3,465 research outputs found

    Explicit Formulas for Relaxed Disarrangement Densities Arising from Structured Deformations

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    Structured deformations provide a multiscale geometry that captures the contributions at the macrolevel of both smooth geometrical changes and non-smooth geometrical changes (disarrangements) at submacroscopic levels. For each (first-order) structured deformation (g,G)(g,G) of a continuous body, the tensor field GG is known to be a measure of deformations without disarrangements, and M:=gGM:=\nabla g-G is known to be a measure of deformations due to disarrangements. The tensor fields GG and MM together deliver not only standard notions of plastic deformation, but MM and its curl deliver the Burgers vector field associated with closed curves in the body and the dislocation density field used in describing geometrical changes in bodies with defects. Recently, Owen and Paroni [13] evaluated explicitly some relaxed energy densities arising in Choksi and Fonseca's energetics of structured deformations [4] and thereby showed: (1) (trM)+(trM)^{+}, the positive part of trMtrM, is a volume density of disarrangements due to submacroscopic separations, (2) (trM)(trM)^{-}, the negative part of trMtrM, is a volume density of disarrangements due to submacroscopic switches and interpenetrations, and (3) trM|trM|, the absolute value of trMtrM, is a volume density of all three of these non-tangential disarrangements: separations, switches, and interpenetrations. The main contribution of the present research is to show that a different approach to the energetics of structured deformations, that due to Ba\'ia, Matias, and Santos [1], confirms the roles of (trM)+(trM)^{+}, (trM)(trM)^{-}, and trM|trM| established by Owen and Paroni. In doing so, we give an alternative, shorter proof of Owen and Paroni's results, and we establish additional explicit formulas for other measures of disarrangements.Comment: 17 pages; http://cvgmt.sns.it/paper/2776


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    Este documento tiene como objetivo dar una reflexión clara y sencilla sobre la importancia del uso de las redes sociales, específicamente Facebook, como una herramienta de comunicación organizacional, las ventajas que esta aporta a las necesidades comunicativas de las empresas y los elementos dentro de su interface (canal) que ayudarán al usuario a tener una experiencia de verdadera comunicación con su público meta

    Metadata Crosswalk for a Museum Collection in a Thematic Digital Library

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    The Biblioteca Digital de Arte (BDArt) Digital Library hosted by the Thematic Repository at the University of Porto (Repositório Temático da U.Porto) aggregates documents from the library and the archive collections belonging to the Fine Arts School of the University of Porto (Faculdade de Belas Artes da U.Porto). This school has a museum collection containing a significant set of world-class objects managed with distinct processes and tools from those currently used in libraries and archives elsewhere. Interoperability between the collections of the archive, the library, and the museum is necessary because many works allocated to different collections are closely related and can only be seen as a whole by cross-collection search functionalities. The goal of this work, the first of its kind to be developed at the University of Porto (U. Porto), is to integrate the museum collection with archives and library collections in the repository and to use an open-source technology (DSpace). Our experiment involved the selection of appropriate representations of the objects and the definition of a metadata crosswalk between the original metadata standards and qualified Dublin Core. As a result, we created the BDA Museum Collection as a BDArt subcommunity using an XML export procedure that we expect to be helpful in future developments of other museum collections in the Thematic Repository at U.Port

    Social Determinants of Child Trafficking addressed by Government and Non-Government Strategies in South and Southeast Asia: An Integrate Review

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    Aims: Child trafficking in South and Southeast Asia is widespread and deeply troubling. While several agencies have initiated anti-child trafficking interventions, it is unknown if they address the 21 social determinants of child trafficking identified by Perry and McEwing (2103). The aim of this integrative review was to explore the anti-child trafficking strategies employed by governments and non-government organizations (NGOs) that target the social determinants of child trafficking in South and Southeast Asia, and identify which levels of the Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) they address. Methods: The authors performed a literature search for journal articles and reports by researchers, local or national governments, and international organizations on the prevention of child trafficking in eight South Asian and eight Southeast Asian nations. Identified manuscripts were analyzed to determine which social determinants and socio-ecological levels were addressed by the programs described. Results: 16 journals articles and 31 reports from the grey literature were identified. The government and NGO anti-child trafficking strategies in 16 South and Southeast Asian nations addressed 15 and 12 of the 21 social determinants, respectively. Social determinants at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, and policy levels of SEM were addressed, but failed to address the organizational level. Conclusion: The gravity of child trafficking necessitates that interventions address all of the 21 social determinants of child trafficking at all levels of the SEM. The authors found no account on any anti-child trafficking intervention from four South Asian and five Southeast Asian nations. Dissemination and continuous evaluation of anti-trafficking interventions are warranted

    Detection of the MDR1 mutation in Portuguese dog breeds

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaP-glycoprotein is an ATP-driven drug efflux carrier, encoded by the multidrug resistance gene MDR1, also been referred as ABCB1, that is responsible for the transport of a broad variety of compounds, including drugs commonly used in veterinary medicine, out of the cell against the concentration gradient. The influence of P-gp on drug disposition has been demonstrated in Collies and in other herding dog breeds since a severe intoxication in response to treatment with the antiparasitic drug ivermectin and other avermectins has been reported in a subpopulation of these breeds. This adverse reaction is related to a 4-bp deletion in the ABCB1 gene. To our knowledge, no study was conducted in portuguese dog breeds to detect this gene mutation and there is no available information for the clinicians about this fact and consequently, about the safety of the administration of drugs that are P-gp substrates. Thus, it is important to know the status about the presence of MDR1 in dog breeds in Portugal. The main objective of this project was to implement the genetic test to identify the gene mutation on MDR1 gene and to perform this analysis in several animals from dog breeds in Portugal to obtain their MDR1 genotype. For that, we performed biological samples of saliva in animals from the dog breeds belonging to Group 1 and from the ones already identified as affected. The diagnosis technique used was adapted from the ones utilized by other authors, namely Mealy and collaborators. We analyzed 105 animals, 21.9% of which are Barbado da Terceira, 9.5% are Cão da Serra d’Aires, 52.4% belonging to breeds known to carry the mutation and 16.2% to other breeds. With this study we were able to establish the analysis in our laboratory, we identified the mutation in dogs of breeds already signalized as having the mutation and we evidenced that the mutation already is in Barbado da Terceira - carriers.RESUMO - DETEÇÃO DA MUTAÇÃO MDR1 NAS RAÇAS CANINAS PORTUGUESAS - A glicoproteína P é um transportador dependente de ATP, codificado pelo gene de resistência a fármacos MDR1, também conhecido como ABCB1, que é responsável pelo transporte contra o gradiente de concentração (para o espaço extracelular) de vários substratos, incluindo fármacos comummente utlizados em Medicina Veterinária. A influencia deste transportador na reação a fármacos foi demonstrada em Collies e outras raças pastoras devido ao desenvolvimento de sinais neurológicos, de intoxicação grave, após o tratamento destes animais com antiparasitários do grupo das avermectinas, nomeadamente, a ivermectina. Esta reação está relacionada com a deleção de 4 pares de base no gene canino ABCB1, descoberta em 2001, em cães com fenótipo sensível à ivermectina. Até à data, não temos conhecimento de nenhum estudo feito em Portugal para detetar esta mutação genética e não existe informação disponível para os clínicos sobre este facto e, consequentemente, sobre a segurança de administração de medicamentos que sejam substratos da gp-P. É, por isso, importante saber-se o estatuto MDR1 em raças caninas em Portugal. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar o teste genético para identificação da mutação genética no gene MDR1 e realizar esta análise em vários exemplares de raças caninas em Portugal para obter o seu genótipo MDR1. Para o efeito foram realizadas colheitas de amostras biológicas de saliva em exemplares das raças caninas pertencentes ao grupo I e das raças já identificadas como afetadas. A técnica de diagnóstico utilizada foi adaptada das técnicas utilizadas por outros autores, nomeadamente Mealey e colaboradores. Foram analisados 105 animais, 21.9% dos quais são Barbados da Terceira, 9.5% são Cão da Serra d’Aires, 52.4% pertence a raças já identificadas como portadoras da mutação e 16.2% a outras raças. Com a realização deste estudo, conseguimos estabelecer a técnica no nosso laboratório, identificámos a mutação em cães de raças já sinalizadas como tendo a mutação e detetámos evidências que a mutação também circula na raça Barbado da Terceira - portadores.N/

    Supervision in Clinical Practice Indicator: Analysis of the Evaluation of Pain in the Context of Ambulatory Surgery

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    Clinical supervision, as a formal process of monitoring professional practice, aims to improve decision-making to contribute to safety and quality of care through reflection processes and analysis of clinical practice. This study aimed to compare the postoperative pain evaluation and clinical recording procedures performed by nursing staff and clinical supervisors in ambulatory surgery patients. The study was integrated into the research project “SAFECARE”. It was developed a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study in an ambulatory surgery unit of a University Hospital in Oporto, Portugal. The study population was the nursing staff with an intentional nonprobabilistic sampling method. A questionnaire was constructed and evaluation of postoperative pain, patient clinical and demographic variables was included. This instrument was applied in 116 patients matched by 12 surgical specialties. Results were compared between nursing staff, clinical supervisors and electronic nursing records. Patients had an average age of 48.6 years, being mostly female. Regarding pain evaluation, the scale most used by nurses (62.1%) and clinical supervisors (67.2%) was the “Numerical Scale”. Postoperative pain evaluation scores ranged from 0 to 7, with score 0 (no pain) presenting more frequently by nurses, electronic nursing records and clinical supervisors. 34.5% of results were not documented in electronic nursing records. These findings support the importance of an intervention of clinical supervision in the indicator “pain” for the outpatient surgery setting. Local protocols of clinical supervision practice would contribute to improve postoperative pain evaluation, as well as standardization and optimization of nursing records, thus ensuring quality care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Piecing together terminology in bioarchaeology

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    Recent data has shown that there is a great diversity of vocabulary related with bioarchaeology and funerary archaeology employed both in technical and scientific documents produced in Portugal. This phenomenon reflects, the lack of an uniform criteria in the application of concepts reflecting the circumstances and scientific preferences of the author, and as such revealing the subjectivity associated with the gathering of on field information during archaeological work. The lack of a standard framework limits data interpretation, by restricting a systematic approach to the information gathered and, consequently, impairing the comparisons amongst bio-demographic and sociocultural main features of Past Populations. Identifying this problem and its consequences led to the work that is currently being developed and that comprises the standpoint of reference authors in this matter, considering their contribution and presenting a proposal for the definition of the selected concepts. This strategy intends to produce a uniform language to be adopted in technical reports. It’s our hope that this approach could lead to a better understanding of archaeological field reports, increasing their informative potential that could later feed a bioarchaeological database. Thus it is our aim, with the present communication, to present the first effort of an ongoing project, to establish a common standard of main concepts on bioarchaeology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfacción profesional y competencia emocional de enfermeras en servicios de admisión hospitalar

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    Introduction: Nurses’ job satisfaction and emotional competence are important for the safety and quality of the care provided so it is essential to measure them. Objectives: To characterize nurses’ job satisfaction and emotional competence and to evaluate the association between both variables and the nurses’ sociodemographic and professional characteristics. Methods: Descriptive-correlational, exploratory, cross-sectional quantitative study. Application of a questionnaire to 44 nurses in a hospital in the north of Portugal which includes sociodemographic and professional characterization, “Escala da Satisfação Profissional” (Job Satisfaction Scale); e “Escala Veiga de Competência Emocional” (Emotional Competence Veiga Scale). The questionnaire was validated for this study. Results: The results show that nurses are moderately satisfied professionally and perceive themselves with moderate emotional competence. Nurses’ age is positively correlated with self-motivation. Conclusion: It is essential that health organizations systematically assess nurses’ job satisfaction and emotional competence in order to implement interventions that enhance these two variables, such as nursing clinical supervision programs.Introdução: A satisfação profissional e a competência emocional dos enfermeiros são preponderantes para a segurança e qualidade dos cuidados prestados, tornando-se indispensável a sua avaliação. Objetivos: Caracterizar a satisfação profissional e a competência emocional dos enfermeiros e avaliar a associação entre estas duas variáveis e as características sociodemográficas e profissionais dos enfermeiros. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-correlacional, exploratório, transversal do tipo quantitativo. Procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário a 44 enfermeiros num hospital do norte de Portugal que engloba: caracterização sociodemográfica e profissional; “Escala da Satisfação Profissional”; e “Escala Veiga de Competência Emocional”, sendo as escalas testadas e validadas. Resultados: Os resultados revelam que os enfermeiros encontram-se moderadamente satisfeitos a nível profissional, e percecionam-se com moderada competência emocional. A idade dos enfermeiros está positivamente correlacionada com a competência emocional de automotivação. Conclusão: É essencial que as organizações de saúde avaliem de forma sistemática a satisfação profissional e a competência emocional dos enfermeiros, implementando intervenções que potenciem estas duas variáveis, nomeadamente programas de supervisão clínica em enfermagem.Introducción: La satisfacción profesional y la competencia emocional de las enfermeras son primordiales para la seguridade y calidad de la atención brindada, por lo que es fundamental medirlas. Objetivos: Caracterizar la satisfacción profesional y la competencia emocional de las enfermeiras y evaluar la asociación entre estas dos variables y las caracteristicas sociodemográficas y profesionales de las enfermeras. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo-correlacional, exploratorio, transversal de tipo cuantitativo. Aplicación de un cuestionario a 44 enfermeras de un hospital del norte de Portugal, que incluye: caracterización sociodemográfica e y profesional; “Escala da Satisfação Profissional” y “Escala Veiga de Competência Emocional”. El cuestionario fue validado para este estúdio. Resultados: Los resultados revelan que las enfermeras están moderadamente satisfechas a nivel profesional y se percien a sí mismas com moderada competencia emocional. La edad de las enfermeras se correlaciona positivamente con la automotivación emocional. Conclusión: Es fundamental que las organizaciones de salud evalúen sistemáticamente la satisfacción laboral y la competencia emocional de las enfermeras, implementando intervenciones que potencien estas dos variables, a saber, los programas de supervisión clínica de enfermería.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio