22 research outputs found

    Effetti di antiossidanti sui livelli di Dolicolo, un lipide di membrana, in epatociti incubati con tetracloruro di Carbonio.

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    EFFETTI DI ANTIOSSIDANTI SUI LIVELLI DI DOLICOLO, UN LIPIDE DI MEMBRANA, IN EPATOCITI INCUBATI CON TETRACLORURO DI CARBONIO Ricerche in vitro con sistemi chimicamente costituiti e dosaggio con H-NMR hanno dimostrato che il Dolicolo pu¨° proteggere acidi grassi poliinsaturi (nel caso specifico il metil linoleato) dal danno di fotoperossidazione. In questa ricerca abbiamo studiato se tale propriet¨¤ antiossidante si manifestasse anche su cellule isolate. A tal fine abbiamo utilizzato il modello della tossicit¨¤ del CCl4 su epatociti isolati, modello largamente utilizzato nello studio degli effetti dello stress ossidativo. Gli epatociti sono stati isolati secondo il metodo di Seglen. 6 ml di sospensione cellulare (90mg di cellule/ml) sono stati incubati in fiasche coniche, sigillate, per 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 minuti contenente 0, 10, 25, 50 o 200 ¦Ìl di CCl4, in un pozzetto centrale. Al termine dell¡¯incubazione, sono state prelevate e centrifugate aliquote della sospensione cellulare. Sul sedimento ¨¨ stato dosato il contenuto di Dolicolo mentre sul sopranatante sono stati dosati i TBARs rilasciati nel mezzo d¡¯incubazione. Sono state prelevate e centrifugate anche aliquote di sospensioni cellulari trattate con 25¦Ìl e 200¦Ìl di CCl4 per il dosaggio della vitamina E e degli acidi grassi delle cellule. In altri esperimenti, le sospensioni cellulari sono state incubate per 0 e 10 minuti in presenza di 15¦Ìl di CCl4 e di diversi antiossidanti [Trolox (10mM), Resveratrolo (0.1mM), Acido Ascorbico (1mM), b-Carotene (5mM)]. Al termine dell¡¯incubazione, sono state prelevate e centrifugate aliquote di sospensioni cellulari. Sul sedimento ¨¨ stato dosato il contenuto di Dolicolo, e sul sopranatante sono stati dosati i TBARs rilasciati nel mezzo d¡¯incubazione. I risultati hanno dimostrato che l¡¯aggiunta di CCl4 determina: 1) una deplezione di Dolicolo assai rapida e dose-dipendente; 2) un aumento del rilascio di TBARs, pure essa dose-dipendente. Non sono stati mai osservati cambiamenti a carico degli acidi grassi poliinsaturi dei fosfolipidi e della vitamina E. L¡¯aggiunta, nel mezzo di incubazione, di antiossidanti (Trolox, Resveratrolo, Acido Ascorbico, b-Carotene) non ha protetto il Dolicolo dal decadimento perossidativo. La presenza di Trolox ed Acido Ascorbico hanno ridotto in maniera altamente significativa la produzione di TBARs. L¡¯aggiunta di b-carotene ha avuto un effetto minore ma pur sempre significativo mentre il Resveratrolo non ha avuto effetto significativo. I risultati consentono di concludere che il comportamento del Dolicolo in vivo concorda con l¡¯ipotesi suggerita dai risultati degli esperimenti di fotoperossidazione del metil linoleato. Il Dolicolo eserciterebbe un effetto protettivo sugli acidi grassi di membrana nei confronti dell¡¯attacco radicalico. Ulteriori studi saranno necessari per meglio capire come si eserciti la funzione del Dolicolo e se esso protegga dall¡¯attacco radicalico altri antiossidanti quali gli acidi grassi poliinsaturi e la vitamina E


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    A partire dalla traduzione di sei saggi dedicati alla vita e all’opera di Luigi Boccherini (in Revista de Musicología, XXVII, 2, 2004) vengono ripercorse brevemente le principali tappe della carriera artistica e professionale del compositore lucchese in Spagna, e vengono proposti alcuni strumenti e metodi per affrontare la traduzione del «saggio musicale». In particolare, dopo una prima riflessione di carattere generale sulle peculiarità del linguaggio settoriale, si mettono in evidenza le problematiche legate alla traduzione fra due sistemi linguistici affini come lo spagnolo e l’italiano, si individuano possibili casi di interferenza a livello lessicale e sintattico, e infine si analizza il fenomeno del prestito linguistico in campo musicale

    Understanding the Lost: Reconstruction of the Garden Design of Villa Peretti Montalto (Rome, Italy) for Urban Valorization

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    : Urbanization and urban regeneration can significantly impact cultural heritage, but a greater knowledge of the past natural and historical features is needed to value the past and understand the present. The lost Villa Peretti Montalto in Rome, once located in the area that corresponds to the current front side of Termini station, deserves great attention due to its cultural value. This work aimed to provide a floristic and functional reconstruction of the gardens of the villa during the XVI and XVII Centuries. From several bibliographic and iconographic sources, a critical analysis and interpretation of plant names was conducted. A list of 87 species and their location in the different garden sectors, during different periods with their specific uses, is provided. The arboreal design was made by classical species in the Roman context, like Cupressus sempervirens, Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex, and Ulmus glabra. In addition, ancient lost varieties of fruit trees (mainly Pyrus communis and Ficus carica) and several species of conservation interest were found. The knowledge of the ancient flora in historical gardens could be a key tool in urban greenery planning and touristic and cultural valorization

    Investigation into the Allylation Reactions of Aldehydes Promoted by CeCl3·7H2O-NaI System as a Lewis Acid

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    The Lewis acid promoted allylation of aldehydes has become an important carbon−carbon bond forming reaction in organic chemistry. In this context, we have developed an alternative over existing catalytic processes, wherein aldehydes are subject in acetonitrile to reaction of allylation with allyltributylstannane in the presence of 1.0 equiv of cerium(III) chloride heptahydrate (CeCl3·7H2O), an inexpensive and mild Lewis acid. The allylation has been accelerated by using an inorganic iodide as a cocatalyst, and various iodide salts were examined. The procedure must use allylstannane reagent instead of allylsilane reagent, desirable for environmental reasons, but high chemoselectivity was observed, and this is opposite the results obtained with other classical Lewis acids such as TiCl4 and Et2O·BF3

    Simulating Strong-Field QED on contemporary supercomputers

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    International audiencePhysical scenarios characterized by electromagnetic fields so strong that quantum electro-dynamics (SF-QED) plays a substantial role are one of the frontiers of contemporary plasmaphysics research. The modeling of these scenarios often requires massively parallel kineticplasma simulations. In this contribution, we present WarpX [1,2], a state-of-the-art, open-source Particle-In-Cell code conceived to address the challenges of computing at the exascale,as well as PICSAR-QED [3], a portable Monte Carlo module providing WarpX with the capa-bility of simulating the SF-QED phenomena that are usually the most relevant. We will alsopresent examples of simulations performed using WarpX and PICSAR-QED, in particular ofthe interaction of ultra-high intensity light beams with solid-density plasmas [4,5] (see Fig.1)and of the collision of ultra-high energy electron beams in conventional accelerators [6].[1] L.Fedeli et al. SC22 (pp. 25-36). IEEE Computer Society, 2022[2] A.Myers et al. Parallel Computing 108 (2021): 102833[3] L.Fedeli et al. New Journal of Physics 24.2 (2022): 025009[4] L.Fedeli et al. Physical review letters 127.11 (2021): 114801[5] N.Zaı̈m et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17581 (2023)[6] T.Barklow et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.00573 (2023

    ReLiFiRa (Real Life Filgotinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis): Retrospective Study of Efficacy and Safety in Common Clinical Practice

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    Background: Filgotinib (FIL) is a selective JAK1 inhibitor with an affinity 30-fold higher than JAK2, approved to treat moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in adults with inadequate response or intolerance to one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Methods: We conducted a retrospective, multicentric study in order to evaluate efficacy and safety of FIL 200 mg daily therapy, after 3 and 6 months, in 120 patients affected by RA, managed in Tuscany and Umbria rheumatological centers. The following clinical records were analyzed: demographical data, smoking status, previous presence of comorbidities (Herpes zoster -HZ- infection, venous thromboembolism -VTE-, major adverse cardiovascular events -MACE-, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension), disease duration, presence of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA), rheumatoid factor (RF), number of biological failures, and prior csDMARDs utilized. At baseline, and after 3 (T3) and 6 (T6) months of FIL therapy, we evaluated mean steroid dosage, csDMARDs intake, clinimetric indexes (DAS28, CDAI, HAQ, patient and doctor PGA, VAS), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and body mass index (BMI). Results: At baseline, the mean disease duration was 9.4 ± 7.5 years; the prevalence of previous HZ infection, VTE, MACE, and cancer was respectively 4.12%, 0%, 7.21%, and 0.83%, respectively. In total, 76.3% of patients failed one or more biologics (one biological failure, 20.6%; two biological failures, 27.8%; three biological failures, 16.5%; four biological failures, 10.3%; five biological failures, 1.1%). After 3 months of FIL therapy, all clinimetric index results significantly improved from baseline, as well as after 6 months. Also, ESR and CRP significatively decreased at T3 and T6. Two cases of HZ were recorded, while no new MACE, VTE, or cancer were recorded during the observation time. Conclusion: Despite the limitations of the retrospective study and of the observational period of only 6 months, real-life data on the treatment of RA patients with FIL demonstrate that this Jak inhibitor therapy is safe in terms of CV, VTE events, and occurrence of cancer, and is also effective in a population identified as “difficult to treat” due to failure of previous b-DMARD therapy