421 research outputs found

    Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology and Cyanotoxins in the Eutrophic Lake Winnebago-Green Bay Water System

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    Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) are frequently observed in water bodies used for recreation and drinking water production and can be detrimental to humans, animals, and general water quality. CyanoHABs are natural occurrences, but human activities such as agriculture, land use change, and runoff from urban and rural landscapes can promote and accelerate their expansion. The blooms are aesthetically unpleasing scums and can be laden with toxins (cyanotoxins) and toxic or otherwise bioactive peptides (TBPs) that can be harmful to humans and animals. Despite the vast research on cyanoHABs, cyanotoxin and TBP diversity and dynamics within a water column are not well studied. Furthermore, the variability in lake cyanotoxin and TBP concentrations is not fully understood at time-scales relevant to drinking water production. There is a great need for information about cyanoHABs and their toxins that may pose recreational risk to swimmers, particularly children. To begin to assess the temporal variability of cyanotoxins and TBPs, Chapter 2 sought to use a proven technology, an automated water sampler, deployed to a water quality-monitoring buoy, to achieve a high temporal resolution sampling strategy for cyanotoxins and their associated pigments in a eutrophic lake. Chapter 3 sought to analyze environmental variables that may be associated with cyanotoxin and TBP blooms from multiple depths (surface water to bottom waters). Cyanobacteria have the ability to move throughout the water column in response to light or nutrient availability, however many sampling strategies focus on a singular depth. Chapter 4 describes the first spatial assessment of cyanotoxins and TBPs in Green Bay over a two-year period and sought to characterize a cyanotoxin gradient that follows the spatial trophic gradient. There are many accounts of toxin-producing blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Surprisingly, there is a lack of information on cyanotoxins in Green Bay, a highly productive region in Lake Michigan. This dissertation seeks to describe the temporal and spatial variability of cyanotoxins and TBPs in two connected water bodies that are extremely important as drinking water and recreation resources in Wisconsin. The resulting work provides important insights into less studied, but frequently TBPs in drinking water and recreational waters. Cyanotoxin and TBP sampling was paired with in situ fluorometers, a common tool used for monitoring cyanoHABs, to assess the variability of pigments and cyanotoxins

    A Middle School One-to-One Laptop Program: The Maine Experience

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    Over eight years ago, Maine embarked on a bold new initiative. Entitled the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI), this program funded by the State of Maine, provided all 7th and 8th grade students and their teachers with laptop computers, and provided schools and teachers with a wireless internet infrastructure, technical assistance, and professional development for integrating laptop technology into their curriculum and instruction. The first full implementation of MLTI began in the Fall of the 2002-03 academic year. At the same time the Maine commissioner of education contracted with the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) to conduct the ongoing evaluation of MLTI. MEPRI is a non-partisan research institute funded jointly by the Maine State Legislature and the University of Maine System. Over the past eight years the MEPRI research and evaluation team has used a mixed method approach in the evaluation of the MLTI program; an approach that uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques in collecting and analyzing research and evaluation evidence. The evidence presented in this report indicates the MLTI program has had a significant impact on curriculum, instruction, and learning in Maine’s middle schools. In the areas of curriculum and instruction, the evidence indicates many teachers have reached the tipping point in the adoption and integration of the laptop into their teaching. However, the adoption is uneven for some teachers, and in some content areas. Relatively speaking, mathematics teachers use the laptops less frequently than their colleagues in other core disciplines. Most teachers are not using the laptops as frequently in assessment as one might anticipate, and too few teachers report using the laptop in teaching 21st Century Skills

    Salting our Freshwater Lakes

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    The highest densities of lakes on Earth are in north temperate ecosystems, where increasing urbanization and associated chloride runoff can salinize freshwaters and threaten lake water quality and the many ecosystem services lakes provide. However, the extent to which lake salinity may be changing at broad spatial scales remains unknown, leading us to first identify spatial patterns and then investigate the drivers of these patterns. Significant decadal trends in lake salinization were identified using a dataset of long-term chloride concentrations from 371 North American lakes. Landscape and climate metrics calculated for each site demonstrated that impervious land cover was a strong predictor of chloride trends in Northeast and Midwest North American lakes. As little as 1% impervious land cover surrounding a lake increased the likelihood of long-term salinization. Considering that 27% of large lakes in the United States have \u3e1% impervious land cover around their perimeters, the potential for steady and long-term salinization of these aquatic systems is high. This study predicts that many lakes will exceed the aquatic life threshold criterion for chronic chloride exposure (230 mg L−1), stipulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the next 50 y if current trends continue

    Capability in the digital: institutional media management and its dis/contents

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    This paper explores how social media spaces are occupied, utilized and negotiated by the British Military in relation to the Ministry of Defence’s concerns and conceptualizations of risk. It draws on data from the DUN Project to investigate the content and form of social media about defence through the lens of ‘capability’, a term that captures and describes the meaning behind multiple representations of the military institution. But ‘capability’ is also a term that we hijack and extend here, not only in relation to the dominant presence of ‘capability’ as a representational trope and the extent to which it is revealing of a particular management of social media spaces, but also in relation to what our research reveals for the wider digital media landscape and ‘capable’ digital methods. What emerges from our analysis is the existence of powerful, successful and critically long-standing media and reputation management strategies occurring within the techno-economic online structures where the exercising of ‘control’ over the individual – as opposed to the technology – is highly effective. These findings raise critical questions regarding the extent to which ‘control’ and management of social media – both within and beyond the defence sector – may be determined as much by cultural, social, institutional and political influence and infrastructure as the technological economies. At a key moment in social media analysis, then, when attention is turning to the affordances, criticisms and possibilities of data, our research is a pertinent reminder that we should not forget the active management of content that is being similarly, if not equally, effective

    Investigating neuropsychological and reward-related deficits in a chronic corticosterone-induced model of depression

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    Chronic stress is a known risk factor for the development of major depression (MDD) and is commonly used to induce a depression-like phenotype in rodents. Similar phenotypic effects are also observed in rodents when treated chronically with the stress hormone corticosterone. In this study, we investigated the neuropsychological consequences of chronic corticosterone treatment in male rats using two translational rodent assays of affective bias, the judgement bias task (JBT) and affective bias test (ABT). We also used the reward learning assay (RLA) and sucrose preference test (SPT) to quantify reward-related behaviours. Negative biases in decision-making were observed in the chronic corticosterone-treated group but only when the treatment was given shortly before each behavioural session. The same dose of corticosterone, when given daily after completion of the behavioural session had no effects. Chronic corticosterone treatment did not potentiate negative affective biases in the ABT induced by either an acute pharmacological or stress manipulation but both reward learning and reward sensitivity were blunted. Analysis of the brain tissue from animals receiving chronic corticosterone found reduced hippocampal neurogenesis consistent with previous studies suggesting corticosterone-induced neurotrophic deficits. Taken together, these data suggest chronic corticosterone treatment induces neuropsychological effects related to changes in reward learning, memory and negative biases in decision making, but these decision-making biases depend on whether rewarding outcomes were experienced during the acute effects of the drug. These findings suggest an important interaction between psychological and biological factors resulting in negative biases in decision-making in this model

    Determinants of gross motor function of young children with cerebral palsy: A prospective cohort study

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to test a model of determinants of gross motor function of young children with cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Four hundred and twenty-nine children with CP (242 males, 187 females; mean age 3y 2mo, SD 11mo) representing all levels of the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) participated. Children in levels I to II and III to V were classified as Groups 1 and 2 respectively. Distribution of CP was quadriplegia, 44%; hemiplegia, 24%; diplegia, 23%; triplegia, 6%; and monoplegia, 2% (data not available for 1%). Impairment and motor function data were collected by reliable assessors; parents completed questionnaires on health conditions and adaptive behavior. Seven months later, parents were interviewed about family life and services received. One year after the study onset, motor function was re-evaluated. Analysis involved structural equation modeling. Results: The well-fitting model explained 58% and 75% of the variance in motor function at study completion for Groups 1 and 2 respectively. Primary impairments (spasticity, quality of movement, postural stability, and distribution of involvement; β=0.52-0.68) and secondary impairments (strength, range of motion limitations, and reduced endurance; β=0.25-0.26) explained the most variance. Adaptive behavior was a significant determinant only for Group 2 (β=0.21) and participation in community programs was significant only in Group 1 (β=0.13). Interpretation: Motor function is supported by optimizing body structures and function for all children and enhancing adaptive behavior for children with greater motor challenges. © 2013 Mac Keith Press

    Researcher Degrees of Freedom in the Psychology of Religion

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    There is a push in psychology toward more transparent practices, stemming partially as a response to the replication crisis. We argue that the psychology of religion should help lead the way toward these new, more transparent practices to ensure a robust and dynamic subfield. One of the major issues that proponents of Open Science practices hope to address is researcher degrees of freedom (RDF). We pre-registered and conducted a systematic review of the 2017 issues from three psychology of religion journals. We aimed to identify the extent to which the psychology of religion has embraced Open Science practices and the role of RDF within the subfield. We found that many of the methodologies that help to increase transparency, such as pre-registration, have yet to be adopted by those in the subfield. In light of these findings, we present recommendations for addressing the issue of transparency in the psychology of religion and outline how to move toward these new Open Science practices

    Stiffness Is the Cardinal Symptom of Inflammatory Musculoskeletal Diseases, Yet Still Variably Measured: Report from the OMERACT 2016 Stiffness Special Interest Group

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    Objective: The objectives of the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Stiffness special interest group (SIG) are to characterize stiffness as an outcome in rheumatic disease and to identify and validate a stiffness patient-reported outcome (PRO) in rheumatology. Methods: At OMERACT 2016, international groups presented and discussed results of several concurrent research projects on stiffness: a literature review of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) stiffness PRO measures, a qualitative investigation into the RA and polymyalgia rheumatica patient perspective of stiffness, data-driven stiffness conceptual model development, development and testing of an RA stiffness PRO measure, and a quantitative work testing stiffness items in patients with RA and psoriatic arthritis. Results: The literature review identified 52 individual stiffness PRO measures assessing morning or early morning stiffness severity/intensity or duration. Items were heterogeneous, had little or inconsistent psychometric property evidence, and did not appear to have been developed according to the PRO development guidelines. A poor match between current stiffness PRO and the conceptual model identifying the RA patient experience of stiffness was identified, highlighting a major flaw in PRO selection according to the OMERACT filter 2.0. Conclusion: Discussions within the Stiffness SIG highlighted the importance of further research on stiffness and defined a research agenda

    Leveraging multimission satellite data for spatiotemporally coherent cyanoHAB monitoring

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    Cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) present a critical public health challenge for aquatic resource and public health managers. Satellite remote sensing is well-positioned to aid in the identification and mapping of cyanoHABs and their dynamics, giving freshwater resource managers a tool for both rapid and long-term protection of public health. Monitoring cyanoHABs in lakes and reservoirs with remote sensing requires robust processing techniques for generating accurate and consistent products across local and global scales at high revisit rates. We leveraged the high spatial and temporal resolution chlorophyll-a (Chla) and phycocyanin (PC) maps from two multispectral satellite sensors, the Sentinel-2 (S2) MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) and the Sentinel-3 (S3) Ocean Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) respectively, to study bloom dynamics in Utah Lake, United States, for 2018. We used established Mixture Density Networks (MDNs) to map Chla from MSI and train new MDNs for PC retrieval from OLCI, using the same architecture and training dataset previously proven for PC retrieval from hyperspectral imagery. Our assessment suggests lower median uncertainties and biases (i.e., 42% and -4%, respectively) than that of existing top-performing PC algorithms. Additionally, we compared bloom trends in MDN-based PC and Chla products to those from a satellite-derived cyanobacteria cell density estimator, the cyanobacteria index (CI-cyano), to evaluate their utility in the context of public health risk management. Our comprehensive analyses indicate increased spatiotemporal coherence of bloom magnitude, frequency, occurrence, and extent of MDN-based maps compared to CI-cyano and potential for use in cyanoHAB monitoring for public health and aquatic resource managers

    Strategies to Improve Recruitment to a De-escalation Trial:a Mixed-methods Study of the OPTIMA Prelim Trial in Early Breast Cancer

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    Aims: De-escalation trials are challenging and sometimes may fail due to poor recruitment. The OPTIMA Prelim randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN42400492) randomised patients with early stage breast cancer to chemotherapy versus ‘test-directed’ chemotherapy, with a possible outcome of no chemotherapy, which could confer less treatment relative to routine practice. Despite encountering challenges, OPTIMA Prelim reached its recruitment target ahead of schedule. This study reports the root causes of recruitment challenges and the strategies used to successfully overcome them. Materials and methods: A mixed-methods recruitment intervention (QuinteT Recruitment Intervention) was used to investigate the recruitment difficulties and feedback findings to inform interventions and optimise ongoing recruitment. Quantitative site-level recruitment data, audio-recorded recruitment appointments (n = 46), qualitative interviews (n = 22) with trialists/recruiting staff (oncologists/nurses) and patient-facing documentation were analysed using descriptive, thematic and conversation analyses. Findings were triangulated to inform a ‘plan of action’ to optimise recruitment. Results: Despite best intentions, oncologists' routine practices complicated recruitment. Discomfort about deviating from the usual practice of recommending chemotherapy according to tumour clinicopathological features meant that not all eligible patients were approached. Audio-recorded recruitment appointments revealed how routine practices undermined recruitment. A tendency to justify chemotherapy provision before presenting the randomised controlled trial and subtly indicating that chemotherapy would be more/less beneficial undermined equipoise and made it difficult for patients to engage with OPTIMA Prelim. To tackle these challenges, individual and group recruiter feedback focussed on communication issues and vignettes of eligible patients were discussed to address discomforts around approaching patients. ‘Tips’ documents concerning structuring discussions and conveying equipoise were disseminated across sites, together with revisions to the Patient Information Sheet. Conclusions: This is the first study illuminating the tension between oncologists' routine practices and recruitment to de-escalation trials. Although time and resources are required, these challenges can be addressed through specific feedback and training as the trial is underway
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