851 research outputs found


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    Teeth provide information about the evolutionary pathway of an organism, its biology and habitat. This is the case even of fossilized teeth, since they have perdurable biomineralized structures, as biological apatite. The material that has been selected for this study comprises teeth from modern crocodilian individuals and extinct Cretaceous crocodylomorphs from Lo Hueco site. Microanatomy, histochemistry and crystallographic nature of enamel, dentine and cementum have been characterized by Polarized Light Microscopy, SEM-EDS, Confocal Raman Spectroscopy and SR-µXRD. A focus has been made on dentine lamination. In the fossil sample short-period incremental lines show alternate presence of dentinal tubules that has not been described previously either in living or fossil archosaur. This could be related to influence of environmental circadian rhythms in the abundance, size and/or activity of cells depositing dentine in the day-night cycle. Regarding histochemical and crystallographic compositions, the major and mostly unique phase is HA, but in the case of fossil teeth, a secondary phase identified as hematite appears locally between discontinuities of the material. Incremental lines would not be related to variation in chemical composition and furthermore do not present different HA crystallographic nature (different directions of HA or different crystallite sizes) either. Only small intensity oscillations are observed in the fossil sample by SR-µXRD which are compatible with the alternating abundance of dentinal tubules. Crystallinity differences between modern and fossil material, as crystallite size and presence of CO32- groups could be explained by postdepositional processes.

    Experiencia piloto de recarga gestionada en la MASb de Guillena-Cantillana (acuífero Niebla-Posadas).

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    Ante la necesidad de abastecer de agua potable a la población en el contexto climático actual, se plantea la posibilidad de promover actuaciones de recarga gestionada como una estrategia de gestión eficiente de los recursos hídricos. En el presente trabajo se ha escogido el tramo del acuífero Niebla-Posadas que corresponde a la MASb de Guillena-Cantillana, situado al N de la ciudad de Sevilla. Se trata de un acuífero constituido por arenas y calcarenitas del Mioceno superior, que afloran al sur del Macizo Hespérico (Sierra Morena) y constituyen la base del relleno sedimentario de la cuenca del Guadalquivir. El emplazamiento elegido para la prueba piloto ha sido el entorno de la denominada balsa de Melonares, que se encuentra entre Villaverde del Río y Burguillos (provincia de Sevilla). En el ensayo de recarga, que duró 5 días, se recargó un volumen de 4.183 m3 de agua, con una tasa media de 35 m3/día. La rápida recuperación observada en el sondeo de inyección, la estabilización del caudal de admisión en torno a 30 m3/día y la tenue respuesta en los puntos de control próximos, sugieren que la recarga se podría mantener satisfactoriamente de manera prolongada.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effect of the presence of the plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) Chryseobacterium balustinum Aur9 and salt stress in the pattern of flavonoids exuded by soybean roots

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    In this work we studied how biotic and abiotic stresses can alter the pattern of flavonoids exuded by Osumi soybean roots. A routine method was developed for the detection and characterization of the flavonoids present in soybean root exudates using HPLC-MS/MS. Then, a systematic screening of the flavonoids exuded under biotic stress, the presence of a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium, and salt stress was carried out. Results obtained indicate that the presence of Chryseobacterium balustinum Aur9 or 50 mM NaCl changes qualitatively the pattern of flavonoids exuded when compared to control conditions. Thus, in the presence of C. balustinum Aur9, soybean roots did not exude quercetin and naringenin and, under salt stress, flavonoids daidzein and naringenin could not be detected. Soybean root exudates obtained under saline conditions showed a diminished capacity to induce the expression of the nodA gene in comparison to the exudates obtained in the absence of salt. Moreover, lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs) were not detected or weakly detected when Sinorhizobium fredii SMH12 was grown in the exudates obtained under salt stress conditions or under salt stress in the presence of C. balustinum Au9, respectively.Fil: Dardanelli, Marta Susana. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; España. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología Molecular. Sección Química Biológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Manyani, Hamid. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: González Barroso, Sergio. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Rodríguez Carvajal, Miguel A.. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Gil Serrano, Antonio M.. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Espuny, Maria R.. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: López Baena, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Bellogín, Ramon A.. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Megías, Manuel. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; EspañaFil: Ollero, Francisco J.. Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Farmacia; Españ

    Comparativa de estrategias de despliegue de redes MEC en Castilla y León

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    [ES] El taller sobre Tecnologías Disruptivas de la Información y la Comunicación para la Innovación y la Transformación Digital, organizado en el ámbito del proyecto DISRUPTIVE (disruptive.usal.es) y celebrado el 12 de septiembre de 2022 en Valladolid, tiene como objetivo debatir sobre los problemas, retos y beneficios del uso de tecnologías digitales disruptivas, a saber, Internet de las Cosas, Big data, computación en la nube, sistemas multiagente, aprendizaje automático, realidad virtual y aumentada y robótica colaborativa, para apoyar la transformación digital en curso en la sociedad. El programa del taller incluyó 6 papers técnicos aceptados, 2 charlas de invitados y una sesión de networking. Este volumen contiene 6 de las ponencias presentadas en el taller sobre Tecnologías Disruptivas de la Información y la Comunicación para la Innovación y la Transformación Digital. Este taller fue organizado por ICE (Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León), UVa (Universidad de Valladolid) y apoyado principalmente por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Interreg España-Portugal V-A (POCTEP) bajo la subvención 0677_DISRUPTIVE_2_E (Dinamización de los Digital Innovation Hubs dentro de la región PocTep para el impulso de las TIC disruptivas y de última generación a través de la cooperación en la región transfronteriza).[EN] The workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital transformation, organized under the scope of the DISRUPTIVE project (disruptive.usal.es) and held on September 12, 2022 in Valladolid, aims to discuss problems, challenges and benefits of using disruptive digital technologies, namely Internet of Things, Big data, cloud computing, multi-agent systems, machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, and collaborative robotics, to support the on-going digital transformation in society. The main topics included: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; Industry 4.0 and digital transformation; Internet of Things; Cyber-security; Collaborative and intelligent robotics; Multi-Agent Systems; Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems; Virtualization and digital twins; Predictive maintenance; Virtual and augmented reality, Big Data and advanced data analytics; Edge and cloud Computing; Digital Transformation. The workshop program included 6 accepted technical papers, 2 invited talks and a networking session. This volume contains 6 of the papers presented at the Workshop on Disruptive Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation and Digital Transformation. This workshop was organized by ICE (Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León), UVa (University of Valladolid) and mainly supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Spain-Portugal V-A Program (POCTEP) under grant 0677_DISRUPTIVE_2_E (Intensifying the activity of Digital Innovation Hubs within the PocTep region to boost the development of disruptive and last generation ICTs through cross-border cooperation)

    The Cenomanian-Turonian of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain): geological context, fossil content and palaeoenvironmental interpretation

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    La sección del Cenomaniense-Turoniense de Tamajón, con un alto valor científico, educativo y divulgativo, incluye las formaciones Utrillas, Villa de Vés y Picofrentes, y la parte inferior de la Formación Ciudad Encantada. Contiene huellas de vertebrados (cocodrilomorfos, un posible dinosaurio terópodo y peces), otros icnofósiles (principalmente Thalassinoides), plantas vasculares, una considerable diversidad de invertebrados, incluyendo corales, briozoos, braquiópodos, bivalvos, gasterópodos, cefalópodos, equinodermos (equinoideos) y crustáceos decápodos, y algunos restos de peces y reptiles marinos, entre otros fósiles. El conjunto de la sección registra una transgresión marina y el inicio de una regresión, incluyendo el paso de un medio continental y de transición, a un entorno claramente marino con abundantes invertebrados, que finalmente fue afectado por un descenso eustático.The Cenomanian-Turonian section (Upper Cretaceous) of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain) combines high scientific, educational and outreach values. Their materials unconformably lie onto Triassic deposits in Buntsandstein facies, being included into the Utrillas, Villa de Vés and Picofrentes formations, and the lower part of the Ciudad Encantada Formation. The section contains beds showing several tracks (occasionally trackways) of numerous crocodyliforms, a possible theropod dinosaur and some fishes, and different ichnofossils (mainly bioturbations Thalassinoides) usually caused by invertebrates. It also yields some fragments of trunks and branches of vascular plants, a high diversity of invertebrates, including scleractinian corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves (a high variety, including ostreids and rudists), gastropods, cephalopods (mainly ammonoids), echinoderms (echinoids), and decapod crustaceans, together with osteichtian and chondrichthyan fishes, and marine reptiles, among many other remains. The whole section records a marked marine transgression and the beginning of a regression, showing the change from a terrestrial and transitional setting, with vascular plants and crocodyliforms (Utrillas and Villa de Vés formations), to a fully marine environment, extraordinary rich in molluscs and other invertebrates (Picofrentes Formation), which finally was affected by a notable eustatic fall (lower part of Ciudad Encantada Formation).Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaDepto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)Diputación de GuadalajaraUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Clinical and Ecological Impact of an Educational Program to Optimize Antibiotic Treatments in Nursing Homes (PROA-SENIOR): A Cluster, Randomized, Controlled Trial and Interrupted Time-Series Analysis

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    [Background] Antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) are recommended in nursing homes (NHs), although data are limited. We aimed to determine the clinical and ecological impact of an ASP for NHs.[Methods] We performed a cluster, randomized, controlled trial and a before–after study with interrupted time-series analyses in 14 NHs for 30 consecutive months from July 2018 to December 2020 in Andalusia, Spain. Seven facilities implemented an ASP with a bundle of 5 educational measures (general ASP) and 7 added 1-to-1 educational interviews (experimental ASP). The primary outcome was the overall use of antimicrobials, calculated monthly as defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 resident days (DRD).[Results] The total mean antimicrobial consumption decreased by 31.2% (−16.72 DRD; P = .045) with respect to the preintervention period; the overall use of quinolones and amoxicillin–clavulanic acid dropped by 52.2% (P = .001) and 42.5% (P = .006), respectively; and the overall prevalence of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) decreased from 24.7% to 17.4% (P = .012). During the intervention period, 12.5 educational interviews per doctor were performed in the experimental ASP group; no differences were found in the total mean antimicrobial use between groups (−14.62 DRD; P = .25). Two unexpected coronavirus disease 2019 waves affected the centers increasing the overall mean use of antimicrobials by 40% (51.56 DRD; P < .0001).[Conclusions] This study suggests that an ASP for NHs appears to be associated with a decrease in total consumption of antimicrobials and prevalence of MDROs. This trial did not find benefits associated with educational interviews, probably due to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.[Clinical Trials Registration] NCT03543605.Peer reviewe

    El reto en la docencia de la igualdad ante la diversidad

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    El proyecto presenta iniciativas llevadas a cabo por el equipo investigador encaminadas a incorporar las perspectivas de género y discapacidad en la docencia. Del mismo modo, se señalan algunas actividades incorporadas a la docencia de la asignatura "Políticas Públicas" que se imparte en varias titulaciones, con el objetivo de favorecer la impartición de esta materia en inglés