolution phenotyping provides new knowledge of changes in the central metabolism during growth and LA in thraustochytrids and will guide target selection for metabolic engineering needed for further improvements of this DHA cell factory

    Overexpression of two new acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2-like acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferases enhanced squalene accumulation in Aurantiochytrium limacinum

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    Thraustochytrids are heterotrophic marine eukaryotes known to accumulate large amounts of triacylglycerols, and they also synthesize terpenoids like carotenoids and squalene, which all have an increasing market demand. However, a more extensive knowledge of the lipid metabolism is needed to develop thraustochytrids for profitable biomanufacturing. In this study, two putative type-2 Acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferases (DGAT2) genes of Aurantiochytrium sp. T66, T66ASATa, and T66ASATb, and their homologs in Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21, AlASATa and AlASATb, were characterized. In A. limacinum SR21, genomic knockout of AlASATb reduced the amount of the steryl esters of palmitic acid, SE (16:0), and docosahexaenoic acid, SE (22:6). The double mutant of AlASATa and AlASATb produced even less of these steryl esters. The expression and overexpression of T66ASATb and AlASATb, respectively, enhanced SE (16:0) and SE (22:6) production more significantly than those of T66ASATa and AlASATa. In contrast, these mutations did not significantly change the level of triacylglycerols or other lipid classes. The results suggest that the four genes encoded proteins possessing acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferase (ASAT) activity synthesizing both SE (16:0) and SE (22:6), but with the contribution from AlASATb and T66ASATb being more important than that of AlASATa and T66ASATa. Furthermore, the expression and overexpression of T66ASATb and AlASATb enhanced squalene accumulation in SR21 by up to 88%. The discovery highlights the functional diversity of DGAT2-like proteins and provides valuable information on steryl ester and squalene synthesis in thraustochytrids, paving the way to enhance squalene production through metabolic engineering.publishedVersio