34 research outputs found

    Interseções entre design de comunicação e marketing na definição de estratégias de comunicação : case study no Gato de Bigode, Agência de Design, Marketing e Publicidade, Lisboa

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    No âmbito do Design Gráfico, a área de estudos da autora do presente trabalho, surgiu um grande interesse pela investigação do tema: Comunicação de Marketing e Identidade Visual, subjacente ao campo de Design de Comunicação. Assim, orientou seu estágio para uma especialização na área de Design de Comunicação, onde se procurou identificar os contributos/ interseções da Comunicação de Marketing para a área de especialidade do estágio, explorando o campo de estudos através dos trabalhos desenvolvidos nos estágios. Para isso, a autora utilizou uma metodologia não intervencionista, de caráter qualitativo e uma investigação ativa, contextualizada no âmbito do estágio. Surgiu, assim, a oportunidade de colaborar com a empresa Gato de Bigode, uma equipa de profissionais de Design de Comunicação e Comunicação de Marketing, onde foi explorado o desenvolvimento e a gestão do Design relativamente às áreas supramencionadas. A empresa escolhida é caracterizada como um Agência de Design, Marketing e Publicidade, situada em Lisboa. A Agência de Design Gato de Bigode foi fundada em 2012, desenvolve projetos de Design abrangendo áreas como Branding, Identidade, Imagem e Web. Com mais de 5 anos de existência é uma empresa sólida, com ideias muito próprias, técnicas e métodos de trabalho eficazes, que resultam no sucesso dos seus clientes. Com este estágio a autora teve a oportunidade de experienciar o contexto de trabalho em Design, prestando apoio à equipa de Designers e à empresa ao longo de todo o desenvolvimento dos vários projeto de investigação. A resposta ao argumento será dada através de uma metodologia mista, intervencionista (através dos vários projectos apresentados neste documento e análise dos vários processos existentes na empresa supra mencionada) e não intervencionista (estudos de documentos e casos similares aos propósitos do objecto em estudo). Com esta experiência procurou-se uma formação rica e consolidada no desenvolvimento de soluções de Identidade Visual, bem como conhecimentos mais sólidos e práticos da realidade empresarial. Com esta experiência a autora adquiriu práticas de trabalho, permitindo a sua inserção na área do Design de Comunicação.Abstract : In the scope of Graphic Design, the study area of the author of this work, there was a great interest in investigating the theme: Marketing Communication and Visual Identity, underlying the field of Communication Design. Thus, he oriented his internship towards a specialization in the area of Communication Design, where he sought to identify the contributions / intersections of Marketing for the specialty area of the internship, exploring the field of studies through the work developed in the internships. For this, the author used a non-interventionist methodology, of qualitative character and an active investigation, contextualized within the scope of the internship. Thus, the opportunity arose to collaborate with the company Gato de Bigode, a team of Marketing Communication and Communication Design professionals, where the development and management of Design in the areas mentioned above were explored. The chosen company is characterized as a Design, Marketing and Advertising Agency, located in Lisbon. The Design Agency Gato de Bigode was founded in 2012, develops Design projects covering areas such as Branding, Identity, Image and Web. With more than 5 years of existence it is a solid company, with its own ideas, techniques and effective working methods. , which result in the success of your customers. With this internship, the author had the opportunity to experience the context of work in Design, providing support to the team of Designers and the company throughout the development of the various research projects. With this experience, a rich and consolidated training in the development of Visual Identity solutions was sought, as well as more solid and practical knowledge of the business reality. With this experience the author acquired work practices, allowing her insertion in the area of Communication Design

    A CPCJ de Ovar no contexto da proteção de menores

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    Mestrado em Administração e Gestão PúblicaO projeto desenvolvido no âmbito da CPCJ procurou, para além de reunir informação, encontrar formas de a sistematizar, ou seja, pretendeu encontrar uma ferramenta que pudesse ser útil contextualizar e enquadrar as problemáticas que envolvem as crianças e jovens em risco. Para isso, este projeto é composto por três fases. A primeira fase, porque é necessário perceber que políticas públicas foram criadas, é feita uma análise histórica que nos remete a 1911, ano em que surge a primeira política pública com vista à proteção da infância, analisando as sucessivas alterações provocadas pelas políticas até 2010, quer na proteção das crianças e jovens, quer na constituição das CPCJ. Para enquadrar Portugal com outros países, estabelecesse uma comparação internacional em que são analisados os sistemas de proteção da Alemanha, Bélgica (Comunidade Francesa e Comunidade Flamenga), França e Inglaterra, para perceber as semelhanças e diferenças entre eles, fazendo no final do capítulo uma síntese comparativa entre os vários países analisados a nível internacional e Portugal, passando depois para a análise da realidade portuguesa. Posteriormente, na análise de Portugal, é efetuada uma comparação entre o nível Nacional e o nível Local, usando o exemplo da CPCJ Ovar, para percebermos que tipo de crianças são sinalizadas e de que famílias são provenientes, tendo sempre em conta a atuação da CPCJ de forma a perceber se a legislação é tida em conta durante a sua intervenção, ao mesmo tempo que verificamos as tendências existentes ao longo dos anos, tendo em conta as sinalizações efetuadas.The project developed by CPCJ, tried not only to gather information but also find new ways to summarize it. They tried to developed a tool that could be useful to contextualize and frame all the problems among children and young people at risk. Therefore, this project is divided in three stages. The first part, aims to realize the need of creation of public policies were, there is also made a historical analysis that takes us back to 1911. The year where the first public policy for protection of children was made, analyzing also the successive changes caused by the policies by 2010 either in protection children and young people, whether in the constitution of CPCJ. In order to compare Portugal with other countries, we established na international comparison that aims to analyzes the protection systems of Germany, Belgium (French Community and Flemish Community), France and England, to realize what similarities and differences exist among, we also make in the end of the chapter one comparative synthesis between the various countries studied internationally and Portugal, and in the end we intend to Portuguese reality. Subsequently the analysis of Portugal, is made with comparison between the National level and Local level, using the example of CPCJ Ovar, to understand what kind of children are flagged and what families are they coming from, always taking account the performance of the CPCJ in order to discover whether legislations is taken into action during is intervention and also to see the trends over the years, taking into account the measures applied

    Por uma governança democrática: Triângulo Mineiro - Brasil - Uberlândia

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    O Programa Cidade Educadora é articulado com a PROEX- Pró - Reitoria de Extensão, Cultura e Assuntos Estudantis, através da Diretoria de Extensão, juntamente com o Instituto de Geografia, a Faculdade de Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design e o Instituto Pró Cidade Futura. Programa é realizado desde 2008 pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia e o Movimento Cidade Futura. O programa de extensão tem como objetivo promover a governança democrática e inteligente do território municipal e regional, capacitando agentes públicos e sociais (técnicos governamentais, operadores do direito, lideranças e sociedade civil) visando implementação dos Instrumentos jurídicos, urbanísticos e tributários, nos municípios de Araguari e Uberlândia, estabelecidos no Estatuto da Cidade e nos Planos Diretores, além da Responsabilidade Fiscal, dos Direitos Sociais estabelecidos na Constituição Federal, e todos os instrumentos de controle social nos municípios envolvidos. A metodologia contempla conteúdos desenvolvidos por intermédio de dinâmicas, da pesquisa participante, trabalhos em grupo e exposição dialogada. Os resultados relevantes foram a realização do Curso de Gestão Urbana Democrática e Sustentável, Fórum por Uma Uberlândia Sustentável, Curso de Formação de Lideranças Éticas e Sustentáveis; Oficinas Comunitárias nos Bairros Seminários de avaliação; Oficina de Mapa Falante, Pesquisa participantes, Seminários Interativos e Campanhas de Mobilização social no território. Foram produzidos artigos, relatórios e reflexões que serão publicas em livro. Ao final da execução das atividades do programa, os poderes públicos municipais, as entidades e organizações não governamentais, bem como os cidadãos que, diretamente ou indiretamente, envolveram-se com o programa, participaram do Seminário final onde, além da apresentação dos resultados, foi feita, de forma coletiva, a avaliação e o balanço de todas as atividades realizadas.The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Por uma governança democrática: Triângulo Mineiro - Brasil - Uberlândia

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    O Programa Cidade Educadora é articulado com a PROEX- Pró - Reitoria de Extensão, Cultura e Assuntos Estudantis, através da Diretoria de Extensão, juntamente com o Instituto de Geografia, a Faculdade de Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design e o Instituto Pró Cidade Futura. Programa é realizado desde 2008 pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia e o Movimento Cidade Futura. O programa de extensão tem como objetivo promover a governança democrática e inteligente do território municipal e regional, capacitando agentes públicos e sociais (técnicos governamentais, operadores do direito, lideranças e sociedade civil) visando implementação dos Instrumentos jurídicos, urbanísticos e tributários, nos municípios de Araguari e Uberlândia, estabelecidos no Estatuto da Cidade e nos Planos Diretores, além da Responsabilidade Fiscal, dos Direitos Sociais estabelecidos na Constituição Federal, e todos os instrumentos de controle social nos municípios envolvidos. A metodologia contempla conteúdos desenvolvidos por intermédio de dinâmicas, da pesquisa participante, trabalhos em grupo e exposição dialogada. Os resultados relevantes foram a realização do Curso de Gestão Urbana Democrática e Sustentável, Fórum por Uma Uberlândia Sustentável, Curso de Formação de Lideranças Éticas e Sustentáveis; Oficinas Comunitárias nos Bairros Seminários de avaliação; Oficina de Mapa Falante, Pesquisa participantes, Seminários Interativos e Campanhas de Mobilização social no território. Foram produzidos artigos, relatórios e reflexões que serão publicas em livro. Ao final da execução das atividades do programa, os poderes públicos municipais, as entidades e organizações não governamentais, bem como os cidadãos que, diretamente ou indiretamente, envolveram-se com o programa, participaram do Seminário final onde, além da apresentação dos resultados, foi feita, de forma coletiva, a avaliação e o balanço de todas as atividades realizadas.The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Development of electrochemical genosensors for the detection of toxic dinoflagellate alexandrium spp.

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    Microalgae represent a photosynthetic microorganisms’ group that inhabit both salt and fresh waters. These microorganisms, namely several species of dinoflagellates (e.g. Alexandrium spp.)1 , are mostly harmless; however, some species produce toxins classified as unsafe to human health. The uncontrolled proliferation of such species results in a hazardous occurring event designated harmful algal blooms (HAB). The effects of these episodes can lead to severe ecological and socio-economic impacts (e.g. decrease of the local tourism, fishing and port activities, the contamination or death of the nearby wildlife, discoloration of the beach coasts). Therefore, the need for a rapid, selective and in real time detection device that can monitor the presence of these microalgae in aquaculture waters is critical to prevent human, ecological and economical losses. In this work, an analytical approach based on electrochemical genosensor techniques was developed to create a low cost platform able to detect the dinoflagellates: Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium ostenfledii. The design of this genosensor consisted of several steps including: i) Sensing phase: Creation of a mixed self assembled monolayer (SAM) composed by a linear DNA capture probe (DNA-CP) and mercaptohexanol (MCH) onto screen-printed gold electrodes (SPGE) surface; ii) Heterogenous hybridization of complementary DNA sequence (DNA target) by using a sandwich format assay with enzymatic labels and iii) Electrochemical detection by chronoamperometry using an enzymatic scheme to amplify the electrochemical signal (Figure 1). The best analytical conditions were used to study the relationship between electrochemical signal and DNA target concentration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrochemical chemically based sensors and emerging enzymatic biosensors for antidepressant drug detection: a review

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    Major depressive disorder is a widespread condition with antidepressants as the main pharmacological treatment. However, some patients experience concerning adverse reactions or have an inadequate response to treatment. Analytical chromatographic techniques, among other techniques, are valuable tools for investigating medication complications, including those associated with antidepressants. Nevertheless, there is a growing need to address the limitations associated with these techniques. In recent years, electrochemical (bio)sensors have garnered significant attention due to their lower cost, portability, and precision. Electrochemical (bio)sensors can be used for various applications related to depression, such as monitoring the levels of antidepressants in biological and in environmental samples. They can provide accurate and rapid results, which could facilitate personalized treatment and improve patient outcomes. This state-of-the-art literature review aims to explore the latest advancements in the electrochemical detection of antidepressants. The review focuses on two types of electrochemical sensors: Chemically modified sensors and enzyme-based biosensors. The referred papers are carefully categorized according to their respective sensor type. The review examines the differences between the two sensing methods, highlights their unique features and limitations, and provides an in-depth analysis of each sensor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemically modified electrodes for the detection of antidepressants

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    Major depressive disorder is a widespread condition with antidepressants as the main pharmacological treatment. However, some patients experience concerning adverse reactions or have an inadequate response to treatment. Analytical chromatographic techniques, among other techniques, are valuable tools for investigating medication complications, including those associated with antidepressants. Nevertheless, there is a growing need to address the limitations associated with these techniques. In recent years, electrochemical (bio)sensors have garnered significant attention due to their lower cost, portability, and precision. Electrochemical (bio)sensors can be used for various applications related to depression, such as monitoring the levels of antidepressants in biological and in environmental samples. They can provide accurate and rapid results, which could facilitate personalized treatment and improve patient outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tridimensional assessment of the dental follicle dimensions of impacted mandibular third molars using cone-beam CT

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    The present study was performed to compare follicle dimensions of impacted mandibular third molar (IMTM) with different impaction angulations using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Forty-nine individuals with IMTM (24 male, 25 female) were selected. Their age range was 25-55 years. The sample was divided into three IMTM groups either vertical (n=16), mesioangular (n=18) or horizontal (n=15) position based on Winter?s classification (the angle between the longitudinal axis of the second and third molars). Follicular spaces (FS) from available CBCT imaging were measured from the midpoint of the teeth?s crown in several dimensions (mesial, distal, occlusal, apical, vestibular and lingual) in axial, sagittal and coronal planes. An ANOVA, T-student, Kruskal?Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used. A comparison of the mesial FS for all groups revealed significant differences (p<0.001). Significant difference was also found for vestibular FS between the vertical and mesioangular IMTM groups (p=0.04). Buccolingual FS for all groups revealed no significant differences (p=0.074), whereas significant difference was found for the vertical and horizontal IMTM groups (p=0.02). No significant statistical differences were found for occlusal (p=0.54), apical (p=0.06), and lingual (p=0.64) FS. In this sample IMTM follicles have different dimensions according to their degree of angulation. Mesioagulated and horizontally positioned IMTMs seems to consistently have some increased FS dimensions (mesial and vestibular aspects)

    Warfarin genetic biomarkers in VKORC1 and CYP2C9*2 genes: Advancing personalized anticoagulant therapy using electrochemical genosensors

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    The genetic variants of vitamin K epoxide reductase complex (VKORC1) and in the cytochrome CYP2C9*2 genes have been identified to influence the anticoagulant warfarin and influence its plasmatic levels. Therefore, the pharmacogenetic information on these genes is useful for reducing warfarin adverse reaction. This work addresses the development of disposable electrochemical genosensors able of detecting single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the VKORC1 and CYP2C9*2 genes. The genosensor methodology implied the immobilization of a mixed self-assembled monolayer (SAM) linear DNA-capture probe and mercaptohexanol (MCH) onto screen-printed gold electrodes (SPGE). To improve the genosensor’s selectivity and avoid strong secondary structures, that could hinder the hybridization efficiency, a sandwich format of the DNA allele was designed using a complementary fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled signaling DNA probe and enzymatic amplification of the electrochemical signal. The developed electrochemical genosensors were able to discriminate between the two synthetic target DNA targets in both SNPs, as well as the targeted denatured genomic DNA. Several analytical parameters, such as DNA capture probe, 6-mercaptohexanol (as spacer) and antibody concentrations, as well as hybridization temperature and incubation time, were optimized. Using the best analytical conditions calibration curves employing increasing DNA target concentractions were ploted. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), will be used for further validation of the electrochemical genosensor. Disposable electrochemical genosensors capable of detecting and distinguishing between two synthetic CYP2C9*2 and VKORC1 polymorphic sequences, with high selectivity and sensibility and in various concentrations, was developed. The functionality of these analytical approaches as alternative to the conventional genotyping methodologies can relieve the public health-care systems and, hopefully, prevent ADRs related to CDV episodes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of electrochemical genosensors for the CYPC*2 gene polymorphism detection

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    Pharmacogenetic studies search for heritable genetic polymorphisms that influence responses to drug therapy. Pharmacogenetics has many possible applications in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy including screening for polymorphisms to choose agents with the greatest potential for efficacy and least risk of toxicity. Pharmacogenetics also informs dose adaptations for specific drugs in patients with aberrant metabolism. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are considered one of the leading causes of death worldwide. To prevent cardiovascular complications and further loss of life oral anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin) are frequently prescribed to patients. Nevertheless, warfarin therapeutic agent presents narrow therapeutic windows with well-documented health risks. Some of these dose-responses are a result of specific single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genetic variations present in a patient´s DNA. Among them, determined SNP in the cytochrome P4502C9 (CYP2C9), namely the CYP2C9*2, gene has been identified as dose-response altering SNP. Therefore, the need for a rapid, selective, low-cost and in real time detection device is crucial before prescribing any anticoagulant. In this work an analytical approach based on electrochemical genosensor technique is under development to create a low-cost genotyping platform able to genotype SNPs related with the therapeutic response of warfarin. Analyzing public databases, two specific 71 bp DNA probes, one with adenine (TA) and other with guanine (TG) SNP genetic variation were selected and designed. The design of this electrochemical genosensor consists of ssDNA immobilization onto gold surfaces that act as the SNPs complementary probes. The hybridization reaction is performed in a sandwich format of the complementary ssDNA, using an enzymatic scheme to amplify the electrochemical signal. The electrochemical signal was performed by using chronoamperometric technique.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio