53 research outputs found

    Enhancement of mouse hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell function via transient gene delivery using integration-deficient lentiviral vectors

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    Integration-deficient lentiviruses (IdLVs) deliver genes effectively to tissues but are lost rapidly from dividing cells. This property can be harnessed to express transgenes transiently to manipulate cell biology. Here, we demonstrate the utility of short-term gene expression to improve functional potency of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) during transplantation by delivering HOXB4 and Angptl3 using IdLVs to enhance the engraftment of HSPCs. Constitutive overexpression of either of these genes is likely to be undesirable, but the transient nature of IdLVs reduces this risk and those associated with unsolicited gene expression in daughter cells. Transient expression led to increased multilineage hematopoietic engraftment in in vivo competitive repopulation assays without the side effects reported in constitutive overexpression models. Adult stem cell fate has not been programmed previously using IdLVs, but we demonstrate that these transient gene expression tools can produce clinically relevant alterations or be applied to investigate basic biology

    Defining the identity and the niches of epithelial stem cells with highly pleiotropic multilineage potency in the human thymus

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    Thymus is necessary for lifelong immunological tolerance and immunity. It displays a distinctive epithelial complexity and undergoes age-dependent atrophy. Nonetheless, it also retains regenerative capacity, which, if harnessed appropriately, might permit rejuvenation of adaptive immunity. By characterizing cortical and medullary compartments in the human thymus at single-cell resolution, in this study we have defined specific epithelial populations, including those that share properties with bona fide stem cells (SCs) of lifelong regenerating epidermis. Thymic epithelial SCs display a distinctive transcriptional profile and phenotypic traits, including pleiotropic multilineage potency, to give rise to several cell types that were not previously considered to have shared origin. Using here identified SC markers, we have defined their cortical and medullary niches and shown that, in vitro, the cells display long-term clonal expansion and self-organizing capacity. These data substantively broaden our knowledge of SC biology and set a stage for tackling thymic atrophy and related disorders